Dressing for Success: How To Dress Like The Trustworthy Person That You Are With This More Relaxed Office Wear Norm. (2024)

Over the years, the concept of dressing for success has changed dramatically. Gone are the days when black and white and neutral-colored ensembles made up the sole idea of dressing professionally.

As we progressed, the concept of dressing for success has become so varied that the once so reliable rules no longer spell gospel truth. This is especially true for creative industries.

This fresh freedom on dress code has provided a new horizon for comfort and expression. However, the relaxed rules also left some people clueless in the dust.

The rules and dressing might have changed, but people’s perceptions remained the same. People still use visuals to gauge people and choose who they entrust their business to. Even in the office, colleagues’ perception still is affected by how someone carries himself or herself.

Needless to say, the visual beings that humans are, dressing for success still holds water.

So while a hoodie is still not the best choice, office wear is not as uptight as it was before.

Here are a few tips you can use to dress like the responsible and trustworthy professional that you are with this current and more relaxed office wear norm:

Appropriate fit

To earn someone's trust from the first impression, you have to show that you care about what others think. Go get the right work shirt; not two sizes bigger or smaller. This display of attention to detail and self-care shows people that you care and that you have your life together.

Color Palette

A little pop of color is no longer frowned upon. While neutral colors are still the easy go-to, you may opt for more colorful ensembles just as long as you make sure the colors go together. Try to check out the color wheel for color combinations.

Usually, having 1 to 3 colors in your outfit is a good number to follow. Also, try to do away from colors that bring in too much attention i.e. neon colors. Just think that forest green would be a better choice than bright green.

Comfort and Mobility

You’d be surprised how subconsciously our mood and mindset are affected by our comfort and ease of movement. Consequently, a more positive outlook would most likely result in higher productivity. Maybe you’d like to get one of those sensible work shoes or even one of those dress shoes with rubber soles. They look like regular work shoes but much more comfortable. Dressing for success while being comfortable is possible.


Having a pleasant personal scent always sets a good impression. Just make sure that you bank on subtlety so as to not attack people’s nostrils and invade everyone's personal space. Investing in quality perfume is sure to lift your mood and complete your brand.

Attention to Detail and Quality

Whether we admit it or not, we trust people who look like success simply because we want people we admire and look up to handle our business. A well-fitting outfit of good quality is sure to earn you their confidence.

It doesn't have to be expensive and name brand. Investing in quality office wear would mean comfort for you. You’d also be able to use the garment for a longer time which means you get to maximize your purchase.


They say good footwear can take you places. The same is true in the real-life corporate world. A well-kept and quality pair shoes are sure to complete your professional outfit. You earn confidence points by wearing good quality and sensible shoes

Personal Hygiene

This may often go unnoticed when practiced religiously, however, when the ignored, this is a glaring, often unforgivable flaw. This would gravely affect people’s perceptions and opinions of you.


You only have to make sure that your hair is clean. Any hairstyle will do as long as it shows that a little effort was exerted to make it organized and presentable.

At the end of the day, dressing for success boils down to self-care, respect for other people’s personal space and attention to detail. Simply, dressing for success is showing people that you have your life and self under control.

You want to demonstrate that you have your business under control. And, consequently, show that you are ready to take care of theirs.

So think about it, Not only will you feel better, the next few minutes you spend minding little details might just earn you your next big success.

Sharon Kaibelis a productivity and performance specialist. Contact Sharon to learn more about The Advantage program, 30 Days to Done, and 52 Wins. Sharon is a keynote speaker, trainer, and business coach, and can help you and your organisation to get more done. Join her Closed Facebook Group, the#ACHIEVERNETWORKfor the community, resources and trainings to become an extraordinary achiever.

Dressing for Success: How To Dress Like The Trustworthy Person That You Are With This More Relaxed Office Wear Norm. (2024)
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