How AI Is Making the Fashion Industry More Sustainable — Sustainably Chic (2024)

The fashion industry as it stands today is not sustainable in the truest sense of the word; we cannot continue to produce clothing in the way we are now.

The fashion industry is one of themost polluting industriesin the world and contributes to 10% of annual global carbon emissions. Our consumption of clothing isrisingastronomically, and with it rises the fashion industry’s pollution and carbon footprint.

However, achieving sustainability in fashion presents great difficulty, as the industry is truly global and faces many pressures to keep costs low and keep output high.

Artificial intelligence (AI) presents new opportunities to increase sustainability in the fashion industry. While the technology is still relatively new, many brands have already begun using AI in creative ways that help reduce waste and reduce carbon emissions.

1. AI Predicts Trends to Reduce Waste

One of the most exciting innovations in AI and fashion sustainability is the use of AI to predict future trends. Clothing companies spend much time, effort, and money predicting fashion trends, and then create waste and pollution manufacturing those trends, only to produce clothing that doesn’t sell. AI trend forecasting eliminates some of the uncertainty and human error currently derailing trend forecasting, helping companies invest in clothing concepts that will sell.

AI trend forecasting works to understand a company’s target market and how they may respond to clothing trends. By predicting trends with higher accuracy, AI can help companies cut off production of clothing lines that won’t sell. This reduces unnecessary waste, reduces water use in production, reducespollution, and reduces carbon emissions.

AI helps predict type and quantities of fabric, helping companies reduce excess scrap fabric. Additionally, AI can help keep track of inventories of already-produced clothes, helping companies achieve proper production size.

2. AI Helps Customers Shop Used Clothing

AI makes thrift shopping, a sustainable shopping practice, easier. Thrifting, or buying used clothing, is a great sustainable shopping option, as it reduces the demand for new clothes. Slowing production of new clothing reduces carbon emissions and reduces the amount of waste and pollution created in the production process.

Several online used-clothing platforms, such as Depop, areusing AI to provide smarter recommendationsto their customers. This use of AI makes buying used clothing much easier, as you don’t have to go sort through racks of clothing to find something specific or something you like.

If AI makes thrifting easier, more people are likely to buy used, rather than going to buy something new simply because it’s the simpler option.

3. AI Speeds Up 3D Modeling

Before a clothing item is sold, it goes through many stages of review, sometimes requiring up to 20 samples of the item. Instead, fashion brands are increasingly relying on AI-created 3D models of the clothing, rather than physically producing samples.

AI can even create digital models to wear clothes that have not been manufactured yet, making the review process much less wasteful. This also helps companies reduce the costs of creating samples.

AI makes the process of 3D modelling much faster and more efficient, which can help clothing streamline production and also reduces the need for human labor. That said,AI 3D modeling is still being perfected, and still requires some human input to truly get the model to look realistic.

4. AI Increases Customer Satisfaction

Every year, around500 billion USD is lostdue to clothing that is not worn frequently and is not recycled. Increasing customer satisfaction with the clothes they buy helps slow fashion production, thereby reducing its environmental impact, and reduces clothing waste in landfills.

AI is helping customers find products that they really like. First, AI offers the opportunity forincreased customization of clothes. AI body scans of customers help brands make clothes that fit a larger range of people. AI can help create clothing that fits body measurements that exist in the real world, rather than making clothes that fit an “average” assumed body type.

AI also offersvirtual fittings, which reduces the number of clothes that are returned. Many people buy online simply to try the clothing on, or buy multiple sizes or colors, and then return it. Shipping these returns not only has a large environmental impact, but also becomes a logistical difficulty for the company.

Lastly, AI helpspredict correct sizingbased on a database of body measurements. According to the founder ofEyeFitU, an AI clothing sizing prediction company, it is unclear what happens to clothes after they’re returned; some may end up in the landfill. Buying the correct size will help customers reduce their returns, and reduce fashion waste.

The opportunity to virtually try on clothes and buy the right size helps reduce customer returns by up to55 percent, thereby greatly reducing the waste caused by clothing returns.

