Eveyday Ingredients That Pair Perfectly With Cardamom (2024)

Do you have a packet of cardamom pods or a jar of cardamom seeds gathering dust at the back of your cupboard because you simply have no idea what to do with them? Then this is the post for you. Cardamom may be a very intense flavor, but it pairs surprisingly well with many ingredients that you likely already have in your pantry or fridge. So, if you’re wanting to cook something with cardamom but don’t know where to start, then here are seven cardamom pairings to think about.

  • Cardamom and Cinnamon

If you’ve ever enjoyed a traditional cup of chai tea, then you’ll know that cinnamon and cardamom are two close friends. Why not try a twist on the classic cinnamon roll, or simply add a cardamom pod or two to a recipe if it calls for cinnamon for an additional layer of flavor.

  • Cardamom and Coffee

Cardamom coffee is a favorite in the Middle East. Ground cardamom seeds or a crushed cardamom pod are brewed with coffee beans to produce a fragrant version of your usual caffeinated drink. Give it a try for a twist on your next coffee.

  • Cardamom and Cream

Although thick whipped cream is a delightful addition to any dessert all in itself, for a sophisticated and fragrant twist, try adding a little cardamom. Simply add ½ a teaspoon of ground cardamom seeds to one cup of heavy whipping cream, add sugar to taste, and whip together.

  • Cardamom and Plums

Although most people see cardamom as a savory spice, it pairs exceptionally well with a number of sweet fruits, especially plums, apples, and apricots. Try adding a cardamom pod or two to your fruit as it stews, or for a stronger flavor, mix in ½ a teaspoon of ground cardamom seeds.

  • Cardamom and Almonds

Almond and cardamom may not be two ingredients that you imagine pair well together, but they most certainly do! Whether you’re adding flaked almonds to a granola recipe, or are looking for an exotic twist for your almond cookies, then add in a little ground cardamom for an additional boost of flavor.

  • Cardamom and Carrots

The sweet flavor of carrot pairs surprisingly well with the floral tones of cardamom to produce a flavor pairing that can elevate even the simplest carrot dish. Whether you’re roasting carrots as a side dish or are using them in a carrot cake, add some cardamom to the dish to take it to the next level.

  • Cardamom and Citrus

Last but by no means least, if you have some oranges or lemons lying around, then you have yourself a flavor pairing match made in heaven. The acidic notes of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons really help to elevate the flavor profile of cardamom and stand up well to its pungent flavor. Try adding cardamom to your next citrus pudding, or for a quick alcohol-free co*cktail, try a cardamom lemonade!

So there you have it - seven everyday ingredients that pair perfectly with cardamom. We have to admit, we too were surprised how many of them began with the letter ‘C,’ what a coincidence!

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Posted on November 17, 2020

Gillian Brady


Eveyday Ingredients That Pair Perfectly With Cardamom (2024)


Eveyday Ingredients That Pair Perfectly With Cardamom? ›

Although most people see cardamom as a savory spice, it pairs exceptionally well with a number of sweet fruits, especially plums, apples, and apricots. Try adding a cardamom pod or two to your fruit as it stews, or for a stronger flavor, mix in ½ a teaspoon of ground cardamom seeds.

What does cardamom pair well with? ›

What goes well with Cardamom? In sweet dishes, cardamom combines with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and saffron. As for savory dishes, our suggestion is to make the garam masala seasoning and store it in a glass jar. So you have a mixture of seasoning ready and super aromatic to use in various recipes.

What herb pairs with cardamom? ›

Cardamom. Herbs and Spices: Pairs really well with basil, thyme, nutmeg, oregano, parsley, and ginger. Fruits: Pairs very well with citrus fruits, cranberry, carrot, tomato, duck, gruyère, and mozzarella.

What do you put cardamom spice in? ›

Many Indian and Indian-inspired dishes call for cardamom, including curry dishes, Kheer (Indian rice pudding), and chai. Indian spice blends such as garam masala also feature cardamom. You'll also find cardamom adds warmth and depth to baked goods such as cookies, bread pudding, and even cheesecake.

What are the most common uses for cardamom? ›

It has a distinctive flavor that complements both sweet and savory dishes. People may use cardamom seeds and pods in curries, desserts, and meat dishes, as well as in beverages, such as coffee and chai tea.

Who should not use cardamom? ›

Cardamom may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners and drugs that affect the liver. So it's important to consult a doctor before consuming it. It is generally not recommended for pregnant women to consume Cardamom, as it can stimulate the uterus and cause uterine contractions.

