Due diligence: a major boost for workers' rights in company supply chains - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (2024)

  • UE : Les lobbies économiques et industriels se mobilisent contre la directive sur le devoir de vigilance
    20 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: français

  • EU: Parliament Legal Affairs Committee approves due diligence directive
    19 Mar 2024
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    MEPs on the Legal Affairs Committee adopted with 20 votes for, 4 against and no abstentions new “due diligence” rules

  • Debunking seven myths on the CSDDD
    18 Mar 2024
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    In this briefing, ECCJ, CAN Europe, Reclaim Finance, Frank Bold, ECCHR and ClientEarth address some of the main myths around the CSDDD and lay out the importance of this law in finally holding European corporations accountable.

  • Text of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive after modifications in Council
    18 Mar 2024
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    New text (March 2024)

  • CSDDD: analysis for business practitioners
    18 Mar 2024
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    Podcast by the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights

  • Summary of the CSDDD text as approved by the EU Council
    18 Mar 2024
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    By Doug Cassel, Emeritus Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School, USA

  • France Industrie vent debout contre la directive européenne sur le « devoir de vigilance »
    17 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: français

  • Sustainable value chains: EU Council finds agreement on a common EU standard despite bitter concessions
    15 Mar 2024
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    Commentary by Frank Bold

  • Devoir de vigilance européen : les États membres adoptent un texte ressuscité grâce à la mobilisation, mais affaibli par les lobbies
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: français

  • EU sorgt für den Fortschritt, den die Bundesregierung schuldig geblieben ist
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU: New European business human rights law passes crucial vote
    15 Mar 2024
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    Statement by Amnesty International

  • ECCJ reaction: CSDDD endorsem*nt brings us 0.05% closer to corporate justice
    15 Mar 2024
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    Reaction by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)

  • Trotz deutscher Enthaltung: EU-Staaten stimmen für stark abgeschwächtes Lieferkettengesetz
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU due diligence directive: Member states reach political agreement
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Statement by FIDH

  • Politique de l'UE. Compromis de l’UE sur le devoir de vigilance des entreprises
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: français

  • Due diligence: a major boost for workers' rights in company supply chains
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Statement by ETUC

  • EU: Endorsem*nt of Forced Labour Regulation reduces room for political resistance against CSDDD given complementarity
    15 Mar 2024
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    The preliminary endorsem*nt by member states of the Forced Labour Regulation ramps up pressure on wavering countries to also endorse CSDDD on Friday, reducing the political room to justify continued resistance to the law.

  • EU Council endorses corporate accountability law after years of negotiations and delays
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Commentary by Friends of the Earth Europe

  • EU-Rat stimmt Lieferkettengesetz zu
    15 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • 120+ BHR lawyers and practitioners call for support for the Belgian compromise on the CSDDD
    14 Mar 2024
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    Statement signed by 120+ BHR lawyers & practitioners

  • Date:
    14 Mar 2024
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    In March 2024, over 50 representatives from businesses including Ferrero, Mondelez Italia and Mars, associations and NGOs, urged the Italian Government to support the CSDDD ahead of another - and potentially the last - chance to secure EU Council endorsem*nt. This statement joins a chorus of voices from across large and small businesses, associations, academia, and civil society in support of the CSDDD.

  • Peru, Ivory Coast and Ukraine business organisations call for EU CSDDD deal
    11 Mar 2024
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    Failure to agree an ambitious EU Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive will lead to greater fragmentation of corporate accountability legislation, fail to protect lives and the environment, and make life harder for companies and investors

  • EU negotiators arm CSDDD text against last-minute political push
    11 Mar 2024
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    EU negotiators went back to the drawing board over the weekend to bulletproof the text of the bloc’s corporate due diligence law (CSDDD) in the hope of securing a final deal by Friday (15 March) at the latest, Euractiv understands.

  • Commentary: Business deserves clarity on human rights responsibilities
    10 Mar 2024
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    The delay in approving a new EU directive does a disservice to companies that need legal certainty, says chair of the UN working group on business and human rights Robert McCorquodale

  • EU: Belgian presidency seeks compromise on due diligence law
    7 Mar 2024
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    A new draft circulated to Member States seeks to rescue landmark sustainability legislation as elections loom.

