Get It Together: Why Being Classy Will Always Beat Being Hot (2024)

There have been a million studies with a million subjects by a million psychologists and analysts about human attraction.

Whether it's facial symmetry, feminine bodily curves or masculine strength, these traits have been dissected in order to understand why we are attracted to the people we are, and how best to fit the mold of an attractive individual.

I'm a fan of facts and science, but there is a trait that can't be quantified and studied through hormonal changes, brain scans and bar graphs.

It's a trait in personal presentation to the world.

In other words, it's being classy.

There is something to be said about class, grace and carrying yourself well, both in appearance and behavior.

When you see someone dressed well and say, "That is a classy look," that means it's a timeless, flattering style that accentuates the person's strong features.

But, it's also respectful and modest, showing good taste and high standards.

When you say, "That person is classy," you are saying he or she is a respectful, elegant individual who carries him- or herself well, with sophistication and good character.

Some personality traits associated with being classyare kind and good.

The person I wish to attract will be attracted to these traits.

In other words, if I were to be approached in a romantic context, I would rather have someone say I'm classy than say I'm hot.

Not only is it a high compliment in my book, but it is also a traitI look for in another.

Everyone has different tastes and his or her own definition of what is and is not attractive. But a standard that should be set is a level of class.

This will not only raise the bar in terms of human behavior (more manners, less public intoxication and unfavorable behavior), but it will also raise the level at which we present ourselves visually (more flattering cuts of clothing with modesty, less revealing and inappropriate wear).

I am in no way saying finding someone hot or sexy is a bad thing. That is also another form of flattery that can be appreciated.

But what's hot or sexy to me is class.

I wish to hold myself to this standard in my appearance and actions.

I would like to dress with a style and elegance that is both flattering to my body type andmodest and respectful.

I would like to behave in a way that illustrates my manners, kind nature and good character.

While it has taken some time to get to this point in my life where I know what it means to be classy, it is better late than never.

In doing so, I have attracted the kind of person who holds these qualities in high esteem.

I don't need to wear a skin-tight dress, act loose or get drunk at a bar.

I don't have be overly flirtatious and forward or wear my hair a certain way in order to be deemed attractive.

As a woman, if you present yourself with elegance and class (think Grace Kelly), you can be true to yourself.

You can be a sophisticated and educated conversationalist who maintains modesty while upholding your femininity.

As a man, if you present yourself with elegance and class (think Clark Gable or Humphrey Bogart), you can impress women with your manners.

You can maintain a sense of strong masculinity, while remaining respectful and sensitive to those around you.

This showcases timeless style.

These elements of attraction last over time.

While the demand for class ebbs and flows with our culture, it is ever-present. It is something I hope to emulate in my daily life.

Get It Together: Why Being Classy Will Always Beat Being Hot (2024)


What does it mean when a guy says you are classy? ›

If you describe someone or something as classy, you mean they are stylish and sophisticated.

What defines classy woman? ›

A classy woman is someone who exudes sophistication and poise. She knows how to dress impeccably, is always well-groomed, is classy in her demeanor, speaks with confidence, and radiates self-respect. A classy woman leaves an impression - she's unforgettable.

Why is it important to be classy? ›

Main Benefits Of Being Classy

You treat yourself and other people differently, which will change your relationships for the better. Other people will also treat you differently, likely with more respect and thoughtfulness. More opportunities will be presented to you, whether personal, financial, or professional.

What is the attitude of a classy woman? ›

A classy woman is conscious about her decisions, dressing well, and taking care of herself. She also takes great looks at how she comes across to others and always makes an effort to be kind towards others. She knows how to dress more feminine, but can be casual, she's ready for everything.

What are the signs of a classy man? ›

  • Respectful of women.
  • Holds the door open for others. ...
  • Takes pride in his appearance.
  • Stands up when women join the dining table.
  • Takes his hat off when indoors and in the company of women.
  • Has a firm handshake.
  • Knows when to admit he's wrong. ...
  • Owns a tailored suit.
Aug 24, 2016

How does a classy woman behave in a relationship? ›

Always be polite. Classy ladies do not say anything hurtful or offensive to other people. If you have to confront someone or put them in their place, speak the truth as you see it, but in moderate language and without recourse to shouting. It is important to find the right time and place for such confrontations.

