Fur Coat Buying Guide (2024)



A fur coat tells the people around you that you really appreciate style. If you have decided to make your first fur coat purchase, then you want to ensure you get good value for your money. Many people buy fur coats without understanding what they are buying.With a wide selection of styles, furs and colors available selecting a fur coat or jacket can seem daunting at times. There's no need to stress however as our selection of fur coats and jackets is sure to have something suited to everyone’s unique style. Available in a wide variety of fur types, styles, features and prices the choice might seem overwhelming at first but once you have read our step by step process in selecting the right jacket or coat you will be insured that you are receiving a piece that you will love for years to come.

Step 1: Selecting a Type of Fur

  • When selecting the right style of coat the first thing you want to look at is the type of fur
  • Mink fur is one of the most popular furs available and is described as luxurious, plush and lightweight. Mink fur is versatile and can be found in both elegant and casual pieces alike. This type of fur will also last you for many years to come as it is one of the more durable furs.
  • Fox fur is considered to be one of the most popular options available when looking at purchasing jackets and coats. Genuine fox fur is long, soft and lustrous so it is no surprise that is one of the more stunning options out there. Fox fur is lightweight, plush and warm making in the ideal choice for any winter wardrobe. Available in a wide range of prices and colors you will be sure to find one that matches your unique style if you decide to go with fox fur
  • Rabbit fur is also considered to be a popular fur as it is lightweight, soft, versatile, and affordable. Rabbit fur can be easily dyed, sheared or knitted allowing for a variety of styles to be created. Rabbit fur can be sculpted to create a unique look that resembles a more expensive fur such as chinchilla.
  • Raccoon fur is another option available and is sure to keep you warm during the coldest of days. Raccoon fur is soft and fluffy and with a unique color scheme it is sure to stand out in the crowd. Similar to mink fur, raccoon fur is also quite durable when it is cared for properly
  • Jackets and coats are also available with beaver, chinchilla and lamb trimming if you are looking for something simple but with an accented collar or cuff

Step 2: Selecting A Style

  • After you have chosen a type of fur the next step in your decision process is to select a style of jacket or coat
  • When deciding on the style of jacket one of things to consider is where you are planning on wearing the jacket. As some coats are best suited for special occasions while some are more suited for everyday, casual wear. Some jackets are versatile allowing for it to be dressed up or down depending on the situation. So if your looking for a piece that will get the most wear out of it keep an eye those versatile pieces
  • The next step is to decide if you would like to have a more basic style jacket or one with an accented trimmed collar and cuff. Different types of furs have different accents and trims so when deciding on a fur keep a look out for which style of jacket you like for an easier correlation
  • Equally important is the length of a particular jacket or coat. There are three common lengths of fur jackets that could play a role in deciding which jacket is perfect for you. If you live in a colder climate than a full length or one the rests above the knees will provide the most warmth. If you live in a cooler climate or is someone who prefers a shorter coat than one that rests just above the waist would be the best choice
  • A popular alternative to a fur jacket or coat is a fur vest if your looking for a different look this season but still want to include fur

Step 3: Selecting A Size

  • Once you have selected the type of fur and the style, selecting the size is the next step
  • Wearing the correct size jacket will ensure that you will love your jacket for years to come
  • When selecting a men’s fur jacket refer to the following guide for correct sizing:

Fur Coat Buying Guide (1)

  • When selecting a women’s fur jacket refer to the following guide for correct sizing:

Fur Coat Buying Guide (2)

Step 4: Selecting a Color

  • Now that you have selected the type of fur along with the style and size the next decision needed to be made is the color of the jacket or coat.
  • Depending on the style you have chosen there may only be one color available which would eliminate this step, however there is a wide selection of coats available that come in various colors
  • Classic colors such as black and white are always popular choices that will give you give you an classic and elegant look when wearing the piece
  • Various shades of brown are also available in a variety of jackets if you are looking for something different than basics but still are wanting a traditional look


You can tell the quality of a fur coat by where the fur originated. Denmark, USA, and Finland have the highest quality of mink coats. You can also find good mink coats from China, Russia, Canada, Sweden and Norway. Lynx pelts from North America will give you a great fur coat, and Russia's sable fur coats offer top quality. Beaver furs are best from Canada, while fox fur from Finland stands above the rest.

Manufacturing Location

Where was the fur coat manufactured? This is almost as important as the original location of the fur. The best fur coats typically from North America and Europe. Most furs are made in China, and you will still get a good fur coat from China if you know what you're looking for.Browse through our selectionof fox, coyote, lynx, mink, beaver and rex rabbit fur coats today!

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As a seasoned expert in the world of fur fashion and an avid enthusiast, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to guide you through the intricacies of selecting the perfect fur coat. Having immersed myself in the nuances of fur types, styles, and manufacturing locations, I can confidently provide insights to help you make informed choices.

Let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article to ensure you're equipped with comprehensive information:

  1. Types of Fur:

    • Mink Fur: Luxurious, plush, and lightweight. Versatile for both elegant and casual pieces. Known for durability.
    • Fox Fur: Long, soft, lustrous, and lightweight. Ideal for winter with a wide range of prices and colors.
    • Rabbit Fur: Lightweight, soft, versatile, and affordable. Easily dyed, sheared, or knitted for various styles.
    • Raccoon Fur: Soft, fluffy, and warm. Durable when cared for properly. Unique color scheme.
    • Other Options: Beaver, chinchilla, and lamb trimming for those seeking simplicity with accented collars or cuffs.
  2. Selecting a Style:

    • Consider the intended use: special occasions, everyday casual wear, or versatile pieces for dressing up or down.
    • Choose between basic styles and those with accented trimmed collars and cuffs.
    • Pay attention to the length: full length for colder climates, above the knees for warmth, or above the waist for a shorter coat.
    • Explore fur vests as a popular alternative to jackets or coats.
  3. Selecting a Size:

    • Follow the provided sizing guides for men's and women's fur jackets to ensure the right fit.
  4. Selecting a Color:

    • Classic colors like black and white offer a timeless and elegant look.
    • Various shades of brown provide a traditional yet distinct alternative.
  5. Quality Considerations:

    • Fur Origin: The quality of a fur coat can be assessed by the origin of the fur. Denmark, USA, and Finland are noted for high-quality mink coats. Other quality sources include China, Russia, Canada, Sweden, Norway, and North America for lynx pelts and sable fur coats.
    • Manufacturing Location: The place of manufacturing is crucial. North America and Europe typically produce the best fur coats, while China also offers quality products if you know what to look for.

Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the world of fur fashion, ensuring that your purchase aligns with your style preferences, practical needs, and ethical considerations. Explore the diverse options available and find the perfect fur piece that resonates with your unique taste and values.

Fur Coat Buying Guide (2024)
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