  • Ukrainian civil society calls on EU to promote more resilient and responsible business conduct, incl. through CSDDD
    6 Mar 2024
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    The statement is supported by more than 60 civil society organisations in Ukraine, scholars, human rights and environment defenders.

  • Commentary: Why killing the CSDDD will create a mismatched patchwork of national due diligence laws
    6 Mar 2024
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    Due diligence legislation exists in some EU Member States and will continue.

  • Civil Society Letter in Support of EU CSDDD to European Embassies
    5 Mar 2024
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    Ahead of the European Union vote on whether to adopt the Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), ICAR, joined by 69 other partner organizations around the world, sent the following letter urging European countries to vote in favor of a strong due diligence directive.

  • EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen fordern Rettungsversuch des Kanzlers
    4 Mar 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Uganda: CSOs says failure by EU members to agree on CSDDD jeopardises a future where corporations respect human and environmental rights
    4 Mar 2024
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    The Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability (UCCA) released a statement to express their disappointment over the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union (COREPER) failure to reach a final agreement on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D).

  • Political volte-face hits EU supply chain law amid unwavering Belgian ambition
    29 Feb 2024
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    Belgian officials have started to test the waters for a speedy legislative solution to save the draft EU corporate due diligence law by mid-March

  • EU: Over 130 organisations sharply criticise failure of member states to endorse CSDDD despite overwhelming support; negotiations to continue
    28 Feb 2024
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    The joint civil society statement highlights the vital nature of the EU sustainability legislation - necessary and overdue to trigger the change in business conduct - and the need to maintain collective pressure to avoid compromising key principles in subsequent decisions.

  • EU: Fehlende Mehrheit im Rat Rückschlag für EU-Lieferkettengesetz; Verhandlungen gehen weiter
    28 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU Council Fails to Approve New Environmental, Human Rights Sustainability Due Diligence Law
    28 Feb 2024
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    While an attempt was made to approve the directive in Council today, these efforts were reportedly derailed further by a last minute effort by France to significantly scale back the scope of the new rules to apply only to companies with more than 5,000 employees, instead of the proposed 500 employee threshold.

  • Aktuelle Umfrage: Mehrheit der Deutschen und der FDP-Wähler*innen für EU-Lieferkettengesetz
    28 Feb 2024
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  • EU: Over 50 Brazilian civil society organisations urge German chancellor to vote for the CSDDD
    28 Feb 2024
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    Letter from Brazilian civil society organizations and trade unions to Germany regarding the vote on the CSDDD

  • France strikes again to undermine the CSDDD
    28 Feb 2024
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    At the last minute, France made an impossible demand of the negotiators, calling into question the compromise agreement reached after several years of hard work by the Member States, the European Parliament, and the Commission, says ECCJ

  • Businesses make urgent call for support for EU due diligence law ahead of Council vote
    27 Feb 2024
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    In a joint statement, 26 companies and networks urgently call on the German Chancellor to agree to the political agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). ALDI SÜD, Bayer, Primark, FRoSTA, KiK, Mars, Tchibo, VAUDE, Ritter Sport and the Global Network Initiative are among those affirming business support for the text agreed in December 2023.

  • Date:
    27 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Overview of business voice in support of mandatory due diligence, notably the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), in February and March 2024

  • Commentary: For Ukraine's sake, pass the EU due diligence directive
    27 Feb 2024
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    The CSDDD is a world-leading initiative to put internationally agreed standards of corporate behaviour from the UN and OECD into law, write MEP Heidi Hautala and BHR experts Olena Uvarova and Ihor Konopka.

  • Common rules for the common market – the CSDDD is needed for businesses and human rights
    27 Feb 2024
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    In a blog post, a group of BHR scholars and practitioners explain why the CSDDD is needed for businesses and human rights and address some of the most common misconceptions about the text.

  • Date:
    27 Feb 2024
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    Non-exhaustive examples showing how questions of effectiveness, supply network/value chain complexity, and feasibility for companies have been addressed by the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

  • EU: President of the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine welcomes Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    27 Feb 2024
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    "It is precisely in times of political crisis and economic challenges that defending the universal rights and fundamental values that unite us can strengthen the foundation for a brighter future", the statement says.

  • Europäisches Lieferkettengesetz: Grüne fordern Machtwort des Bundeskanzlers
    23 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU: UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders calls on Italy to support CSDDD
    22 Feb 2024
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    The rapporteur wrote a letter to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to express her serious concern at reports Italy may block the EU’s proposed new rules on human rights and environmental due diligence for companies. She called on the Italian Government to fully support the proposed Directive.

  • Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen fordert EU-Mitgliedstaaten auf, Lieferkettenrichtlinie anzunehmen
    22 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Joint statement by OHCHR, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    20 Feb 2024
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    The adoption of the Directive would represent a significant advance in the global efforts to respect, protect, and fulfill children’s rights and human rights, support gender equality and address environmental challenges, as well as boost efforts to create a level playing field for businesses, the statement says.

  • Date:
    19 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Businesses (including Ferrero) as well as other stakeholders call on the Italian Government to support the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

  • Beschluss des SPD-Parteivorstandes: Keine Blockade von Menschenrechten und Umweltschutz - Deutsche Zustimmung zum Lieferkettengesetz!
    19 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU partners lose trust in Berlin after policy U-turns
    16 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Lawmakers and diplomats in Brussels express frustration at Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s unpredictable coalition

  • WBCSD Public Statement in support of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
    15 Feb 2024
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    WBCSD brings together over 225 of the world’s largest, most forward-thinking companies working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.

  • UN Special Rapporteur on environmental defenders under the Aarhus Convention: Statement in support of the adoption of the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
    15 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Statement by Michel Forst

  • UN wendet sich mit Brandbrief an Scholz
    15 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Date:
    15 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Non-exhaustive examples on protections and opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) Trilogue compromise agreement

  • EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Nobelpreisträger appelliert an Scholz
    15 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Open letter to Chancellor Scholz on CSDDD support
    14 Feb 2024
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    Signed by the European Trade Union Confederation with its 93 national trade union organizations and 10 European trade union federations

  • UN Human Rights Chief urges EU leaders to approve key business and human rights legislation
    13 Feb 2024
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    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on Tuesday urged EU leaders to approve a ground-breaking agreement on business and human rights, amid reports that support for the measure may now be in question in the European Council.

  • Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: "Jetzt FDP-Lügen entlarven und Lieferkettengesetz zustimmen!"
    13 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Österreich: SPÖ macht beim Lieferkettengesetz Druck auf Kocher
    13 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • The UN Global Compact reiterates its support for efforts toward mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence worldwide
    13 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    In the context of ongoing regulatory developments and the expected vote on the European Union Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, the UN Global Compact reiterates its support for mandatory human rights due diligence.

  • EU: Brot für die Welt kritisiert Österreichs Blockade des Lieferkettengesetzes
    13 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU member states must deliver the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    13 Feb 2024
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    This week, the Council of the European Union can be a game changer, by adopting the compromise text resulting from political trialogue negotiations last December on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). CIDSE and COMECE urge the EU Member States to support the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

  • Brüssel: Staatssekretär spricht sich für EU-Lieferkettengesetz aus
    12 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Irritation über "Geheimdiplomatie" der FDP
    9 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Entscheidung zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz vertagt – Scholz muss bei Menschenrechten jetzt Farbe bekennen
    9 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Doctoral Researchers’ Call to Support the CSDDD
    9 Feb 2024
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    18 doctoral researchers from the International Doctorate Programme on Business and Human Rights at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany urge all EU member state governments to vote in favor of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

  • German-Italian revolt delays EU’s due diligence law
    9 Feb 2024
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    The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) has been taken off the agenda of Friday’s meeting of EU ambassadors, as it was not expected to reach a majority among EU countries.

  • EU delays due diligence law decision
    9 Feb 2024
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    European Union countries on Friday postponed a decision on a proposed law which would require large companies to check if their supply chains use forced labour or cause environmental damage after Germany indicated it would abstain.

  • Interview: Sinnloser Streit ums Lieferkettengesetz? „Es wird so oder so Standard werden“
    9 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung: Enthaltung beim EU-Lieferkettengesetz könnte deutscher Wirtschaft schaden
    8 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • WWF: Unexpected last round for corporate due diligence law tests EU's credibility
    8 Feb 2024
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    The crucial meeting on 9 February will determine whether the EU can secure a law that benefits companies, markets, affected communities, and the environment alike.

