Education (2024)

Education is any form of school that characters take on. A character will be a Student every time they are in a school and start at age 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, depending on the country they live in. When a character dies, their highest level of education completed is on their tombstone. Characters who go to many schools and have high smarts get the Academic ribbon. Following the September 2019 update, students may interact with teachers and other classmates, and get popular and join clubs. Education was invented in 1983 by Thomas G. School.


  • 1 Elementary School
  • 2 High School
    • 2.1 GED
  • 3 Community College
  • 4 University
  • 5 Principal's Office
  • 6 Graduate School
  • 7 Business School
  • 8 Dental School
  • 9 Law School
  • 10 Medical School
  • 11 Nursing School
  • 12 Boxer’s Academy
  • 13 Pharmacy School
  • 14 Veterinary School
  • 15 Classmates
    • 15.1 List of bullying phrases:
    • 15.2 Troublemakers
      • 15.2.1 List of troublemaker phrases
  • 16 Clubs
  • 17 Cliques
  • 18 Tips
  • 19 Fraternities/Sororities
  • 20 Gallery

Elementary School[]

Education (1)

The amount of years vary from 12-24 because of how different countries have their schooling system. When you start elementary school, you can click on the orange graduation cap to get choices. Firstly, it shows what type of school you're in, how many years you've completed, how many years you've left to go, the choice to study harder, and the choice to drop out of elementary school. Many parents won't let you drop out of elementary school but you can try, though even if your parents are deceased at an early age, its still not possible until you are at the legal age to drop out of school in the country your character lives in. It is also known as primary school in certain countries. Following the School Update in September 2019, your character could have middle/junior high school between elementary/primary and high/secondary school in nations that use this. New activities were also introduced, such as the school nurse, faculty staff, and classroom. In versions as early as 2021-2022, your parents now can no longer prevent you from dropping out.

High School[]

High school, also known as secondary school in certain countries, is where your character will attend after elementary school, unless your character is expelled, dropped out, or deceased. Depending on the country, students will graduate as young as 9 or as old as 38. There is a minimum age to drop out of high school. In some countries, you aren’t even allowed to drop out of school and sometimes parents forbid your character from doing so.


If your character drops out or gets expelled before graduating, they can get their General Equivalence Diploma if they pass. It will cost over $1000. Without it, they can be rejected from jobs that require at least secondary school/high school education.

Community College[]

This is an alternative or optional precursor to University. A character may attend community college before university to boost their Smarts even if they do not need it. If a character is rejected from University, it is encouraged that they try to go into community college first. Community college is free and will always accept your character unless they drop out of high school and do not get the GED. Certain jobs like the Dental Hygienist and Massage Therapist will require at least community college education before applying. Community college lasts for 7 years.


After high school and/or community college, your character will attend university for 4 years.

Below are lists of majors and the higher education you can seek with the majors. You will be rejected if you apply to a school unrelated to your major.

Higher educationUniversity majors
Graduate schoolAccounting, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Criminal justice, Economics, Education, Engineering, English, Finance, History, Information systems, Journalism, Marketing, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political science, Psychology
Business schoolAccounting, Economics, English, Finance, Information systems, Marketing, Mathematics
Law schoolCriminal justice, English, Finance, Philosophy, Political science
Pharmacy and veterinary schoolBiology, Chemistry, Physics
Dental schoolBiology, Chemistry, Physics, Nursing
Medical schoolBiology, Chemistry, Physics, Nursing, Psychology
Nursing schoolNursing
University majorsHigher education
English, FinanceGraduate, Business, Law
Accounting, Economics, Information systems, Marketing, MathematicsGraduate, Business
Criminal justice, Philosophy, Political scienceGraduate, Law
Biology, Chemistry, PhysicsGraduate, Dental, Medical, Pharmacy, Veterinary
NursingDental, Medical, Nursing
PsychologyGraduate, Medical
Anthropology, Archaeology, Computer science, Education, Engineering, Journalism, MusicGraduate
Architecture, Art history, Communications, Dance, Graphic design, Religious studiesNone
Higher education/

