Fashion industry trends in 2024 - the ultimate list (2024)

Fashion’s always on the move, so 2024 won’t surprise us. Online shopping is the norm now, all thanks to tech. If you’re in the e-commerce business, you know how quick trends can change and keeping up with them is hard.

Let’s go through the 2024’s fashion industry trends. Staying on top of these is key to beating the competition. But hey, don’t just chase every trend – adapt accordingly. It’s all about staying visible and, at the same time, relevant to your brand values.

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Why are fashion industry trends changing so fast?

Today, it is 14 degrees, and the sun is shining. Tomorrow, maybe there will be snow. People in the fashion business may feel the same when they think about changes in the fashion industry trends. So why is it changing so fast?

In 2023, we saw how consumers and technology shaped fashion industry trends. Influencers like Chiara Ferragni set the pace, with their followers quickly adopting similar styles, showcasing the power of social media in the fashion world. Tech advancements completely changed online shopping.

Moving into 2024, the trends from 2023 will accelerate. Consumer influence will grow even stronger, can you imagine that? The fashion industry in 2024 is expected to become more dynamic and we can’t wait to see how.

When it comes to consumers and shopping in general, technology has already drastically changed the way we shop and consume fashion. Many consumers switched to online shopping as it has become a convenient and efficient way to purchase items. That’s when technology took its place and became a huge part of the fashion industry trends. Every day has the possibility to be the release day of some new tools or technologies that could have an effect on the whole industry.

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These changes may seem fast, but they happened at the right time. The proof is how fast they got accepted by people in the fashion industry. We’re witnessing that consumers are shaping the trends that spread between generations. On the other hand, technological advancements offer possibilities to both consumers and brands. Thanks to social media, customers expect instant access to all trends as soon as they’re live. So, let’s see what trends will be popular in the following year!

Technology trends in fashion industry

In 2023, the fashion industry began a technological revolution. Brands started using AI tools, gave more spotlight to mobile commerce, and experienced 3D printing and blockchain significantly altering manufacturing, production, and marketing strategies. This tech shift was all about connecting with customers present in the digital world.

2024 is here, and we can expect these tech trends to evolve more. While 2023 laid the groundwork, 2024 will use these technologies and ecommerce platforms with more experience, offering brands new ways to innovate and grow. This progression underscores an era where technology is integral to fashion’s future. What do you think about this? Let’s go through tech trends in the fashion industry.


Many e-commerce brands choose to build their store on Shopify but there are so many of them that are transitioning to Shopify from other e-commerce platforms.

This trend signifies a broader shift towards more efficient e-commerce platforms, a movement we are intimately familiar with as a Shopify experts agency.

Shopify, famous for its user-friendly interface, scalability, and features, has become a no.1 choice for businesses ready to rock their online presence. This e-commerce platform has a very detailed analytics, integrated payment systems, and extensive app marketplace to create seamless shopping experiences and it’s not a coincidence many brands switch to Shopify. The migration to Shopify, supported by our services, reflects a commitment to using technology to meet evolving consumer demands and to fostering a more dynamic and responsive retail environment – and it was about time.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Every fashion business can benefit from artificial intelligence, especially e-commerce and marketing. For example, artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for personalized product recommendations by using algorithms that can analyze a customer’s browsing and purchasing history. Guiding customers toward products they’re more likely to purchase directly affects sales. Most important, overall customer experience increases.

Did you know that AI-powered search engines can understand natural language queries? Because of that, it provides more accurate and relevant search results. And customers love it! They can find products quickly and easily, improving their shopping experience.

When it comes to improving the shopping experience with AI, here is a good example of that practice. Dressipi is a tool that uses AI algorithms for customers to find clothes that fit their body shape and personal style. By collecting their preferences and measurements, Dressipi can provide tailored recommendations and reduce the likelihood of returns, but, most importantly, it increases customer satisfaction.

