Covet (2024)

Covet (1)

Covet (2)Covet (3)Covet (4)Covet (5)Covet (6)

NOTE: Recap may not be in the correct order of events exactly, but you’ll get the gist.

We pick up with Grace wanting to break the mating bond with Hudson after she wins the Ludaris tournament.

Jaxon & Grace are fighting more often, with Jaxon feeling more jealous and Grace seeming to understand Hudson despite not wanting to. Eventually Jaxon breaks up with Grace. She is devestated and mopes for about a week, not telling anyone.

She runs into Jaxon outside and they have a brief conversation where things seem normal…almost like how they used to be, until she tells him she misses this, and he turns back into the distant person he’s been lately. There have been more fights lately between the supernatural factions. When Grace is walking back after her talk with Jaxon, she finds Hudson fighting with a wolf shifter. She attempts to stop it, but Jaxon is immediately by her, stopping her. She agress not to step in (yet). Jaxon does eventually attempt to step in, and they all get in trouble and are put in cuffs. Eventually, Grace’s wholeg gang (save Grace and Macy) is put in these magic cuffs that prevent the use of their magic. Hudson, Mecchi, Eden, Jaxon, Flint, really the whole lot.

Grace eventually decides to go visit the Ice cave to visit the Bloodletter to figure out if she knows where the crown is. WIth the crown she can break the bond between Hudson and herself and things can go back to normal with Jaxon. Or so she hopes. Hudson agrees to go with her when she asks. Next she goes up to Jaxon’s room to ask him and realizes that she no longer recognizes it. It’s because a cold steel gym. Any hint of the Jaxon Grace knew has been erased from the room. When they talk, Grace notices that Jaxon is still the caring person he is, when he helps her through the window, but he seems, emotionless. He tells her can’t go as he has been called to court during that time.

Flint decides to give up on Hudson and ends up dating a vampire named Luca.

Grace and Hudson pack up and go, but the Bloodlette tells them she cannot break the bond. Why? Because it’s a true mate bond. She had forged a fake bond between Grace and Jaxon when Grace’s parent’s came to her asking a favor. The bond would only set in place if Jaxon and Grace both wanted it, and they did at the time.

Grace then asks how to find the crown and the bloodletter tells her the only person who may know is the Gargoyle, but he is too insane in his gargoyle form. They must break his magic shackles first. Grace asks how to break the shackles on the other gargoyle. The bloodletter tells her the blacksmith of the shackles was a giant by the name of Vander but hasn’t been seen in a very long time. The giant village may have some answers as to his whereabouts.

Defeated, they return to Katmere academy. Jaxon also returns and informs them Hudson’s is wanted and will go to jail should he step off Katmere academy’s grounds, by royal decree of the Vampire King.

During Finals, which Grace is struggling a lot on the subject of History, her friends surprise her with a birthday party. Jaxon gives her a sketch, and she feels like he’s trying to get rid of every trace of her by gifting her this.

Hudson gives her a book of poetry and tells her he’ll give her his other present later. At the end of the party, Jaxon also gives Grace his blessings to be with Hudson.

Grace makes Hudson upset by constantly watching Jaxon anytime she has an intimate moment or touch with Hudson. She clears up the misunderstanding, telling him that she doesn’t want to hurt Jaxon with their relationship, and Hudson understands this, because he loves his brother.

Grace tells Hudson she’s willing to give “them” a chance, but they must take it very slow (as he’s about to kiss her.) And he pulls back like a gentleman and agrees to whatever she wants. And then realizes that the only thing worse than kissing Hudson is not kissing Hudson and they share a passionate kiss.

After exams, the whole group sneaks out and goes to the giant village to find the maker of the smithy of the shackles. They are met by the daughter of the leaders of the giant species and she gets an instant crush on Jaxon and forces him to come with her around the town. Macy takes pity on Jaxon and goes with them. The rest split up to look for info on the blacksmith.

