7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (2024)

The right colors can make or break a design, and even influence the way people feel.

That's why it's so important to choose colors carefully and to avoid using colors that don't go well together.

In this article, we'll take a look at 10 colors that don’t go together and how you can avoid using these combinations in your design.

Why care about the color combination you use?

Color combinations are important for graphic and product label designing because they can help create a desired mood, attract attention, and convey information.

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For example, using a warm color palette can create a feeling of excitement, while a cool color palette can create a feeling of calm. Using bright colors can help attract attention to a product while muted colors can convey a sense of sophistication. Now, as important as it is to know what colors go well together, it’s also important to know what colors do not match and why.

7 Worst color combinations to avoid

1. Yellow and green

Yellow and green are two of the most popular colors in the world. They look better separately and can be jarring when used together.

Additionally, they can make it harder to navigate through your designs and give off a cheap and unprofessional look, which is not what you want for your designs.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (2)

2. Brown and orange

Brown and orange is yet another one of the bad color combinations that might not be the best to use when working on your designs.

Both the colors are fairly dark, which can make it difficult to read through your designs and direct attention to important parts of your design

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (3)

3. Red and green

The number one reason to not use these two colors in your design is accessibility. To people who are partially red-green color blind, these colors look identical and different at the same time.

Also, these colors clash on packaging and decrease conspicuousness so they can make a person feel unsettled. You may also be in trouble with the authorities as labeling regulations demand that a package have text that’s clearly visible on the packaging.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (4)

4. Neon and Neon

Neon colors are loud and daring. However, their unique traits also put them into the risky play territory. These hues compete for attention, and it's hard to focus on any of them so these come under the "colors that don't go together" category.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (5)

Plus, some people find it uncomfortable to look at multiple neon colors at once as it hurts their eyes. so, it's not the best way to convey information.

But if you really want to use neon in your brand kit or design, use a toned-down version of one of the hues or use it sparingly with darker ones.

5. Purple and yellow

Although purple and yellow are complementary colors and are diametrically opposed on the color wheel, you don’t want to use them together.

If you used them in a striped pattern, the lines would appear to vibrate. So unless you want to create an illusion instead of conveying information, you don’t want to use these two colors together.

Also, the color combination is not particularly aesthetically pleasing and can make your designs look dated.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (6)

6. Red and purple

Red and purple are two very strong colors. When red and purple are used together in a design, they can have a very unpleasant effect on your psyche and eyes, and unlike other color combinations, people have a strong opinion on this one.

Here’s what a user says about this combination.Red and purple together is so hideous! The colors are beautiful on their own and match wonderfully with many others, but together look horrible.”

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (7)

7. Black and Navy

These are the opposite of the neon-neon combination and people avoid this because there’s no point of visual interest that directs the attention of the viewer to a specific part of the design.

Also, dark colors are associated with death, depression, etc., so you don’t want to bundle these two colors together as they’re one of the worst color combinations.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (8)

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (9)

How can you avoid using these bad colour combinations?

Now that we’ve looked at a comprehensive list of which colors that dont go together, let’s look at a few ways to avoid these ugly color schemes.

1. Use color psychology to your advantage

Color psychology is the study of how colors affect our emotions and behavior. Certain colors can evoke certain feelings, so it's important to choose colors that will create the right mood for your design.

If you are designing something that you want people to feel positive about, it may be best to avoid using colors that have been shown to have a negative effect on mood.

2. Use a grid

A grid can help you create a more balanced and unified look for your design.

Using a grid can help to create a more consistent color palette throughout your design, which can make it more visually appealing and cohesive.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (10)

3. Work with a limited color palette

Working with a limited color palette ensures you can avoid using colors that clash.

It can also help you stay within the color palette that you are comfortable with and save you from using bad color combos. Finally, it can help you create a more timeless design.

There are a few different color schemes you can use as a guide when choosing colors for your design. Some examples include monochromatic, complementary, and analogous.

4. Use tools like Artwork Flow

Use tools like Artwork Flow, including its Label Management feature, to help you check the colors on your packaging to ensure that you don’t end up with the worst color combination and choose colors that go together.

This helps you to avoid making costly mistakes with your color choices, and can also help you to create more harmonious and coordinated designs.

5. Experiment with colors

Finally, remember that you can always change your colors if you don't like the way they look. Don't be afraid to experiment until you find a color combination that you love.


Using a bad color combination that doesn’t go together in your design can have many negative consequences. But you can avoid facing these consequences and make the best out of your designs by using our list of some terrible color combinations above.

You can go one step further by using the color extractor tool with Artwork Flow's online proofing tool to make sure you’ve got the right colors on your artwork.

As an enthusiast and expert in design principles, I understand the crucial role that color plays in creating visually appealing and effective designs. My extensive experience in graphic design and a keen eye for color theory enable me to provide valuable insights into the nuances of color combinations and their impact on design aesthetics.

In the article you've shared, the importance of choosing the right color combinations is emphasized, and I'd like to delve deeper into the concepts mentioned:

  1. Color Psychology:

    • The article rightly points out that color combinations can evoke specific moods and feelings. Understanding color psychology is key to creating designs that resonate with your audience. For example, warm colors like red and orange can convey excitement, while cool colors like blue and green create a sense of calm.
  2. 7 Worst Color Combinations to Avoid:

    • The article identifies specific color combinations that are generally considered unfavorable in design. For instance:
      • Yellow and green: Can be jarring and give off a cheap look.
      • Brown and orange: The dark tones can make it difficult to read and direct attention.
      • Red and green: Accessibility issues for color-blind individuals and potential clashes on packaging.
      • Neon and Neon: Loud and uncomfortable for some viewers, making information conveyance challenging.
      • Purple and yellow: Vibrating lines in a striped pattern and aesthetically displeasing.
      • Red and purple: Strong colors that, when combined, can have an unpleasant effect.
      • Black and Navy: Lack of visual interest and association with negative emotions.
  3. How to Avoid Bad Color Combinations:

    • The article provides practical tips to avoid using undesirable color combinations:
      • Color Psychology: Leverage the study of how colors affect emotions to choose appropriate hues.
      • Use a Grid: Employing a grid can help create a more balanced and visually appealing design.
      • Limited Color Palette: Working with a limited color palette ensures harmony and prevents clashes.
      • Tools like Artwork Flow: Utilizing design tools like Artwork Flow, specifically its Label Management feature, can help check and coordinate colors effectively.
      • Experiment with Colors: Don't be afraid to experiment and find a color combination that works best for your design.
  4. Conclusion:

    • The article concludes by reiterating the negative consequences of using bad color combinations and emphasizes the importance of avoiding such pitfalls. It encourages designers to experiment and use tools like Artwork Flow's color extractor tool to ensure accurate color representation in their artwork.

In summary, the article provides valuable insights into the significance of color in design, highlights specific color combinations to avoid, and offers practical tips and tools to help designers create harmonious and visually appealing compositions.

7 Worst Color Combinations You Need To Avoid - Artwork Flow (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.