Cryptocurrency Market Size, Growth & Trends Report, outlook 2022 (2024)

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
Global Cryptocurrency Market
Global Bitcoin Market
Global Cryptocurrency Market Cap Segmentation
Global Bitcoin Market Segmentation
Competitive Scenario in the Global Cryptocurrency Market
Future Outlook and Projections of Global Bitcoin Market
2. Appendix
2.1. Market Definitions
2.2. Abbreviations
Research Methodology
Approach - Market Sizing
Variables (Dependent and Independent)
Multi Factor Based Sensitivity Model
Regression Matrix
Final Conclusion
3. Global Crypto Currency Market
3.1. Global Cryptocurrency Market Introduction
3.2. Global Crypto Currency Market Size, 2014-2017
3.3. Global Crypto Currency Market Cap Segmentation by Currency type, 2014-2017
4. Global Bitcoin Market
4.1. Global Bitcoin Market Introduction
4.2. Global Bit Coin Market Size by Market Capitalization, 2011-2017
4.3. Bitcoins in Circulation, 2011-2017
4.4. Revenues from Mining, 2011-2016
5. Global Bitcoin Market Segmentation
5.1. By Volume of Trade in Exchanges, 2017
5.2. By Use of Bitcoin, 2017
5.3. By Mining Facilities Across the Globe, 2016
6. Global Bitcoin Mining Market
6.1. Type of Mining (Hardware Based and Cloud Based)
6.2. Exchanges (Small and Large) by Region
6.3. Matrix for Bitcoin Mining Pool
6.4. Type of Payment Methods
7. Working Model of Bitcoin in the Global Market
8. Implications of Bitcoin Market Growth
8.1. Cross Comparison of Crypto Currency Transactions
8.2. Decision Influencers for Using Cryptocurrency
8.3. Major Sectors Benefited from Growth of Cryptocurrency
8.4. Major Companies That Accept Bitcoin
8.5. Investors in Bitcoin & Blockchain Market
9. Target Profiles in The Global Cryptocurrency Market
9.1. By Ability to Influence Protocol Development, 2017
9.2. By Ability of Miners to Influence Protocol Development, 2017
9.3. Common Languages on Major Mining Pool Websites, 2017
9.4. Perception of Miners Regarding Current Regulatory Environment, 2017
9.5. Payment Service Providers’ Perception of Current Regulatory Environment, 2017
9.6. By License, 2017
9.7. Familiarity With Bitcoin, 2017
10. Profitability Analysis of Bitcoin Mining
11. Trends and Developments in the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market
11.1. Increasing Acceptance of New Currencies
11.2. Emergence of Japan and South Korea as Major Bitcoin Markets
11.3. Lucrative Mode of Investment
11.4. Cryptocurrency for Transaction & Payments
12. Issues and Challenges in The Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market
12.1. Illegal Use of Cryptocurrency
12.2. Off-line Payments and Transactions Acceptance Period
12.3. Security Issues
12.4. Not a Profitable Business
13. Government Regulations in the Global Cryptocurrency Market
14. Competitive Scenario in Global Cryptocurrency Market
15. Market Share of Major Mining Pools in the Global Cryptocurrency Market
16. Competitive Landscape of Major Mining Pools in the Global Bitcoin Mining Market
16.1. AntPool
16.2. F2Pool
16.3. BitFury
16.4. BTCC Pool
16.6. ViaBTC
16.7. SlushPool
16.8. HaoBTC
16.10. 1Hash
17. Future Outlook and Projections of Global Bitcoin Market, 2017-2022
Scenario 1: Bubble Burst
Scenario 2: Positive Growth with New Regulations
Scenario 3: Exponential Growth
17.1. Future Trends and Technologies in the Global Cryptocurrency Market
17.2. Analyst Recommendations
18. Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Global Crypto Currency Market
18.1. Global Retail E-commerce Market, 2012-2022
18.2. Bitcoin Block Rewards, 2012-2022
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List of Figure

Figure 3-1: Global Crypto currency Market Size on the Basis of Market Capitalization in USD Billion, 2014-2017
Figure 4-1: Global Bitcoin and Blockchain Financing Trend on the Basis of Volume of Investment in USD Million and Number of Deals, 2013-2016
Figure 4-2: Market Price of Bitcoin in USD, 2011-2017
Figure 4-3: Global Bit Coin Market Size on the Basis of Market Capitalization in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2011-2017
Figure 4-4: Global Bitcoin Circulation by Number of Bitcoins in Circulation in Million and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2011-2017