  • Aufruf deutscher Kinderrechtsorganisationen zum Lieferkettengesetz: Große Chance für Kinderrechte ist durch Enthaltung der Bundesregierung gefährdet
    8 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Grüne und FDP heben Streit um EU-Richtlinie auf nächste Stufe
    8 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Nordic businesses call on their governments to support the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    8 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    70 companies and networks, including Nokia, Novo Nordisk, Ørsted, Vattenfall and Bestseller, call on their governments to vote in favour of the initiative at the upcoming Council meeting.

  • EU: Germany's Free Democratic Party takes aim at due diligence directive
    8 Feb 2024
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    The Free Democratic Party is blocking a major EU business policy initiative at the last minute. Germany’s abstention reflects the earlier reluctance of its coalition partners to push back harder against efforts by the liberals to kill the law.

  • Bischöfe appellieren an österreichische Politik für "Ja" zum Lieferkettengesetz
    7 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU: Germany’s failure to support new EU business legislation undermines human rights
    7 Feb 2024
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    Ahead of a crucial vote on Friday on new landmark European Union business legislation that would help safeguard human rights, which the German government is now threatening to withdraw its earlier support for, Amnesty International calls for all member states to approve this legislation.

  • EU: Business coalition calls due diligence directive "historic opportunity" and urges governments to support directive
    7 Feb 2024
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    Gathered within the Business for a Better Tomorrow coalition, large, medium-sized, and small businesses, argue undermining the compromise would be a strategic mistake for the European economy and would create legal uncertainty.

  • Präsident des Bundesamtes für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle würde EU-Lieferkettengesetz begrüßen
    7 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Date:
    7 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Press statement by Swedwatch, Naturskyddsföreningen, Fairtrade Sverige ForumCiv and Oxfam Sverige

  • EU: European Coalition for Corporate Justice urges the Council to approve the CSDDD
    7 Feb 2024
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    As the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) nears a crucial juncture in its legislative and political journey, recent developments in Germany have intensified the debate surrounding this EU milestone in holding corporations accountable.

  • Statement by the United Nations Working Group encourages European Union Member States to adopt the draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    7 Feb 2024
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    The United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights urges all EU Member States to agree to this draft Directive for four reasons

  • The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is About to Face a Critical Vote
    7 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Statement by the Responsible Business Alliance

  • Date:
    7 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Ahead of the EU Council’s vote on the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), over 300 business and human rights practitioners joined a call to support the CSDDD.

  • EU-Lieferkettengesetz: Misereor rügt Regierung
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • amfori statement in support of adoption of the CSDDD
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    amfori calls on EU policymakers to endorse the political agreement

  • Unternehmen sprechen sich für ein starkes EU-Lieferkettengesetz aus
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU-Lieferkettengesetz und die Wirtschaft: Reguliert uns!
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Germany abstaining on corporate sustainability legislation would knowingly fail people and our planet
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Press comment by the Environmental Justice Foundation

  • EU: European Brands Association urges member states to support due diligence directive
    6 Feb 2024
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    AIM, which represents manufacturers of branded consumer goods in Europe, urges EU member states to support Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive compromise agreement.

  • WWF: Kanzler Scholz muss Führungsversprechen mit Blick auf Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz einlösen
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: UNI Global Union calls on governments to not backslide on human rights commitments
    6 Feb 2024
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    As the vote on the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) approaches this Friday, UNI Global Union is calling on governments to support this legislation, which is key to embedding human rights across companies’ operations and value chains as well as across economies.

  • Pressemitteilung der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: Deutsche Enthaltung zu EU-Lieferkettengesetz ist ein Armutszeugnis für Demokratie und Menschenrechtsschutz
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU: Germany will abstain from EU supply chain law vote, according to German labour minister
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Germany will abstain from the vote after the co-ruling Free Democrats had rejected his proposals to approve the law, minister Hubertus Heil said.

  • The German Institute for Human Rights: EU-Member states should agree to EU Due Diligence Directive
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    The German Institute for Human Rights urges the German Government and all other EU member states to vote in favour of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in the final vote on 9 February.

