Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home (2024)

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Ever been curious about how to can? From mouthwatering tomato sauce to crisp pickles to luscious jams, canning captures fresh produce at the peak of flavor—so you can store through the winter! Learn how to can with our beginnerguide!

What IsCanning?

Think of canning as a form of cooking. Instead of cooking one meal for immediate consumption, you are cooking food that you can save and store away for months! Why do this? Because canning allows you to capture the best flavors at the peak of season—to enjoy all-year long! Imagine the amazing taste of garden-fresh tomato sauce in the middle of winter.

Canning is a method used to preserve fresh food in jars using high temperatures to kill microorganisms and inactivating enzymes that could cause food to spoil. The heating process pushes air from the jars, creating a vacuum seal as jars cool. Without air, the bacteria, yeasts, and mold will not grow and food won’t spoil.

The Two Canning Methods: Water-Bath and PressureCanning

To can your produce properly and safely, follow one of these methods: water-bath canning or pressure canning.

Which method to use? This depends on the acidity of the food you are canning: Is the food you are canning high or low in acid? In other words, does the food have a high pH or a low pH? A pH of 4.6 is the dividing line; a pH higher than 4.6 means less acidity (“low-acid foods”) and a pHlower than 4.6 means more acidity (“high-acidfoods”).

We don’t expect you to know the acidity level of every food so we’ll list this informationbelow.

All you need to know is: Low-acid foods must be processed using pressure canning, while high-acid foods may be processed using either water-bath canning or pressure canning. You must use pressure canning for low-acid foods to prevent bacteria and toxins—which thrive in a low-acid environment—from surviving. Safetyfirst!

Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home (1)
Note: This pH scale from Clemson University Extension publication provides a good representation of common foods and where they fall with regard to pH. (The pH scale is not an endorsem*nt of foods to preserve by water bath and pressure canning.)

1. Water-BathCanning

Water-bath canning is the simpler of the two canning methods, as it involves boiling your food in glass jars in a big pot of water. There are pots specifically designed for this—called water-bath canners or boiling water canners—that consist of a large pot, a rack insert, and a lid. However, large, deep pot will do, as long as you have a rack that fits inside it and alid.

Water-bath canning is a lower-temperature canning process (212°F), which makes it safe ONLY for high-acid vegetables and fruits. (Remember that low-acid foods must be processed in a pressurecanner.)

  • High-acid foods include fruits, pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, relishes, jams, jellies, salsas, marmalades, and fruit butters. It’s the acidity of these foods—in addition to time in a boiling water bath—which helps preserve them safely without the use of highpressure.
  • If it’s your first time canning, start with the boiling water bath method! Make some pickles or ayummy berryjam!

Water-bath canning is not as big of an investment as pressure canning—and is more straightforward. Let’s call this “no pressure”canning!

To learn more about water-bath canning, see: Water-Bath Canning: Supplies and GettingStarted

2. PressureCanning

Pressure canning involves the use of a pressure canner, which is a device that consists of a large pot, a rack insert, and a fitted lid with a dial or pressure valve. The high pressure created inside the canner when it is heated allows the temperature inside to get much hotter (240°F) than it could in a water-bath canner. This kills off any harmful bacteria, toxins, molds andyeasts.

Low-acid vegetables such as green beans or corn MUST be processed at a higher temperature—240°F at sea level—to prevent the growth of bacteria, especially Clostridium botulinum. To maintain the higher temperatures for the proper length of time, you need to invest in a pressure canner which will get the jobdone.

  • Vegetables that are low-acid include:artichokes, asparagus, carrots, corn, green beans, lima beans, mushrooms, okra, onions, peas, potatoes, pumpkin and winter squash (inchunks).
  • Fruits that is low-acid includes: cantaloupe and watermelon. (All other fruit is high-acid including berries and cherries, grapes, nectarines, oranges, peaches, andplums.)

Pressure canning is also used to preserve low-acid foods such as meats, poultry, seafood, chiliwhich also require ahigher temperature to raise the heat inside the jars above boiling and long enough to kill harmful bacteria. Pressure canning can be fun and satisfying, but it does require a “canner” to get started and you need to follow direction—no ad-libbing!