Figure 4-5: Global Bitcoin Market by Revenue from Mining in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2011-2016
Figure 5-1 Global Bit Coin Market Segmentation on the Basis of Trade Volume of Bitcoin in Million, June 2017-November 2017
Figure 5-2: Global Bitcoin Market Segmentation by Use of Bitcoin on the Basis of Trading Volume in Percentage (%) as of July 2017
Figure 5-3: Mining Facilities Market Segmentation by Location on the Basis of Revenue (Transaction fee) in Percentage (%), 2016
Figure 6-1: Global Cryptocurrency Exchange Market Segmentation by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America and Africa & Middle East) on the basis of Number of Exchanges in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 6-2: Global Cryptocurrency Exchange Market Segmentation by Countries (UK, US, Canada, China, Japan and Others) on the basis of Number of Exchanges in Percentage, 2016
Figure 8-1: Payments by National-to-National, National-to-Cryptocurrency and Cryptocurrency-to-Cryptocurrency by Transaction Volume in USD & Number of Transactions in Percentage (%), 2016
Figure 8-2: Cryptocurrency Transactions by Intra-Country Payments and Cross-Border Payments on the Basis of Size of Transactions (Figure 8-3: Cryptocurrency Transactions by Average Transaction Size by Payment Channels (C2C Transfer, C2B Transfer and B2B Transfer) in USD, 2016
Figure 8-4: Global Bitcoin Market by Unique Bitcoin & Blockchain Investors, 2012-2016
Figure 9-1: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Miners’ Ability to Influence Protocol Development on the Basis of Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very Low in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-2: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Small Miners’ Ability to Influence Protocol Development on the Basis of Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very Low in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-3: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Large Miners’ Ability to Influence Protocol Development on the Basis of Very High, High, Medium and Very Low in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-4: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Common Language on Major Mining Pool Websites Including English, Chinese, Spanish and Russian in percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-5: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Perception of Small Miners Regarding Current Regulatory Environment in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-6: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Perception of Large Miners Regarding Current Regulatory Environment in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-7: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Perception of Payment Service Providers of Current Regulatory Environment in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-8: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Payment Service Providers with License and No License in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 9-9: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market by Familiarity with Bitcoin in Percentage (%), 2017
Figure 11-1: Market Price of Bitcoin on the Basis of 1 BTC/USD, 2011-2017
Figure 15-1: Market Share of Top 10 Mining Pools in the Global Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Number of Blocks Mined, 2017
Figure 17-1: Future Outlook of the Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Bubble Burst by Bitcoin Price in USD and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2018-2022
Figure 17-2: Future Outlook of the Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Positive Growth with New Regulations by Bitcoin Price in USD and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2018-2022
Figure 17-3: Future Outlook of the Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Exponential Growth by Bitcoin Price in USD and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2018-2022
Figure 18-1: Global Retail E-Commerce on the basis of GMV in USD Trillion, 2012-2022
Figure 18-2: Bitcoin Block Rewards on the basis of Number of Bitcoins, 2012-2022

List of Table

Table 2-1: Correlation Matrix of Global Cryptocurrency Market
Table 2-2: Regression Coefficient Output for the Global Cryptocurrency Market
