Colored Contact Lenses - Are They Safe? - Beauty Tips (2024)

It is fun to change your eye color from a staid, loyal brown to an exciting shade of hazel or amethyst – but you wouldn’t want to cause lasting damage to your eyes.

Colored contact lenses are used for cosmetic purposes’ – to enhance and change your appearance with a more glamorous look – but the bottom line is they are still medical devices and need to be treated as such.

They cannot be bought at a salon, flea market or store without a prescription. The dye or paint on colored lenses can be very dangerous to eyes as they are very sensitive. When you wear lenses not prescribed for you they can cause permanent damage to your cornea.

Keratitis is a corneal infection which occurs when a person uses colored contact lenses without proper care. Sometimes the lenses are not cleaned properly or kept for a long period. Swimming with lenses will damage them and cause eye infection as they are exposed to bacteria in the water. Tap water is also harmful. You can also lose a lens in water. Corneal infections can be of many types – viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic.

When you wear colored lenses, it would be wise to see an ophthalmologist or optometrist at the slightest sign of discomfort or redness and irritation, blurriness or pain as keratitis increases very quickly. At times the infection or scratches from the lens or nails while wearing them can cause corneal ulcers which are extremely painful.

The density of nerves on the surface of the eye is higher than any other part of the body, so an abrasion or scratch on the surface of the cornea opens the barrier to bacteria and infection which can multiply speedily. When the scratch heals it sometimes forms a scar which can block vision and the person will require a corneal transplant.


Don’t sleep without removing your colored lenses as the eyes don’t receive enough oxygen - or even keep them on for more than 7-8 hours at a stretch as the corneas can get inflamed.

Always keep lens in the case dipped in lens solution. Don’t rub colored lenses as the color will get damaged. Use a solution that needs no rubbing.



Colored Contact Lenses - Are They Safe? - Beauty Tips (2024)


Colored Contact Lenses - Are They Safe? - Beauty Tips? ›

"Never buy contact lenses from a street vendor, a beauty supply store, flea market, novelty store or Halloween store, or from unknown online distributors," the FDA website reads. "They may be contaminated or counterfeit and therefore not safe to use."

Are beauty supply colored contacts safe? ›

"Never buy contact lenses from a street vendor, a beauty supply store, flea market, novelty store or Halloween store, or from unknown online distributors," the FDA website reads. "They may be contaminated or counterfeit and therefore not safe to use."

Are colored contacts for cosplay safe? ›

Wearing colored contact lenses without a prescription may seem harmless, but beware: Costume contacts can severely damage your eyes and even cause permanent blindness if they're not fitted by an eye specialist.

How safe are colored contact lenses? ›

Just like with regular contact lenses, wearing colored contacts can increase the odds for eye and corneal infections, scratches on the cornea, possible allergic reactions, impaired vision, and even potential blindness. Colored contacts can slide around on the eye, which can impair vision.

Are cosplay contact lenses safe? ›

The American Academy of Ophthalmology warns that without a prescription, cosplay contact lenses could be the wrong size for your eyes or block oxygen to your eyes, causing conditions such as: Corneal abrasions. Corneal ulcers. Painful infections like keratitis.

Are beauty supply contacts safe? ›

Remember—buying contact lenses without a prescripti​on is dangerous! Never buy contact lenses from a street vendor, a beauty supply store, flea market, novelty store or Halloween store, or from an unknown online distributor. They may be contaminated and/or counterfeit, and therefore not safe to use.

Is colored contact lenses FDA approved? ›

Good brands of colored contacts are FDA-approved brands produced by major manufacturers. These include Alcon, Acuvue, and TORIColors.

How long can you wear fake colored contacts? ›

Wear them for one night only. Most special effect halloween colored contact lenses are only FDA approved to be worn for one night and should not be worn while sleeping. Take them off when you take off your costume before going to bed.

