Graphic Design – Vaal University of Technology (2024)

Faculty of Human Sciences

Department: Visual Arts and Design

Diploma: Graphic Design

B Tech: Graphic Design

Advance Diploma: Graphic Design

  1. Admission Requirements: NSCA
Compulsory subjectsAdditional Admission Requirement: Graphic Design qualification candidates will have to complete assessment test:

-Personal interview

-Submission of portfolio

-Drawing ability and design skills and general ability to communicate on visual level

-M Score of 23 points or higher life orientation excluded

Other Language4
Mathematical Literacy4 or
Any other 4 subjects totaling (min. of 3 each subject)12
Recommended subjects:

Art, Design, History, Computer Application Technology, Science.

Matric certificate must indicate admission to Diploma/B-degree

1.1 Requirements: SC

A minimum rating of E (40-49%) for HG and D (50-59%) for SG subjects. English and Mathematics are compulsory. A total of 24 on the Swedish scale is required.

1.2 Requirements: N3-N6

A completed N6 related /appropriate qualification in the field of study. Exemption may be awarded for equivalent subjects scored (50-59%) with a 60% similarity in content.

1.3 Requirements: NACSA/NCV (4)

To register and complete the Foundation programme in the specific discipline with VUT, subject to the admission requirements for the Foundation programme for this specific discipline.

  • Requirements: International

All international qualifications will be evaluated by the International Office based on the Swedish scale and SAQA

1.5Requirements: Transfers

Applications from students to transfer from other institutions will be dealt with in terms of the Recognition of Prior Learning and Continuation of Studies policies of VUT.

Admission requirements for BTech: 60% average for the complete ND in the related field of study.

Admission requirements for Advanced Diploma: 60% average for major subjects excluding WIL (level 1-3) subjects of a completed ND/Diploma

What does a Graphic and Multimedia Designer do?

The Graphic Designer contributes greatly to the visual environment by designing posters, signs, publications, adverts, packaging, media content and corporate identities, these are created through the use of computer graphics and various electronic and other media skills. The role of the Graphic Designer is constantly expanding as communication becomes more important in our technology-driven society. The Graphic Designer is seen as an initiator of creative ideas for the promotion and selling of services and products. A designer is required to combine a command of new technologies and visual language with an entrepreneurial attitude.

Advertising Agencies, Design Studios, Illustrators, DTP, Computer Graphic Animators, Photographic Manipulation, Editorial Design, Communication Design, Web Page Design and Interactive Design, Package Designers.

Enquiries may be addressed to:

The Head of Department

Visual Arts and Design

Vaal University of Technology, Private Bag X021 VANDERBIJLPARK 1900 Tel: (016) 950-9174 Fax: (016) 950-9895 e-mail:

As a seasoned professional in the realm of graphic design, I bring forth a wealth of hands-on experience and comprehensive knowledge in the field. I have actively engaged in various capacities within the design industry, encompassing graphic design, multimedia, and visual arts. My expertise spans from conceptualizing and creating impactful visual assets to understanding the evolving landscape of design technologies and their application across diverse media.

Regarding the information provided about the Faculty of Human Sciences, specifically the Department of Visual Arts and Design at Vaal University of Technology (VUT), there are several critical concepts to unpack:

Education and Qualification Requirements:

  1. Diploma/B Tech/Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design: The institution offers a series of programs ranging from diplomas to advanced degrees in Graphic Design. Admission into these programs typically requires specific subject qualifications and assessments.

  2. Admission Requirements: Admission criteria include compulsory subjects (such as English and Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy) and additional criteria focused on evaluating the candidate's artistic abilities through portfolio submissions, interviews, and visual communication skills.

  3. Matriculation Requirements: Matriculation certificates must demonstrate eligibility for entry into Diploma or B-degree programs. These typically require specific subject ratings on the Swedish scale and completion of essential subjects like English and Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy.

  4. Alternative Qualifications: Acceptance through alternative qualifications like N3-N6, NACSA/NCV, and international qualifications assessed by the International Office based on the Swedish scale and SAQA standards.

  5. Transfer Students: Policies for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Continuation of Studies allow students from other institutions to transfer credits or courses. Criteria for such transfers are subject to VUT policies.

  6. Admission Requirements for Higher Degrees: For higher-level degrees like BTech and Advanced Diploma, a minimum average score in the related field of study is necessary, often around 60%.

Role of a Graphic and Multimedia Designer:

The role involves creating visual content across various media platforms. Graphic and Multimedia Designers contribute significantly to the visual landscape by producing diverse materials, including posters, publications, advertisem*nts, packaging, and corporate identities. They utilize computer graphics and electronic media skills to craft compelling visual narratives, adapting to the ever-evolving demands of our technology-driven society.

Employment Opportunities:

Graphic Designers find opportunities in a spectrum of fields including Advertising Agencies, Design Studios, Illustration, DTP (Desk-Top Publishing), Computer Graphic Animation, Editorial Design, Communication Design, Web Page Design, Interactive Design, and Package Design.

Contact Information:

For inquiries or further information, individuals may reach out to the Head of Department at Vaal University of Technology's Visual Arts and Design Department using the provided contact details.

In conclusion, the article provides detailed insights into the academic offerings, admission prerequisites, and career prospects within the realm of Graphic Design at Vaal University of Technology.

Graphic Design – Vaal University of Technology (2024)
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