5. AI Ensures Sustainable Supply Chains

Many clothing brands choose to undergo third-partyenvironmental compliance auditsto make sure that they and their suppliers are complying with all environmental regulations.

While these audits are a step towards more environmentally-friendly clothing production, they don’t truly take all aspects of sustainability into account. It may also be difficult for large companies to keep an eye on the sustainability of every supplier they use.

AI provides a solution;AI can help fashion brands better assess the sustainability of their supply chain as a whole. AI tools can analyze information about a company’s suppliers to examine their sustainability practices.

AI company Prewave has created atoolthat uses AI and machine learning to search the Internet for any mention of a company’s suppliers, and alert the company to possible sustainability violations. This type of tool is immensely powerful, as it can also assess a supplier’s adherence to ethical labor practices and anti-corruption practices.

While this has been piloted by Audi, a car manufacturer, since October 2020, it can and should be used by clothing brands as well. This tool will help the fashion industry choose and monitor suppliers to ensure the utmost adherence to sustainable practices.


So, is AI the future of sustainable fashion? In some ways, yes. AI provides us with increasingly powerful tools to reduce waste in clothing production.

However, AI alone will not fix the sustainability issues in the fashion world. Instead, a variety of multifaceted, human-led approaches, from reducing clothing consumption to using sustainable materials, are necessary to address the industry’s extreme environmental impacts.


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How AI Is Making the Fashion Industry More Sustainable — Sustainably Chic (2024)


How AI Is Making the Fashion Industry More Sustainable — Sustainably Chic? ›

AI helps predict type and quantities of fabric, helping companies reduce excess scrap fabric. Additionally, AI can help keep track of inventories of already-produced clothes, helping companies achieve proper production size.

How AI is making the fashion industry more sustainable? ›

AI is also transforming the garment manufacturing process in the fashion industry. Algorithms can optimise production lines, reducing waste and increasing efficiency. AI can also predict demand for specific products and adjust production schedules accordingly, minimising over and under-production.

How has artificial intelligence AI impacted the fashion industry? ›

Generative AI has the potential to affect the entire fashion ecosystem. Fashion companies can use the technology to help create better-selling designs, reduce marketing costs, hyperpersonalize customer communications, and speed up processes.

How artificial intelligence can benefit fashion industry? ›

Artificial intelligence has advanced capabilities when it comes to retail data analytics, which makes it incredibly useful in the fashion industry for forecasting trends and sales. This information can be used by fashion buyers to better predict customer behaviour and reduce the number of unsold items each season.

How does AI improve sustainability? ›

Artificial intelligence can apply powerful predictive capabilities and intelligent grid systems to manage the supply and demand of renewable energy. For example, more accurate weather forecasts can optimize efficiency, cut costs, and unnecessary carbon pollution generation.

Is AI the future of sustainable fashion? ›

From AI-powered design tools to predictive analytics and automation, these technologies have the potential to make the fashion industry more sustainable and reduce its environmental impact. One of the most significant ways AI can contribute to sustainable fashion is through the design process.

How AI can power the future of fashion? ›

Customization: AI will be used more extensively to create customized fashion items tailored to individual customers' preferences. This will allow fashion companies to create unique and personalized customer items. Sustainability: AI will be used to make fashion more sustainable.

What fashion companies use artificial intelligence? ›

From business operations to e-commerce and marketing, every area in a fashion business can benefit from AI. This is evidenced by popular fashion brands like Zara, H&M, Dior, Macy's, and Nike, who all use AI in their business models.

Where is AI making the biggest impact? ›

Manufacturing: Manufacturing Industry will have the biggest impact of AI coupled with automation. AI is playing a vital role in improving enterprise software.

What is the impact of artificial intelligence on the design industry? ›

AI has revolutionised the graphic design process, making it more efficient and user-friendly. With AI, designers can automate tedious tasks, freeing more time for creative work. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyse data and generate designs tailored to specific audiences and demographics.

What are the benefits of artificial intelligence AI? ›

What are the advantages of Artificial Intelligence?
  • AI drives down the time taken to perform a task. ...
  • AI enables the execution of hitherto complex tasks without significant cost outlays.
  • AI operates 24x7 without interruption or breaks and has no downtime.
  • AI augments the capabilities of differently abled individuals.