If you’d like to preserve low-acid foods but don’t have access to a pressure canner, consider preserving them in other ways. Broccoli, corn, and green beans taste much better when frozen, and they will have better texture when prepared using your favorite recipes. For best results when freezing, blanch the produce briefly in boiling water, remove and cool down quickly in ice water, drain, and pack the produce in freezer bags orcontainers.

To learn more about pressure canning, see: Pressure Canning: How to Use a PressureCanner


There are a few basic supplies which you’ll need in order to can athome:

  1. Canning jars, lids, and screw bands: Only use clean jars without cracks or nicks in them. We recommend using the tried-and-true Ball brand mason or Kerr brandjars.
  2. Water-bath canner or pressure canner:
    • For water-bath canning, it isn’t necessary to purchase a special water-bath canner as long as you have a pot that has a fitted lid and is large enough to fully immerse the jars in water by 2 inches—and that will allow the water to boil when covered. You’ll also need a rack that fits inside the pot or canner—a cake cooling rack woulddo.
    • For pressure canning, only use a pressure canner made specifically for canning (Presto or All American) and not a pressurecooker.
  3. Jar lifter: Large “tongs” that help to pick up hot jars and place safely in the pot with hot water and take them out of hot water afterprocessing.
  4. Ladle: A ladle helps to spoon food into canningjars.
  5. Funnel: A wide-mouth canning funnel make it easier to fill your jars withoutspilling.

Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home (2)
Image: Ball brand Mason jars at grocery store. Credit:David Tonelson/Shutterstock.

Where to Find CanningSupplies

Many websites, hardware stores, craft stores, and other retail outlets sell kits that incorporate most of these canning essentials, sometimes along with other handy tools such as magnetic lid lifters, headspace-measuring tools, plastic bubble removers, and jar scrubbers—all the equipment needed to besuccessful.

Except for single-use lids, which you must buy new every year, you can reuse mason jars, screw brands, the water-bath canner, food mill, and stockpot for many years. You’ll often find these items in good condition at thrift stores, yard sales, or in the basem*nt of a friend or relative who’s given up on canning. If you find a nice canner with a domed cover but no rack, you can probably find one that fits your kettle in a local hardware store, farm store, oronline.

Make sure you check each jar, especially the rim, for small cracks or chips each time you use it. Also, don’t attempt to use a rusty canner. I’ve learned the hard way that rust spots may spring leaks during processing, causing the flame on my gas burner to flicker or dousing it entirely, and leaving me scrambling to find a substitute canningpot.

Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home (3)

10 Tips to Know Before You StartCanning:

  1. Always use fresh produce that’s in peak condition. Canning is not for overripe fruits or vegetables because they are on their way tospoiling!
  2. Gather all your ingredients and equipment and make sure you have everything you need before you start. Halfway through the process is no time to be running to thestore.
  3. Follow recipes and directions exactly. No improvising because your family’s safety depends on doing thiscorrectly.
  4. Sterilize the jars by washing and then keeping them hot in a pot of boiling water until you are ready to fill them. Using the dishwasher will also get the job done without the pot of boilingwater!
  5. Use real canning jars (Ball or Kerr), screw bands, and new lids when you can. Lids on the market today do not need to be heated to activate the sealing compound before placing on the jartop.
  6. When you fill the jars, do not fill to the very top. This is called “head space” and can vary depending on your recipe (1/4 inch or 1/2 inch). If you overfill the jars, the food may interfere with the lid’s sealing compound and your jars will not sealproperly.
  7. Also, important is to wipe the jar rim and threads clean before putting on the lid and screw band. The band is tightened but only fingertight.
  8. Using the jar lifter, place each jar on the rack in the boiling water. Make sure that the jars are covered by at least 1 to 2 inches of water, cover with lid, and bring the pot to the boil. Start counting processing time once the water has returning to aboil.
  9. When processing time is done, turn off the heat and remove the lid venting the steam away from yourself. Remove each jar with the jar lifter and place upright and 1 to 2 inches apart on a cloth towel to cool. Let jars cool 12 to 24hours.
  10. One sign that your jars have sealed properly is a “popping” or “pinging” sound” you hear as the jars cool. Jars that don’t seal can NOT be stored but rather place in the fridge and use within a fewdays.
  11. In general, your canned foods should last all year long, as long as they are stored in a cool, dry place. A broken seal is a sign air has gotten in. A bulging lid or a lid that seems corroded or rusty is also is a sign ofspoilage.
  12. When you do open your cans, if you ever see mold or bubbles or a cloudiness, that is a sign that the seal popped and it’s spoiled. Do noteat!

