Grace and Frankie Season 7B ending explained: Are Grace and Frankie alive? (Spoilers) (2024)

Viewers of Grace and Frankie had to bid farewell to the beloved comedy this week with its final episodes dropping today.

Created by Marta Kauffman and Howard J. Morris, the final season of Netflix's longest running original series ended with a satisfying conclusion or perhaps gave viewers 'the beginning.' With a total of 12 episodes in part 2 of the season finale, the characters said their goodbyes in the most heartwarming ways.

Analyzing the end of Grace and Frankie Season 7B: Grace and Frankie

Grace and Frankie Season 7B ending explained: Are Grace and Frankie alive? (Spoilers) (1)

As Grace and Frankie Season 7B progressed towards the end, viewers saw Grace letting go of her old demons for the final time. Starting with her ex-husband Nick, who had written all about his life as a criminal in his memoir.

In the same book, he had mentioned that his marriage to Grace was his biggest regret as he compared it to his previous unions and his illegal misdoings. They got their closure by spending time together one more time and then going their separate ways.

Her next step was to reconnect with her estranged brother Geoffrey after 20 years. This allowed her to open up about her childhood trauma and assess her father's death and her dislike towards the sea.

Grace also tried to revive Rise Up toilet seats only to not have Frankie show up. However, the Japanese businessmen were impressed by her but also wanted her to perform karaoke and get drunk with them on a night out.

For obvious reasons, Grace was scared to do it without Frankie, which is why she decided to refuse, disrespecting her potential business partners and tanking their deal.

As for Frankie, she spent her time thinking that she would die, which is why she went out of her way to leave her mark on the world. She hosted a fake funeral just to be present there while she was still alive, where everyone got a chance to give a 12-minute eulogy.

However, she was left angry when Grace was mentioned in every speech, making her feel like a 'sidekick,' so she stormed off. As her arthritis worsened, she started struggling to even hold a paintbrush or chopsticks. Frankie and Grace's rage erupted during Coyote and Jessica's fake marriage. Frankie eventually broke down about her situation and fears.

This has caused the two to hug but also got them electrocuted in the clash when Frankie's microphone got connected to the vodka martini Grace was sipping on. The two were then seen heading to heaven together and meeting God, who was Dolly Parton.

Even in heaven, the two tried negotiating their return to Earth together as they couldn't live without each other in the afterlife.

What happened to Brianna and Mallory?

In the final episodes of Grace and Frankie, Brianna and Barry got back together. Barry continued to juggle his life between Brianna and his newborn daughter Molly.

Upon discovering the same, Brianna realized that they had hit a rough patch in their relationship, so the only options left were either they adjusted quickly or split. Eventually, the two split, leaving everyone upset for Barry.

However, Barry thrived after the breakup, making Brianna realize that she was lost without him and hesitant about a fresh new start. This was noticed by Mallory, who then held Brianna as she cried.

Later, Mallory's job was put under threat by Tanneth, who made Brianna jump to her sister's defense. Instead, Mallory thought that she was getting sabotaged. She was soon fired and ended up thanking Brianna.

The two packed up her office and headed off together with the idea of starting a business venture.

What happened to Robert and Sol?

In the final episodes of Grace and Frankie, Sol was left feeling helpless as Robert's memory continued to get worse. Sometimes, the former would feed Robert his lines when he was acting on stage and start arguments for him to hide his confusion from others.

Eventually, he told Brianna and Mallory about the same and tried to convince Robert to see a doctor. The lattermost wasn't in on the idea, insisting on putting on a brave face for the group at the funeral.

Everything seemed to be going well until he forgot the story of how he met Sol, confusing it with the moment he met Grace.

Seeing Sol's sadness, Robert finally realized that he needed help. The former also admitted to being fearful that Robert would forget about him and the years they had spent together.

To help revive his memory, Sol took him to New York to the hotel they first met and the pianist playing 'The Way You Look Tonight' helped him remember things.

Sol then told Robert that he wanted to continue creating memories with him and the two went into the elevator together with a kiss in Grace and Frankie.

The latest season of Grace and Frankie is available to stream on Netflix.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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As a seasoned entertainment expert with a deep knowledge of television series, including a comprehensive understanding of the production and storytelling aspects, I can confidently provide insights into the concluding season of "Grace and Frankie." My extensive experience in analyzing and interpreting narrative structures and character arcs allows me to present a thorough breakdown of the key concepts explored in the final episodes.

Grace and Frankie Season 7B: The Conclusion Unveiled

The creators, Marta Kauffman and Howard J. Morris, skillfully crafted the final season of Netflix's longest-running original series, "Grace and Frankie." The season consists of a satisfying 12-episode finale, offering viewers closure and, perhaps, a new beginning for the beloved characters.

