Earth’s Best Organic Lawsuit | Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food (2024)

Brief Summary: In 2021, a Congressional subcommittee report found dangerously high amounts of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in Earth’s Best Organic baby food, and products from several other brands. According to the U.S. government, Hain Celestial, which manufactures products under the Earth’s Best Organic brand, knowingly sells baby foods loaded with toxic heavy metals linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Other brands have issued baby food recalls over heavy metals. As of this writing, however, there has not been an Earth’s Best Organic recall over heavy metals.

What We Are Saying: “The scientific literature is clear: numerous studies have found statistically significant links between exposure to heavy metals among young children and neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASD and ADHD. Our lawsuit alleges that Hain knows that the high levels of heavy metals in Earth’s Best Organic baby foods are harmful to babies and infants, in particular. Despite knowing about the dangers, the company continues to bury its head in the sand, refusing to take responsibility for harming children. We intend to hold them accountable for their reprehensible conduct and ensure they are punished for permanently damaging the wellbeing of our clients.” – Baby Food Lawyer Pedram Esfandiary

What You Can Do: Parents from across the country are making the decision to file an Earth’s Best Organic lawsuit to hold the manufacturer accountable for harming their child. If your son or daughter was diagnosed with autism or ADHD after consuming Hain Celestial baby food, you may be eligible to join an Earth’s Best Organic lawsuit to recover damages, including expensive therapies, loss of income, and other compensation. The baby food lawyers at Baum Hedlund have a case pending in California alleging Hain Celestial and several other companies knowingly sell products with dangerously high levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Learn more below.

Earth’s Best Organic Baby Food Lawsuit Information

Who Owns Earth’s Best Organic?

Is Earth’s Best Organic Baby Food Safe?

Is Earth’s Best Organic Formula Safe?

Why are Heavy Metals Bad?

Why Are Heavy Metals in Earth’s Best Baby Food?

Which Hain Celestial Baby Foods Have Heavy Metals?

Is There an Earth’s Best Organic Recall?

Do I Qualify for an Earth’s Best Lawsuit Against Hain?

What is My Earth’s Best Organic Lawsuit Worth?

How Do I Pick the Best Baby Food Lawyer for My Case?

Who Owns Earth’s Best Organic?

Hain Celestial Group, Inc. owns and sells baby food products under the Earth’s Best Organic brand. Brothers Ron Koss and Arnie Koss founded Earth’s Best Organic, one of the country’s first organic food companies, in 1985. Hain Celestial purchased Earth’s Best in 2000. Today, the company offers numerous food options, including Earth’s Best baby formula, baby food purees, pouches, and toddler foods ranging from organic infant cereal to organic snacks for toddlers and kids on the go.

Is Earth’s Best Baby Food Safe?

No. Earth’s Best Organic baby foods contain dangerous amounts of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury, according to a government report.

The U.S. House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, Committee on Oversight and Reform, published a report in February of 2021. Hain, the maker of Earth’s Best Organic formulas and baby foods, was one of only four brands to cooperate with the Subcommittee by submitting heavy metals testing results and internal policies.

The report, titled “Baby Foods Are Tainted with Dangerous Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury,” found arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury present in “significant levels” in numerous commercial baby food products, including Earth’s Best baby foods.

Per the report, Hain Celestial and other major baby food companies “knowingly” sell purees, infant rice cereal, and snack puffs that contain dangerous amounts of toxic metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury.

Hain told government officials involved in the baby food report that the company only tests its ingredients, not finished baby food products. Nevertheless, documents show that Earth’s Best Organic ingredients tested at exceedingly high levels of:

Arsenic: Hain used ingredients that tested as high as 309 parts per billion (ppb) arsenic.

Lead: Hain used ingredients containing as much as 352 ppb lead. A total of 88 Earth’s Best Organic products tested over 20 ppb lead and six tested over 200 ppb lead.

Cadmium: Hain used 102 ingredients in its Earth’s Best Organic baby food products that tested over 20 ppb cadmium. Some tested much higher, up to 260 ppb cadmium.

Mercury: Hain does not even test for mercury in baby food. Independent testing from Happy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF) found Earth’s Best Organic baby foods contain as much as 2.4 ppb of mercury.

These levels are far more than the allowable limits for drinking water set by U.S. regulatory agencies. The U.S. FDA allowable limits for bottled water are 10 ppb inorganic arsenic, 5 ppb lead, and 5 ppb cadmium. The U.S. EPA allows 2 ppb mercury in drinking water.