Note: Guidelines for safe canning are always being updated. The National Center for Home Food Preservation is the trusted resource for canning regulations and more information.

Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home (4)


It’s important to know the food you’re planning on canning. More specifically, you need to know whether it is a low- or high-acid food,which dictates which canning method to use: water-bath or pressurecanning.

The biggest concern is botulism poisoning. Botulism is an illness caused by the botulinum toxin, which is produced by Clostridiumbacteria. These bacteria occur naturally in soil and don’t usually present a threat to people. However, they are a very hardy type of bacteria and thrive in low-acid, low-oxygen environments, like those created when we can foods. When food is canned improperly, the bacteria grow and produce their deadly toxin, botulin, making the food unfit for consumption. It’s critical that the environment inside the canned goods is inhospitable to the bacteria by using high heat (240° F) for low-acid foods or by high acidity to inactivate any toxinpresent.

If you are planning to pressure can, we also suggest that you have your pressure canner checked. Call your county extension office as many will check your pressure canner for a smallfee.

Let’s GetCanning!

To avoid canning burnout, start with a small project at first.I love to can pickles. Most pickles need only 5 minutes processing in boiling water. Lift jars out, removing one jar at a time! Spread them out on a cloth towel or wooden countertop to cool.If you hear popping noises, it is the jars sealing. Once the jars are cool check the seal;the center of the lid should be depressed. If a jar doesn’t seal put it in the fridge to eat right away. The sealed jars can be labeled and stored in the pantry forwinter.

The sight of those gleaming jars full of delicious food is verysatisfying!

Ready to get started? See our beginnerguides:

  1. Guide to Water-bath Canning(withrecipes)
  2. Guide to Pressure Canning(withrecipes)

For more information about food preservation, please check out the followingresources:

This Canning Guide was updated and fact-checked as of July 2020, by Christina Ferroli, PhD, RDN, FAND. If interested in nutrition counseling and education practice to make healthier choices—or, simply stay up-to-date on the latest food, nutrition, and health topics—visit Christina’s Facebook page here.

Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home (2024)


Canning for Beginners: How to Can Food at Home? ›

The basic method involves putting your jam or pickles in a sterilized canning jar. Put the jars into the pot, and cover them with at least one to two inches of water. Bring them to a boil, up to 212°F (100°C) and keep the jars at the boil for a specified amount of time, depending on your recipe.

What is the best canning method for beginners? ›

It's the acidity of these foods—in addition to time in a boiling water bath—which helps preserve them safely without the use of high pressure. If it's your first time canning, start with the boiling water bath method!

How do I start canning at home? ›

According to Galucki, there are two main methods for canning food: water bath canning and pressure canning. Each technique starts the same way. Begin by sterilizing the jars—submerge them in enough water to cover them by at least one inch. Keep them at a simmer (180 degrees Fahrenheit) until you're ready to use them.

What are the 7 steps to home canning? ›

Canning Process
  • About canning. ...
  • First step: Prepare equipment, Preheat the canner. ...
  • Prepare the jars and lids so they are safe. ...
  • Prepare the food to be preserved. ...
  • Pack the food according to directions. ...
  • Close the jars correctly. ...
  • Use correct canning method. ...
  • Boiling water bath procedure.
Jan 5, 2024

What foods are good for beginners to can? ›

Foods such as fruits, pickles, sauerkraut, jams, jellies, marmalades and fruit butters, are high acid with a pH level of 4.6 or lower, so they can be preserved by boiling water canning, which ensures the safety of the preserved produce by destroying harmful molds, yeasts, and some bacteria.