AI is also being used to develop virtual assistants to help customers with their shopping experience. Virtual assistants can answer product questions, help customers, and offer personalized recommendations.

AI helps fashion brands provide customers with a more engaging and personalized experience. If you’re in the fashion business, you must know how crucial it is for customer satisfaction. Some of the most popular fashion brands have implemented AI in their business models, like Zara, Nike, and Nordstrom, so maybe it’s time to figure out how you can use it as well.

In 2024, we can expect AI’s role to expand into more predictive analytics, offering deeper insights into customer preferences. We already know so much about customers, so it will be interesting to see if we can know them even better.

3D Printing

3D printing is a revolutionary technology for fashion e-commerce. It allows for the efficient and sustainable production of complex shapes. On-demand production reduces waste and eliminates the need for large inventories.

Customers can personalize their purchases with specific color, design, and size requirements. This improves customer loyalty and sets businesses apart from competitors.

Designers can quickly create and test prototypes, resulting in faster design refinement. This speeds up the product development and testing process. Take a look at the Sculpteo to get an idea of how easy it is to 3D print items. It is a service that provides on-demand 3D printing and manufacturing for businesses and individuals. Users can upload their 3D designs, and Sculpteo will handle the printing and shipping of the final product.

3D printing can transform the fashion industry by providing sustainable production methods, customization, and faster product development. It gives businesses a competitive advantage and improves customer satisfaction. Adidas, Nike, Under Armour, Reebok, and New Balance adopted 3D printing technology a few years ago, so it’s a matter of time before the whole shoe industry adopts this technology.

That’s why, in 2024, we can expect more brands to start using 3D printing for innovative, eco-friendly production, which will enhance customization and customer satisfaction.

Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology improves supply chain transparency. It can create a secure and transparent record of every step in the supply chain, from sourcing raw materials to delivering the final product. Trust and accountability throughout the supply chain are exactly what brands need. Plus, it reduces the risk of counterfeit products. That’s why brands like Louis Vuitton and Dior use this technology to authenticate luxury goods.

Blockchain technology also enables faster and more secure transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and increasing the speed of payment settlement. For example, WooCommerce can be integrated with blockchain technology to enable secure and transparent transactions in the fashion industry. In 2024? Expect blockchain technology to be integrated in multiple ways into the fashion industry.

Virtual reality (VR)

One of the possibilities VR can be used is to create virtual stores. Virtual stores are perfect for customers to browse and interact with products. This enables more engagement than traditional e-commerce platforms. Creating a sense of presence and simulating the experience of physically being in a store increases the likelihood of a purchase.

You can create virtual fashion shows and events with VR technology, like Balenciaga did a few years ago. It’s a perfect place for designers to showcase their collections and reach a wider audience. This creates a more memorable experience for viewers.

Why are virtual fitting rooms trending among customers? It’s because customers can try on clothing and accessories in a virtual environment. The need for physical try-ons can be time-consuming and inconvenient.

The implementation of VR technology is broad. Here’s a tool that combines AI and VR technologies to offer customers customized 3D virtual product models. ELSE Corp uses body measurements to create virtual models and allows trying on virtual clothes from different brands in real-time.

By 2024, expect VR to take off big time. Virtual fashion shows are becoming the new runway. And those VR fitting rooms? Huge hit. It’s all about mixing AI and VR for a custom, super-real shopping experience. Fasten your seatbelt for a shopping revolution.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality provides a real-world experience as an overlay. It allows customers to visualize how clothing and accessories would look on them without physically trying them on. Having customers visualize the total look can reduce the likelihood of returns. Customers can try on clothing virtually without worrying they won’t fit which is a big deal today since the sizes vary from brand to brand.

AR can also be integrated into mobile apps or web shops, allowing customers to try on items from their homes. For example, PICTOFiT is an AR fitting room technology developed by Reactive Reality that allows customers to try on clothes using their smartphones or other devices. The tool creates a 3D virtual model of the customer’s body based on their body measurements, allowing them to try on clothes from different brands and retailers in real-time.

