Elements of Style - Guide to Style, 2023 | Writing Commons (2024)

Elements of Style - Guide to Style, 2023 | Writing Commons (1)

Just as DNA constitutes the building blocks of life -- as illustrated in this depiction of ions and DNA gliding through a single-walled carbon nanotube -- the 'Elements of Style' form the foundation for powerful writing. Brevity, coherence, flow, inclusivity, simplicity, unity — these stylistic elements empower writers to enhance the clarity and strength of their work. Esteemed by educators, editors, and professional writers, they serve as the essential building blocks — indeed, the DNA — of clear, compelling communication. Photo Credit: "Ions and DNA flowing through a carbon nanotube" by oakridgelabnews is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

What are The Elements of Style?

The “Elements of Style” refer to a cluster of linguistic and rhetorical conventions (also known as discourse conventions). For example, teachers and editors may refer to any of the following intellectual strategies as “the elements of style”:

Despite the broad range of stylistic elements, certain elements of style play a commanding role in determining the clarity and impact of a text. The most influential among these — brevity, coherence, flow, inclusivity, simplicity, and unity — go beyond shaping the text’s structure and language. They guide how readers engage with and interpret the content, directly shaping a text’s success in achieving its objectives. By understanding and applying these conventions, writers and readers enhance their communication skills within their discourse community.

As a set of discourse conventions, The Elements of Style serve as a shared language and common ground between the writer and the reader. They underpin the writer’s creative and strategic decisions during the writing process and guide the reader’s engagement, interpretation, and evaluation of the text. Thus, these elements are not just about the act of writing, but about the broader interaction between the writer, the text, and the reader within the context of established discourse conventions.


The “Elements of Style,” as a term, is often associated with the famous writing guide by Strunk and White, as discussed below. However, in a broader context, the “Elements of Style,” refers to the different components that make up the way we write and communicate in written form. Synonymous or related terms to the “Elements of Style” could include:

  • Writing Principles
  • Stylistic Devices
  • Rhetorical Techniques
  • Literary Elements
  • Writing Strategies
  • Composition Techniques
  • Linguistic Features
  • Literary Devices
  • Writing Mechanics
  • Style
  • Style Techniques
  • Writing Style

These terms, while not exact synonyms, refer to overlapping concepts and tools used in the creation and evaluation of written works. Remember, the “Elements of Style” is not a fixed list; it can vary based on context, genre, and personal or cultural writing conventions.

Related Concepts: Ableist Language; Grammar; Register;Rhetorical Analysis;Rhetoric;Rhetorical Reasoning Style;Tone;Voice.

The Elements of Style in 1918

William Strunk’s first self published The Elements of Style in 1918 to concisely summarize the basic rules and conventions writers needed to follow in order to write with clarity, impact, and authority.

Strunk conceptualized the elements of style to be composed of a few elementary rules of usage and composition, a few matters of form, and some misspelled words and misused expressions:

Elements of Style - Guide to Style, 2023 | Writing Commons (2)

Guide to The Elements of Style, 2023

Since Strunk first described the elements of style in 1918, The Elements of Style have evolved significantly, adapting to societal and technological shifts. The digital revolution has expanded the platforms for communication and redefined the norms of interaction, necessitating an evolution in stylistic conventions. As a result, some stylistic elements have assumed heightened significance, while others have emerged to join the traditional canon.

Among these, six core elements of style stand out in 2023: brevity, coherence, flow, inclusivity, simplicity, and unity

Brevity and clarity are more crucial than ever in our fast-paced, information-saturated world. Coherence and flow ensure our messages are cohesive and engaging, fostering understanding and retaining the attention of our diverse audiences.

Inclusivity acknowledges and respects the rich diversity of our global community, and design has emerged as a powerful tool of visual communication, adding another dimension to our expressiveness.

  1. Brevity:
    • In a digital ecosystem saturated with information, brevity’s power — using the minimum words necessary to communicate effectively — becomes increasingly significant
  2. Coherence:
    • Ensuring that all parts of a text logically connect and contribute to the overall message is an enduring requirement for effective writing.
  3. Design:
    • Emerging as a new element in our list, design’s role in communication has grown in tandem with the rise of visual language and digital interfaces.
  4. Flow:
    • A smooth progression of ideas, facilitated by thoughtful sentence structure and transitions, remains crucial to engage readers and make our writing accessible.
  5. Inclusivity:
    • Reflecting societal change, inclusivity in language use, particularly in the use of pronouns, has become a new and necessary consideration in our writing.
  6. Simplicity:
    • As we tackle increasingly complex topics, striking a balance between depth of discussion and simplicity of presentation remains a prized attribute.
  7. Unity:


Why do the Elements of Style Matter?

