When you don’t dress like everyone else you don’t need to think like everyone else. Iris Apfel.

‘Fashion is a language. What one wears is the first, nonverbal way of communicating to others, sending connotative messages to those around. Because of its unique ability not only to convey aesthetic beauty but also the values and personal brand of its wearer, fashion can also be considered a facet of the Communication field.

Whatever you choose you choose it because it carries connotations with it that appeal to the message you want to send. Those messages are how we find our tribes. All humans want to belong somewhere, and clothing and the norms surrounding dress are an essential part of the formation and maintenance of both culture and sub-cultures.

Strategic communication is a field that seeks to convey information in a way that moves the audience to act or think in a way congruent with the speaker’s intent. Clothing does the same.

One can use fashion strategically to influence an audience, fashion, then, can be analysed as a facet of the field of strategic communication just as advertising and mass media. The way we choose to interact with the world and each other is incredibly influential, and it is part of what shapes culture.’ –Fennec Fawn.


‘Fashion as Communication by Malcom Barnardinvestigates the connections between the concept of fashion, communication and culture. Clothing and fashion, as communication, are cultural phenomena whereculture may itself be understood as a signifying system, as the ways in which a society experiences, values and beliefs are communicated through practices, artefacts and institutions.

Fashion, Clothing and Communication

Fashion and clothing are forms ofnonverbal communicationwhere no spoken or written words are used, but they send silent messages. There are two main schools in the study of communication, both subscribe to a general definition of communication as ‘social interaction through messages’ but they each understand that definition slightly differently. The first school is called the‘process’ school, where they believe that “communication is conceived of as a process in which someone says something to someone else in one or other medium or channel with some or other effect.” Where in this case, the garment would be the medium used by one person to send a message to another person, consequently it is the garment who carries the message the wearer wants to communicate. Although he argues that this school rises a problem as to who sends the message, if it is the wearer or if it is originally the designer. The second school, called thesemiotic’ or ‘structuralist’ school,says that communication as ‘social interactions through messages’ constitutes an individual as a member of a group. Rather that a member of a group communicating with other members of the group, as the first group applies. On the process model, the meaning pre-exists the process of communicating them. On the semiotic model, it is the process of communication that produces or generates messages.

He argues that the semiotic model is more plausible since it avoids the problem who creates the message since the message is created by the group as a whole. It is the social interacting, by means of the clothing, that produces the individual as a member of the group rather than vice-versa, that one is a member of the group and then interacts socially.

Fashion, Clothing and Culture

He argues that fashion, clothing and dress are signifying practices, they are ways of generating meanings, which produce and reproduce those cultural groups along with their positions of relative power. That means that clothes are used to separate groups in our society, which turns culture into a general signifying system. We communicate a society’s beliefs, values and experiences through practises, artefacts and institutions. Where, in this case, the practises, artefacts and institutions are fashion and clothing.

Fashion, Clothing and Ideology

Fashion and clothing are used to separate and distinguish different cultural groups in society. According to Douglas and Isherwood (1979) fashion and clothing can be used asfences or bridges. This argues that individual garments may be innocent , but how they are used and the functions they fulfil are not. The uses and functions of garments are social and cultural therefore not innocent. To clarify fences and bridges; fences separates groups and keep people apart while bridges are there to join groups. Fences and Bridges also separate groups at the same time as they identify common values within a group.

Another way to see Douglas and Isherwood’s theory is to see it asweapons and defences. Where you either challenge or try to sustain positions of dominance and supremacy. It is fashion and clothing, used as weapons or fences by different groups, that creates the social order. When fashion and clothes are used as weapons in a group, they express their ideologies against the ideologies of other groups in the social order. He says that fashion and clothing, as cultural phenomena, may now be understood as practises and institutions in which class relations and class differences are made meaningful.

Designers are working with the system of capitalism, advancing consumption and mediating the boundaries and values of clothing communication.

Fashion and clothing, in addition to being forms of cultural production and communication, are ideological phenomena used to maintain, establish and reproduce positions of power.