Brands like Stradivarius, H&M, Gucci, Calvin Klein, and many others embraced AR a few years ago. So, in 2024, AR will be a game-changer for reducing returns and making shopping fun. Brands are jumping on this to stand out and give you a shopping experience that’s way more than just scrolling and clicking. It’s the future of fashion, right in your hands.

Digital twins

In simple words, digital twins in fashion refer to virtual replicas of physical products. The twins are created using technologies such as 3D modeling, simulation, and machine learning algorithms. They allow fashion designers and manufacturers to simulate, test, and optimize various aspects of the fashion product development process.

Digital twins can help fashion brands reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. By eliminating the need for physical prototypes, testing products or processes is faster and more accurate.

As said in Vogue Italia, this is a centralized approach to managing product information. The risk of inconsistencies in product descriptions and images across e-commerce websites and social media platforms is eliminated.

Also, digital twins enable brands to offer more personalized customer experiences. Customers can interact with virtual product replicas in a virtual environment. By 2024, they’ll be huge in cutting costs and speeding up the making of your favorite styles and we can expect many brands to at least try this technology if not embrace it completely.

Fashion industry trends in 2024- the ultimate list (2)

Consumer-oriented fashion industry trends

Tech’s shaking up fashion and we couldn’t be happier! But let’s not forget the most important thing – the consumers. In 2024, they’re more in charge than ever. Consumers dictate the trends. Thanks to all the likes, shares, and swipes, we’re getting a crystal clear picture of what’s hot and what’s not. It’s like having a fashion crystal ball, showing us what everyone will be wearing. So, let’s see fashion industry trends from their view.


Sustainability has already become a key trend in the fashion e-commerce industry. Consumers are increasingly looking for environment-friendly and ethical fashion options. Here’s the outcome: brands respond using more sustainable materials and production methods.

Consumers are getting more aware of the impacttheir purchases have on the environment. That’s why they are looking for brands that focus on sustainable practices. This shift in consumer behavior drives brands to adopt more eco-friendly practices. They’re paying more attention to production methods and materials and promoting transparency.

Fashion industry trends in 2024- the ultimate list (3)

A perfect example of a business that cares about the environment is Komrads.

People want clothes that are kind to the planet, and in 2024, that’s only gonna get bigger. 2024’s looking like a year where green is the new black in fashion.

Eco-conscious materials

To consumers’ environment-friendly needs, brands are answering by using eco-friendly materials in their products. In 2024, this green wave’s going to be even bigger. Brands riding this wave are setting the trend, showing it’s cool to be kind to the planet.

These materials not only reduce waste and pollution, but they also offer a more ethical and sustainable way to produce fashion items. Eco-friendly materials benefit the environment and set a standard in the fashion industry. But it also creates a more positive brand image. Take a look at Vetta. They decided to fight for the environment by using eco-friendly fabrics like Tencel, linen, organic cotton, and EcoVero.


Casually browsing through products and making a purchase isn’t that effective anymore.

Brands are using technology to provide customers with a tailored shopping experience that is unique to them. Part of that experience could be some of the features customers already use. Some of them are:

  • personalized product recommendations
  • custom-fit clothing
  • virtual try-on.

Personalization improves the customer experience and leads to increased engagement and loyalty. Brands that embrace personalization and make it a key aspect of their e-commerce strategy can be well-positioned. In 2024, if you’re not making it personal, you’re missing out. Personalization can help to win over customers in the highly competitive industry, why not use it if you can?

Fashion industry trends in 2024- the ultimate list (4)

Vintage and second-hand

Vintage and second-hand clothing feel like an evergreen trend. In 2024, the love for old-school and pre-loved fashion is getting bigger. You must have noticed the number of these stores both online and offline. People are digging this for two main reasons – it’s cool, and it’s kind to the planet.Consumers are becoming more conscious of their purchasing decisions’ environmental impact. If they have the possibility, they’ll always go for sustainable fashion options.