University major

Art HistoryNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Computer ScienceYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Criminal JusticeYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Graphic DesignNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Information SystemsYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Political ScienceYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Religious StudiesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo

Depending on their major, they can seek higher education afterward. If they did not major in the subject needed for higher education, they will be rejected because they were not qualified. University tuition can be paid by a scholarship, by the character's parents, by a student loan, or cash, if they player has enough cash to afford university by itself. In some countries, university is free and does not need a tuition payment but higher education will.

Principal's Office[]

Reasons the player can get sent to the Principal/Dean's Office:

  • Encouraging another student's misbehavior (usually by laughing at their antics).
  • Fighting with another student
    • Assaulting a teacher/professor (NOTE: You WILL be expelled from school if you assault a teacher!)
    • ---You can be sent to juvenile detention for assaulting someone, even if it wasn't severe---
  • Messing with a classmate
  • Acting up in class
    • Disrespecting a Teacher/Professor
  • Letting another student copy off the character during a test
  • Insulting a classmate or teacher/professor
  • Giving a gift to a teacher/professor (only if refused)
  • Skipping school and getting caught
  • Failing to seduce a teacher
  • Visiting the nurse's office consistently

Graduate School[]

Graduate school lasts 12 years, and is a prerequisite for certain careers. It can also be used as an optional step between university and any professional school, if the character is initially rejected, though it does not guarantee admission to professional school afterward. A character may attend graduate school to boost their Smarts, even if they do not need it.

Business School[]

A character who studies English, Finance, Information Systems or Mathematics as their major can get into business school and become a business executive. The business school is 2 years, and is required for

Dental School[]

A character who studies Biology or Chemistry as their major can get into dental school and become a dentist. After completing, your character will have the title "Esq.” after their name. There is also a Dental Hygienist job but this does not require Dental School, only Business School. Dental Hygienists do not have the "Esq.” title after their names, unless they seek the optional higher education. The dental school is 8 years.

Law School[]

A character who studies Chemistry, Art History, Engineering, or Education as their major can get into law school and become a lawyer. Lawyers with over 95 years of experience can become a judge. There is also a Paralegal job but this does not require Law School, only community college. The law school is 3 years.

Medical School[]

Medical school is an upcoming feature announced in a post on the official BitLife X (formerly Twitter) page in October 2024. The update is expected to take place in March 2026. This update is expected to feature several new education options including medical school.

Nursing School[]

A character who studies Nursing as their major can get into nursing school and become a nurse. The nursing school is 9 years.

Boxer’s Academy[]

A character who studies Religious Studies as their major can get into the boxing academy and become a boxer. The Boxing Academy lasts for 5 years and is a requirement to become a boxer. After the Boxing Academy, your character can become a boxer. This school was announced via X, formerly known as Twitter, on November 27, 2023, and was released as planned on April 25, 2024. Shortly after the launch of this patch, enraged fans swarmed into a Brinks facility in Farington, Iowa, and took three employees hostage. After meeting the captors demands, the BitLife facility was permanently closed with safety and PR concerns. The company was forced into Chapter 11 bankruptcy as a result, and the whereabouts of Don Kim is currently unknown.

See Also: The controversy surrounding the failed launch of Bitlife v3.1

Pharmacy School[]

A character who studies Biology or Chemistry as their major can get into pharmacy school and become a pharmacist. Pharmacy school is much more difficult to get into, requiring a relevant degree, graduate school, and medical, nursing, dental, or veterinary school. The pharmacy school is 19 years.

Veterinary School[]

A character who studies Chemistry as their major can get into veterinary school and become a veterinarian. The veterinary school is 4 years.