Will AI take over fashion design? ›

A new study conducted by the Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea suggests human-artificial intelligence (AI) collaborative designs could revolutionise the future of fashion design and serve as an educational tool.

What is an example of AI in sustainability? ›

An enterprise's sustainability strategy can apply AI in the following ways:
  • Emissions monitoring and reporting. ...
  • Supply chain tracking. ...
  • Predictive maintenance. ...
  • Smart transportation. ...
  • Energy efficiency. ...
  • Renewable energy integration. ...
  • Carbon capture and storage.
Feb 10, 2023

How is AI used to achieve sustainable development goals? ›

Artificial Intelligence is when machines and software are programmed to replicate human decision-making processes. It can help humans discover new solutions by using advanced data processing and as a result can thus help the fight against climate change through means of problem-solving, predictability, and forecasting.

What is the positive impact of AI in achieving sustainable development goals? ›

Vinuesa highlighted that AI was found to have a beneficial impact on 79% of the SDG targets, inhibiting 35%, with environmental targets attracting the most positive contributions, social targets – the least, and economic targets requiring further investigation in terms of potential positive effects of AI.

What is the sustainable future of fashion? ›

“The future of fashion will see us moving away from using new fabrics to focus more on upcycled materials that will minimize our carbon footprint and reduce waste. The use of dead stock will hopefully become more of the norm, ensuring that our clothing remains in circulation rather than ending up in a landfill.”

Could digital clothes make fashion more sustainable? ›

No water or chemicals are used for the creation or usage of digital fashion, and the production of a digital garment, on average, leaves 97% less CO2 footprint and no microplastic shedding or soil degradation, compared to the production of a physical garment.

Is the sustainable fashion industry growing? ›

The sustainable fashion industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2021 to 2028. It is a rapidly growing sector that is expected to continue to expand in the coming years.

How can AI improve the future? ›

The productivity of artificial intelligence may boost our workplaces, which will benefit people by enabling them to do more work. As the future of AI replaces tedious or dangerous tasks, the human workforce is liberated to focus on tasks for which they are more equipped, such as those requiring creativity and empathy.

What is the impact that AI will have on the future? ›

One of the most obvious ways AI is shaping the future is through automation. With the help of machine learning, computers can now perform tasks that were once only possible for humans to complete. This includes tasks such as data entry, customer service, and even driving cars.

How is artificial intelligence shaping the future? ›

AI Is Extending Human Ability to Solve Complex Problems

By using computing power to process and to learn from data, AI is augmenting our ability to automate routine tasks; to streamline processes; to recognize and classify images, patterns and speech; to make predictions; and even to make decisions.

Does Gucci use AI? ›

To create the digital content we involved AI in our design process. The reasons are both practical and aesthetic. The brief we received from Gucci centered around building a location; a permanent but ever-changing environment.

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Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

It is the most developed type of artificial intelligence that performs singular tasks and has a narrow focus. For example, narrow AI can be involved in the facial recognition process, image recognition, voice recognition, search engine processes, and more.

How does H&M use artificial intelligence? ›

Real-life H&M Group examples of AI-driven retail

With the help of algorithms, they analyse store receipts and returns to evaluate purchases in each store. This way, the fashion brand knows which items to promote and stock more of in certain locations.

How does AI positively impact society? ›

AI has the potential to bring about numerous positive changes in society, including enhanced productivity, improved healthcare, and increased access to education. AI-powered technologies can also help solve complex problems and make our daily lives easier and more convenient.

Which industries can benefit from AI? ›

Transform your business processes with intelligent AI solutions.
  • Logistics and Transportation. The logistics and transportation industry is on the verge of an AI-infused revolution. ...
  • Travel. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • 8. Entertainment and Gaming. ...
  • Manufacturing. ...
  • Automotive. ...
  • Energy.

What are the positive and negative effects of artificial intelligence? ›

The advantages range from streamlining, saving time, eliminating biases, and automating repetitive tasks, just to name a few. The disadvantages are things like costly implementation, potential human job loss, and lack of emotion and creativity.