This trend offers unique clothing items and helps reduce waste as it circles between generations. Thrift stores like Beyond Retro and online marketplaces make accessing vintage and second-hand items easier.

Brands offer vintage-inspired clothing or integrate vintage and second-hand items into their collections. This trend allows consumers to express their style and add a personal touch to their wardrobe.

Fashion industry trends in 2024- the ultimate list (5)


Streetwear? It’s going to be everywhere in 2024. Are you using Instagram and TikTok? If yes, you’ve probably noticed how people embraced baggy clothes and sweatshirts. We can call that a streetwear style, which is a fusion of hip-hop, punk, and skate culture. It continues to be a major trend, with consumers seeking bold, statement-making styles.

Bold graphics, oversized silhouettes, and a mix of high fashion and urban culture characterize this trend. With the rise of e-commerce, streetwear brands and fashion retailers have reached a wider audience. Streetwear remains a key player in the fashion industry. If you’re interested to find out which brands embraced this trend, Esquire made a list of 20 of the best streetwear brands.


In 2024, comfort’s will still be king in fashion so getting out in your pajamas is still going to be ok. What do consumers seek from fashion? Comfort! Seeing people in pajamas and slippers outside isn’t strange anymore.

Loungewear and athleisure continue to grow in popularity. Consumers are looking for stylish, practical, and comfortable clothing. That’s why brands incorporate soft, stretchy fabrics and relaxed silhouettes into their designs. This has resulted in a growing demand for athleisure and loungewear.

Digital Fashion

In 2024, digital fashion will be breaking new ground. We’ll see more than just a few tech touches here and there – it’s a full-blown blend of the real and the virtual.

The line between virtual and physical fashion is becoming increasingly blurred. Brands use cutting-edge technologies to offer consumers a unique, interactive shopping experience. This trend is revolutionizing the entire fashion industry.

Colors of 2024

The use of bold and bright colors is set to be one of major fashion industry trends in 2024. Colors like fuchsia, yellow, and emerald green will still be popular among fashion-forward consumers. In addition, monochromatic outfits in a single, statement-making color are expected to be trending. A clean and modern look continues to be a good choice.

The importance of color in the fashion industry not only serves an aesthetic purpose but also has the power to convey emotions and moods.

We all wear pink now

Attention all fashion enthusiasts, business owners, and lovers! Who could possibly know that the world would go crazy with pink?! After the official release of the Barbie movie in July 2023, the pink color is back. Or was it always there?!

Pink shoes, bags, swimsuits, umbrellas. Pink everything. People started wearing pink to watch the movie, and this year will be colored in pink. The Barbie trend exceeded expectations and went beyond the fashion industry. Barbie’s excessive marketing budget allowed them to establish amazing collaborations even with brands outside the fashion industry. More than 6 months after the release, the pink color is still popular. Barbie, you rock. 💪🏻

Fashion industry trends in 2024- the ultimate list (6)

Genderless fashion

The genderless fashion trend is gaining traction in the fashion industry. Consumers seek to break traditional gender norms and express their individuality through their style.

In 2023, this trend grew in the e-commerce world. Online retailers now offer a wider range of gender-neutral clothing options catering to customers.

The shift toward genderless fashion provides more choices and the freedom to express themselves. Also, it promotes inclusivity and equality in the fashion industry. Take a look at brands like Kohr and Olderbrother that are sustainable and genderless.

And in 2024 expect this trend to be even bigger, as more brands and consumers embrace fashion without limits.


Adding a personal touch and expressing unique styles are very important for consumers. That’s why accessories have become essential to any outfit. Take a look at Crocs and their charms. Customers love it! But they are also seeking accessories that are both fashionable, practical, and unique. In 2024, this trend is just heating up. So, brands can expect to see a growing demand for innovative and functional items.