  • Joint letter from investor networks reiterating support for CSDDD
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    On February 6, 2024, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Eurosif - the European Sustainable Investment Forum, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), and the Investor Alliance for Human Rights (IAHR) released a statement reiterating their support for the agreement reached between the Council and European Parliament on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

  • FIBS statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    6 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Statement of Finnish Business and Society (FIBS)

  • Ja zu Lieferkettengesetz für Glaubwürdigkeit der EU-Staaten essenziell
    5 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Über 40 Wissenschaftler*innen rufen zur Annahme der CSDDD durch den EU-Rat auf
    5 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • SPD-Grundwertekommission: Deutschland sollte dem EU-Lieferkettengesetz auch entgegen der FDP-Position zustimmen
    5 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Pakistani trade unionists take stock: The Supply Chain Act protects workers and trade unions on the ground!
    5 Feb 2024
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    According to the trade unionists Nasir Mansoor and Zehra Khan, even if there are some areas that need to be improved, the German Supply Chain Act is already having a positive impact and is protecting human rights on the ground - as are those companies that are willing to address human rights in their supply chains.

  • Brot für die Welt fordert Scholz auf, Richtlinienkompetenz zu nutzen und EU-Lieferkettengesetz zuzustimmen
    3 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Pressestatement der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: FDP-Sabotage des EU-Lieferkettengesetzes ist Affront gegen Betroffene von Menschenrechtsverletzungen
    1 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • SPD fordert FDP zu Ja zu EU-Lieferkettengesetz auf
    1 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Date:
    1 Feb 2024
    Content Type:

    Statement by legal professionals from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and Portugal who work together to develop European Model Clauses (EMC) in the framework of the future European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

  • Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte: Bundesregierung sollte der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie zustimmen
    31 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • EU due diligence law: Companies want rules
    28 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    The FDP wants to prevent the EU supply chain law. Yet many companies are in favour of a strong law.

  • Fünf Mythen und Fakten zur EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie
    27 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Commentary: Germany throws a spanner in works of the EU supply chain law
    26 Jan 2024
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    Chancellor Scholz needs to rule on the matter and decide that his government supports the law, despite resistance from the FDP, writes Juliane Kippenberg from Human Rights Watch.

  • Österreich: Justizministerin Zadic bekräftigt ihre Zustimmung zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz
    26 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Studie: Mehrheit der Unternehmen begrüßt das EU-Lieferkettengesetz
    26 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Date:
    24 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • FDP-Präsidium will EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie verhindern
    16 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Pressemitteilung der Initiative Lieferkettengesetz: Kehrtwende der FDP beim EU-Lieferkettengesetz setzt Glaubwürdigkeit Deutschlands aufs Spiel
    15 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Promising yet flawed: EU Law on corporate sustainability faces key challenges
    10 Jan 2024
    Content Type:

    Commentary by the Danish Institute for Human Rights

  • The CS3D: a milestone for supply chain responsibility
    10 Jan 2024
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    Commentary by MEP Axel Voss

  • Stronger winds of change: Landmark EU agreement big step towards ending corporate abuse
    21 Dec 2023
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    Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, and Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, BHRRC, reflect on the massive leap forward made by the EU last week, with its ground-breaking political deal to better tackle human rights abuses and environmental harms caused by business. Globally, this is the first attempt to enshrine the international standards set by the UN and the OECD in laws across a major economic bloc, and with legal liability and administrative penalties for companies that do not comply.

  • Politische Einigung über EU-Gesetz zur Unternehmensverantwortung ein Schritt nach vorn
    18 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • BHRRC comments on CSDDD agreement: Landmark shift towards human rights and environmental protections in business set by EU despite serious omissions
    15 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Commentary from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

  • EU: Agreement on new EU legislation governing big business is an important step but fails to fully advance human rights
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Press release by Amnesty

  • Devoir de vigilance : un accord trouvé au niveau européen, fortement affaibli par le lobbying des multinationales
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Available languages: français

  • Shift welcomes substantial alignment of the political agreement on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive with the UNGPs
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Statement by Shift

  • CSDDD political deal: A pivotal step but a missed opportunity to embrace transformative change
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Press release by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice

  • Devoir de vigilance des entreprises : le Parlement européen et les États membres parviennent à un accord
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Available languages: français

  • Breakthrough in EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) Negotiations
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Commentary by SOMO

  • Landmark due diligence legislation agreed in the EU
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Commentary by Anti-Slavery International

  • Due diligence deal will help end corporate exploitation
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Statement by European Trade Union Confederation

  • Agreement reached on EU due diligence law
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Statement by Swedwatch

  • EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: landmark step forward but proof of need for greater policy coherence
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Statement by OECD Watch

  • Politische Einigung auf EU-Lieferkettengesetz
    14 Dec 2023
    Content Type:

    Available languages: Deutsch

  • Einigung im Trilog: Meilenstein auf dem Weg zum EU-Lieferkettengesetz
    14 Dec 2023
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    Due diligence: a major boost for workers' rights in company supply chains - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (2024)


    What is human rights due diligence in supply chains? ›

    What is human rights due diligence with reference to workers' rights? Human rights due diligence involves the actions taken by a company to both identify and act upon actual and potential human rights risks for workers in its operations, supply chains and the services it uses.

