Everything you need to know before you go through U.S. Customs or go duty-free shopping (2024)

You’ve been out of the country on a much-deserved vacation. About an hour before your plane lands, the flight attendant hands you a U.S. Customs declaration form. Chances are you purchased a few souvenirs or gifts during your travels – so which ones do you have to declare? The answer: Every item you didn’t have with you when you originally left the United States.

You’ll be asked how much you paid for each, including all taxes – so it helps to keep those receipts in an easily accessible place. You may also want to pack all of these items together so that you can find them quickly if you’re chosen for inspection.

You must declare all items you purchased and are carrying with you upon return to the United States, including gifts for other people as well as items you bought for yourself. This includes duty-free items purchased in foreign countries, as well as any merchandise you intend to sell or use in your business.

Contrary to popular belief, purchasing something in a duty-free shop does not necessarily mean you don’t have to pay any duties or taxes on it; the item is only duty-free in the country where you bought it. If the value of the item falls outside your personal exemption (see below), you will have to pay U.S. duties on it.

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Everything you need to know before you go through U.S. Customs or go duty-free shopping (1)

Register your items

To avoid confusion, you might want to register certain items with U.S. Customs before you leave the United States – that way you can prove that you owned an item before you left. This is particularly worth considering for expensive foreign-made items like laptops or watches. You can register the items at the nearest CBP office or at the international airport from which you are departing – just request aCertificate of Registration (CBP Form 4457)and have the items (including serial numbers) handy.

Duty-free exemptions

Everything you need to know before you go through U.S. Customs or go duty-free shopping (2)

In most cases, travelers are permitted to bring up to $800 worth of merchandise back to the United States without having to pay duty. (Numerous exceptions apply.) Keep in mind that only one liter of alcohol, 200 cigarettes, and 100 cigars may be included in this exemption.

Duty-free and reduced rates

Items from certain countries may be duty-free under previously negotiated agreements with the United States government. Typically, items from Caribbean and Andean countries, certain sub-Saharan African countries, Israel, Jordan, Chile, Singapore, Canada, and Mexico are allowed into the United States at a duty-free or reduced rate. However, keep in mind these items still need to be declared when you re-enter the United States.

Also, household effects – such as furniture, paintings, carpets, linens, and similar items – are duty-free if you’ve used them for at least a year while living abroad, and they are not intended to be sold or used as gifts. For more information, see the CBP’s guide toduty-free or reduced rates.


Everything you need to know before you go through U.S. Customs or go duty-free shopping (3)

You can take out or bring unlimited “monetary instruments,” as the U.S. Customs folks call cash, money orders, traveler’s checks, and the like, but if you are carrying more than $10,000 worth, you must file a Currency Reporting Form with U.S. Customs.

Prohibited and restricted items

Everything you need to know before you go through U.S. Customs or go duty-free shopping (4)

Some items – such as absinthe, firearms, fruits, vegetables, plants, seeds, meat products, and some cultural artifacts – are restricted and will only be admitted into the U.S. under special circ*mstances. Others, including most drug paraphernalia and items from embargoed countries (like Cuban cigars), are prohibited entirely. Check the CBP’slist of prohibited and restricted itemsbefore you leave.

Paying duty at U.S. Customs

If you owe duty, it must be paid upon arrival in the United States. You may pay with U.S. currency, a personal check drawn on a U.S. bank, or a government check, money order, or traveler’s check (as long as the amount isn’t over $50 more than the duty you owe). Some locations also accept payment with Visa or Mastercard.

Mailing items from overseas

Your exemption applies only to those things you have on your person when you return to the United States; if you mail anything back, you’re responsible for paying the duties and taxes on those items separately. For more information, see the CBP’s information onsending items back to the U.S.

Everything you need to know before you go through U.S. Customs or go duty-free shopping (2024)


Do you have to declare duty-free at US Customs? ›

Mailing and Shipping Goods - Customs Duty Guidance

Up to $1,600 in goods will be duty-free under your personal exemption if the merchandise is from an IP. Up to $800 in goods will be duty-free if it is from a CBI or Andean country. Any additional amount, up to $1,000, in goods will be dutiable at a flat rate (3%).