Grace and Hudson go to a jewelry store and ask about a pair of cuffs the jeweler is selling and if she can point them to the woman who made them. she gets defensive and says the town is very protective of this women as she lost her mate and has never been the same since. So instead Grace and Hudson look at rings and Hudson buys her a promise ring- which apparently is a magical binding oath of a real promise Hudson must keep to her, but he doesn’t tell her what he’s promised her. Grace then laments about how much she wants the cuffs. Satisfied they’ve bought something and seeing a mother & daughter walk in, the Jeweler relents and tells them where to find blacksmith’s wife.

They gather the group (sans Jaxon who must keep the young princess occupied) and go to the Giant’s house. They hear an utterly heartbroken weeping coming from the tree the giantess lives in. When they try to enter/knock, the tree (and it’s magic) gets very defensive and prevents them from coming close. Eventually, a woman, Falia, comes down and allows them to enter, and the house backs off, slightly.

They ask Falia about her husband, Vander. She tells them that a thousand years ago, Cyrus commissioned the cuffs and once they were made, he wanted to get rid of her husband. Cyrus threw him in the Aethereum (think Azkaban for this world). She only knows she’s alive because he gave her a promise ring.

‘It itches and burns incessantly every day the promise goes unfulfilled. It’s like it knows the promise can never be fulfilled and wants be to take it off, but I can’t.’

‘Why not?’ I ask, almost afraid to breathe.

‘My poor sweet child.’ she shakeks her head. ‘ Because if you remove the ring, the promise is forgiven.’


“If Vander can’t fulfil the promise, why torture yourself and not remove the ring?’

‘ He promised he would come home to me,’ she says on a broken sob. ‘ As long as I wear this ring, I know he’s still alive–he will one day fulfill his promise.’


‘ The promise must be fulfilled. Forever…or until you remove the ring or the giver dies.,’ Falia says. ‘WHich is why, despite everything, I’m grateful for this small piece of silver. Because it tells me my Vander is alive, even after all these years.’

She advices Grace not to make the same mistake she did. That when her Mate goes to prison, she should go with him.

They meander back to the village when they hear that Cyrus’ guards are outfront here to arrest Hudson. The Princess leads them to an escape tunnel which they run through but they are surrounded on both sides in the tunnel. Macy works on a portal while the rest of them fight. They barely make it back to the academy all in one piece.

They decide they must break the blacksmith out of prison. But only one person has ever done that, a dragonshifter.

There is a dragon festival coming up and Flint invites everyone to go. His mother, Nuri, assures him that everyone’s, including Hudson’s, safety as this is official circle business and Grace is technically the Gargoyle Queen and Hudson is her Mate and therefore future King. This is a sanctioned trip, so they all wearily decide to go, except for Jaxon who is going back to court for the sake of his brother. He tells them he’ll try to see if their mother, The Queen can help Hudson.

When studying for her history final, Hudson offers to help and he takes her outside to this beautiful garden area he sets up for her. He tells her this is her 2nd present for her birthday, and she’s touched he knows so much about her.

When they arrive at the dragon court, located in NYC, Nuri immediately arrests Hudson upon arrival for the murder of her oldest son. Everyone tries to defend Hudson, except for Flint. Luca, Grace, and Macy are escorted to their rooms, and soon after get into a fight with Flint about how he didn’t stand up for Hudson. Grace asks if he knew about this ambush. He states he didn’t but they aren’t sure of anything at this betrayal.

Grace goes to meet with Nuri and threatens Hell if she doesn’t free Hudson. Nuri says they can come to an agreement. Grace must help her defeat Cyrus-who has been in power too long, and in exchange, Hudson can go free, even though she hates him.

Grace sees that jailing Hudson was Nuri’s way of getting the upper hand. Grace agrees on the condition that Nuri does not jail Hudson again or try to use him as a bargaining chip. She agrees as long as Flint is not in danger. She also tells Grace that Flint didn’t know what she was planning, but not to forgive Flint too easily.

Nuri then tells her that the only dragon to escape the aethereum had the help of The Crone. They should go to her.