What makes someone classy? ›

Classy is a word used to describe people, places or things, that have a lot of "class." But a classy person isn't just someone who wears expensive clothes. Classy can also refer to someone who puts a high standard on the way he behaves. A classy gentleman open doors for ladies.

How to be a classy high value woman? ›

10 Qualities of a High-Value Woman
  1. Value Your Self-Esteem. A high-value woman understands her worth beyond her appearance. ...
  2. Speak Your Mind. ...
  3. Be Compassionate and Empathetic. ...
  4. Don't Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable. ...
  5. Live With Passion. ...
  6. Have Your Own Life. ...
  7. Strive for Emotional Maturity. ...
  8. Always Be a Lady.

What do classy people not do? ›

Classy individuals never brag or boast

Classy people always let their actions and achievements speak for themselves, and they give credit to others when appropriate. This means they're humble and gracious, and focus on doing the best work they can do, rather than focusing on outside acknowledgements.

What is classy looking? ›

If you describe someone or something as classy, you mean they are stylish and sophisticated.

What are some classy sayings? ›

Short Classy captions for Instagram
  • There's a time to keep silent and a time to speak.
  • Many have an idea of me, but few get the picture.
  • Be more of you and less of them.
  • A champion is someone who gets up when they can't.
  • Swag is for boys. ...
  • Girls have an attitude, but ladies have class.
  • Catch flights, not feelings.
Mar 27, 2023

What is an elegant woman like? ›

Elegant women know what they want out of life. They have goals and dreams, and these dreams keep them motivated to achieve greater success every day. What is this? Elegant women are also resilient and focused enough to power through any obstacle they may face on their journey to self-discovery.

What do classy people look like? ›

A classy person is someone who has a certain air of sophistication about them. They carry themselves well, are well-spoken, and tend to be well-educated. Classy people are also usually well-dressed, groomed, and put together.

How can I be classy and attractive? ›

How to Dress Classy and Elegant
  1. Wear the right fit. ...
  2. Choose the right colors. ...
  3. Wear the right materials. ...
  4. Say hello to classy outfits. ...
  5. Avoid overexposing at work. ...
  6. Wear classic accessories. ...
  7. Wear chic undergarments. ...
  8. Don't forget shoes.

What makes a man flirt? ›

Men flirt for six reasons: to get sex, to explore what it would be like to be in a relationship, to try to get something, to strengthen a relationship, to increase self-esteem, and to have fun. This information is the product of research published in Sex Roles and applies equally to married and unmarried men.

How to make guys want you? ›

Here are some tips and tricks from relationship and matchmaking experts that can help you get a man to focus his attention on you.
  1. Smile. TODAY. ...
  2. Don't hide in the corner. ...
  3. Ask for his help. ...
  4. Talk about your hobbies. ...
  5. Don't dress for your girlfriends. ...
  6. Look him in the eye. ...
  7. Avoid the obvious. ...
  8. Go out alone or with one other friend.
Jul 20, 2016

What does a high value woman bring to a relationship? ›

Many men love ladies who can take care of themselves without any help. Additionally, she is generally kind, confident, inspiring, bold, truthful, dedicated, and honest. Women of high value are attractive to men because they don't compromise on their principles by following others blindly.

What does it mean when someone has class? ›

Having class involves good manners, politeness, pride without showboating, empathy, humility, and an abundance of self-control. The actions of class-act people speak louder than their words.

What does it mean when someone calls you classy? ›

If you describe someone or something as classy, you mean they are stylish and sophisticated. [informal]

What makes a woman pretty? ›

These features could be their lips, faces, hair, body figure, skin, and smile. The physical attributes that are attractive to some vary per age, preference, and environment. In a way, scent also makes a person attractive.

What makes a woman special to a man? ›

Men love women who are thoughtful, caring, loving, and kind. A woman who does little things for her man for no other reason other than that she loves him. A woman who makes him smile back whenever she smiles at him. A woman who radiates love and warmth from her heart.

What kind of respect does a man want? ›

1. Respect for His Judgment. A man deeply needs the woman in his life to respect his knowledge, opinions, and decisions—what I would call his judgment. Many men feel like their wives question their knowledge or argue with their decisions all the time.

