Do Famous Authors Use Ghostwriters? - Letter Review (2024)

Ever wonder how famous authors manage to continuously publish new novels, year after year, to a seemingly endless success? Could it be that these literary heavyweights use ghostwriters to produce their best-selling, list-topping, millions-making titles for them? It certainly would explain a few things for the rest of us.

Some famous authors do use ghostwriters, yet many don’t. Still, this typically isn’t public knowledge unless the author shares it. Often, ghostwriters are legally required not to take credit for publications, and well-known authors are unwilling to admit they hire ghostwriters for help.

Ghostwriters are prevalent and utilized more often than you might think. Keep reading to learn how common it is for famous authors to use ghostwriters and if any of your favorite writers have a secret pen working behind the scenes!

Do Famous Authors Use Ghostwriters? - Letter Review (1)

Why Authors Use Ghostwriters

Ghostwriting can get a bad rap at times, as some tend to think of it as “someone writes a book, but credit goes to someone else.”

A ghostwriter is better described as a creative assistant, in a way, who helps to bring an author’s ideas to fruition. These professionals support the author’s processes and expand artistic visions to help bring character to life and provide details to a general storyline.

Generally speaking, authors stand to gain several benefits from hiring a ghostwriter, including potentially becoming famous.

Here are some of the more common reasons authors use ghostwriters:

  • Ghostwriters make the writing process more manageable. Not everyone has outstanding writing skills, which is why a ghostwriter can be very useful. Still, even those who are crafty with words can benefit from having someone to help when writer’s block strikes.
  • Ghostwriters help save time and resources. Having a ghostwriter to help with research and the general workload can help significantly to improve productivity and the overall quality of an author’s story. Notably, ghostwriters spend their entire work day on a single task, which is writing, and stay focused on getting the job done.
  • Ghostwriters help to build a brand quicker. High-level business professionals may hire a ghostwriter to publish stories monthly or once a quarter to help promote and develop their brand. A great ghost can also help amplify a company leader’s voice. If done well, it doesn’t matter who is writing, as the message is what’s important.
  • Ghostwriters know how to write what sells. Consider the quality control that comes with a ghostwriter. Since much of their success depends on knowing and understanding audience trends, ghostwriters know what sells and, just as importantly, what doesn’t. They can help ensure your story includes the latest themes, personalities, and other hot topics currently in demand with readers.
  • Ghostwriters create authentic content. Plagiarism benefits no one, and it certainly doesn’t pay the bills. Besides, ghostwriters aren’t trying to manufacture recycled content in the author’s name. Instead, they’re paid to create authentic content in the author’s likeness. And since the ghostwriter’s livelihood hinges on the author’s success, there tends to be a commitment to deliver the goods.
  • Ghostwriters know SEO. When it comes to marketing, ghostwriters understand SEO and know how to utilize it for optimizing content writing. Ultimately, this can lead to more website traffic or ebook sales.
  • Ghostwriters are knowledgeable professionals. They can help with all aspects of writing, including developing ideas and delivering clear messages. Throughout the process, they often act as a sounding board, while having the prowess to transform brainstorming sessions into superb content.

Famous Authors Who Use Ghostwriters

It’s fairly well-known that many entertainers, professional athletes, politicians, and other prominent figures use ghostwriters 99.9% of the time for their biographies, memoirs, and tell-all books, even if they don’t admit it. Although, publishers have been known to spill the beans on some less-than-truthful celebrities claiming to have written their books themselves.

Moreover, ghostwriters are sworn to secrecy not to reveal themselves as the actual author of a title, restrained by legal binding potentially for life. Still, while they may not always get credited with their work, those haunting secrets are hard to bury and known to escape the crypt on occasion.