In his conclusion he says that Fashion and clothing are cultural in the sense that they are some of the ways in which a group constructs and communicates its identity and also that they are communicative in that they are non-verbal ways I which meaning and values are produced and exchanged. Finally, he says that fashion and clothing, as cultural and communicative phenomena, are closely related to status and power.’ –Mathilde Jansson.

Further links:

Clothing as Medium of Comunication

A sociological construction of the object of clothing. Contrary to
usual analyses, clothing is not understood in terms of material culture or ostentatious
consumption, but rather as communication, i.e. as vestimentary operation. Its symbolical
autonomy creates a zone of indifference towards the body and, in particular cases, towards the
person. This approach is able to show that vestimentary practices vary with the form of
societal differentiation. While dress codes are redundant and functional in respect to the social
structure in stratified societies, an autonomous universe of clothing as medium of
communication forms itself in the fully developed culture of exterior appearance. It contains a
special code, programs, symbiotic mechanisms and a memory of its own. Triggers for such
tendencies towards autonomy are a public sphere, forming itself as a correlate of urbanization,
a money economy under market conditions and fashion as a theme of reflection for societal

Dressed to express: Fashion’s Role as a Political Medium

In the wake of Donald Trump’s election and subsequent inauguration as president,unprecedentednumbers of his opponents took to the streets of major cities throughout the country in bold displays of resistance. While the actual protests like the Women’s March lasted for only a few hours, their spirits are memorialised, bothliterallyand figuratively, in the clothing, signs, hats, and buttons that were featured in some of the march’s most iconic images.

Fashion as medium of communication

Since the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, the function of fashion as a medium of communication is becoming of a new significance for modern society.




One can use fashion strategically to influence an audience, fashion, then, can be analysed as a facet of the field of strategic communication just as advertising and mass media. The way we choose to interact with the world and each other is incredibly influential, and it is part of what shapes culture.

What is the fashion communication strategy? ›

A fashion communication strategy is a tangible way of showing and communicating your brand's essence and purpose. Also, it is a tool for promoting your products and services season after season from an innovative and creative perspective.

How is fashion linked to communication? ›

Historically as well as currently, fashion has been used as a way to communicate a person's thoughts or beliefs. It can express ideas as profound as a radical political statement, or simply showcase one's personality.

What is the strategic communication theory? ›

Strategic communication is defined as purposeful communication of an organization to advance its mission. – it is a result of sound research, meticulous planning, careful implementation and evaluation.

Why is fashion communication important? ›

The importance of fashion communication lies in the fact that it builds an identity for fashion businesses. Fashion Communication has made it feasible for these brands to communicate their vision, product offerings and key message to their customers.

What are the key characteristics of fashion communication? ›

There are 3 Key Areas of Fashion Communication: Business and Trade. Promotions and Publicity.
Brand Awareness is provided set of activities and Tools in fashion:
  • Advertising.
  • Editorials.
  • Catalogues.
  • Pop material.
  • Fashion show & events.
  • Videos about seasonal products.
  • Websites and social media apps.
Dec 23, 2016

What are the examples of fashion communication? ›

Fashion Communication

Fashion Blogs, newspaper articles, fashion magazines, promotional videos, movies – any audio-visual medium that showcases the designs by designers, is a source of information about the latest happenings in the industry.

What is fashion as communication summary? ›

More than two decades ago, Malcolm Barnard published Fashion as Communication to discuss the idea that fashion and clothes work as a way to communicate identity. His book challenged the notion of fashion as superfluous by introducing and explaining fashion and clothes as cultural phenomena, as a form of language.

What is the impact of fashion communication on society? ›

They help communication happen between fashion industry workers and other people who are potential consumers of their items. This communication is crucial in the fashion system, as without it and not having contact with observers, the industry could not even exist.

What are the 4 stages of a strategic communication? ›

The communication process consists of several stages: the audience should first acquire knowledge about the existence of something we are communicating about, then get interested in it, then try it, then become a loyal customer and, finally, become a fan.

What are the three goals of strategic communication? ›

Strategic communications can be held accountable for achieving three main outcomes, all of which are measurable: Raising awareness, changing attitudes and motivating people to take action.