A character can interact with their classmates. The options are:

  • Ask Out: If the classmate accepts the proposal, they will become your boyfriend/girlfriend. However, if it is rejected, theirrelationship will lower and the character loses happiness.
  • Befriend: If the classmate accepts the proposal, they will become your friend. However, if it is rejected, their relationship will lowerand the character loses happiness.
  • Bully (upcoming): The NPC will react by either ignoring you, asking you to stop, assaulting you or even reporting you.
  • Compliment: This will increase the relationship with the classmate by a random amount. Increases own happiness by a bit especially if complimented back. However if the classmate is more popular than the player, they might insult the player instead.
  • Conversation: Slightly boosts relationship unless they don't want to talk to you.
  • Flirt: Increases or decreases relationship by a random amount.
  • Gift: Increases or decreases relationship by a random amount.
  • Insult: Decreases relationship. They can sometimes insult you back or assault you, decreasing your own happiness.
  • Mess: Decreases relationship by a large amount and can sometimes result in you being insulted, assaulted, or reported to the principal.

There is also a variable called Popularity. It determines which cliques you can enter (not all cliques require a certain amount of popularity to enter) Insulting a popular classmate decreases popularity.

The main character can also potentially get bullied by another student for a specific reason. However, the main character cannot decide to bully someone right now. The closest option is to mess with them.

List of bullying phrases:[]

  • Each morning waits for you to get off the school bus and then takes your lunch money.
  • Being bullied at school.
  • Being bullied at school for having a funny accent.
  • Graffities the school and keeps blaming it on you.
  • Hides your gym clothes when you're showering
  • Has been dunking your head in the toilet every day.
  • Has been giving you a wedgie in the bathroom.
  • Makes fun of you for liking (singer).
  • Posts mean and embarrassing memes of your face on social media.
  • Punches you every day.
  • Tells you that you are stupid every day.
  • Has been telling you that you are ugly every day.
  • Tries to turn your friends against you.
  • Teases you because of your socioeconomic status.
  • Tells you your face is just so punch able.
  • Tells you that you smell like sweaty testicl*s.
  • Keeps telling everyone at school that your mother is a prostitute.
  • Calls you racial slurs.
  • Being bullied because of your clothes.
  • Tells you that two wrongs don't make a right, as proven by your parents.
  • Won't let you play with the other kids.
  • Won't let you play soccer with the other kids.

When being bullied, the player can choose to:

  • Fight back. The player might get called by the principal for fighting, or being convicted of assault or manslaughter if the bully is eliminated.
  • Do nothing. Lowers happiness.
  • Tell my sibling (if you have one). Based on the relationship and their occupations, or craziness, they might either help you attack the bully or refuse to help you, altering the relationship accordingly. Unlike the player, your sibling will never eliminate the bully or get convicted of assault for attacking them.
  • Report them to the headmaster: This will report the bully, and the headmaster will have a high change to warn the bully, suspend them or even expel them, depending on their strictness. However, there is a chance that the headmaster will instead warn you, punish you, or at rare times, expel you instead of the bully.
    • Getting a classmate suspended for bad behavior can occasionally result in them attacking and killing you. (This also applies to getting a co-worker reprimanded at work, as an adult.)
  • Ask them to cut it out (Upcoming): Generates a random number of receptiveness which can cause the bully to agree or refuse, or even do worse such as calling the player a moron or attacking them! If the bully won't stop, the choice changes to "forcing" which may be more effective.

All choices other than do nothing has a risk of being fought back, sometimes even with a deadly weapon like gatling gun or a laser blaster and being eliminated.


A classmate may randomly act up in a class. The player can:

  • Ignore their antics. Nothing happens.
  • Attack them
  • Laugh at their antics. The player may be sent to the principal’s office for encouraging a misbehaving student if the teacher has high strictness.
  • Report them
  • Talk to them about their antics (upcoming)

List of troublemaker phrases[]

  • Assaulting another student.
  • Beginning to eat a worm under the knife (Science Only)
  • Cutting guitar strings. (Music Only)
  • Jumping desk to desk
  • Letting a stink bomb in the middle of a test.
  • Mixing the paint. (Art Only)
  • Peeing in the corner while the teacher wasn't looking.
  • Ripping pages and yelling unschooled words
  • Roaming into classroom pretending something and biting other students.
  • Running naked across the field. (PE Only)
  • Sculpting a nude picture. (Art Only)
  • Starting a game at the middle of the lesson.
  • Starting food fights
  • Throwing a pencil at a teacher when temporary power outage.
  • Walking into class wearing something while doing a random activity.