  1. Grace's Journey of Closure:

    • Grace confronts her past by letting go of old demons, starting with her ex-husband Nick, who revealed his criminal life in a memoir.
    • Her reunion with Nick provides closure as they spend time together before parting ways, addressing the regrets and complexities of their past marriage.
  2. Frankie's Quest for Legacy:

    • Frankie, fearing her impending demise, strives to leave her mark on the world, hosting a fake funeral where friends deliver eulogies.
    • Struggling with arthritis, Frankie's emotions erupt during Coyote and Jessica's fake marriage, leading to a poignant moment with Grace.
  3. Brianna and Mallory's Transformations:

    • Brianna and Barry reconcile but face challenges, ultimately deciding to part ways, prompting Brianna to reconsider her life choices.
    • Mallory's job is jeopardized, leading to a partnership with Brianna to embark on a new business venture, highlighting themes of resilience and adaptability.
  4. Robert and Sol's Emotional Journey:

    • Sol grapples with Robert's worsening memory, resorting to feeding him lines on stage and concealing his confusion from others.
    • Robert's realization of his memory loss prompts a heartfelt journey to revive his recollections, culminating in a touching reunion and a commitment to creating new memories.
  5. Heavenly Negotiations and Divine Encounters:

    • The series takes a whimsical turn as Frankie and Grace find themselves in heaven, negotiating their return to Earth and meeting God, portrayed by Dolly Parton.
  6. Brianna and Mallory's Partnership:

    • Brianna and Mallory, facing personal and professional challenges, join forces to start a new business venture, showcasing the theme of female empowerment and resilience.
  7. Robert and Sol's Endearing Reunion:

    • Sol's dedication to helping Robert remember their shared history results in a heartwarming reunion, symbolizing the enduring strength of their bond.

In summary, "Grace and Frankie" Season 7B masterfully weaves together the characters' individual journeys, providing a heartfelt and poignant conclusion to the series. The creators employ a mix of humor, emotion, and unexpected twists to deliver a memorable farewell to the show's dedicated fanbase.

Grace and Frankie Season 7B ending explained: Are Grace and Frankie alive? (Spoilers) (2024)


Grace and Frankie Season 7B ending explained: Are Grace and Frankie alive? (Spoilers)? ›

Frankie is told to stay in heaven, while Grace returns to Earth, and they share a heartbreakingly emotional goodbye. Dolly is touched by their connection and allows them both to return together.

Are Grace and Frankie alive? ›

Grace and Frankie wake up in heaven and meet God (Dolly Parton). Despite the duo's plea to return to Earth as they want to spend the rest of their days together, God states that Frankie will stay in heaven while Grace will go back.

Who dies in Grace and Frankie Season 7 spoilers? ›

The finale neatly tied up storylines for the show's entire ensemble. After a psychic predicted the date of Frankie's death, Frankie holds a funeral for herself and when she, with a mic, and a co*cktail-holding Grace collide, the pair are accidentally electrocuted and sent up to heaven early.

Will Frankie and Grace return? ›

There is no Grace and Frankie Season 8 release date as the series ended after seven seasons. In September 2019, Netflix greenlit the series for the seventh and final season.

Does Sol and Robert get back together? ›

The longest-running Netflix series came to an end (or "The Beginning," as the final episode is called) in May, offering promises of a new chapter for each of its beloved characters. Sol and Robert return to the origins of their romance. Brianna and Mallory form both a bond and a business relationship.

Why did Grace and Frankie end so abruptly? ›

We had done the stories that were most important to us, and it felt like it was the right time to end the series. And it's better to leave them wanting more than to have people go, 'Oh, they should have ended last year. '” That said, Grace and Frankie's world might not stay off-screen for long.

Do Grace and Frankie end up with anyone? ›

In the series finale, Grace and Frankie don't get married, but they do end up together as the BFFs that they are—and Parton played a big part in their happy ending.

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Against their childrens' wishes, Grace and Frankie move back home. At the end of season four, the duo escape from an assisted living facility to find that their adult kids sold their house.

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Jane Fonda leaving the hospital with her daughter Vanessa for the first time, 1968. In 1973, Fonda gave birth to her son, Troy Garity. His father is her second husband, Tom Hayden, and though Troy doesn't share his dad's surname, “Garity” is a Hayden family name that the couple chose.

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"We're friends because I just love her. I know Jane has my back whenever she can." In the same interview, Fonda added that she left Hollywood when she was 50 and came back at 65, and ageism is alive and well — but she and Tomlin fight it together.

Does Frankie have a stroke in Grace and Frankie? ›

This is a very touching episode. We find that Frankie has suffered a mild stroke but probably had a bigger one in the past.

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.