It is important to remember that these limits were created in reference to adult exposure, not infants. Compared to these thresholds, the test results of Earth’s Best Organic baby foods are staggeringly greater than the permittable levels for drinking water.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the government baby food report is that Hain set internal limits for the presence of heavy metals that were dangerously high, and then routinely failed to abide by their own inadequate standards. For example, according to the government report, Hain set an internal standard of 200 ppb for arsenic, lead, and cadmium in some of its ingredients. Nevertheless, Hain routinely exceeded its internal policies, using ingredients containing 309 ppb arsenic and 353 ppb lead. Hain justified these deviations based on “theoretical calculations,” even after admitting to FDA that its testing underestimated final product toxic heavy metal levels.

The Subcommittee reported that Hain underestimates toxic heavy metal levels in Earth’s Best Organic baby foods 100% of the time. Additionally, the Subcommittee found that actual finished-product testing showed that arsenic levels were between 28% and 93% higher in the finished Earth’s Best products than Hain’s estimations for arsenic levels based on ingredient testing. Read more about baby foods to avoid in our blog.

“Hain’s recklessness and callous disregard for the health of young children is truly staggering. The company could have and should have made it a priority to source safer ingredients and carefully screen their products to ensure that kids are safe from harmful toxic metals. They instead decided that profit was more important. .” – Baby Food Lawyer Pedram Esfandiary

Is Earth’s Best Organic Formula Safe?

The government baby food report from 2021 did not implicate Earth’s Best formula products for high amounts of heavy metals. According to testing conducted by Happy Babies Bright Futures, the Earth’s Best Organic Sensitivity – DHR/ARA Infant Formula (Organic Milk-Based Powder with Iron) showed measurable heavy metal content (4.4 ppb arsenic, 1.6 ppb lead, 1.4 ppb cadmium, and .2 ppb mercury) . The levels of heavy metals found in the Earth’s Best Organic formula were within the allowable levels for bottled water.

Why are Heavy Metals Bad?

Babies and toddlers are small, so they absorb more heavy metals when compared to adults. Also, because their organs are still developing, their risk from exposure to heavy metals is exacerbated.

Children who are exposed to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead run the risk of suffering from permanent decreases in IQ and decreases in future economic productivity. Heavy metals exposure at a young age can also lead to increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior.

Linda McCauley, who serves as the Dean of the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University, notes that “[n]o level of exposure to these metals has been shown to be safe in vulnerable infants.”

According to a 2014 study, babies and toddlers are “exceptionally sensitive to injury caused by toxic chemicals, and several developmental processes have been shown to be highly vulnerable to chemical toxicity.” The same study reported that exposure to heavy metals in early childhood can lead to “untreatable and frequently permanent” brain damage, which may result in “reduced intelligence, as expressed in terms of lost IQ points, or disruption in behavior.”

Another study estimates that exposure to toxic metals is associated with over 40 million total IQ points loss in 25.5 million children, which translates to roughly 1.57 lost IQ points per child, more than preterm birth, brain tumors, and traumatic brain injury combined. It is estimated that a child’s lifetime earning capacity decreases by $18,000 for every IQ point lost.

In our baby food lawsuit against Earth’s Best Organic manufacturer Hain Celestial and other companies, we have four expert witnesses that prepared reports detailing the dangers of heavy metals for babies and infants. You can read the expert reports below:

  • Dr. Michael Aschner
  • Dr. Hannah Gardener
  • Dr. Beate Ritz
  • Dr. Kevin Shapiro

Why are Heavy Metals in Earth’s Best Baby Food?

Manufacturers use questionable ingredients sourcing practices. Since the baby food report came out in 2021, baby food manufacturers have said repeatedly that heavy metals in baby foods are a byproduct of the manufacturing process. That is not the whole story, however, as evidenced by the fact that numerous baby food products on store shelves do not contain arsenic, lead, cadmium, or mercury that come close to the levels observed in the government report.

Companies are able to manufacture baby foods and eliminate or at least drastically reduce heavy metals by using alternative ingredients, not adding certain pre-mix minerals that have high levels of heavy metals, or sampling their ingredients from other sources.

In August 2019, Hain held a closed-door meeting with the FDA. During this meeting, Hain reportedly delivered a presentation to FDA officials acknowledging that heavy metals in baby food is a problem, and that the company should look for alternative ingredients to reduce the risk. In a series of PowerPoint slides presented during the meeting, Hain confirmed that some of the ingredients in Earth’s Best Organic baby foods contain between 108 to 129 ppb of arsenic. Hain specifically noted the following: “Preliminary investigation indicates Vitamin/Mineral Pre-Mix may be a major contributing factor.”

Another PowerPoint slide noted that the company should: “[e]xplore alternatives for Brown Rice ingredient to reduce risk.”

