What You Need to Pack for Greece (2024)

So, you‘ve booked the plane ticket, secured the documents, and booked your hotel. But what should you add to your Greece packing list?

Gorgeous beaches, historical architecture and the chance to island hop from gorgeous island to gorgeous island to boot, there are so many brilliant things to do in Greece. I’m totally jealous that you’ve chosen to take a trip there – I’ve loved all of mine.

Whether you’re visiting for a weekend break or spending an extended period of time getting to know the archipelago, I’ve prepared this detailed list telling you exactly what to pack for Greece. You’re welcome.

Greece Packing List: At A Glance

  • Hardshell luggage – A four-wheel suitcase is best
  • Comfortable footwear – Stylish sandals and sneakers are the most versatile
  • Light layers – Great for evenings and changing seasons
  • Swimwear – For island and beach-hopping
  • Documents – Bring copies of important documents and tickets
  • Sunscreen – Essential for a Greece summer packing list
  • Travel adapter – Standard European two-pin plug, though a multi-adapter is ideal

What to Pack for Greece: In Detail

These are the packing essentials for Greece at any time of the year.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (1)

Small Hardcover Suitcase

If you’re island hopping by ferry, your best bet is to have a marked hardcover suitcase.

Bags can get lost or thrown around in a frenzy. Personally, I’m a big fan of Away’s The Carry On and the American Tourister Soundbox – both of which I use on my trips a lot. They’ve withstood knocks galore and still look as swish and stylish as the day they were delivered.

Read Next: Best Cabin Luggage – Rated and Reviewed

Packing Cubes

What You Need to Pack for Greece (2)What You Need to Pack for Greece (3)

Packing cubes like these may seem like a scam to the unconverted, but once you’ve tried them, they are an absolute game-changer. They keep your clothes organised and wrinkle-free and help you save space.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (4)

You’re in luck – a holiday packing list for Greece is relatively easy to compile compared to other freezing countries in Europe. And there aren’t any strict clothing rules (apart from inside monasteries and churches).

Comfortable Clothes

What to pack for a Greece vacation depends on the weather and your itinerary. It can get quite hot, so pack cool and comfortable clothes for walking.

Opt for dresses, shorts, and T-shirts throughout the day in summer. During winter, you might get chilly, so bring a versatile jacket. Winter temperatures can drop dramatically up north, so thicker jackets and socks are necessary.

Semi-casual Clothes

What You Need to Pack for Greece (5)What You Need to Pack for Greece (6)

Many know Greece for its beach clubs in Mykonos, but if you’re going to a fancy restaurant, a swimsuit and flip-flops just won’t cut it. Luckily, you can get by with a comfortable kaftan or stylish cover-up, and men should be alright as long as they wear trousers.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (7)

Footwear can make or break a trip (or ankles), so getting the right shoe is crucial for a holiday.

Comfortable Shoes

If you’re planning on exploring the country on foot (which is highly recommended, by the way), you’ll cover all kinds of terrain. So, comfortable shoes like the Allbirds Tree Runners or Tropicfeel Canyon Shoes are a must.

But being comfortable doesn’t have to mean unstylish. Read my reviews of the best travel shoes for women and travel shoes for men here.

Note: While flip-flops are comfortable, it’s best to reserve them for the beach. Bring stylish sandals to the city instead.

Gadgets + Electronics

What You Need to Pack for Greece (8)

Add these travel gadgets to your travel to Greece packing list.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (9)What You Need to Pack for Greece (10)

When looking back at your travels, you’ll be happy you took the snap. Many phones these days take great pictures, but nothing is as great as a good ‘ol camera. I shoot with the Sony A6500 – even though the model is a couple of years old, it’s a great lightweight mirrorless option that creates great images.

Memory Cards

What You Need to Pack for Greece (11)What You Need to Pack for Greece (12)

This case for memory cards lets you bring a few extra, so you never have to worry about running out of space. The perfect shot may come when you least expect it.

Spare Batteries

Spare batteries are the way to go if you don’t have time to charge your electronic devices. Bring a couple for your camera, torch, and laptop if possible.

Travel Adapter

What You Need to Pack for Greece (13)What You Need to Pack for Greece (14)

Sure, you can get an appropriate travel adapter for Greece or make the process much easier for all your travels with one international multiway adapter. You can use this one in over 150 countries without taking up too much space in your bag.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (15)What You Need to Pack for Greece (16)

Did you know that Greece has scorpions? When taking a moonlight stroll in even the most bustling areas, carrying a backup flashlight like this one is always safe. It has a UV light to better spot them.