What items need to be declared at US Customs? ›

What Must I Declare?
  • Anything you bought (including from duty-free shops or on a ship or airplane)
  • Anything you inherited or received as a gift (you'll have to estimate the fair market price of the gift)
  • Anything you brought home for a friend.
  • Anything you plan to use or sell in your business.

Can I shop at duty-free without crossing the border? ›

Duty free shops cater to these "leaving customers". These duty-free items can only be purchased when departing from a country or when crossing into another territory. They are for export only and must be taken out of the country where they are purchased.

Do you have to declare everything at customs? ›

All travelers must complete a CBP Declaration Form 6059B itemizing all purchased merchandise and agricultural products. Here are your options: Complete a paper form that may be obtained at the port of entry or on the flight or cruise. Complete the online form at a Global Entry kiosk.

What is not allowed by US customs? ›

Examples of prohibited items are dangerous toys, cars that don't protect their occupants in a crash, bush meat, or illegal substances like absinthe and Rohypnol. Restricted means that special licenses or permits are required from a federal agency before the item is allowed to enter the United States.

How does duty-free work with customs? ›

Duty- free exemption. The duty-free exemption, also called the personal exemption, is the total value of merchandise you may bring back to the United States without having to pay duty. You may bring back more than your exemption, but you will have to pay duty on it.

How do you know what to declare at customs? ›

In essence, you have to declare any items you purchased and/or are carrying with you upon your return to the United States that you did not have when you left. This may include gifts you bought for others or received while abroad, souvenirs, or even found items.

What do US customs check for? ›

In fact, the CBP assesses all people who arrive by airplane, overland vehicle, ship or on foot and want to enter the U.S. The job of U.S. customs agents is to search for banned agricultural products and counterfeit goods, but they also are trained to seize street and pharmaceutical drugs, illegal immigrants and ...

Do I have to declare snacks at customs? ›

You must declare all food products. Failure to declare food products can result in up to $10,000 in fines and penalties. The following are generally admissible: Condiments: ketchup (catsup), mustard, mayonnaise, Marmite and Vegemite and prepared sauces that do not contain meat products.

How does duty-free work in the US? ›

Duty-free stores allow outgoing travelers to shop without being taxed locally, so you can purchase select items without paying a duty so long as you transport them across international borders, per U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Can Americans shop at duty-free? ›

Unfortunately, you must be leaving the country to purchase from our stores.

What happens if you open duty-free bag? ›

If you open it at the gate or onboard, airline staff will confiscate your purchase, empty the liquor or perfume and throw out your candy or tobacco. Your goods will meet the same fate if you show up at your final destination and a customs agent sees that you've opened the bag or its contents.

What questions do US customs officers ask? ›

Prepare for Likely Questions From U.S. CBP Officials
  • Why are you visiting the United States? ...
  • Where will you be staying? ...
  • Who will you be visiting? ...
  • How long will you be staying in the U.S.? If you're coming in with an immigrant visa (have been approved for U.S. permanent residence), you won't likely be asked this.

What happens if you have nothing to declare at customs? ›

If you do not declare, or falsely declare, goods, the CBSA can seize them. This means that you may lose the goods permanently or that you may have to pay a penalty to get them back.

What is not allowed in a carry-on? ›

Liquid or gel food items larger than 3.4 oz are not allowed in carry-on bags and should be placed in your checked bags if possible. TSA officers may instruct travelers to separate items from carry-on bags such as foods, powders, and any materials that can clutter bags and obstruct clear images on the X-ray machine.

Do they check your bags at US customs? ›

When entering the United States from overseas, you must obtain your luggage and bring them through Customs and Border Protection (CBP). You will need to check them back into the airlines to make your next flight.

Can you take deodorant through customs? ›

Can I take deodorant or aerosols in hand luggage? Aerosols and roll on deodorants are classed as liquids, so any containers larger than 100 ml will need to go in your luggage in the hold. Containers smaller than 100 ml are accepted if in a clear plastic bag.