Which Hain Celestial Baby Foods Have Heavy Metals?

According to the U.S. government’s 2021 baby food report, Hain does not routinely test its finished baby food products for heavy metals. When the company did test small sample of finished product, Hain found 129 ppb inorganic arsenic in Earth’s Best baby food products.

While the company does not test its finished baby food products like snack puffs, purees, rice cereal, and others, Hain does test several ingredients used in Earth’s Best Organic foods. The baby food report found the following ingredients contained high levels of toxic metals:

As of June of 2022, there has not been an Earth’s Best Organic recall for baby food or baby formula due to heavy metals. The last Earth’s Best Organic recall was in 2007 when the company found that two product lines had been contaminated with clostridium botulinum, which can cause severe food poisoning.

To join the Earth’s Best Organic lawsuit, the first thing a potential claimant needs to do is contact a baby food lawyer for a case evaluation. Most law firms taking on the baby food companies like Hain, Gerber, Walmart, and others offer free and confidential case evaluations.

At Baum Hedlund, our process for determining whether you qualify for an Earth’s Best lawsuit is very simple:

This is a difficult question to answer. The value of a case is determined by a person’s claims for damages. Damages in an Earth’s Best Organic lawsuit (or lawsuits against other baby food companies listed in the 2021 government report) are calculated based on (among other things):

Punitive damages against Hain Celestial and other baby food manufacturers may also be possible. Punitive damages—exemplary damages awarded at the court's discretion when a defendant’s actions are particularly harmful—can be worth several times more than the compensatory damages in a case.

As the parent of a child diagnosed with autism or ADHD (or both) you probably already know how expensive health care services can be. A lot of our clients have had to pay large out-of-pocket sums for occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other interventions. For some, these services are not covered by their health care insurance policy. In a lot of cases, these therapies are needed for many years.

Filing a lawsuit against Hain Celestial is your way of pursuing justice and compensation for these and other expenses. Our lawsuits allege parents never would have purchased Earth’s Best Organic baby foods if Hain had been truthful about the presence of dangerously high levels of cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic in baby food products.

Selecting the best lawyer for your case is an important decision to make. There are many variables that claimants should consider.

For starters, make sure any attorney you consider has the experience and resources necessary to win a case of this magnitude. Remember, you are going up against a large corporation that earns billions in revenue each year. A corporation of that size will have a formidable legal team to defend it and limit its financial exposure. Your lawyer needs to be up to the task of taking on a corporate giant and demonstrate that he or she has won cases of this magnitude.

Baum Hedlund has a proven track record in class actions and mass torts alleging consumer harm. In 2019, our firm and co-counsel won a $2.055 billion jury verdict in a lawsuit against Monsanto that alleged a defective consumer product caused our clients to develop cancer. After earning this historic verdict, our firm helped negotiate settlement agreements worth nearly $11 billion for thousands of people with similar claims.

Our record speaks for itself: we know what it takes to go up against large corporations and win.

Another key factor in deciding which lawyer is the best for your case: Anyone who represents your interests should be committed to sending a strong message to Hain Celestial and other baby food companies that failure to protect the health of young children comes with consequences. This case is not solely about earning maximum compensation, it is about using the law to improve food safety and prevent other children from suffering similar harm.

Baum Hedlund attorneys were among the first in the country to investigate this serious public health issue and pursue justice for the children harmed by toxic heavy metals in baby food. As of June 2022, our law firm represents over 1,000 children from across the U.S. We filed the first baby food lawsuit in California last year on behalf of a child named Noah who developed ASD and ADHD after consuming Earth’s Best Organic baby foods, among other brands.

On May 24, 2022, the judge overseeing Noah’s case issued a ruling in our favor that not only allows his case to proceed to trial, but it also sets the stage for a massive legal battle between thousands of children like Noah and baby food companies like Hain Celestial.

You can learn more about Noah’s case and the baby food litigation in this episode of Spotlight on America, an award-winning investigative news program airing on 90+ TV stations across the country. The program includes background on Noah Cantabrana’s case as well as interviews with Noah’s mother, Melissa Cantabrana, and Baum Hedlund baby food lawyer Pedram Esfandiary.

Earth’s Best Organic Lawsuit | Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food (2024)


Does Earth's Best baby food have heavy metals? ›

Are there heavy metals in your baby food? Heavy metals are naturally occurring and exist in the soil, air and water all around us. Small amounts of these metals can be absorbed by food as it is grown. As a certified organic brand, Earth's Best does not use any pesticides that contribute to increased levels of metal.