    What is the human rights due diligence process? ›

    The three basic functions of due diligence are: (i) identifying actual or potential human rights impacts; (ii) preventing and mitigating those impacts; and (iii) accounting for impacts and the responses to them.

    Why is it important to include labor and human rights in supply management? ›

    If a violation of human rights is found in the company or even the supply chain, the financial and reputational damage can be devastating. Companies must comply with expanding regulations that include a range of enforceable local and international laws if human rights issues are uncovered.

    Is due diligence mandatory? ›

    The current wave of laws in this space are mandatory due diligence laws. These laws require disclosures, and also require companies to conduct due diligence of their global operations to identify, mitigate and prevent human rights risks.

    What are the 4 steps of human rights due diligence? ›

    However, the key elements of human rights due diligence—assessing, integrating and acting, tracking, and communicating—when taken together with remediation processes, provide the management of any enterprise with the framework it needs in order to know and show that it is respecting human rights in practice. Q 27.

    What is the due diligence act in supply chains? ›

    The Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Gesetz über die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflichten in Lieferketten) came into force on 1 January 2023. The law regulates the responsibility of German enterprises to respect human rights in global supply chains.

    What are the 3 examples of due diligence? ›

    Other examples of hard due diligence activities include: Reviewing and auditing financial statements. Scrutinizing projections for future performance. Analyzing the consumer market.

    What are the 3 principles of due diligence? ›

    Below, we take a closer look at the three elements that comprise human rights due diligence – identify and assess, prevent and mitigate and account –, quoting from the Guiding Principles.

    What is the meaning of due diligence rights? ›

    Due diligence is the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with another party or an act with a certain standard of care.

    What is one of the biggest ethical risks in supply chain management? ›

    One of the biggest ethical risks in supply chain management is that the supply chain member tends to be the one that suffers the blame and/or lost goodwill when something goes wrong.

    What are the human rights violations in the global supply chain? ›

    The research results make clear that ending child labour, forced labour and human trafficking will not be possible without addressing these human rights violations in global supply chains. Amongst those in child labour, the percentage in work linked to global supply chains is far from negligible in any region.

    How ethical is your supply chain? ›

    An ethical supply chain of an organization monitors its end-to-end workflow by staying true to its corporate responsibility goals, sustainable manufacturing process, human rights, and environmental-first practices and applying fair-trade policies across its factions.

    What is the main purpose of due diligence? ›

    Due diligence serves as a critical investigation tool employed by businesses and individuals before entering into an agreement or a transaction with another party. The primary objective of this process is to minimise potential risks and maximise the assurance of making an informed decision.

    What is the due diligence process for human rights? ›

    It includes four key steps: assessing actual and potential human rights impacts; integrating and acting on the findings; tracking responses; and communicating about how impacts are addressed.

    Who needs due diligence? ›

    While a due diligence check is needed for all companies and organizations if they engage in company mergers or acquire stakes, property, real estate, investment, investors or insurance transactions in other companies, or If they work with business partners, especially in an international context.

    What is due diligence in supply chain management? ›

    Supply chain due diligence is an ongoing, proactive and reactive process through which companies monitor and administer their purchases and sales with a view to ensuring that they do not contribute to conflict or related adverse impacts.

    What is human due diligence? ›

    What is HR due diligence? HR due diligence is the process by which an acquiring company analyzes the human capital within a company as well as all of its procedures and policies surrounding the human capital of the company.

    What are human rights risks in supply chains? ›

    Human rights risks in supply chains are potential adverse impacts on people affected by the activities within those supply chains.

    What is human rights due diligence in the United States? ›

    On March 30, 2023, the Administration released a Code of Conduct, a voluntary, non-binding document that outlines the commitments by subscribing states (including the United States) to take “human rights into account when reviewing potential exports of dual-use goods, software, and technologies that could be misused ...

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    Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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    Name: Maia Crooks Jr

    Birthday: 1997-09-21

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    Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

    Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.