At what point do you go through customs? ›

Usually, you go through customs when you exit the airport at your final destination. However, if you have a layover in a different city in your destination country, you may need to go through customs before your connecting flight.

How much is customs duty in USA? ›

The amount of import tax and duties to be paid depends on the country from which the goods are imported. Duty tax rates are between 0 to 37.5% with the typical rate being 5.63%. A flat rate of 3% applies to e-commerce purchases that are in excess of the US import tax threshold limits.

What are customs free of charge items? ›

Examples of free-of-charge goods are: gifts, bonus goods, samples and promotional goods. The customs value of imported goods is determined in accordance with the valuation provisions of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act). Section 159 of the Act outlines the methods for determining the Customs value of imported products.

What questions do you have to answer at customs? ›

If you are a U.S. citizen, you need only answer questions establishing your identity and citizenship, although refusing to answer routine questions about the nature and purpose of your travel could result in delay and/or further inspection.

Do I have to declare jewelry at U.S. customs? ›

In America, It's a Must. If you bought a watch or expensive jewelry while you were abroad you must declare it, even if it's from a nearby country like Canada. However, that doesn't mean you have to pay taxes on your items. Most travelers qualify for CBP exemptions.

Can US Customs check your phone? ›

Anyone who has traveled outside the country may already know that U.S. Customs and Border Protection has the right to search the phones and other electronic devices of anyone entering the country – including U.S. citizens -- without a warrant.

Does everyone get checked at customs? ›

Everyone arriving at a port of entry to the U.S. is subject to inspection by Customs and Border Protection officers for compliance with immigration, customs and agriculture regulations. The more international travelers know about what to expect, the easier and quicker the process becomes.

Do I have to declare toiletries at customs? ›

Written Declaration

You need not list wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toiletries, and similar personal effects that you owned abroad and have brought for your own use. The purchase price of articles you declare must be stated in U.S. dollars.

What food do I have to declare? ›

Every fruit or vegetable must be declared to a Customs Border Patrol Officer and must be presented for inspection – no matter how free of pests it appears to be. Failure to declare food products can result in a $10,000 fine.

Do you need to declare coffee at U.S. customs? ›

Roasted Coffee: Travelers are permitted to bring unlimited quantities of roasted coffee in their luggage without restriction through any U.S. port of entry. However, as with all agricultural products, you must declare the product at entry.

Do I need to declare duty-free items? ›

You must declare all items you purchased and are carrying with you upon return to the United States, including gifts for other people as well as items you bought for yourself. This includes duty-free items purchased in foreign countries, as well as any merchandise you intend to sell or use in your business.

Why are duty-free bags sealed? ›

The whole point of the bag is to ensure that the contents haven't been tampered with. Once the seal is broken (it's not ziplock style) you won't be able to take them through any further security checks. The sealed bag is known in the aviation industry as a STEB - Sealed Tamper Evident Bag.

Can you take duty-free on connecting flights? ›

You can take duty free liquids onboard your flight to the US. If you'll be transferring to an onward connection after landing in the States, you should pack your duty free liquids into your hold baggage at the transit point (take care not to exceed your baggage allowance in doing so, though).

Are items made in the USA duty-free? ›

All goods are subject to duty every time they enter the U.S. unless they are specifically identified as duty exempt. Did you know U.S. goods returning to the United States are usually eligible for duty-free treatment?

What is the difference between duty-free and duty paid? ›

At EJE Travel Retail, duty-free items are separated from duty-paid items by a set of glass doors inside the shop. Duty-paid simply means that you pay the tax, which is just like any item you buy in any other store. For this reason, anyone traveling anywhere can purchase a duty-paid item.

Do I have to pay duty on items bought in US? ›

If merchandise, used or new, is imported into the United States, it must clear CBP and may be subject to the payment of duty as well as to whatever rules and regulations govern the importation of that particular product into the United States.

Can I put my duty free bag in my carry-on? ›

Duty Free Purchases

No matter how bulky or numerous your duty-free items, it's totally fine to bring them onto the plane with you in addition to your other luggage.