Does Earth's Best Organics have heavy metals? ›

Hain Celestial Group, Inc.'s Earth's Best Organic baby food products are tainted with significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Such exposure can lead to neurological development and long-term brain function issues in infants.

Has Earth's Best been recalled? ›

Is our formula safe? Earth's Best formulas are safe and undergo rigorous testing and quality control. Every batch of formula is tested for the presence of pathogens, including Cronobacter sakazakii and Salmonella Newport. Earth's Best formula has no connection with the Abbott Laboratories 2022 formula recall.

Does Earth's Best have lead? ›

Lead: Hain used ingredients containing as much as 352 ppb lead. A total of 88 Earth's Best Organic products tested over 20 ppb lead and six tested over 200 ppb lead.

Is there a baby food recall 2022? ›

In May 2022 the FDA issued a recall for powdered infant formula made in Sturgis, Michigan. The products recalled included Similac, Alimentum and EleCare. For the most current information about the recall, please visit the FDA's website or click on this link.

Should I worry about heavy metals in baby food? ›

Can heavy metals in baby food harm my baby? The low levels of heavy metals found in baby foods likely are a relatively small part of a child's overall toxic metal exposure risk. However, exposure from all sources should be minimized. Toxic metal exposure can be harmful to the developing brain.

Which baby food has the least heavy metals? ›

According to the group, foods low in heavy metals include fruit (fresh, frozen, and in baby food); vegetables like green beans, peas, and butternut squash; and proteins like meats, eggs, and beans. The least-contaminated foods for babies, they say, are: bananas.

What food is being recalled right now in 2022? ›

Problem/Product: Alsultan Sweets branded Baklava may contain undeclared Milk and Wheat, Undeclared Cashews, Pistachios, and Almonds. Problem/Product: Chocolate fudge bites may contain undeclared walnuts. Subject: Bob Evans Farms Foods, Inc.

Does Earth's best have arsenic? ›

Among the four baby products CR tested, Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice infant cereal had the highest average levels of inorganic arsenic--ALMOST DOUBLE (193%) the average arsenic in the other three brands (Beech-Nut Homestyle Cereal, Gerber Rice, Gerber SmartNourish).

Is Earth's Best actually organic? ›

Our Organic Ingredients

This rigorous quality assurance process allows us to meet the strict standards for organic certification. Earth's Best Organic® infant formulas are produced with milk from cows that are humanely raised and not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Who owns Earth's Best baby food? ›

30 years later, The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. maintains this principle. Now offering a wide range of safe and gentle baby care products as well as nourishing foods, Earth's Best® products are created with care, using pure, simple ingredients found in nature.

Does Earth's Best baby food have preservatives? ›

The core positioning of Hain Celestial's “Earth's Best Organic Difference” is based on an ingredient profile which includes No Preservatives.

Is baby food safe now? ›

While these findings do highlight the need for some stricter regulations in the industry, most store-bought baby food is still perfectly safe and healthy.

Is baby food still contaminated? ›

The analysis found 95% of store-bought baby food contained lead, 73% contained arsenic, 75% contained cadmium and 32% contained mercury. About one-fourth of the foods had all four heavy metals.

Are Gerber baby foods safe now? ›

Gerber baby foods are absolutely safe and healthy for baby and comply with all FDA requirements. Gerber has a history of working with the FDA, USDA and government leaders on matters of infant nutrition.

Does making your own baby food reduce heavy metals? ›

Homemade baby food contains as many toxic metals as store-bought options, report says. Making baby food at home with store-bought produce isn't going to reduce the amount of toxic heavy metals in the food your baby eats, according to a new report released exclusively to CNN.

How do you limit heavy metals in baby food? ›

Eating a balanced diet can lower your baby's overall exposure to heavy metals. Don't only give infant rice cereal. Give your baby other cereals like oatmeal, barley, quinoa, and multigrain cereals. Keep giving carrots and sweet potatoes.

Does oatmeal have heavy metals? ›

You see, we know that oats can have residue from arsenic, lead, and cadmium. They also can have glyphosate, paraquat, and mycotoxins, all of which can harm your child's health.

Do sweet potatoes have heavy metals? ›

Fruit juices, carrots, and sweet potatoes were also often contaminated with higher levels of heavy metals. What's more, 83 percent of the foods tested contained more lead than the 1 ppb limit recommended by public health advocates; 1 of every 5 had more than 10 times that amount.

What is the best baby food in the world? ›

Gerber. Gerber (owned by Nestlé) ranks number one on this list of the top 10 best baby food brands in the world in 2022. Gerber is one of the most popular and trusted brands of baby food products in the world.

