Greece Packing List: The Ultimate Guide for this Summer (2024)

Greece Packing List: The Ultimate Guide for this Summer (1)

**A note from team FTLO**

The airline industry is still feeling the effects of the Covid pandemic. As flights continue to be delayed, the risk of losing a checked bag increases dramatically. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND CARRYING ON all your luggage if you can.

Known for its crystal clear beaches, historic sites, ancient ruins, charming villas, gorgeous views, and laid-back lifestyle, Greece is the perfect place to experience an authentic Mediterranean summer! To have the best trip possible, you're going to need to pack accordingly; luckily for you, we've already done all the research building out our Greece packing guide so that you don't have to.

Whether you're visiting Santorini or Crete (we just launched an amazing trip there!), you’ll want to make sure you have everything you need to spend your days island hopping and exploring ancient landmarks and your evenings sipping wine and ouzo in rustic restaurants and enjoying the lively nightlife on the islands.

If you're heading overseas, then do it right and perfect your summer packing list for Greece!

Here's our list of what to pack for Greece:

  1. The Essentials

  2. Recommended Attire

  3. What to Leave Behind

1. Essential Items for a Greece Vacation

Greece Packing List: The Ultimate Guide for this Summer (2)

You’re going to want to start with the essential items for your Greece vacation. Whether you plan to spend your days lounging on the expansive coastline, exploring the ancient sights, island hopping on catamarans, or hiking to world class viewpoints, these are a few must-haves on your Greece packing list that you’ll absolutely need in your bag.

The Basics

Carry-on Items

  • Passport + 2 hard copies of passport

  • Prescription medications

  • Glasses + / contacts + solution

  • Cash (euros) + credit cards

  • Phone + charger

  • Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, hairbrush, razor, makeup)


  • Face mask + Hand sanitizer

  • Camera / GoPro + chargers

  • Basic first aid: bandaids, tweezers, pain relievers

  • Allergy medications

  • Anti-nausea medication if you’re prone to motion sickness

2. Recommended Attire

While any visit to this beautiful country is sure to be a good time, when you're bouncing between sun-kissed islands and ancient archaeological sites, you're going to want to think about your wardrobe. Luckily for you, we've crisscrossed the nation, so from stylish to comfortable, we know exactly what to wear whether you're packing for a beach vacation in Greece or heading to the city.

7 Day Packing List for Women

  • Neutral tank tops (3-4)

  • Light long sleeve (1-2)

  • Evening tops (1-3)

  • Summer dress (3)

  • Maxi dress (2-3)

  • Shorts (2)

  • Boyfriend jeans or light pants (2)

  • Sweater of shawl (1)

  • Adventure / active clothes (1-2 fits)

  • Beach sandal

  • Stylish sandals (for nights out)

  • Simple sneakers (like a pair of Nikes or Allbirds) (1)

  • Swimsuit (1-2)

  • Beach cover up (1-2)

  • Sports bra (1-2, more if you workout)

  • Pajamas

  • 7 days of undergarments (more if you want to work out)

7 Day Packing List for Men

  • Neutral T’s (3-4)

  • Linen shirts (4-5)

  • Light long-sleeve (1)

  • Dress shirt / button up (2)

  • Neutral shorts (3-4)

  • Linen pants (2)

  • Chinos (1)

  • Light stylish jacket (1)

  • Adventure / active clothes (1-2 fits)

  • Swim trunks (2)

  • Sandal (1)

  • Simple sneakers (1)

  • Summer loafer / espadrille (1)

  • 7 days of undergarments (more if you want to work out)

3. What to leave behind

When you're thinking about what to pack for Greece, you should also think about what not to pack for Greece. The lighter you pack, the better. Think of how fun it will be to hop from airplane to boat without hauling around a ton extra of stuff! To give you further peace of mind, there’s no shortage of incredible and locally sourced shops in this Mediterranean nation, so if you decide you want something you can always purchase it once you’re there.