Do chocolate and cardamom go together? ›

Cardamom shines when paired with chocolate, such as chocolate chip cookies or a cake with a dash of cocoa powder. Cardamom features a complex flavor that is difficult to describe with hints of menthol, floral, and honey.

What nuts go best with cardamom? ›

Almond and cardamom may not be two ingredients that you imagine pair well together, but they most certainly do! Whether you're adding flaked almonds to a granola recipe, or are looking for an exotic twist for your almond cookies, then add in a little ground cardamom for an additional boost of flavor.

What smells go well with cardamom? ›

The fragrance of cardamom blends well with bergamot, rose, cedar, cinnamon, clove, orange and ylang ylang.

What sweet flavors go with cardamom? ›

With so many possibilities, cardamom has become a spice shelf staple.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Coffee. Brew it with the coffee beans for a twist on classic black.
  • Lemon. I always thought cardamom would be a nice addition to a lemonade.
  • Orange.
  • Apricots.
  • Pistachios.
  • Tea. Enjoy a traditional chai?
  • Walnut.
Jun 14, 2010

Do cardamom and cinnamon go together? ›

Cinnamon and cardamom are such good flavor friends that they're often paired together in recipes from savory (like curry) to sweet (like apple pie).

What are the benefits of eating cardamom at night? ›

Well, cardamom is known for its potent medicinal benefits, which when combined with milk helps in relieving stress, anxiety and helps in inducing sleep. A combination of milk and cardamom at bed time also helps in boosting libido and improves the metabolic rate during sleep.

What flavor does cardamom add to food? ›

Frisch says that cardamom has a complex aroma with a piney, fruity, and almost menthol-like flavor. When used too much, it can be slightly astringent. It pairs wonderfully with citrus, and works well in both desserts and savory dishes.

Does cardamom increase estrogen? ›

Cardamom extract may act as a hormone disruptor in humans. It was able to bind hormone receptors in cell studies (estrogen and androgen receptors) [44].

Does cardamom increase testosterone? ›

Does Cardamom increase testosterone? Yes, Caradamom helps improve testosterone level in a series of events. Studies state that Cardamom extract enhance the activity of antioxidant called glutathione. Increase in the level of glutathione, increases the level of Gonadotropin-relasing hormone (GnRH).

What effects does cardamom have on hormones? ›

Green cardamom improves androgenic hormone levels and inflammatory markers in women with PCOS Original paper. This Study Summary was published on September 1 2021.

Does cardamom detox your body? ›

Cardamom acts as a potent detoxifier for the body. It reduces toxins in the blood and increases the elimination of these toxins by inducing mild diuresis. Evidence shows that the essential oils and phytochemicals present in cardamom provide detoxifying effects.

What is the medicinal effect of cardamom? ›

Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal gas, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for common cold, cough, bronchitis, sore mouth and throat, and tendency toward infection.

Why do Scandinavians love cardamom? ›

Serra thinks the Moors likely introduced cardamom to Scandinavia. According to this theory, cardamom and other spices would have found their way from the Iberian peninsula up to London, and then from London, were traded along a German trade route up into Scandinavia.

Do cardamom and turmeric go together? ›

Both turmeric and cardamom have similar health benefits, and together they create a potent blend. The turmeric cardamom wellness tea is effective in cleansing and detoxifying your body like no other drink.

Is cardamom Seductive? ›

This is what cardamom smells like. The rich aroma of cardamom is sweet and spicy, with a pleasant hint of pepper. This comforting, seductive scent promises an energizing boost on those days when you need some extra motivation.

Can we eat cardamom with banana? ›

Bananas are heavier and harder to digest than most other ripe fruits. When spiced up with lime and cardamom, two natural digestive aids, this super fruit is lighter and easier to digest.

How do you get the most flavor out of cardamom? ›

Toast your cardamom pods before grinding them for more flavor. Toasting your spices can really intensify their flavor. Sometimes a recipe will call for you to toast your spices first, and other times it may leave it up to you to decide whether you want to or not.

Does cardamom pair well with berries? ›

Cardamom is the perfect spice to combine with blueberries in this homestyle coffee cake.

Can you put cardamom in coffee? ›

Strong coffee flavored with cardamom is popular in Israel and other parts of the Middle East. One method for making it is to simply drop whole cardamom pods into small cups of thick, rich coffee, and the other is to actually brew the coffee and cardamom together as in this versatile recipe.