  1. Enhance Readability:
    • By following stylistic conventions such as brevity, clarity, and coherence, you can make your work easier to read and understand.
  2. Improve Comprehensibility:
  3. Create Persuasive Arguments:
  4. Increase Engagement:
    • By using stylistic elements that enhance the flow and rhythm of the text, you can make your work more engaging and hold the audience’s interest.
  5. Fostering Inclusivity:
  6. Guiding Feedback and Critique:
    • For editors, teachers, and other critical readers, the Elements of Style provide a framework for evaluating a text and providing constructive feedback.

Which Elements of Style are most important in academic and professional writing contexts?

Brevity is key—especially in today’s fast-paced world where readers value concise yet complete information. Clarity ensures your arguments are easy to follow and comprehend, preventing misinterpretation. Coherence guarantees that your points connect logically, making your argument or narrative more persuasive.

Flow enables a seamless transition from one idea to another, enhancing your readers’ engagement and understanding. Inclusivity is vital in the increasingly diverse academic and professional landscape, ensuring respect for all readers. Simplicity allows your work to be accessible to a wider audience, and unity provides consistency, strengthening your voice throughout the text.

While all these elements are essential, the ‘most important’ among them can vary depending on your writing task. A complex research paper might need more emphasis on clarity and cohesion, while a brief professional email might prioritize brevity and simplicity. Always consider your audience, your purpose, and your context when deciding which elements to focus on in your writing.

How do audiences — such as editors, clients, or teachers — use the elements of style as an interpretive framework?

In academic and professional writing contexts, the elements of style function as a shared language, a shared set of textual expectations, that both writers and readers hold when engaged in acts of communication. Thus, The Elements of Style not only shape the creation of the text, but also how it is received, interpreted, and evaluated, reinforcing their importance in the broader discourse community.

Recommended Resources

Elements of Style PDF

Works Cited

Strunk, W. (1918). The elements of style. OCLC 781988921

Strunk, W., In White,E. B., White, E. B., & White, E. B.(1957). The elements of style (3rd edition). New York: Macmillan. OCLC 878906498.

Williams, Joseph and Joseph Bizup (2016). Style: lessons in clarity and grace, 12th Edition. Pearson Education. ISBN-13:978-0134080413

Zinsser, W. (2006). On writing well (30th ed.). HarperCollins.

I am an expert in language and writing, having a deep understanding of linguistic and rhetorical conventions. My expertise is grounded in years of experience, academic knowledge, and practical application in the field of writing and communication. I have not only studied the subject extensively but have also actively contributed to it, whether through teaching, writing, or engaging with professionals in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article:

The Elements of Style:

  1. Definition: The "Elements of Style" encompass linguistic and rhetorical conventions that contribute to effective communication in writing.

  2. Intellectual Strategies:

    • Choice of Words (Diction): Careful selection of words to set the appropriate tone.
    • Sentence Structure (Syntax) and Punctuation: Used for rhythm, clarity, and coherence.
    • Concrete, Sensory, and Figurative Language: Providing detailed information and engaging the reader.
    • Application of Rhetorical Modes: Narration, description, and comparison-contrast for specific aims.
    • Voice, Tone, Persona, and Point of View: Employed to achieve the desired discourse objectives.
  3. Key Stylistic Elements:

    • Brevity: Using the minimum words necessary for effective communication.
    • Coherence: Ensuring logical connections and contributions to the overall message.
    • Flow: Smooth progression of ideas facilitated by sentence structure and transitions.
    • Inclusivity: Reflecting societal diversity, particularly in language use, e.g., pronouns.
    • Simplicity: Striking a balance between depth of discussion and ease of presentation.
    • Unity: Achieving completeness, ensuring all parts contribute to a cohesive whole.
  4. Evolution Over Time:

    • Digital Revolution: Expanded communication platforms and redefined interaction norms.
    • Heightened Significance: Certain elements gain prominence due to societal and technological shifts.
  5. Synonyms or Related Terms:

    • Writing Principles, Stylistic Devices, Rhetorical Techniques, Literary Elements, Writing Strategies, Composition Techniques, Linguistic Features, Literary Devices, Writing Mechanics, Style, Style Techniques, Writing Style.
  6. Related Concepts:

    • Ableist Language, Grammar, Register, Rhetorical Analysis, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reasoning Style, Tone, Voice.
  7. Historical Context:

    • Strunk's "The Elements of Style" (1918): A concise guide to writing rules for clarity, impact, and authority.
    • Evolution: Adapted to societal and technological changes over time.
  8. Core Elements in 2023:

    • Brevity, Coherence, Flow, Inclusivity, Simplicity, Unity: Adapted to the contemporary communication landscape.
  9. FAQs:

    • Importance: Enhancing readability, comprehensibility, persuasive arguments, engagement, inclusivity, and guiding feedback.
  10. Relevance in Academic and Professional Writing:

    • Varied Emphasis: Depending on the writing task, the importance of elements may differ.
    • Consideration: Audience, purpose, and context play a crucial role in determining the focus on specific elements.
  11. Audience's Use as an Interpretive Framework:

    • Shared Language: Elements serve as shared expectations in academic and professional communication.
    • Text Creation and Reception: Influence how texts are created, received, interpreted, and evaluated.
  12. Recommended Resources:

    • Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style" (2nd and 4th Editions).
    • Other Writing Guides: Such as "Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace" by Joseph Williams and Joseph Bizup, and "On Writing Well" by William Zinsser.

In conclusion, the Elements of Style are a dynamic set of conventions that have evolved over time, shaping effective communication in writing across various contexts and genres.

Elements of Style - Guide to Style, 2023 | Writing Commons (2024)


Elements of Style - Guide to Style, 2023 | Writing Commons? ›

Brevity, coherence, flow, inclusivity, simplicity, and unity — these stylistic elements empower writers to enhance the clarity and power of their work. Esteemed by educators, editors, and professional writers, they serve as the essential building blocks — indeed, the DNA — of clear, compelling communication.

What are the 5 elements of style? ›

If I could teach only five elements of style, I would select these:
  • Economy of language. Treat every word as precious. ...
  • Precise word choice and colorful vocabulary. ...
  • Specific, concrete, vivid detail. ...
  • Pleasing sound, rhythm, and variety. ...
  • Discernable voice, tone, or point of view.

Is elements of style still relevant? ›

In writing, is Strunk & White's The Elements of Style no longer applicable? I find Strunk & White's information still very applicable. You have to remember that it is written as advice for writers.

What are the elements of styles? ›

Features of style include the following: diction (word choice) • sentence structure and syntax • nature of figurative language • rhythm and component sounds • rhetorical patterns (e.g. narration, description, comparison-contrast, etc.)

What should a writing style guide include? ›

Generally style manuals include everything a writer needs to know in order to make their work look and read just like every other work written in that style — the look of the page, the way other authors are referenced in the body of the work, and even the tone of the writing.

What is the rule 7 in elements of style? ›

7. A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject. Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children. The word walking refers to the subject of the sentence, not to the woman.

What is the rule 13 of elements of style? ›

13. Omit needless words. Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.

What is the rule 10 of elements of style? ›

10. As a rule, begin each paragraph with a topic sentence; end it in conformity with the beginning. the final sentence either emphasizes the thought of the topic sentence or states some important consequence.

What is an alternative to The Elements of Style? ›

Edit: Alternatives to The Elements of Style include free online resources like the Purdue OWL (academic-focused) and Grammar Girl (general). They're one of the main sources for the claim that you shouldn't split infinitives, which is hardly ever a problem.

Is The Elements of Style worth reading? ›

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. is a timeless guide to writing well. It offers practical advice and rules for clarity, brevity, and effective communication, making it a must-read for anyone striving to improve their writing skills.

What are the three main components of style? ›

Many elements of writing contribute to an author's style, but three of the most important are word choice, sentence fluency, and voice.

What is the rule 2 of elements of style? ›

2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last.

How many rules are there in the elements of style? ›

in 1918, and published by Harcourt in 1920, comprising eight "elementary rules of usage," ten "elementary principles of composition," "a few matters of form," a list of 49 "words and expressions commonly misused," and a list of 57 "words often misspelled." Writer and editor E. B.

What is a style guide template? ›

A style guide is a document that explains how a company uses visual assets like logos, typography, colors, grids and images. The purpose of a style guide is to ensure design consistency across the organization. Among others, it helps you create better user experiences, save time, and increase your team's productivity.

Which are the three most widely used style guides? ›

The most frequently used style guides in academic writing include the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Modern Language Association's MLA Style Manual, and the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS).

What is the 5 element concept? ›

According to some traditions, everything in the universe comes from the five elements: wood, fire, earth, water, and metal. From the smallest atom to a giant whale to the solar system itself, all things are said to be composed of some combination of these elements.

What is the rule 4 of elements of style? ›

4. Place a comma before and or but introducing an independent clause. The early records of the city have disappeared, and the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.