Free Flashcards about Cosmetology (2024)

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Chap 25 & 26 Test

are extracted using various forms of distillation from seeds, bark, roots, wood, and/or resin of plants. Essential Oils
What is the specialized piece of equipment designed to keep pedicure supplies organized? Pedicure Cart
What is the main health issue that a cosmetologist may experience? Hypersensitivity
OSHA regulations mandate that the nail technician wear , while performing pedicures to prevent exposure to pathogens that may be present on the feet or in the water. Gloves
What is the relaxing massage movement that should be perfected, varied, and expertly used during a manicure? Effleurage
When filing the toenail during a pedicure, the nails should be filed . Straight across with rounded corners
Which one of the client's feet should you work on first? Non- dominant foot
are important to condition and moisturize the skin of the legs and feet, to soften calluses, and to provide slip for massage. Lotions and Creams
The list of services that you are legally allowed to perform in your specialty and in your state is known as . Scope of Practice
What size of foam cushion is specifically made for the comfort of the client's arms when performing nail services? 8-12 inches
Which tool is NOT design to dry traditional nail polish? UVA or LED lamp
Benefits of a , include stimulation of circulation, reduction of inflammation, and deeper penetration of products. Paraffin Bath
Implements requiring disinfection should be placed in a covered container large enough for them to be . Completely Immersed
The nail professional's chair should be selected for durability, comfort, ergonomics, and ease of . Cleaning `
The soak bath is filled with comfortably , and a product to soak the client's feet. Warm Water
Toenail clippers are larger than fingernail clippers, with . Curved or straight jaws
Fashion continuously changes, and a professional cosmetologist should always , new trends and services in all facets of the beauty industry. Stay current with
To bevel the nail, hold a medium-grit abrasive board at a . 45-degree angle
Clients with scaly feet should be sent to a podiatrist to define whether the scaly condition is caused by a . Fungus
What is a cosmetic service performed on the feet by a license cosmetologist or nail technician? Pedicure
If you see a client with white, scaly patches with yellow straks under the nail plate and black or brown coloring, the client may have onychomycosis. True
During a pedicure, position toe separators after the nail polish has been applied to the toenails. False
Any disease, disorder or condition of the nail is called onychosis. True
The cuticle is the skin under the free edge. False
Treating furrows can be done by cleaning under the free edge and looking for signs of infection. False

Created by: Cerrabeth2

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Free  Flashcards about Cosmetology (2024)
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