Is cardamom calming? ›

Cardamom is an interesting blend of sweet and spicy, with flavor notes of herb, pine and menthol. It has a warming, calming effect on the body. Black cardamom has a similar, though less aromatic flavor profile, with a smokey, camphor-like flavor taking the stage.

What spice is most like cardamom? ›

Both cinnamon and nutmeg are each widely recommended as cardamom substitutes. Cinnamon is the most popular of the two for use as a standalone cardamom replacement; however, nutmeg is still a popular and relatively inexpensive alternative.

What is the flavor palette of cardamom? ›

Green cardamom pods have a herbal, citrus, slightly sweet flavor. It's a good option for both sweet and savory dishes. Black cardamom has a stronger flavor. Some describe it as similar to mint, while others describe it as slightly sweet with an earthly, smoky flavor.

Who drinks coffee with cardamom? ›

It is an important part of Arab culture and its traditional and cultural connection makes it more special. Combined with cardamom and saffron, Arabic coffee is one of the best drinks to keep yourself warm during cold winter days.

Is cardamom umami? ›

Umami from Indian Spices

Whatever elements of umami are in your dish, such as onions or tomato, the roasted spices will help them along. In particular, cumin, black cardamom, paprika, carraway, carom, Bay and Indian Bay, all can be leveraged to help the umami dimension of your dish's flavour.

Which is the queen of spices cardamom? ›

Cardamom or Elettaria Cardamomum Maton is one of the most highly prized and exotic spices and rightly deserves the name “queen of spices”. It is also commonly referred to as the “green cardamom” or the “true cardamom”, and belongs to the family of ginger. The use of this spice dates back to at least 4000 years.

Do cardamom and lime go together? ›

Cardamom is a sweet and piney plant pod that pairs perfectly with citrus. Say hello to earthly tastes! Juicy limes meet warm, herbal notes of cardamom. Cardamom is a sweet and piney plant pod that pairs perfectly with citrus.

Who cooks with cardamom? ›

Indian cooks use cardamom in meats, vegetable dishes and desserts. It's an essential ingredient in authentic East Indian curry and Indian garam masala and pilaus (rice dishes). Whole pods are also chewed after spicy meals to cleanse the breath.

Does cardamom burn belly fat? ›

Alongside helping to clear toxins and reducing abdominal fat deposits, cardamom has been proven to help to reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels in those who are overweight or obese, helping them to lower their overal cholesterol and to reduce their chances of heart problems.

How to use cardamom for belly fat? ›

All you need to do is to crush the cardamom pod and extract seeds from it. Now add the pod peel and seeds in a glassful of water and leave it overnight. Drink it first thing in the morning to make the most of it. You could also use cardamom powder instead of the pods.

What is the 3rd most expensive spice? ›

Therefore, cardamom is the undisputed number three most expensive spice. Cardamom is a plant that is related to the ginger family. It has a fiery-spicy flavour. Its main areas of cultivation are in India and Madagascar.

Why is cardamom so expensive? ›

Why are these spices so expensive? The reason why spices such as cardamom, vanilla, and saffron are so expensive by weight comes down to how they are grown and the labor that goes into their harvest.

Does cardamom have caffeine? ›

Cardamom is a well-known spice that has long been a staple in Middle Eastern and Asian cuisine. It can also be used to brew up a delightfully spicy tea. When brewed by itself, it is naturally caffeine free and can be consumed at any time of the day.

What does cardamom taste like? ›

The green pods, elettaria cardamomum, also known as “true cardamom,” have the characteristics most recognized as cardamom flavor: an herbal warmth like a fragrant cross between eucalyptus, mint, and pepper—more citrusy than fennel and sweeter than cumin.

What does cardamom do for the body? ›

Cardamom can ease inflammation and protect your cells against something called oxidative stress, an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants that can lead to a number of medical issues. It can also help your body handle insulin better. Keep your blood pressure healthy.

What is the closest flavor to cardamom? ›

Both cinnamon and nutmeg are each widely recommended as cardamom substitutes. Cinnamon is the most popular of the two for use as a standalone cardamom replacement; however, nutmeg is still a popular and relatively inexpensive alternative.

What spice gives you a hard on? ›

Nutmeg: It's oneof the most popular natural aphrodisiacs. Research proves that nutmeg has thesame effect on mating behavior as Viagra.

Does cardamom affect estrogen? ›

Cardamom extract may act as a hormone disruptor in humans. It was able to bind hormone receptors in cell studies (estrogen and androgen receptors) [44].

Is cardamom A Yin or Yang? ›

The spicy essential oils are yang, such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger.

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