Here are some items we’ve found that never make it out of a suitcase when you pack them.

  • Heavy, heeled dress shoes. This applies to men and women. Leave the heels behind, leave the heavy, leather dress shoes behind; they will not serve you in the hot summer and you’ll be twisting your ankles trying to walk on the cobblestone streets with any sort of heel. It’s best to stick to loafers and cute sandals or flats.

  • Jeans. With the exception of a light breathable jeans, you probably won’t even bother pulling these out of your suitcase due to the heat. Instead, pack light linen or flowy pants and you’ll be golden!

  • Accessories. A few basics like golden studs or a simple watch is nice, but you’ll likely be spending most of your time by the sea and will probably want to refrain from wearing many accessories.

  • Hiking boots. A lightweight sneaker will do just fine for most outdoor activities. Hiking boots will quickly become excessive, and of course, they are very heavy to pack. Best to save those for our South Africa trip ;)

  • Hair dryers. No worries here - all hotels have hair dryers. (Also, did we mention it’s hot?)

  • Other heavy items. You’re likely to find yourself moving from plane to boat to cobblestone road, so if you’re second-guessing whether to pack those extra jeans or shoes, we promise you will not regret leaving them behind.

Want to get a better idea of what to expect during your visit? Check out our flawless summer itinerary to the Greek Islands to go along with your Greece packing list. Or, alternatively, if you're interested in a different side of the Greek islands, check out our latest adventure to Crete.

Want a longer stay? Our sister brand, Sojrn, has recently a launched month-long getaway to Athens, the Greek capital and cradle of democracy. It's a chance to take a deep, immersive dive into one of the world's most significant and fascinating cultures.

Given your interest in the concepts and information within this article, let me delve into various elements discussed:

  1. Airline Industry and COVID Impact: The pandemic significantly impacted the airline industry, leading to flight delays and baggage concerns. The suggestion to carry luggage onboard due to increased risks of losing checked bags aligns with the ongoing operational challenges airlines face in handling increased passenger volumes amid safety protocols.

  2. Greece Packing Guide: Greece, known for its picturesque beaches, historic sites, and vibrant lifestyle, necessitates specific packing considerations for a fulfilling trip. Packing essentials encompass various categories:

    • Basic Necessities: Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, swimsuit, comfortable shoes for walking and outdoor activities, day bag, chargers, passport, prescription medications, toiletries, and essential first aid items.

    • Recommended Attire: Tailoring attire to suit diverse activities, ranging from beach vacations to city tours. For women, this includes versatile clothing like tank tops, dresses, shorts, and comfortable yet stylish footwear. Men are advised to pack neutral t-shirts, linen shirts, shorts, swim trunks, and appropriate footwear for different settings.

    • What to Leave Behind: The advice emphasizes traveling light and avoiding unnecessary items like heavy dress shoes, excessive accessories, jeans (except light ones), hiking boots, and certain bulky items. It encourages travelers to embrace the local shopping experience for any additional needs.

  3. Specific Packing Recommendations for Greece:

    • Climate Consideration: The emphasis on light, breathable clothing due to the summer heat in Greece is essential for travelers' comfort.

    • Footwear: Prioritizing comfortable shoes like sandals, sneakers, and loafers due to the country's cobblestone streets and diverse activities.

  4. Destination-Specific Trips: Mentions of trips to Santorini, Crete, and Athens by the travel team imply a comprehensive understanding of various regions within Greece, each offering distinct experiences and attractions.

  5. Additional Travel Opportunities: The article suggests longer stays and deeper dives into Greek culture, highlighting extended getaways to Athens by the sister brand, Sojrn. This showcases an understanding of diverse travel preferences, from shorter island trips to more immersive cultural experiences.

The recommendations are well-tailored to the climate, activities, and cultural nuances of Greece, demonstrating an insightful understanding of the destination's travel requirements.

Greece Packing List: The Ultimate Guide for this Summer (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.