Do I have to empty my purse at airport security? ›

Ensure pockets are empty (keys, tissues, currency, wallets, cell phones, etc.) and remove bulky jewelry (valuable items can be placed in carry-on). Remove your shoes and place them directly on the X-ray belt.

Can you put duty free in checked bag? ›

TSA Rules and Liquid Duty Free Purchases

Any item containing more than 3.4 ounces (100 ml) of liquid, aerosol or gel must be transported in checked baggage once you arrive in the US.

How do you know if you are flagged by customs? ›

There are signs that will indicate you have been flagged for additional screenings: You were not able to print a boarding pass from an airline ticketing kiosk or from the internet. You were denied or delayed boarding. A ticket agent “called someone” before handing you a boarding pass.

Can a US citizen be denied entry back into the USA? ›

Citizens: You only have to answer questions establishing your identity and citizenship (in addition to customs-related questions). Refusal to answer other questions may cause delay, but officials may not deny you entry into the U.S. if you have established your identity and citizenship.

What do customs officers see on their screen? ›

Any criminal history you have. Your citizenship status. Employment information. Your phone numbers.

What is nothing to declare for? ›

Nothing To Declare 1

Fly-on-the-wall documentary following the men and women who defend Australia from drug runners, smugglers and terrorists. (

Do I have to declare alcohol at US Customs? ›

Federal and state regulations allow you to bring back one liter of an alcoholic beverage for personal use duty-free. However, states may allow you to bring back more than one liter, but you will have to pay any applicable Customs duty and IRT.

Why do they ask you if you have anything to declare? ›

What's the meaning of “Do you have anything to declare?”? When you land at your destination, you might have to go through customs. If that happens, you will most likely hear this question. It is asking whether you are carrying any special items with you from the place that your flight came from.

How much can you bring into the US without declaring? ›

International travelers entering the United States must declare if they are carrying currency or monetary instruments in a combined amount over $10,000 on their Customs Declaration Form (CBP Form 6059B) and then file a FinCEN Form 105.

How does duty free work in the US? ›

Duty-free stores allow outgoing travelers to shop without being taxed locally, so you can purchase select items without paying a duty so long as you transport them across international borders, per U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

How much can you spend in the US for less than 24 hours? ›

Residents can bring back, tax and duty free, goods valued at CAN$200 after being away for 24 hours, and goods valued at CAN$800 after 48 hours. There are no personal exemptions for same-day cross-border shopping trips so be prepared to pay tax on those purchases and possibly duty.

What happens when you declare items at customs? ›

The declaration form helps the customs to control goods entering the country, which can affect the country's economy, security or environment. A levy duty may be applied. Travellers have to declare everything they acquired abroad and possibly pay customs duty tax on goods.

How do I declare alcohol at US Customs? ›

Alcohol must be properly labeled, depending on type. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau offers guidelines on its website. You must declare alcohol brought from a foreign country on a Customs and Border Protection form (6059B)

How much cash can you carry through US customs? ›

You may bring large sums of money with you in the form of cash, money order, or traveler's checks. There is no maximum limit, however, any amount exceeding $10,000 USD must be declared upon arrival on both the Form 6059B and FinCEN 105. All forms must be filled in completely and truthfully.

What is the advantage of duty free shopping? ›

If you buy something "duty free," it means you're not paying taxes on it in the country where you purchased the item. So if you buy French wine at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, you are not paying taxes on it in France. But it could still be subject to taxes when you cross the border back into the U.S.

What is the 48 hour rule in spending? ›

Give yourself 48-hours to think about a specific purchase decision and its impact on your monthly budget. During the 48-hour period, ask yourself if you really need the item — and if it's really worth it to you. Most of the time, the 48-hour rule will help you be more objective with your buying decisions.

What do I need to cross the US border by car? ›

a valid passport. a Trusted Traveler Program card. an enhanced driver's licence (EDL) or enhanced identification card (EIC) from a province or territory where a U.S. approved EDL/EIC program has been implemented.

How much spending money do you need for 2 weeks in America? ›

How Much Spending Money for 2 Weeks in America? The average person spends roughly US$3000 for a fortnight-long trip to the US. Consider budgeting: Low budget: US$1000-1500 per person.

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