Do Famous Authors Use Ghostwriters? - Letter Review (2)

Famous Celebrities and Politicians Who Allegedly May Have Used Ghostwriters

  • Ashley Judd
  • Chip and Joanna Gains
  • David Beckham
  • Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Hilary Duff
  • Hillary Clinton
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Laura Bush
  • Leah Remini
  • Nicole Ritchie
  • Pamela Anderson
  • Pete Wentz
  • Ronald Reagan

Well-Publicized Alleged Ghosts

  • Carolyn Keene: The Nancy Drew mystery stories (“Carolyn Keene” is actually a pseudonym under which a team of ghostwriters built this brand).
  • Alexandre Dumas: Famous author of The Count of Monte Cristo and Three Musketeers faced legal battles with at least one known ghostwriter.
  • Raymond Benson: Best known for his titles in the James Bond books and the spy-thriller franchise, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell.
  • Peter Lerangis: Young adult novel fans may be familiar with Lerangis, but many don’t know that he also ghosted many books for tweens, including titles for The Babysitters Club as well as the Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High collections.

Authors Who Became Famous Then Allegedly May Have Used Ghostwriters To Help Meet Demand

  • Robert Ludlum: The Jason Bourne Series
  • Ian Flemming: The James Bond novels
  • R.L Stine: The Goosebumps series
  • Tom Clancy: Many ghostwriters have been hired for various projects related to Tom Clancy novels.
  • James Patterson: “Co-authors” often get some credit for these works.
  • Michael Crichton: Notably, only books published posthumously in Crichton’s name may have been ghostwritten in his style using detailed notes found after his passing. He didn’t have a ghostwriter while alive.


When authors create literature resulting in a mass of fans, it’s pretty common for them to hire ghostwriters to help with the heavy workload.

Ghostwriting is an accepted routine and, indeed, an essential part of the writing world, with many available writing jobs posted as ghostwriting gigs, perhaps more now than ever. In fact, with good networking and dedication in collaboration, you could find yourself as the ghost behind the next airport bookstore sensation!

Do Famous Authors Use Ghostwriters? - Letter Review (2024)


What popular authors use ghostwriters? ›

Here are some of the more famous business authors who wrote their books with ghostwriters: Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People with Ken Shelton. Jack Welch in Jack: Straight From the Gut, “with John Byrne”

What are 5 negatives about hiring a ghostwriter? ›

8 Reasons Not to Hire a Ghostwriter
  • Hiring a ghostwriter is like hiring a hitman. ...
  • Hiring a ghostwriter may be a waste of time and money. ...
  • A ghostwriter may not capture your voice. ...
  • Start With Your Personal Purpose. ...
  • You will need to closely manage a ghostwriter.

How do you know if an author uses a ghost writer? ›

The most obvious sign is when there are two authors named on the cover or title page. As in: by Very Famous Person with Joe Bloggs. More likely than not, Joe is our ghost. However, if Very Famous Person is alone on the cover, take a look at the acknowledgements inside.

Why would an author use a ghost writer? ›

Ghostwriters help companies and personalities build brand awareness faster. It's simple. Rather than an executive allocating time to publish quality stories once a quarter – or month, if they're lucky – hiring a reputable ghostwriter can speed up the process of getting your brand's story out there.

What is the average cost of a ghostwriter? ›

A good ghostwriter costs between $40,000 to $70,000. Pricing per project depends on the ghostwriter's experience level and the genre of your book. Based on 2021 data from Reedsy, ghostwriters charge upwards of 30 cents a word to write memoirs, while manuscripts for children's fiction can see a rate of 24 cents a word.

Do best selling authors use ghostwriters? ›

Some famous authors do use ghostwriters, yet many don't. Still, this typically isn't public knowledge unless the author shares it. Often, ghostwriters are legally required not to take credit for publications, and well-known authors are unwilling to admit they hire ghostwriters for help.

Are ghost writers acknowledged? ›

Ghostwriters are usually not credited, though some named authors may choose to acknowledge a ghostwriter using “with” or “as told to” on the cover of their publication. Other named authors show appreciation to their ghostwriter on the acknowledgements page.

Is hiring a ghostwriter a good idea? ›

Ghostwriters are typically seasoned freelance writers who are efficient at what they do. If you have great ideas for what you want to go into your book, but think that you lack the time and/or tenacity to actually make that dream a reality, then working with a ghostwriter can be a great way to expedite the process.