Can kids wear colored contacts for cosplay? ›

And while they might seem like the perfect finishing touch to your kids' costume, parents should be aware of warnings that have been issued about them. Contact lenses purchased from any source other than a licensed eye doctor are not only dangerous—they're also illegal.

How long can you wear colored contacts in a day? ›

Daily coloured contact lenses are disposable lenses that you must use only once after removing the lens from their liquid. Once applied to the eye, you can wear the lenses for about 8 hours but this may vary with brands, so ensure you check the packaging for manufacturer recommendations.

Why is my vision blurry with colored contacts? ›

Buildup of debris and protein deposits on the surface of the contact lenses is the most common reason for the lenses to seem cloudy or hazy. The easiest way to see if this is the problem, is to take the lenses out and compare the vision in your glasses.

Why did they stop making colored contacts for astigmatism? ›

Due to low demand, not many colored contacts on the market also correct for astigmatism. However, regular spherical colored contact lenses may be an option for people with a lower degree of astigmatism.

Why do my colored contacts move when I blink? ›

Does your contact lens feel like it's moving around in your eye? It may mean your lens does not fit your eye properly. If your lens is too loose on your eye, or if the diameter or base curve is not accurate, it can cause an increased awareness of your lenses, especially when you blink.

How long can I wear cosplay contact lenses? ›

NEVER wear them for more than 8 hours. NEVER wear them beyond their expiry date. NEVER soak or clean them in water.

How long can you keep cosplay contacts? ›

Because of their nature, the wearing of costume contacts should be limited to short periods, not exceeding more than a few hours at a time. It is also critical to never sleep in costume lenses.

What is the safest contact lens? ›

Daily disposable contact lenses appear to be the safest. Steps to make contact lens wear as safe as possible include proper hand washing, following cleaning processes as described by your optometrist or eye doctor, and attending regular follow-up examinations.

Can you wear colored contacts everyday? ›

Colored contacts are safe to use and can be used daily if you prefer. If you need a prescription for contacts, colored contacts can also be made into a prescription version so that you can get the best of both worlds.

Why doesn t Amazon sell colored contacts? ›

No matter whether you're looking for contact lenses that are purely cosmetic or those that are corrective, you can't buy them on Amazon. They're on the prohibited list because “they do not meet the checklist requirements”—though which requirements those are isn't clear.

Who can't wear colored contacts? ›

Anyone that can wear contacts, can wear colored contacts.

Some have totally "regular" eyes and others have an imperfection in the eye's curvature, called astigmatism. Luckily, there are colored contacts for pretty much everyone, though some types, such as those for astigmatism, might be more expensive.

Why don t stores sell colored contacts? ›

Unfortunately, some online shops, and even some gas stations or salons, sell dangerous, illegal colored contact lenses. It's illegal to sell these lenses in the United States. They aren't FDA-approved and can cause serious damage to your eyes within hours.

Why can't you buy colored contacts in California? ›

This is because the FDA classifies all contact lenses as medical devices. A prescription from an eye doctor is necessary for all contact lens purchases. This also applies to contacts that are not used for vision correction.

Can I just buy colored contacts? ›

Although some colored contact lenses are designed only to change the color of the eye and not to correct vision, anyone purchasing contact lenses in the U.S., even if they are purely cosmetic, need to have a prescription.

Can you wear 1 day colored contacts more than once? ›

Can you wear daily contacts more than once? The short answer is no. You shouldn't wear daily disposable contacts more than once. However, you can safely re-wear daily extended-use lenses for up to a month (or however long your optometrist recommends).

What happens if you wear colored contacts for too long? ›

Leaving contacts in your eyes for too long can have side effects, such as eye pain, blurred vision, red eyes, watery eyes, ulcers, sensitivity to light, and irritation. It's also possible that you could get a painful eye infection from the lens material breaking down.

At what age is it okay to wear colored contacts? ›

Children as young as 8 years old may do well with contacts, while some teens may not be ready to handle the responsibility. Eye care providers often won't advise contacts for children younger than 12 years of age. This is because the risks often outweigh the benefits in younger children.