What are the three levels of strategic communication? ›

ABSTRACT. In Chapter 4, the three levels of analysis-the macro (societal), meso (organizational) and micro (communication)-that enable successful strategic communication are explained in detail.

Is fashion designing good or fashion communication? ›

Fashion Communication is another essential domain of the field which refers to the process of conveying fashion and lifestyle trends to a suitable audience through the means of advertisem*nt, graphic designing, visual representations, runways, merchandising and branding, print media and others.

What are the learning outcomes of fashion communication? ›

Learning outcomes
  • 1 Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between creative fashion communication work and clients, markets and consumers. [ ...
  • 2 Be intellectually curious and adaptable, willing to embrace new ideas and accommodate risk and uncertainty in your creative fashion communication ideas and outcomes. [

Is fashion communication worth it? ›

Fashion communication is an excellent career as it expands the scope of knowledge in your field.

What are the 5 C's of fashion? ›

The five C's of chic summer dressing are crochet dresses, cropped jackets, saturated colours, belly chains, and grown-up cutouts.

What are the elements of fashion theory? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture.

What are the 5 elements of fashion? ›

5 Important Elements of Fashion Design
  • Colour.
  • Silhouettes.
  • Fabric.
  • Body Shape.
  • Balance and Rhythm.
Jan 6, 2021

What is fashion communications major? ›

What is a BA in Fashion Communication? This degree provides students the necessary tools to foster an appreciation for fashion and its influence on popular culture. Students learn marketing, graphics, fashion photography and promotional advertising.

What are examples of fashion theory? ›

Trickle-down, or upper-class theory, is one example of a fashion theory (Simmel, 1904). This theory is based on ideas related to social class. It explains that individuals of higher socioeconomic status set the trends, and then those of lower socioeconomic statuses follow these trends.

Why is fashion important in today's society? ›

Fashion keeps a society lively through different new styles and subsequent changes. Fashion promotes social changes from time to time and also respects traditions and customs in society. Fashion encourages to modify or amend all those customs that are rigid and have no relevancy anymore.

How fashion can affect people's behavior? ›

The psychology of clothing is complex and taps into culture, symbolism, neuroscience, sexuality and many more aspects of the human experience. Fashion and clothing influences behavior in multiple ways; our perception of ourselves, how others react to us, our confidence and self-esteem.

What are 5 impacts of communication on society? ›

Among them are: managing the environment in a sustainable manner; curbing the exponential rates of population growth and urbanization; ensuring food security; fulfilling human health and education needs; increasing literacy; alleviating poverty; and achieving gender equality.

What are the five P's of strategizing communication? ›

No matter what your size, keeping these 5 P's in mind when communicating change will help, especially when scale is adding to the stress: Plan, Produce, Publish, Promote, Practice.

What are the 7 types of communication strategies? ›

Here are seven communication strategies that any business or firm can use.
  • Understand the Full Spectrum of Communication Skills. ...
  • Talk in Person. ...
  • Encourage Participation in Speaking-Focused Organizations. ...
  • Focus on Listening. ...
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions. ...
  • Pay Attention to Body Language and Tone of Voice.
Mar 28, 2017

What are the key elements of a strategic communication plan? ›

Eight Components Of A Successful Strategic Communication Plan
  • Analysis. Firstly, you need to review your company's current state. ...
  • Communication Initiatives. ...
  • Communication Goals and Objectives. ...
  • Audience Segmentation. ...
  • Key Messages and Content Pillars. ...
  • Channel Map. ...
  • Content Matrix and Editorial Plan. ...
  • Measurements and analytics.

What makes strategic communication effective? ›

The most essential elements of an effective communication strategy vary depending on your project, but successful strategies almost always include information about the target audience, specific goals for the campaign, and a team of inspired members with the right traits.

What are strategic communications key messages? ›

Key messages are the main points of information you want your audience to hear, understand, and remember. They are bite-sized summations that articulate what you do, why you do it, how you are different, and what value you bring to stakeholders.