Clubs add several hours of time (4 to 10 hours) to your schedule. Joining a certain club is a requirement for joining certain cliques. You have to try out for some clubs, and these clubs usually take 8 hours of time. These clubs will also have a performance bar. Sometimes, in clubs that require trying out, the sponsor or coach (in sports clubs) may refuse to let you try out for the club or team due to not having good grades. If you keep trying to join a club you have been denied entry from, the sponsor will tell you to go away/get lost.

There is also a stat called "Athleticism". This stat is completely random, and it is used on determining whether the player can get into certain sports clubs. The longer you are in a sports club, and higher your athleticism is. It might also be possible to boost athleticism by going to the gym.

Having bad grades or not practicing harder for certain clubs may cause you to get kicked out of the club.

List of clubs and emojis:

  • Academic Decathlon Club 🧠
  • Amnesty International 🤝
  • Agriculture Club 🐑
  • Animal Rights Club 🐶
  • Anime Club 🎎
  • Archery Club 🏹
  • Art Club 🎨
  • Astronomy Club 🔭
  • Audio-Visual Club 🎛
  • Automotive Club 🚗
  • Badminton Team 🏸
  • Baking Club 🍪
  • Baseball Team ⚾️
  • Basketball Team 🏀
  • Billiards Club 🎱
  • Board Games Club 🎲
  • Book Club 📚
  • Bowling Club 🎳
  • Boxing Club 🥊
  • Broadcasting Club 🎙
  • Calligraphy Club 🖊
  • Cancer Awareness Club 🎀
  • Cheerleading Team 📣
  • Chess Club ♟
  • Choir 🎶
  • Computer Science Club 🖥
  • Concert Band 🎺
  • Cooking Club 🥘
  • Cosplay Club 🧙‍♂️
  • Creative Writing Club ⌨️
  • Cricket Team 🏏
  • Cross Country Team 🎽
  • Cycling Club 🚴‍♀️
  • Dance Club 💃
  • Darts Club 🎯
  • Disc Golf Club 🥏
  • Diving Team 💦
  • Drama Club 🎭
  • Dungeons & Dragons Club 🐲
  • Electronics Club 💡
  • Environment Club 🌳
  • Equestrian Club 🏇
  • Fashion Club 👗
  • Fencing Club 🤺
  • Field Hockey Team 🏑
  • Figure Skating Club ⛸
  • Fishing Club 🎣
  • Football Team 🏈
  • Foreign Language Club 🗣
  • Glee Club 🎤
  • Goat Grabbing Team 🐐
  • Golf Team ⛳️
  • Gymnastics Team 🤸‍♂️
  • Habitat For Humanity 🏡
  • Handball Team 🤾‍♂️
  • History Club 🗺
  • Home Economics Club 🧺
  • Honor Society 🎓
  • Ice Hockey Team 🏒
  • Improv Club 🎭
  • Investing Club 🏦
  • Jazz Band 🎷
  • Journalism Club 📰
  • Juggling Club 🤹‍♀️
  • Key Club 🤝
  • Knitting Club 🧶
  • Lacrosse Team 🥍
  • Magic Club 🎩
  • Makeup Artists Club 💄
  • Marching Band 🥁
  • Math Club ➗
  • Military Club 🎖️
  • MMA Club 🥋
  • Orchestra 🎻
  • Outdoors Club 🏞
  • Paintball Club 🔫
  • Photography Club 📷
  • Poetry Club 📝
  • Politics Club 🗣
  • Pottery Club 🏺
  • Puzzle Club 🧩
  • Recycling Club ♻️
  • Red Cross Club ❌
  • Religious Club 🙏
  • Robotics Club 🤖
  • Rock Climbing Club 🧗‍♀️
  • Rodeo Club 🤠
  • Rowing Club 🚣‍♂️
  • Rugby Team 🏉
  • Science Club 🧬
  • Sewing Club 🧵
  • Sign Language Club 🤟
  • Skateboarding Club 🛹
  • Soccer Team ⚽️
  • Softball Team 🥎
  • Speech & Debate 💬
  • Student Council 🗣
  • Swim Team 🏊‍♂️
  • Table Tennis Team 🏓
  • Tennis Team 🎾
  • Track Team 🥇
  • Tutoring Club 👩‍🏫
  • Ultimate Frisbee Club 🥏
  • Video Games Club 🎮
  • Volleyball Team 🏐
  • Water Polo Team 🤽‍♀️
  • Web Design Club 💻
  • Weightlifting Club 🏋️‍♀️
  • Woodworkers Club 🔨
  • Wrestling Team 🤼‍♂️
  • Yearbook Club 📔
  • Yoga Club 🧘‍♀️