What is the age limit for colored contacts? ›

There's no 'official' age to start wearing contact lenses – it all depends on your child's ability to use and look after their lenses. Children are quick learners and have proven to be just as capable at wearing lenses as adults – but we'd recommend that a parent or guardian should supervise them to start with.

Is it safe for a 12 year old to wear colored contacts? ›

In the end, there is no set age at which doctors recommend allowing children to wear colored contacts, it is a judgement call that you as parents must make together with your kids. When you're both ready, consult with your doctor to see what options are best for your child.

Why do people wear coloured contacts? ›

Why do people wear coloured contact lenses? People wear coloured contacts for a variety of reasons, the main one being that they can make your eyes stand out and add an extra dimension to your look. Most coloured contacts are designed to mimic the natural look of your iris (the coloured part of the eye).

What colored contacts can you sleep in? ›

AIR OPTIX ® NIGHT & DAY ® AQUA contact lenses are FDA-approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear to let you fall asleep and wake up to comfortable, clear vision.

Can I put eye drops in while wearing contacts? ›

There are lots of different kinds of eye drops, which can be used to treat many different conditions. Eye drops can be used to treat allergies, dry eyes, and can even be prescribed for conditions such as glaucoma. If you wear contacts you may be wondering if you can use eye drops. The answer: you can.

Why is my vision cloudy after wearing contacts overnight? ›

Blurry and Cloudy Vision

Over time, sleeping in your contacts can lead to blurry and cloudy vision. This is because your cornea becomes dry, irritated, and inflamed from wearing the contacts for too long. In addition, dirt and debris can get trapped under your contact lens. This can stick to your cornea and damage it.

What color lenses are best for astigmatism? ›

Best colored contacts for astigmatism

TORIColors — These monthly color contacts for astigmatism are made by Poly Dev and offer vibrant opaque color. They come in four color choices: horizon grey, emerald green, seabreeze blue and golden amber.

What happens if you wear colored contacts with astigmatism? ›

Can You Wear Colored Contacts With Astigmatism? As long as your eye doctor approves it, you can absolutely wear colored contacts with astigmatism. But it's possible there might not be as many options. The level of correction needed for your astigmatism could limit or exclude some colors.

Why did Acuvue discontinued colored contacts? ›

All contact lens manufacturers are dealing with supply chain issues and can't get their raw materials in time to meet production goals. Acuvue is discontinuing TruEye so they can focus on their more popular or newer products. By discontinuing TruEye, they can put their resources behind those other products instead.

Are clear contacts better than color? ›

Color and Clear Contacts Are Similar: There are no huge differences between clear or color contacts except that one contains color. Color contact lenses can be slightly thicker than clear ones, which means they may take getting used to and are often easier to put in and remove.

What is ghosting in contact lenses? ›

Many people who use contact lenses may experience halos around lights at night, and sometimes ghost images. This probably is a normal phenomenon in most people, and occurs when the pupil is larger (or more dilated) than the optical area of a soft lens, or of the lens itself in cases of rigid lenses.

Why do colored contacts feel weird? ›

While super rare, the cause of redness and discomfort from wearing coloured contact lenses might lie in the ingredients of the solution you use to clean them. All contact lenses are made of hypoallergenic materials, meaning that it's really unlikely for them to cause an allergic reaction.

What can't you do while wearing contacts? ›

12 Things You Should Never Ever Do with Your Contacts
  1. Sleep While Wearing Lenses. ...
  2. Not Keeping The Case Clean. ...
  3. Rub Your Eyes. ...
  4. Touch Contacts With Dirty Hands. ...
  5. Shower While Wearing Lenses. ...
  6. Keeping Them On Even When Eyes Itch. ...
  7. Exposing The Storage Case To A Dirty Environment. ...
  8. Reuse The Solution.