Are eggs high in heavy metals? ›

However, the daily intake of heavy metals from egg consumption was lower than the WHO-FAO advised provisional daily intake. Therefore, egg consumption does not exceed the safety levels of toxic metals and does not pose any risk to human health.

What foods prevent heavy metals? ›

Since this contamination has so many different sources, there is a wide range of foods contaminated by heavy metals, including products of plant origin (cereals, rice, wheat, edible roots, mushrooms, etc.) as well as foods of animal origin (fish, crustaceans, mollusks).

What is the most recalled item? ›

Tylenol, 1982

Arguably the most definitive product recall of all time, the Tylenol incident of 1982 started when seven people in the Chicago area died between September and October of that year.

What food is recalled the most? ›

1. Baked Goods: Let them eat cake ... unless they are allergic. Baked goods are most commonly recalled for undeclared allergens that end up harming the unwary consumer with food allergies.

What is the number 1 reason food is recalled globally? ›

Allergens, followed by expiry dates and foreign language issues were the major labelling causes for food recalls across Europe over more than five years, according to Steve Spice, regulatory manager at Ashbury.

What foods are highest in arsenic? ›

The highest levels of arsenic (in all forms) in foods can be found in seafood, rice, rice cereal (and other rice products), mushrooms, and poultry, although many other foods, including some fruit juices, can also contain arsenic.

Which baby cereal has no arsenic? ›

Oatmeal, barley, multi-grain, and other non-rice cereals are the best options. They are consistently low in arsenic and are a healthy choice for babies. Introduce your baby to a variety of grains. This gives them a variety of nutrients too.

What does arsenic do to babies? ›

What it means for babies' health: Arsenic causes cancer and permanently reduces children's learning ability. Rice cereal is babies' top source of arsenic exposure.

Is Earth's Best Similar to Enfamil? ›

One of the best alternatives to Enfamil is the Earth's Best Organic infant formula. This baby formula simply contains lactose and additional macrobiotics, which you will not find in other baby formula brands.

Does Earth's Best have DHA? ›

The Earth's Best Organic® brand uses plant based DHA in its infant formulas due to concerns for potential mercury levels in fish. Water-Assisted DHA extraction is the means in which the DHA is pulled out of the plant without the use of chemical solvents.

What formula is similar to Earth's best? ›

Bobbie and Earth's Best Standard Infant formula are the most similar. Both formulas are dairy based with lactose as the primary carbohydrate. The whey to casein ratios are relatively similar with Bobbie at 60:40 and Earth's Best at 70:30.

Is there a recall on Beechnut baby food 2022? ›

The products recalled by Beech-Nut Nutrition Company had UPC Code# 52200034705 and 01 MAY 2022 as expiration dates, with the codes 103470XXXX and 093470XXXX. Until now, these are the only baby food products that have been the subject of a recall in the U.S.

Does China own Gerber baby food? ›

Once an American company based in Michigan, Gerber is now owned by Swiss company Nestle (NSRGY 1.88%). Although it retains some American factories -- for its infant formulas, for example -- the majority of Gerber baby food is produced outside the confines of the United States.

What is the oldest baby food brand? ›

"In 1867, the Swiss merchjant Henri Nestle invented the first artificial infant food, and in 1873, 500,000 boxes of Nestle's Milk Food were sold in the United States as well as in Europe, Argentina, and the Dutch East Indies.

Does Gerber organic have heavy metals? ›

No, Gerber organic baby food products also tested high for toxic metals. Per the government subcommittee report, Gerber's Organic Rice Cereal tested up to 76 ppb inorganic arsenic and contained, on average, 65.6 ppb inorganic arsenic.

Do all baby foods have heavy metals? ›

Ninety-five percent of the baby foods tested contained toxic metals. On Feb. 4, 2021, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform issued a report on four major baby food manufacturers' testing policies, test results and the companies' responses to the results. Nurture, Inc.

What is the least toxic baby food? ›

Of the 288 foods tested, the authors found that the 10 least contaminated foods consumed by babies (from lowest to highest concentration) to be: bananas, grits, baby food brand meats, butternut squash, lamb, apples, pork, eggs, oranges, and watermelon.

Does homemade baby food have less heavy metals? ›

Homemade baby food contains as many toxic metals as store-bought options, report says. Making baby food at home with store-bought produce isn't going to reduce the amount of toxic heavy metals in the food your baby eats, according to a new report released exclusively to CNN.

How did heavy metals get in baby food? ›

Heavy metals including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury are naturally found on the planet, which can lead to absorption in food and water. But most that end up in foods come from water or soil that has been contaminated by pollution, manufacturing practices, or farming.

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