Note: Scorpions are only life-threatening if you’re allergic, but shake out your bags and clothes just to be safe.

External Power Pack

What You Need to Pack for Greece (17)What You Need to Pack for Greece (18)

This external power pack is a life-saver on travels. It can fully charge your devices a couple of times before you need to recharge the pack. Great for those days where you’re out from dawn til dusk.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (19)

Don’t forget to add these toiletries to your Greece travel packing list.


This includes; shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, moisturiser, and, for the ladies, don’t forget your feminine hygiene supplies.


Ask your doctor for a few extra of your daily medication if you’re gone for an extended period. Go through your travel medical kit beforehand and refill supplies as needed. It’s also important to bring your pills in their original packaging to avoid any stress at the airport.

It’s always good to keep things like headache pills, motion sickness medicine, cough drops, and diarrhoea medicine on hand, just in case.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (20)What You Need to Pack for Greece (21)

Greece can get incredibly hot in summer, so a good SPF is crucial – I love this one.

Or, if you’re travelling light, use a sun stick instead of sunscreen to bypass the annoying transfer of regular liquids to travel-sized bottles.

Tip: Many people forget this, but sun protection for your lips like this one is equally important.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (22)

What could be more important than your travel documents? Make sure you have all of these papers to ensure smooth sailing (or flying).

Passport / Visas

What You Need to Pack for Greece (23)What You Need to Pack for Greece (24)

This travel holder is the only document, key, and cardholder you’ll need to pack for any trip. It also has an RFID-blocking wallet to protect your personal information from identity thieves.

Travel Insurance

You don’t think you need it until you do. Travel insurance is your saving grace when flights get delayed, or your luggage gets lost.

Compared to the thousands of coins you might lose, it’s worth spending a few pennies to be safe rather than sorry.

Cash / Credit Cards

Tell your bank beforehand where you’re travelling and for how long. Imagine getting stranded on a Greek island because your card declined, and the bank flagged it as fraud. Horrible, right?

You can book most tickets and reservations online using your credit or debit card to pay. This is an excellent way to save time and money, but ensure you use a trusted company or site.

Even with RFID-protected wallets, it’s safer to avoid taking out any cards at the airport. Cash is king in Greece, anyway. You can exchange or withdraw money from foreign exchange or ATMs in the city — smaller islands may not have these.

Emergency Contacts + Addresses

Give your booking details, flight numbers, and hotel addresses to someone you trust back home.

Carry your hotel’s business card just on the off chance (knocks on wood) that you get lost or injured.

Top tip: The general emergency number for Greece is 112.

Copies of Important Documents to Keep Separate from Wallet

An accident happening in a foreign country is not ideal. So, make several copies of important documents and keep them in a safe place. These documents include:

  • Passport, driver’s licence, and visa
  • Tickets, reservations, and itineraries
  • Travel insurance documentation
  • Medical certificates

Tip: It’s also a good idea to leave a copy with someone you trust in your home country.

Guide Book

What You Need to Pack for Greece (25)What You Need to Pack for Greece (26)

Technology is great, but it’s not worth much once the battery dies. This Greece Travel guide and Greek phrasebook are great to have regardless of whether you have technology on your side or not.

What to Pack for Greece in the Summer

What You Need to Pack for Greece (27)

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about what to pack for a summer trip to Greece. On average, the weather reaches 32°C to 36°C.


What You Need to Pack for Greece (28)What You Need to Pack for Greece (29)

Summer means salty air, sand on your toes, and seawater in your hair. So, you can’t forget to add a swimming costume to your Greece packing list for summer.

Men can get by with a simple pair of swim trunks in different colours. Ladies, why not spice it up with some colour with this fun one-piece?

Sun Protection

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Just last year, Greece experienced a heat wave with the highest temperatures in its history, with a high of 46.3°C. So, sun protection is crucial in the summer. This wide-brim sun hat is ultra stylish while still blocking the sun’s harmful rays.

What to Pack for Greece in Spring

What You Need to Pack for Greece (32)

Spring in Greece is from March to May, with pleasantly warm temperatures averaging highs of 27°C and lows of 17°C.

Sturdy Shoes

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Spring is the best time to go for a hike in Greece. These unisex hiking boots are lightweight but offer great ankle support on the trails.


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Throughout spring, it can still be chilly at night, so a light cover-up may help you from freezing during dinner. A jumper or cardigan like this one should do.

What to Pack for Greece in Autumn / Fall

What You Need to Pack for Greece (37)

From September to November, temperatures remain warm, from 25°C to 35°C.