How can I be classy while speaking? ›

How to speak eloquently and elegantly – become well-spoken
  1. Be confident. The way in which you deliver your message can sometimes be as important as the message itself. ...
  2. Minimize the use of filler words – Um's and Uh's. ...
  3. Breathe deeply. ...
  4. Control your pace. ...
  5. Adjust your tone. ...
  6. Read more. ...
  7. An interesting fact.
Jan 5, 2021

What is a classy outfit? ›

Dressing classy means dressing elegant and sophisticated. It's also timeless and elegant.

What is a classy strong confident woman quotes? ›

20 quotes for classy women
  • “Think like a queen. ...
  • “Don't let anyone speak for you, and don't rely on others to fight for you.” – Michelle Obama.
  • “If you don't see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself.” – Mindy Kaling.

What is the coolest quote ever? ›

10 most famous quotes of all time
  • "I have a dream." ...
  • "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - ...
  • "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - ...
  • "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." -
May 20, 2022

How can you tell if someone is elegant? ›

For the few external signs of being an elegant person, there are plenty of internal ones that come through practice and perseverance.
  1. Knowing your worth. Classy people are self-aware. ...
  2. Dressing well. ...
  3. Having a sense of social etiquette. ...
  4. Eloquence. ...
  5. Listening. ...
  6. Privacy. ...
  7. Owning your success. ...
  8. Using rationale.

How does an elegant woman speak? ›

Being eloquent is a characteristic of an elegant woman. It is in the way she carries herself in all situations. The way she moves walks, talks, comes across in her daily life. Being eloquent means being graceful in even the most stressful of situations.

What color looks classy? ›

Neutral colors are often the epitome of elegance in fashion. Black, white, creme, grey, beige, as well as muted tones of green and brown, are some of the best shade choices to complement an elegant outfit. Neutral colors are sophisticating.

When a guy calls a girl classy? ›

When you say, "That person is classy," you are saying he or she is a respectful, elegant individual who carries him- or herself well, with sophistication and good character. Some personality traits associated with being classy are kind and good. The person I wish to attract will be attracted to these traits.

What does calling someone classy mean? ›

Classy is a word used to describe people, places or things, that have a lot of "class." But a classy person isn't just someone who wears expensive clothes. Classy can also refer to someone who puts a high standard on the way he behaves.

What does it mean to be called classy? ›

: having or showing class: as. : elegant sense 1, stylish. : having or showing refined behavior. a classy guy. : very skillful and graceful.

How to be a classy woman in a relationship? ›

Easy Ways to be a Classy Woman
  1. Mind Your Posture. A classy woman knows the importance of having good posture. ...
  2. Know the Power of a Smile. Source. ...
  3. Watch What You Say. ...
  4. Do Not Spread Gossip. ...
  5. Do Things for Others. ...
  6. Listen to Others in Conversations. ...
  7. Mind Your Manners. ...
  8. Be Responsible.
Jul 6, 2021

How does a classy person act? ›

Having class involves good manners, politeness, pride without showboating, empathy, humility, and an abundance of self-control. The actions of class-act people speak louder than their words. You can see it in their body language and the way they carry themselves.

How do classy people behave? ›

A classy person holds themselves with grace and refinement. They typically have a good sense of humor and are down-to-earth. Their vocabulary is rich, and they use proper grammar. They dress elegantly but not provocatively.

What is a classy word for attractive? ›

Synonyms of attractive
  • appealing.
  • charismatic.
  • charming.
  • seductive.
  • fascinating.
  • enchanting.
  • alluring.
  • interesting.

What type of person is classy? ›

Classy people are honest and trustworthy. They have a strong moral code, and they always do the right thing, even when it's not easy. They're willing to do the right thing, even when it's difficult or inconvenient.

What are some classy words? ›

  • elegant.
  • graceful.
  • handsome.
  • fine.
  • luxurious.
  • stylish.
  • magnificent.
  • tasteful.

Is classy a personality trait? ›

Being classy means being the kind of person who is self-assured but still always happy and willing to accept that they don't know everything about everything. There's nothing more stubborn (and further away from class) than thinking no one can teach you anything, and people can sense that.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.