Table 3-1: Description of Global Cryptocurrency Market on Parameters Including Inception & Genesis, Cryptocurrency Market, Leading Cryptocurrency Types and Growth Drivers
Table 3-2: Description of Role of Key Entities in the Cryptocurrency Environment
Table 3-3: Description of Major Benefits and Challenges in Crypto Currency Market
Table 3-4: Rationale and Description of Global Crypto Currency Market Size on the Basis of Market Capitalization in USD Billion, 2014-2017
Table 3-5: Rationale and Description of Global Crypto Currency Market Cap Segmentation by Type of Currencies on the basis of Capitalization in Percentage (%), 2014-2017
Table 3-6: Global Crypto Currency Market Cap Segmentation by Various Currencies on the basis of Market Capitalization in Percentage (%), 2014-2017
Table 3-7: Global Crypto Currency Market Cap Segmentation by Various Currencies on the basis of Market Capitalization in USD Million as of 4th December 2017
Table 3-8: Cross Comparison of Major Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Litecoin and Monero) on Parameters Including Average Transaction Fees, Transaction Per Day, Average Transaction Value as of 4th December 2017
Table 4-1: Description of Global Bitcoin Market Introduction on Parameters Including Inception & Genesis, Overview and Growth Drivers
Table 4-2: Timeline for Bitcoin by Major Historic Events, 2008-2017
Table 4-3: Rationale and Description of Global Bit Coin Market Size on the Basis of Market Capitalization in USD Million, 2011-2017
Table 4-4: Rationale and Description of Global Bitcoin Circulation by Number of Bitcoins in Circulation in Million, 2011-2017
Table 4-5: Rationale and Description of Global Bitcoin Market by Revenues from Mining in USD Million, 2011-2016
Table 5-1: Rationale and Description of Global Bit Coin Market Segmentation on the Basis of Trade Volume of Bitcoin in Percentage (%), June 2017-November 2017
Table 5-2: Description of Bitfinex on the Basis of Maker Fee and Taker Fee in Percentage (%), November 2017
Table 5-3: Global Bit Coin Market Segmentation on the Basis of Trade Volume at Major Exchanges (Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Bitflyer, Bitstamp, Okcoin, Gemini, BTC China and Others) in Million, June 2017 - November 2017
Table 5-4: Rationale and Description of Global Bitcoin Market Segmentation by Use of Bitcoin on the Basis of Trade Volume in Percentage (%) as of July 2017
Table 5-5: Rationale and Description of the Mining Facilities Market Segmentation by Location on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2016
Table 6-1: Description of Types of Mining by Hardware Based and Cloud Based Mining, 2017
Table 6-2: Comparison of Hardware Mining and Cloud Based Mining on Parameters Including Transportation Cost, Accessories, Software, Maintenance and Electricity Cost
Table 6-3: Description of Exchanges on the basis of Types of Exchanges (Small Exchange and Large Exchange), 2017
Table 6-4: Exchange Activities of Small and Large Exchanges (By Order Book Exchange, Trading Platform, Brokerage Services, Two Activities and All Three Combined) in Percentage (%), 2016
Table 6-5: Target Profile of Exchanges on the basis of Employee Size (1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 50 and Above 50) in Percentage (%), 2016
Table 6-6: Matrix for Comparison of Mining Pools on Various Parameters Including Location, Size, Reward Type, Transaction Fees, PPS Fees and Other Fees
Table 6-7: Description of Type of Payment Methods in the Bitcoin Mining Market
Table 7-1: Working Model of Bitcoin by Various Intermediaries Involved in the Market Including New User, New Address, Block Chain, Transaction and Mining
Table 8-1: Description of Cryptocurrency Transactions by Users in Crypto Currency Market
Table 8-2: Decision Influencers (Investment & Speculation, Less Regulations and Increasing Acceptance, Easy Transfer and Low Cost) for a Customer to Use Cryptocurrency
Table 8-3: Description of Major Entities Benefited from Growth of Cryptocurrency
Table 8-4: Description of Major Business Models Associated with Bitcoin Industry
Table 8-5: Description of Major Companies (, Bitmit, DISH Network, Microsoft, Intuit and Others) That Accept Bitcoin
Table 8-6: Description of Major Investors in Bitcoin & Blockchain Market