Social channels still on top of fashion industry trends

Alright, in 2024, social media in fashion will be all about setting trends and making connections. Influencers? They dictate the fashion trends, showing us what’s cool. Brands will have to keep things honest and clear if they wanna win over fans.

Social media is the place where you get the scoop on the latest styles and the stories behind them. In short, if you’re not tuned into social media, you’re missing out on the heartbeat of fashion.

Fashion industry trends in 2024- the ultimate list (7)

How brands can adapt to fashion industry trends

It’s time for brands to keep up and think beyond traditional retail models.

Stay up-to-date with the latest fashion industry trends. Being in touch with information can help to create tailored experiences that meet customer expectations. Let’s see how you can keep up with the fashion industry.

Stay up-to-date with the latest fashion industry trends

As a brand, you should always stay informed about the latest news. This step should be easy with access to social media channels and events.

To stay in touch with customers, conduct market research, and analyze customer data. This gives insights into popular styles and designs and what materials and colors are in high demand. By using this information, brands can create collections that are not only trendy but also appealing to their target audience. But, trying something new is also a way to set the trend, not follow one.

Identify popular styles, colors, and materials

Another way for brands to adapt to new trends is by proactively developing their products. For example, if eco-friendly materials are becoming more popular, brands can consider using sustainable materials.

Think about collaborating with influencers and designers

Brands can stay ahead of the trend by collaborating with influencers and designers. Influencer marketing is still an increasingly popular way for brands to reach new audiences. But, the number of influencers is also rising so make sure you find the right one for your brand.

Brands can also collaborate with designers to create limited-edition collections which H&M already does. Some customers are looking for unique, high-end products and would love to have a limited-edition item.

Leverage technology

It’s important for brands to stay up-to-date on the technological advancements in e-commerce. This can include incorporating VR and AR technologies into their website. Customers are seeking a more immersive shopping experience. That’s why a mobile app could also be a great place to start with your tech upgrade.

Be adaptable

Don’t follow trends blindly, but be adaptable enough to changes in the fashion industry. It’s ideal to find the perfect balance between both that will be aligned with your brand values and high-demanding customers.


2024 – we’re there. The fashion world keeps spinning with new trends and tech. The scene’s buzzing with stuff to watch out for. Flexibility and courage to change? That’s what defines the brands that lead. And hey, for those in the online fashion e-commerce business, we’ve got your back.

Our mobile app solution, OmniShop, is all about leveling up your e-commerce game – think top customer experiences. Make a splash in the 2024 fashion wave, give OmniShop a try and let’s make some noise in fashion together!

Fashion industry trends in 2024 - the ultimate list (2024)


Fashion industry trends in 2024 - the ultimate list? ›

Red, the trendy color of the Fall/Winter 2024-2025

If we had to pick one hue that stood out during the Fall/Winter 2024-2025 Fashion Week, it would be the color red. Primarily introduced on the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 catwalks, the red dress is making a comeback this season.

What will be the fashion trend of 2024? ›

Red, the trendy color of the Fall/Winter 2024-2025

If we had to pick one hue that stood out during the Fall/Winter 2024-2025 Fashion Week, it would be the color red. Primarily introduced on the Fall/Winter 2023-2024 catwalks, the red dress is making a comeback this season.

What is the fashion industry insights in 2024? ›

Key themes for 2024

A renewed focus on pricing strategies to grow sales. New sustainability legislation coming into force in the EU and the US. Increased spending on brand marketing to create an emotional connection as consumers seek authenticity.

What is the fashion marketing trend in 2024? ›

In summary, fashion marketing in 2024 is characterized by a blend of digital innovation, nostalgia-driven storytelling, and a commitment to sustainability. Brands that embrace these trends and adapt to changing consumer preferences will position themselves for success in an ever-evolving marketplace.