Grace goes to get Hudson from the dungeons. When she goes down, she finds the guards rolling a ball back and fourth with each other, and Hudson lounging around with his cuffs off. Seeing her baffled, Hudson explained the cuffs put on him at Katmere for fighting weren’t strong enough to hold him, but if they made people feel more safe around him, he’d keep them on. Grace gets upset because Hudson didn’t tell her and he’s confused. She realizes. This poor boy who has never had anyone care for him doesn’t realize how worried she was for him- and she explains. He apologizes to her for worrying her.

There is a ball that night and Macy and Grace realized they are vastly underdressed. Who comes to their rescue but Hudson sending them both a huge rack of beautiful dresses. Grace knows for a fact Hudson will be wearing Armani. There is one Armani dress on the rack and it’s clearly a dare. She accepts.

At the ball, Hudson tells her he hoped she’d wear that dress. When lots of women come up asking for Hudson to dance or vying for his attentions, Grace gets slightly upset and asks Flint to dance (who is confused but agrees). They both apologize for their fight and make up. Then, Hudson cuts in and they have a heated dance. As they are just about to kiss, fireworks light up the sky.

They then take their relationship to the next level and do everything but sex. Grace wakes up in Hudson’s arms only to freak out when he half-asleep murmurs that he loves her. She can’t say it back after what she’s been through and can’t even think it. Trying to get over her freak out, Grace understands that Hudson never brings her down. He loves her just the way she is, but never fails to push and challenge her. When he starts to pull away, she says she can’t tell him she loves him, but she can show him what he means to her.

At the dragon court, it comes time for each guest to pick from the hord. Items float above and each person can reach up to pick something.

Flint grabs an envelope that has $5000 in. Macy grabs a jeweled charm bracelet. Grace grabs for an envelope and win stocks worth 3 million dollars- which is super helpful considering she has a Gargoyle court to build. When it’s Hudson’s turn, he says he doesn’t need anything. He has everything he wants- while looking at Grace. Flint tells him to grab some Cash for Grace then and he grabs an envelop with $1000 in it.

After returning from Dragon Court, they make a plan as graduation approaches soon after. Hudson will go to jail after graduation, and Grace plans on going with him. They must now find the Crone, get the secret to escaping the Aethereum with the blacksmith in tow.

They visit the Crone and she tells them to come in, but doens’t allow Jaxon in as she does not allow “soulless” creatures inside. The Crone tells them the story of the two creators. One who created humans and the other who created supernaturals (it’s clear that the goddess who made the supernaturals is the crone herself).

She tells them they must pay a steep price for her help. She asks Grace to grant her one favor at any time of her choosng and Grace must abide. Grace agrees. The Crone gives her 3 flowers– one for her, Hudson, and the blacksmith. The flowers, when consumed will mimick death. Their bodies will leave the prison, and they will be free.

When they get back, Jaxon finally spills the beans on his cold behavior recently. When the mate bond with Grace broke, it was too sudden and harsh. He started slowly losing parts of his soul, while Grace was protected by her Mate bond to Hudson. Jaxon will continue to lose his soul until he is completely soulless and dies. Grace despite now having deep feelings for Hudson, decides to break their mate bond and get hers and Jaxon’s back, to save him. Hudson, never once asks her not to. He understands even though he is clearly devestated. He would never ask her to choose between the brothers.

At Graduation, Grace tries to remind herself not to get so close to Hudson since she can’t have him. She and Jaxon were what they needed for each other when they were together, but Hudson is her true mate. Despite this, Grace convinces herself she can be happy with Jaxon again. She’ll have to allow him to protect her when she wants to defend herself- on the small things. Her heart aches though, thinking of Hudson.

Then- Cyrus, Nuri, and the rest of the circle arrive- arresting Hudson. A new law was passed last night that allows them to grab Hudson despite being on Katmere grounds. Nuri goes back on her word to not arrest Hudson again personally, and Grace is furious she has betrayed them for her own selfish gain and power trip.