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The MIT Technology Review reported that training just one AI model can emit more than 626,00 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent – which is nearly five times the lifetime emissions of an average American car.

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But AI systems also raise sustainability concerns linked to the natural resources they consume such as electricity and water, and the carbon emissions they produce. The rise of deep learning and large language models has also dramatically increased the amount of compute capacity AI systems need.

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AI Will Affect These Industries the Most in 2023
  • Marketing. Many tasks that are performed by marketing associates can also be performed by AI systems. ...
  • Banking and Finance. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Transportation.
Mar 7, 2023

What are the goals of artificial intelligence? ›

The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, and the ability to move and manipulate objects. General intelligence (the ability to solve an arbitrary problem) is among the field's long-term goals.

How does AI benefit the economy? ›

45% of total economic gains by 2030 will come from product enhancements, stimulating consumer demand. This is because AI will drive greater product variety, with increased personalisation, attractiveness, and affordability over time.

Is AI powerful enough to replace designers? ›

No, AI is unlikely to replace designers entirely. While AI can be used to automate certain aspects of design, such as generating layouts or color schemes, it cannot replace the creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that designers bring to their work.

How luxury brands are using AI? ›

A number of luxury fashion brands are using AI technologies, such as chatbots and facial recognition, to improve customer experience and offer personalized product recommendations.

Why do fashion designers use illustrator? ›

Textile Design & Patterns

Illustrator excels at these tiny details such as dashes and dots, and makes it easy to create beautiful patterns with the Pattern Tool. Using the Pattern Tool, designers can create unique patterns and have them seamlessly repeat throughout the design.

What are 3 different examples of AI doing things today? ›

Artificial Intelligence Examples
  • Manufacturing robots.
  • Self-driving cars.
  • Smart assistants.
  • Healthcare management.
  • Automated financial investing.
  • Virtual travel booking agent.
  • Social media monitoring.
  • Marketing chatbots.

What AI application can be used to help with sustainability problems? ›

Air purifiers with AI can record air quality and environmental data in real-time and adapt the filtration efficiency. AI-powered simulations can send warnings to people living in urban areas about the pollution levels of their areas.

What is an example of AI and sustainable development? ›

Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development Goals

A clear example of AI's contribution to sustainability is traffic management. Applying Artificial Intelligence in urban mobility allows traffic jams to be predicted and alternative routes to be suggested.

How can AI improve sustainability in my workplace? ›

This technology has helped businesses to reduce their energy bills by up to 20%. AI can also help to optimise energy use in buildings, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In the construction industry, AI can help reduce the environmental impact of building materials.

How can AI be helpful in improving the work environment? ›

One of the benefits of AI for business is that it handles repetitive tasks across an organization so that employees can focus on creative solutions, complex problem solving, and impactful work. One example of that is chatbots.

How AI technology lead to a more sustainable future? ›

To make development more sustainable, we need to optimize our energy consumption and reduce waste. AI-driven smart grid management helps us do both. Smart grids use advanced sensing, communication, and control technologies to manage the generation, distribution, and consumption of electricity more efficiently.

How AI can be used to achieve sustainable development goals? ›

AI can help meet the SDGs because it augments, rather than replaces, our own intelligence and capabilities. Any actions humans take to achieve the SDGs can be augmented with artificial intelligence.

How does the fashion industry affect sustainability? ›

The sector is also an important source of plastic leakage into the environment. With between 200 000 and 500 000 tonnes of microplastics from textiles enter the marine environment each year, the textile industry amount for 35% of microplastics pollution in the ocean.

Why should the fashion industry be more sustainable? ›

Sustainable brands aim to reduce waste generation by manufacturing premium apparel from long-lasting materials. These clothing companies try to copy seasonal fashion trends, thus reducing the amount of waste generated in the long run.

Why is fashion sustainable over fast fashion? ›

The main difference in fast vs. sustainable fashion is the amount of waste that each one produces. Sustainable fashion decreases waste by making clothing that is significantly better quality. Less waste leads to both less water pollution and fewer carbon emissions during production.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.