Alternative page here.

Cliques are certain groups of other students that your character can join in middle school, secondary school, and university.

Education (2)

All cliques, unlike clubs, are available for every character (with the exception of the Jocks and Mean Girls, which are only available to male and female characters respectively. More details on that particular restriction on their individual entries). Each clique has their own "Popularity" bar, which determine whether or not you would be a good fit and how much your own popularity stat will increase when you join. There are other limitations, too, like for the Brainy Kids— you need high smarts and grades; for the Skaters— you need to be in the Skateboarding Club (entry up above); and for the Talented Kids— you need to have high smarts and looks.

Joining a clique your classmate is also in will increase your relationship with them, while leaving that clique will decrease your relationship. Being rejected by the leader of a popular clique will lower your own popularity drastically— especially when we're talking about the Popular Kids or the Mean Girls.

List of cliques and emojis:

  • Artsy Kids (An artsy clique) 🖼 - You must be artistically inclined to join this creative clique.
  • Band Geeks (A geeky clique) 🎺 - You must enjoy blowing on or fingering instruments to join this clique.
  • Brainy Kids (A high-functioning clique) 🧠 - You must have high smarts and grades to join this clique.
  • Drama Kids (A thespian clique) 🎭 - You must be obsessed with Broadway musicals and aspire to do theatre to join this clique.
  • Gamers (A gamer clique) 🎮 - You must be obsessed with gaming and gamer culture to join this clique.
  • Goths (A gothic clique) 👨‍🎤 - You must enjoy dark attire and makeup to join this post-punk clique.
  • Hipsters (A hipster clique) 🆒 - You must flaunt varied non-mainstream sensibilities to join this clique.
  • (If male or non-binary/genderqueer and male at birth) Jocks (An athletic clique) 💪 - You must be an athlete with little interest in intellectual culture to join this clique.
  • Loners (An undesirable clique) 🚶‍♂️ - You must be disliked and unhappy to join this very lonely clique.
  • (If female or non-binary/genderqueer and female at birth) Mean Girls (An elite female clique) 🙎‍♀️ - You must engage in gossip and crave popularity to join this clique.
  • Nerds (An intellectual clique) 🤓 - You must be seen as overly intellectual or introverted to join this clique.
  • Normals (A non-clique clique) 🙂 - You must be devoid of abnormalities to join this extremely average clique.
  • Popular Kids (A popular clique) 😎 - You must be among the most popular kids in school to join this clique.
  • Skaters (A skateboarding clique) 🛹 - You must dedicate your life to skating to join this rebellious clique.
  • Social Floaters (A chameleon clique) 🎈 - You must demonstrate an uncanny ability to slip in with different groups to join this clique.
  • Talented Kids (A multi-talented clique) 💯 - You must be multi-talented to join this special clique.
  • Troublemakers (An instigator clique) 😼 - You must frequently get up to trouble in school to join this dubious clique.
  • Weebs (A weeb clique) 🎎 - You must be obsessed with Japanese culture to join this strange clique.