Table 8-7: Description of Major Venture Capital Investment in Bitcoin and Blockchain Companies on Parameters Including Funding in USD Million, Funding Date and Major Investors, 2017
Table 9-1: Target Profile of Global Bitcoin Market (By Device Type, By Web Browser, By Gender and By Age) in Percentage (%), 2017
Table 10-1: Major Factors Influencing Profitability of Bitcoin Mining in the Global Market, 2017
Table 11-1: Description of Major Cryptocurrencies on the basis of Year Launch
Table 13-1: Government Norms and Regulations across Various Regions around the World
Table 15-1: Description of Market Share of Top 10 Mining Pools in the Global Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Number of Blocks Mined, 2017
Table 15-2: Top 10 Mining Pools in the Global Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Number of Blocks Mined, 2014-2017
Table 16-1: Competitive Landscape of AntPool on Parameters Including Overview, Strategy, Payment Rule, Pay Out Time and Blocks Found
Table 16-2: Description of AntPool by Cryptocurrencies Mined, Total Blocks and Total Workers
Table 16-3: Major Configurations for AntPool for Various Cryptocurrencies on Parameters Including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Zcash
Table 16-4: Earning By Cryptocurrencies Including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Zcash
Table 16-5: Competitive Landscape of F2Pool on Parameters Including Overview, Reward System, Payouts, and Number of Blocks Found
Table 16-6: Description of F2Pool Mining by Various Cryptocurrencies on Parameters including Payout, Estimated Coin per Day, Payout Threshold, Time of Settlement, and Time of Payment
Table 16-7: Competitive Landscape of BitFury with Parameters Including Overview, Strategy, Businesses, Recent Developments and Key Personnel
Table 16-8: Competitive Landscape of BTCC Pool Including Overview, Products & Services, Recent Developments, Number of Employees, Deposit Fees, BTC Withdrawal Fees, ETC Withdrawal Fee, Maker Fees and Others
Table 16-9: Description of BTCC Pool on Various Parameters Including Currency, Description, Minimum Amount, Maximum Amount and Fees
Table 16-10: Competitive Landscape of Including Overview, Expected ROI, Algorithm, Statistics and Requirements for Becoming a BW Miner
Table 16-11: Description of Requirements for Becoming a BW Miner
Table 16-12: Description of by Exchange of Currencies Including BTC, LTC, ETH and ETC
Table 16-13: Competitive Landscape of ViaBTC Including Overview, Recent Developments, Major Products, Total Coins, Total Blocks, Blocks, Major Milestones
Table 16-14: ViaBTC Pool Fee by PPS+ Mode, PPS+ Profit, PPLNS, SOLO
Table 16-15: Competitive Landscape of SlushPool on Parameters Including Overview, Transaction Fees, Rewards, Payment System and Blocks
Table 16-16: Competitive Landscape of HaoBTC Including Overview, Recent Developments, ROI, Statistics and Blocks
Table 16-17: Competitive Landscape of Including Overview, Payment Method, Median Block Size, Average Daily Block Size, Number of Daily Transactions, Total Blocks and Blocks
Table 16-18: Competitive Landscape of 1Hash Including Overview, Miners, Blocks and Total Blocks
Table 17-1: Rationale and Description of the Future Outlook in the Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Bubble Burst, 2018-2022
Table 17-2: Rationale and Description of the Future Outlook of the Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Positive Growth with New Regulations, 2018-2022
Table 17-3: Rationale and Description of the Future Outlook of the Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market on the Basis of Exponential Growth, 2018-2022
Table 17-4: Description of Future Trends and Technologies in the Global Cryptocurrency Market
Table 17-5: Analyst Recommendations for Global Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market
Table 18-1: Rationale and Description of Global Retail E-Commerce Market on the Basis of GMV in USD Trillion, 2012-2022
Table 18-2: Rationale and Description of Bitcoin Block Rewards on the basis of Number of Bitcoins, 2012-2022

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Cryptocurrency Market Size, Growth & Trends Report, outlook 2022 (2024)
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