What is the easiest thing to can? ›

The pot, the rack, and all the tools!
  • Pears. Like peaches, pears are a great starter food to can in a water bath canner. ...
  • Applesauce. Applesauce is the first thing I ever canned. ...
  • Plums. ...
  • Pickles. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Pie Filling. ...
  • Apple Butter. ...
  • Jelly (Fruit, Veggie, or Flower)

What method is not recommended for canning? ›

Open-kettle canning and the processing of freshly filled jars in conventional ovens, microwave ovens, and dishwashers are not recommended, because these practices do not prevent all risks of spoilage.

Do you submerge jars in water when canning? ›

Most fruit preserves and pickles are sufficiently high in acid to be canned via a method called water bath canning, where jars are submerged in boiling water for a prescribed amount of time.

Do you have to put salt in jars when canning? ›

With the exception of fermented pickles and sauerkraut, salt is an optional ingredient. Salt can be omitted for canning tomatoes, vegetables, meats, poultry, and seafood since the amount added does not contribute to the safety of the food.

What foods cannot be canned? ›

Fats / Dairy

Also any recipe that use one or more of these ingredients, such as mayonnaise, caramel, pudding, cream soups, cream vegetables, refried beans, nut butter (all kinds), pesto, chocolate (all kinds) etc. WHY: These will go rancid if not refrigerated, developing harmful bacteria.

What are any 3 safety rules when canning foods? ›

-Use (or re-use) canning jars manufactured for home canning. Check for cracks or chips and throw out or recycle any jars that are not in good shape. – Be sure the jar rings are not dented or rusty. – Buy new jar lids.

How to can fruit for beginners? ›

Boiling-Water Canning, Hot Pack: Add fruit to hot syrup; bring to boiling. Fill the jars with your fruit (placing the cut sides down) and syrup, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Process pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes. Freezing: Use a syrup, sugar, or water pack.

What is proper canning technique? ›

Preheat water to 140°F (60°C) for raw-packed foods and 180°F (82°C) for hot-packed foods. Place jars on a rack in canner. Add more hot water if necessary to cover jars with at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water. Place the lid on the canner and keep covered during processing.

What is the easiest fruit to can? ›

Once you find your rhythm and recipe, you will quickly see how easy and straightforward the process is. Some favorite fruits to can are peaches, apples, apricots, berries, pears, and grapes. It is best to can the fruits soon after picking to preserve nutritional content.

How long can homemade canned food last? ›

Can linings might discolor or corrode when metal reacts with high-acid foods such as tomatoes or pineapple. As long as the can is in good shape, the contents should be safe to eat, although the taste, texture and nutritional value of the food can diminish over time. Home canned foods should be used within 1 year.

What is the easiest canner to use? ›

Straight to the Point

Our budget-friendly pick is the Presto 16-Quart Aluminum Pressure Canner, which is easy to use and roomy. The popularity of Instant Pot electric pressure cookers has led many home cooks to consider exploring the process of pressure canning.

Which canning method is best? ›

Pressure canning is the only canning process that reaches the high temperature (240°F) needed to safely preserve low-acid foods. It is the combination of time and temperature that will destroy food-borne bacteria and create a vacuum seal necessary to prevent spoilage.

Is it better to steam or boil canning? ›

Steam canning is a more environmentally friendly process than boiling water canning for the following reasons: 1) the steam canner uses much less water than a boiling water canner and 2) the steam canner reaches the required temperature for processing more quickly and thus uses less energy than the boiling water canner ...

Which step of canning is most important and why? ›

Processing: It is heating or cooling of canned foods to inactivate the bacteria. Processing time and temperature should be adequate to eliminate all bacteria and to minimize quality damage. Fruits and vegetables processed at temperature of 100˚C as presence of acid retards the bacteria and their spores.

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