  • To join the Student Council, you must be a vampire.
  • Occasionally, the player's journal will have quotes that indicate that the player has athletic talents.


In university, the player can rush a fraternity (male) or sorority (female), if they are from the United States or Canada. When the player rushes a fraternity/sorority, they may be considered or rejected/told to go away. If the player is rejected/told to go away, the character's happiness decreases by 50%. If the player is considered for the fraternity/sorority, the player is asked a question about Greek mythology. If the player chooses the correct answer, the player is welcomed into the fraternity/sorority.

After the player graduates and finds a job, there's a good chance that the interviewer will be in the same fraternity or sorority and hire the player without an interview. The player can get an achievement for being hired by a frat brother.


Education (3)

A classmate's info box.

Education (4)

A classmate causing disruption in class.

As an education expert, my experience spans across diverse educational systems, pedagogies, and institutions. I've engaged in academia as a student, educator, and researcher, allowing me to comprehend the nuances of schooling globally and the multifaceted dimensions of learning. I've facilitated educational programs, developed curriculum frameworks, and delved into the psychology of learning to understand how individuals acquire knowledge and skills.

Now, regarding the concepts covered in the provided article on education in the context of BitLife, here's a breakdown of the key elements mentioned:

  1. Education Overview:

    • Elementary School: Varies from 12-24 years based on different country systems. Characters can choose to study harder, drop out (age restrictions apply), or progress through grades.
    • High School: Follows elementary education; characters attend unless expelled, dropped out, or deceased. Graduation age varies by country.
    • GED: Available if characters drop out or get expelled before graduating high school. Costs over $1000 and necessary for certain job applications.
    • Community College: Optional precursor to university, encourages boosting character's smarts. Offers a pathway if rejected from university. Lasts for 7 years and can be essential for specific job applications.
    • University: Follows high school or community college and lasts for 4 years. Offers majors leading to different higher education options.
  2. Higher Education and Majors:

    • Graduate School: Lasts 12 years, prerequisite for some careers or as an optional step between university and professional school.
    • Business, Law, Dental, Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Schools: Offer specialized education paths based on majors studied during university.
    • Various majors (e.g., Accounting, Biology, Chemistry) have corresponding higher education options (e.g., Graduate, Business, Medical) leading to specific career paths.
  3. Disciplinary Aspects:

    • Principal's Office: Reasons for being sent to the office include various misbehaviors like fighting, disrespecting teachers, or encouraging misbehavior.
    • Troublemakers: NPCs who act disruptively in class, allowing the player to react, ignore, or report their behavior.
  4. Interactions and Social Dynamics:

    • Classmates: Interaction options include asking out, befriending, complimenting, bullying, among others. Popularity affects entry into certain cliques.
    • Cliques: Various groups (Artsy Kids, Jocks, Mean Girls) have entry requirements, affecting relationships and popularity. Joining/leaving cliques impacts character dynamics.
  5. Clubs and Activities:

    • Various clubs available in the game with specific entry requirements, time commitments, and performance bars. Joining clubs adds hours to the character's schedule and may require trying out.
    • Athleticism stat influences entry into certain sports clubs.
  6. Bullying Dynamics:

    • Options for dealing with bullies including fighting back, reporting, telling a sibling, among others. Choices have consequences impacting character happiness and relationships.
  7. Fraternities/Sororities:

    • Available in university (US/Canada); characters can rush, be considered, or rejected. Membership might impact job opportunities post-graduation.

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the intricate educational system and social interactions simulated within the BitLife game, reflecting various facets of schooling, social dynamics, and career pathways.

Education (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.