What is the fashion color for 2024? ›

5 trendy colors for spring-summer 2024

In addition to Peach Fuzz, a blushy, soft peach hue recommended by Pantone, red, green, white, and blue, metallic palettes will be the stars of this season.

What fashion trends will be popular in 2025? ›

New landscapes, human connection and bio-technological nature themes are key fashion trends for Spring Summer 2025. The key fashion trends for Spring Summer 2025 are influenced by a blend of human connection, exuberant self-expression, futuristic landscapes and bio-nature themes.

What is the future fashion trend? ›

Fashion will become more inclusive, representing a diverse range of body types, ages, genders, and cultures. The industry will embrace diversity not only in marketing campaigns but also in product offerings, with more inclusive sizing and gender-neutral clothing lines.

What is the future of the fast fashion industry? ›

Fast fashion faces a critical choice: balance consumer trends with sustainability. The future hinges on circular fashion, tech integration, and ethical accountability. Fast fashion stands at a crossroads, torn between catering to rapid consumer trends and the imperative for sustainability.

Is there a future in the fashion industry? ›

According to McKinsey's analysis of fashion forecasts, the global industry will post top-line growth of 2 to 4 percent in 2024 (exhibit), with regional and country-level variations. Once again, the luxury segment is expected to generate the biggest share of economic profit.

Is pink in fashion in 2024? ›

Spring/Summer 2024 fashion trends: Pretty pastels

What better way to say hello to spring than by embracing soft shades of powder blue, pale pink and soft lemon. They pair perfectly with safer wardrobe staples such as black and tan, or go bold with a touch of the vibrant instead.

What is the pastel trend in 2024? ›

Pastels are no new spring trend – the season of blossoming flowers, baby birds, and budding leaves poetically lends itself to shades of lilac, eggshell, and fern – but Spring 2024 saw a refreshed and revitalized focus on using these classic seasonal colors in stylish new contexts.

Are polka dots in style in 2024? ›

Polka dots were all over the spring 2024 runways, adorning everything from minidresses to shoes to tights.

What not to wear in 2024? ›

Outdated Trends You'll Want To Avoid In 2024
  • Monochromatic outfits. the_real_chi/Instagram. ...
  • Skinny jeans. gemmatalbot/Instagram. ...
  • Oversized clothing. _loissterling/Instagram. ...
  • Too many logos. bagsionista/Instagram. ...
  • Midi skirts. ashleyburkblog/Instagram. ...
  • Minimalistic design. bre_tiesi/Instagram. ...
  • Slip dresses. ...
  • Platinum blonde locks.
Jan 22, 2024

What are the most popular aesthetics in 2024? ›

10 Most Popular Go-To Fashion Aesthetics of 2024
  1. Vintage Aesthetic. Image credits: cottonbro studio on pexels. ...
  2. Cottagecore Aesthetic. Image Credit: Thegiansepillo on pexels. ...
  3. Fairycore Aesthetic. ...
  4. Light Academia Aesthetic. ...
  5. Dark Academia Aesthetic. ...
  6. Goth core Aesthetic. ...
  7. Coquette Aesthetic. ...
  8. Cyber Punk Aesthetic.
Mar 21, 2024

What shoes are in fashion in 2024? ›

These are the spring 2024 shoe trends Glamour editors are obsessed with—plus how to style them in the real world.
  • Slim sneakers. Christian Vierig/Getty Images. ...
  • Mary Jane ballet flats. Claudio Lavenia/Getty Images. ...
  • Cowboy boots. ...
  • Mesh footwear. ...
  • Kitten heels. ...
  • High-performance kicks. ...
  • Slingback heels. ...
  • Cool-girl flip-flops.
Apr 5, 2024

Is oversized still in style in 2024? ›


thus, timeless. I have not seen any styled beyond casual wear, but when Leigh Ann and I recently shopped Old Navy, there were so many options that I began to think about the garment longer.

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