Are ghostwriters worth it? ›

Ghostwriting tends to pay better than regular freelancing. After all, having your name attached to your words is valuable for you as a writer. When you have a byline, you can use that piece of work to showcase your talent, build your reputation, and potentially attract new clients.

Who hires ghost writers? ›

Time-strapped business leaders and entrepreneurs. One of the most voracious hirers of ghostwriters are all manner of business executives and entrepreneurs. Business leaders are often subject matter experts (SMEs) who know a lot about their area of knowledge but who are poor communicators.

What percentage does a ghostwriter get? ›

Getting credit as a ghostwriter

Ghosts can get from 8% to 50% of royalties, depending on how negotiations with the author go.

Are ghost writers in demand? ›

Being a ghost writer can be lucrative.

Businesses are willing and able to pay well for high-quality content. Aside from these extraordinary deals, on average, a ghostwriter can make between $10,000 – $50,000+ for a nonfiction book or memoir. For blog posts or articles, ghostwriters can easily earn between $150 – $500+.

Is it ethical to use a ghostwriter? ›

Ghostwriting can constitute serious unethical behavior and could also be a form of plagiarism. It may come as a surprise that ghostwriting can be thought of as a form of plagiarism, but this is how it is defined in dictionaries.

Does a ghostwriter write the entire book? ›

Ghostwriters Are Responsible For All Of the Written Content

Although most ghostwriters will outsource an editor for the final draft, they create the written work in its entirety, from outline to last revision.

Do ghostwriters get royalties? ›

In most cases, ghostwriters do not receive royalties for the books that they are hired to write. Similar to copyright, this will all be set out and agreed upon in a good contract, before any writing begins.

How much should I pay a ghostwriter? ›

You can find good ghostwriters from $25,000 to $40,000, but expect them to either be desperate for a gig or relatively inexperienced. The sweet spot for good ones with credentials is usually within $40,000 to $75,000. The pricing here varies based on 3 factors: The writer's level of expertise.

How long does it take a ghostwriter to write a book? ›

If you can afford a ghostwriter, that means your time is very valuable. It takes a normal author 1,000 to 2,000 hours to write a nonfiction book by himself or herself. Ghostwriters can reduce that time drastically, taking your time commitment down to 10 hours (or even less).

Who are the best selling ghostwriters? ›

Ghostwriter Hillary Liftin has written 13 bestsellers. Writer Joni Rodgers has ghosted more than 30 books. Dan Paisner has ghosted some 50 books including working with Gilbert Gottfried, Denzel Washington, Serena Williams and other luminaries.

What percentage of authors are successful? ›

The top 2% or so of authors make a good living and the most successful authors – including self-published authors – make a tremendous amount of money.” Greenfield's co-author, professor Dana Weinberg, agreed that “The question of money is a tricky one. Publishing a book for sale is a matter of both art and commerce.

Does being an Amazon best selling author mean anything? ›

There's a question I sometimes hear debated in publishing: Is an Amazon best-seller a “real” best-seller? By Amazon best-seller, they mean when your book goes to the top of an Amazon category, and Amazon starts putting a “best-seller” tag on your book.

What is the truth about ghostwriting? ›

A ghostwriter writes content for someone else as that person. In other words, you do the work while the client who hired you takes the credit. That may seem wrong or unethical, but in reality, what you write becomes their property according to the terms of the agreement. It's an honest transaction.

How much do celebrity ghost writers make? ›

A talented ghostwriter can earn ​$4​ to ​$40​ per page or somewhere between ​$50​ to ​$150​ per hour, reports Author Bridge Media. Earning income potential is unlimited, however. Ghostwriters have been known to make ​$500,000​ writing memoirs for the rich and famous.

How do you get credit for ghost writing? ›

Ultimately, the Ghostwriter will not take credit for the work, they just get paid. Unless the author specifies in the agreement that they give credit, this may be through the acknowledgement page, on the cover or copyright page or in the About the Author section.