Grace, who kept the flowers from the crone knows they’re out of time. She demands to go with Hudson to Prison as is her right as his mate. Hudson freaks out and doesn’t want her to go with him anymore- he doesn’t want her to suffer, but the words of the broken hearted giant ring in her mind. She’s going. Then Cyrus turns things right around on Nuri and has Flint arrested for the attempted murder of the only living Gargoyle. Nuri is betrayed and goes to give flint a hug, telling him he must atone. The three are led to prison and Flint tells them his mom whispered to him to Find Remy. They ask to be housed with Remy and the guards eagerly agree, as Remy’s last victim didn’t last long.

When they enter they hear growling. Remy, who has a louisiana drawl, asks what their business with him is and Flint tells him. Remy then recognizes Grace, saying he’s seen her in his visions for a long time. He then introduces them to their other roommate, a manticore named Calder; she is veeeery vane and likes to hit on Hudson who inches closer to Grace everytime she does.

Remy explains that he has visions, and he’s seen one that’s been the same for years, Grace gives him a flower and he is finally able to escape. Grace asks why he’s in here and Remy reveals he was born in this Jail. However his mother died when he was 5 and he was then raised by other prisoners and guards. His mother told him he had powerful magic deep in him, but he is unable to access it.

He tells the trio that he will help them escape if he and Calder get 2 of the 3 flowers Grace has brought with her. This proves to be a conundrum as the Crone gave them 3 flowers (one for Grace, Hudson, and Vander each). Now they have Grace, Hudson, Vander, Flint, Remy, and Calder. Grace agrees to Remy’s terms if they can find a way out of the prison for all of them.

Remy explains that in order to get out, they must atone. They must visit a chamber where they will be tortued by the worst possible nightmares. It’s often worse than being dead. The Jail then decides when one has repented enough and they get a chance to leave.

They enter for the chance of getting into the chamber that night and win the roulette. Hudson, Flint & Calder go unconscious and Grace freaks out. Remy tells her that he is not affected, and he doesn’t know why but he can protect her too, but not anybody else. He’s tried to help Calder numerous times but it never works. The sleeping 3 start to scream and when they wake up they are haggard and exhausted. Hudson holds onto Grace for dear life, Flint can’t stand to be near her or look at her, and Calder, who is more experienced shows signs of being haunted by something terrible, but isn’t in as bad shape as Flint or Hudson.

Each night, they must “atone”- and the nightmares go on until it looks like Hudson, Flint, and even Calder might not make it through this next bout. Grace begs Remy to allow her to take a turn for Hudson, and he states he is unable to again. She then has an ideas and touches him, pulling his magic and taking them into Hudson’s nightmare.

In the nightmare, Hudson is going to kill Grace and it haunts him. She realizes his sin and guilt for killing all those supernatuals weighs on her and how he fears killing her too. She is able to get through to him eventually and the “dream”/torture ends. Remy tells Hudson he’s got some f*cked up stuff going on. And there is some admiration for Hudson there. He then tells Grace never to use his magic like that again, or else.

Finally, Finally somehow after 6 days, they have repented enough, and are allowed a break outside as is due for those who are able to get through the chamber. Remy tells Grace they need to make money, so vamoos. Grace ends up gambling with a witch- Remy slips her a gold coin. Grace wins double and the witch believes Grace has cheated. Remy comes to her rescue. With this much money- they have a chance at escaping. They are also able to meet Vander. Grace explains everything, including Falia’s heartbreak and Vander agrees to make them a key to free the trapped Gargoyle.

Finally they meet the warden of sorts and he says they the price of leaving has gone up. They must earn more or fight. Grace realizes the system is rigged and is never intended to ever let anyone out or repent enough. It’s all just a game. Nevertheless, they decide to fight. Barely making it, they fight and the Warden is forced to keep his promise to let the out if they win the fight. He only allows passage of 4 through.