What do I do if I accidentally showered with contacts? ›

If this happens, immediately close your eyes and carefully step out of the shower until you can remove the lenses correctly. If you notice any soreness or redness following the incident, get in touch with your optometrist as soon as possible.

When shouldn't you wear contact lenses? ›

If you sleep with your contacts in, you may dry out your eyes or worse — risk infection, corneal ulcers or an inflammatory reaction known as contact lens-induced acute red eye (CLARE). When you're in any type of water, do not wear your contacts. This includes showers, hot tubs, pools, lakes, rivers and the ocean.

Can you sleep in cosplay contacts? ›

In the majority of cases, there are no detrimental consequences in sleeping in your contact lenses, you may feel slight irritation or dry eyes which is uncomfortable. In a few more serious cases, sleeping in your contact lenses can lead to serious eye infections.

Can you drive with cosplay contacts? ›

Crazy contacts that cover your pupil cause vision impairment, so it's not advisable to drive while wearing them. Do not sleep while wearing coloured lenses. When you do, your lenses can get misaligned, they can cause irritation, and in the worse cases may even cause permanent eye damage.

What to know before buying cosplay contacts? ›

Colored cosplay contacts are safe to wear if they have been fitted to your eyes, cared for properly, and FDA approved. Legally, you must submit a prescription from an eye doctor that contains the curve and diameter of your eye before you can buy colored contacts.

What do you need to know about cosplay contacts? ›

Cosplay contacts are also known as colored, cosmetic or decorative contacts. They can change not only your eye color but the shape of the iris and pupil and other defining characteristics. You can get contacts for cosplay with or without vision correction.

Can you wear cosplay contacts all day? ›

Don't wear colored contacts for too long.

You're really not supposed to wear colored lenses for more than ~6 hours at a time, but you can't always stick to that at a convention. Still, make sure that you take out your lens when your eyes get tired!

Is Icoice FDA approved? ›

CE & FDA approved quality.

Are cheap contact lenses safe? ›

While cheap contacts are available, they aren't always the best choice for your eyes. A low-quality pair may be more likely to tear, and this could lead to a scratch on your cornea or other damage to the eye.

Are contact lenses FDA approved? ›

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates all contact lenses as prescription medical devices.

Can a person with astigmatism wear colored contacts? ›

Can You Wear Colored Contacts With Astigmatism? As long as your eye doctor approves it, you can absolutely wear colored contacts with astigmatism. But it's possible there might not be as many options. The level of correction needed for your astigmatism could limit or exclude some colors.

Are colored contacts more expensive? ›

Although color contact lenses cost more than comparable non-tinted contacts, the beautiful eye color change can be well worth it. The tinting process also increases manufacturing costs.

Which is safer glasses or contact lenses? ›

Contacts carry more risk than glasses

Almost all complications are due to poor hygiene and maintenance, but the fact remains that contact lenses do carry more risk than eyeglasses. Oversights in lens care can cause irritation, conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome, and other uncomfortable eye problems.

What happens if you buy cheap contact lenses? ›

One of the most common effects of wearing cheap contact lenses is blurry vision. Contacts are meant to improve vision, but wearing the wrong prescription will most likely cause impairment in a person's vision.

Is it bad to wear colored contacts every day? ›

Just like the last tip above, wearing colored contacts on a regular basis is fine, but you need to make sure you allow your eyes to rest. Everyday wear of colored lenses can lead to eyes drying out due to the lenses hindering tears from flowing over the cornea.

Who Cannot have contact lenses? ›

Eye conditions, such as dry eye disease or blepharitis, may make wearing contacts uncomfortable and risky. A severe refractive error, allergies, or contact lens intolerance can also make wearing contact lenses difficult. Fortunately, some treatments can allow you to wear contacts comfortably.

Who is not suitable for contact lenses? ›

Not everyone who needs glasses wants to wear contacts, but nine out of 10 people who want to wear them can wear contacts. However, contact lenses may not be a good option for people who: Have had repeated eye infections. Suffer from severe allergic reactions.

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