What is the smart objective of a strategic communication? ›

Your objectives should be SMART — specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Well-defined objectives will guide your strategy, tactics, themes and messages. Setting objectives allows planners to define the end-state in advance.

What is fashion management and communication? ›

Full-time Art and design. Develop your knowledge of the fashion industry and its connections to lifestyle and society. Express yourself through the creation and communication of new fashion narratives.

Is communication design and fashion communication same? ›

You will be working with social media, promoting the content online, working with fashion films, events, and magazines.” Hence fashion design students go into the field of fashion design, whereas communication students become multi-media communicators and designers.

Why are good communication skills needed for a fashion designer? ›

Good Communication Skills: Fashion designers must be able to communicate their ideas and plans to others. Fashion projects generally require many people working together and bringing an idea to life. Hence, it is crucial to develop healthy and professional communication skills for a successful career.

What are the benefits of learning fashion? ›

Some of the skills include but are not limited to; creativity and proactivity, interpersonal skills, attention to detail, eagerness to succeed, excellent sewing skills, visualisation and sketching skills, art skills, Communication skills which include writing, time management skills and more.

What are the three outcomes of effective communication? ›

Happiness, wellbeing and effectiveness: Three huge outcomes that are affected by how well we communicate.

What is the highest salary of fashion communication? ›

The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹13.5lakhs per year.

What is the difference between fashion management and fashion communication? ›

Fashion Concept Manager: People working under this profile are expected to think of unique themes on which a clothing or accessory range should be designed by a designer, brand or fashion firm. Thank you. Fashion Communication deals with design strategies, brands, portfolios etc.

What are the 4 major communication strategies? ›

  • Non-verbal communication.
  • Verbal communication.
  • Written communication.
  • Visual communication.

What is Zara's communication strategy? ›

Instead of advertising, Zara uses its store location and store displays as key elements of its marketing strategy. By choosing to be in the most prominent locations in a city, Zara ensures very high customer traffic for its stores.

What is fashion marketing communication? ›

Description. Fashion is all about image. Consequently, fashion marketing communications – encompassing image management and public relations, branding, visual merchandising, publicity campaigns, handling the media, celebrity endorsem*nt and sponsorship, crisis management etc.

What are the three C's of strategy communication? ›

Clear, concise, consistent – The three Cs of effective communication.

What are 5 effective communication strategies? ›

Strategies for effective verbal communication
  • Focus on the issue, not the person. ...
  • Be genuine rather than manipulative. ...
  • Empathize rather than remain detached. ...
  • Be flexible towards others. ...
  • Value yourself and your own experiences. ...
  • Use affirming responses.

How Zara is different from H&M strategies? ›

A key differentiator between the retailers is their approach to sales. Zara has traditionally taken a subtler approach to reductions, only discounting during key sales periods while H&M takes more frequent and aggressive markdowns.

What business model and strategies is Zara pursuing? ›

Zara's generic strategy is cost leadership. The brand holds a competitive advantage in the market by offering products similar to high-end fashion and designer brands' styles at modest prices.

What is the future strategy for Zara? ›

1 billion euros will be allocated to enhancing online operations while 1.7 billion euros will be allocated to its store network to make it more integrated with its online business. Along with that move Inditex had a plan to close up to 1,200 stores by the end of 2022 and open 450 new stores.

What is the most important part of brand communication strategy? ›

Identifying your audience is the first step in your strategy and will be critical to help you uncover the right mix of target audiences, activities, outreach, and marketing that can make a positive impact on your customers and their opinions of your products and services.

What are the 4 branding strategies? ›

The four brand development strategies are:
  • line extension,
  • brand extension,
  • multi-brands, and.
  • new brands.

What is the communication strategy of Coca Cola company? ›

Coca Cola relies on media extensively to conduct its integrated marketing communication strategy. The choice of media used by the company includes newspapers, magazines, internet, television, cinema, radio, posters and billboards.

Is fashion design and fashion communication same? ›

In conclusion, Fashion Design is majorly about the creation of clothing and accessories, and Fashion Communication focuses on the industry's print and media aspects.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.