They all get together and Grace gives Vander one of the flowers. He consumes it and it doesn’t work. He gets angry, believing they tricked him and Hudson tells him they don’t exactly know how any of this works. Maybe because he’s a giant one flower wasn’t enough. Calder tells him they’ll give him proof. She swipes two of the flowers from Grace’s hands and swallows one.

That leaves 5 of them. Remy tells them the other 4 that they should go. He knows for a fact the only way he’s getting out is with one of these flowers and that alone. He is not leaving fate to chance and walking out the door.

Before they leave, he asks Grace to unlock his magic. She tries but there is just an empty well. He tells her that can’t be and his mother wouldn’t have lied to him. Grace tries again and sees that his mother bound his magic. She breaks down the wall and finds that Remy has an incredible amount of magic. Magic he now has access to.

She then leaves with the rest. Vander immediately sets out to go home and gives them the key to the cuffs he made for the unkillable beast. Then Macy and crew find them and they give Calder as much money as they have on them to get her started. They tell her they don’t want to elave her, but Remy will want to see her when he wakes up. She agrees and thanks them.

The gang finally uncuffs the unkillable beast and he is able to revert back to his human forms, though his mind isn’t all there. He won’t tell them where the crown is unless they give it to “her.” They ask who “her” is and with some prodding they understand him to have a mate- who is…”her?” which means, there may be another Gargoyle, but they don’t know for sure as he clams up. Grace promises to make every effort to give the Crown to “her” but she needs it first to help her friend and then help with the war. He eventually agrees and the crown is transferred to Grace’s hand.

Jaxon meets up with them and it’s time to use the crown to break the bond between Grace and Hudson. Grace then decisively says she won’t do it. She won’t give up Hudson. She tells him she loves him and she chooses him. He’s her choice and they’ll have to find another way to save Jaxon. Hudson is obviously elated, but also sorrow-filled as he truly does love his little brother and wants him happy.

The prison warden clearly gave Cyrus a heads up and he ambushes them with his troups. Fighting breaks out when they are discoved by Cryus’ men. Flint takes a fatal hit and is down. Grace tries to heal him but needs more power. Hudson gives it to her, but he needs some as he’s fading fast (literally and figuratively). Then Jaxon comes to her and tells her to give all his energy to Flint and to save him. He’s going to die anyway, he wants to save Flint with the last of his energy, she fights him on it, but eventually, and tearfully, agrees when Jaxon desperately begs her for this.

During the battle Luca is hit, and goes still. Luca is dead, just like that. Grace continues to drain Jaxon and Flint is saved while Jaxon dies (or is essentially dead). Flint wakes up to find a dead Luca and is devestated, obviously. Nuri and her husband come roaring in to help out. Nuri makes a major decision and takes out her dragon heart and puts it in Jaxon. His soul is revived (back? whole? Basically he’s alive again- something along these lines.) When Jaxon wakes, Nuri tells him he owes her a life debt- and her ask is that he protect Flint. Jaxon agrees. Losing her dragon soul is akin to death. In fact, most think it is a face worse than death.

They head back to Katmere academy, but to their horror, find devestation and destruction upon their return. All the students and staff are gone and the academy is in shambles. They realize the fight, prison, everything has just been a distraction for Cyrus to make his move. By kidnapping all the students of royalty and important persons at the academy, he has ensured their powerful families won’t fight his rule.

All Grace and co. have got is their band of 11 supernaturals and now, the crown. Macy desperately searches for her dad, but to no avail. The only person they find is the school nurse, Byron who is able to tell them what happened.

The Gargoyle ( previously known as the unkillable beast) tells them they need to find “her.” She- whoever she is, can save him. They can’t get anymore out of him on who she is as he reverts back to his stone form.

Hudson’s POV:

“As everyone mills

As everyone mills around trying to figure out who “her” is and if there’s another gargoyle around, I can’t help thinking that I need to talk to Grace. Because if this is going the way I think it is–which is straight to hell–it’s probably time i tell her what i saw that night in the laundry room all those weeks ago.

I think it’s time I tell her about her emerald-green string.”

Covet (7)
Covet (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.