Who is the most famous ghost writer? ›

The 10 Most Famous Ghostwriters in History.
  1. 1 – Alan Dean Foster. ...
  2. 2 – Peter Lerangis. ...
  3. 3 – H.P. Lovecraft. ...
  4. 4 – Raymond Benson. ...
  5. 5 – Andrew Neiderman. ...
  6. 6 – Ryan Nerz/Daniel Ehrenhaft. ...
  7. 7 – Mark Twain. ...
  8. 8 – Aleister Crowley.
Feb 3, 2022

How do ghost writers get clients? ›

  1. Network with people in your niche. Networking is the first step to finding potential clients for any job, in your freelance writing niche. ...
  2. Browse writing groups, job boards and forums. ...
  3. Ask for referrals from existing clients. ...
  4. Join content writing or marketing agencies.
Aug 17, 2021

Can a ghostwriter be sued? ›

While it's unlikely the people featured in the book would sue you, they could. Anybody can sue anybody for anything. Even if you won, the legal fees alone could bankrupt you.

What rights does a ghost writer have? ›

Typically a ghostwriting agreement lays out who retains the copyright in the work. If you don't have an agreement or contract, the law states that the author or a work owns copyright meaning the writer. The ghostwriter will retain the copyright in the work unless an agreement or contract states otherwise.

Do authors hire ghostwriters? ›

Many celebrities, athletes, and politicians use ghostwriters to pen their books. They neither have the time or experience to write on, and so they partner with a ghostwriter to get their message out there. Even fiction writers use ghostwriters for their books.

What age is ghost writer for? ›

This show's aimed at the 8-12 age group and while early episodes are a bit too serious, they get much more fun the further into it you get.

How hard is ghostwriting? ›

Writing in somebody else's voice can be difficult, and ghostwriters must learn to adapt to other styles and voices. While a writer might use a conversational tone to write blog posts, a more formal style is suitable for academic documents. The same idea applies to ghostwriting for a client.

What are the consequences of ghostwriting? ›

The consequences of ghostwriting are widespread; by undermining the integrity of research, it removes critical data that influences how that data will then be used, whether it be policy decisions or a basis for further research.

What are the main issues involved with ghostwriting? ›

Ghostwriting is deceptive: the author lies to the reader by taking credit for someone else's work. Ghostwriting is lazy: the author bypasses the authentic labor and intellectual sweat equity that is an integral part of creating art.

What should you not say to an author? ›

Ten Things To Never Say To A Writer
  • “You Know, I Wanna Write A Book Someday.” ...
  • “Gosh, I Wish I Had Time To Write.” ...
  • “Hey! ...
  • “You Should Write My Life Story.” ...
  • “I Don't Read.” ...
  • “You Must Be Rich.” ...
  • “Has Your Book Been Made Into A Movie Yet?” ...
  • “Will You Read My Novel?”
Sep 16, 2014

Who are the top ghost writers? ›

The 10 Most Famous Ghostwriters in History.
  1. 1 – Alan Dean Foster. ...
  2. 2 – Peter Lerangis. ...
  3. 3 – H.P. Lovecraft. ...
  4. 4 – Raymond Benson. ...
  5. 5 – Andrew Neiderman. ...
  6. 6 – Ryan Nerz/Daniel Ehrenhaft. ...
  7. 7 – Mark Twain. ...
  8. 8 – Aleister Crowley.
Feb 3, 2022

Does Stephen King use ghostwriters? ›

No. He has written some of his books under the pen name of Richard Bachman. He dosen't need to write by ghost writers. He is an expert on writing.

Do ghost writers ever get credit? ›

A ghostwriter is not credited as an author (notice the lack of “author” in the title)—but more than that, she or he is a “ghost” as far as credit goes. Essentially, a ghostwriter does not normally receive any credit for your book because when you hire a ghostwriter, the published book is yours alone.

Did Matthew McConaughey use a ghost writer? ›

McConaughey didn't use a ghostwriter which is not hard to believe when you remember he's been writing a version of his own life story in his journals since he was a teenager. He is good at telling stories so it's well-written, but it's not carefully constructed in the conventional way.

Do ghost writers get royalties? ›

In most cases, ghostwriters do not receive royalties for the books that they are hired to write. Similar to copyright, this will all be set out and agreed upon in a good contract, before any writing begins.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.