Regardless of gender, trousers are the way to go for autumn. You can dress them up or down, and they are great for when the sun sets and it gets cooler at night.

Light Layer

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As temperatures cool down, you can get by with a light layer at night. A black bomber jacket is a great option as it keeps you warm but matches with almost anything. Alternatively, kimonos, light cardigans, and thin jackets are stylish options.

What to Pack for Greece in Winter

Believe it or not, Greece can be rather chilly in winter. Your best bet is to try and stay dry and warm.

Waterproof Layers

What You Need to Pack for Greece (40)What You Need to Pack for Greece (41)

Winters are mild and wet, with some northern parts experiencing snow. A great space saver is a handy, foldable, and waterproof jacket like this one to keep you ready for any weather.

Thermal Base Layers

What You Need to Pack for Greece (42)What You Need to Pack for Greece (43)

These thin yet warm pieces of clothing are a dream for light travellers. These thermal socks will keep your feet warm and won’t let you feel the bite of the cold.

Greece Packing Tips

  • Keep your Greece trip packing list light, as you’ll probably be island-hopping quite a bit during your trip.
  • Water on the islands may taste salty to tourists, so bring a reusable bottle (preferably with a filter) to carry with you.

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What You Need to Pack for Greece (44)
What You Need to Pack for Greece (45)

As an avid traveler with a particular passion for Greece, I can assure you that my experiences in the country have equipped me with comprehensive knowledge about what to pack for a trip to this enchanting destination. Having explored the stunning beaches, delved into the historical architecture, and embraced the opportunity to island-hop, I resonate with the excitement of planning a trip to Greece.

Let's delve into the detailed breakdown of the packing list provided in the article:


  • Small Hardcover Suitcase: Opting for a marked hardcover suitcase is a wise choice when island hopping. The recommendation of brands like Away's The Carry On and American Tourister Soundbox aligns with my preference for durable and stylish luggage.

  • Packing Cubes: These are not just suggested; they are game-changers in terms of keeping clothes organized and maximizing space. My positive experiences with packing cubes align with the article's endorsem*nt.


  • Comfortable Clothes: The advice to pack cool and comfortable clothes for walking is spot-on. I agree with the emphasis on dresses, shorts, and T-shirts for summer and the need for versatile jackets in winter.

  • Semi-casual Clothes: Recognizing the need for semi-casual attire for places like beach clubs in Mykonos adds a practical touch to the packing suggestions.


  • Comfortable Shoes: The mention of exploring the country on foot and recommending comfortable yet stylish shoes like Allbirds Tree Runners aligns perfectly with my travel philosophy. The emphasis on stylish sandals for the city resonates with my own footwear choices.

Gadgets + Electronics:

  • Camera: I share the sentiment that while smartphones are capable, a dedicated camera, such as the Sony A6500, provides unmatched quality for capturing travel memories.

  • Memory Cards, Spare Batteries, Travel Adapter, Torch, External Power Pack: These are essential gadgets for a smooth travel experience, and the article's recommendations align with my own preferences.


  • Essentials: The inclusion of standard toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, and others is crucial. The reminder to carry necessary medications, including headache pills and motion sickness medicine, is a thoughtful addition.

  • Sunscreen: Acknowledging the importance of sunscreen and suggesting specific products aligns with my commitment to sun protection during travels.


  • Passport / Visas, Travel Insurance, Cash / Credit Cards: Stressing the importance of essential documents, travel insurance, and financial preparedness is paramount. The advice on informing the bank about travel plans aligns with my own practices.

  • Emergency Contacts + Addresses, Copies of Important Documents: These are crucial for safety, and having copies of important documents is a prudent measure that I always advocate for.

  • Guide Book: Balancing technology with a physical guidebook is a wise approach, and the article's recommendation reflects a well-rounded travel strategy.

Seasonal Packing:

  • Summer: Recommending swimwear, sun protection, and a wide-brim sun hat during the summer months resonates with the need for lightweight and protective clothing.

  • Spring, Autumn / Fall, Winter: Tailoring clothing suggestions based on seasonal variations demonstrates a nuanced understanding of Greece's climate throughout the year.

Packing Tips:

  • Light Packing: Recommending a light packing list for island-hopping aligns with the practicalities of travel within Greece.

  • Reusable Bottle: Advising travelers to bring a reusable bottle, especially with a filter, is a thoughtful suggestion considering the taste of water on the islands.

In conclusion, the provided packing list is not only well-researched but also aligns seamlessly with my own experiences and recommendations for a memorable and comfortable trip to Greece. Enjoy your travels!

What You Need to Pack for Greece (2024)
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