How Do Celebrities Influence Society? Positive and Negative Effects of Celebrity Culture (2024)

Can there be any positive effects of idolizing celebrities? You might doubt that…

The phenomenon of celebrity culture has become an integral part of modern society. All kinds of media constantly report on the lives of stars: not only on their professional achievements but also on personal relationships. And this can’t go without trace – celebrities’ influence on society is huge, especially on youth. In this essay, you will learn about the positive and negative effects of celebrity culture on society and how famous stars can be a source of inspiration and motivation for individuals.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Negative Effects
  3. Positive Effects
  4. Conclusion
  5. References
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Introduction – How Do Celebrities Influence Society?

Nowadays, all media sources are full of news about different celebrities. They appear in magazines, newspapers, on television, and the Internet. This century is marked by various innovations in mass media and the cultivation of the culture of celebrities. Several decades ago, most children wanted to become engineers, pilots, or doctors. However, these days their priorities have drastically changed. Many children dream of becoming famous actors, singers, or showmen. Moreover, adults are also affected by the developed celebrity industry. The famous represent an easy lifestyle that looks very appealing for people who have to work hard to earn money and support their families. Therefore, it changes people’s goals and ways to achieve them. In addition, many individuals ignore their personalities and try to imitate celebrities’ behaviors. The main goals of this paper are to demonstrate that the famous serve as role models to many regular people, negatively affecting their behaviors and the whole culture of modern societies, and discuss the reasons that led to the rapid rise of the celebrity industry.

Negative Effects of Celebrity Culture

There are several reasons for such a significant development of celebrity culture. First, the expansion of mass media has made the news about famous people one of the most discussed topics. Celebrities have been “reconstituted as the overexposed individuals of contemporary life” (Marshal 12). The same situation is happening with other media sources. Such news attracts much attention and enhances consumption across different classes in society. The pace of the development of the celebrity industry has never been so fast. However, there are no signals that it has reached any limits. Media companies along with movie and music industries have become more powerful. The development of the media machine makes the process of creating a celebrity much easier. Various shows exploit the temptation of humans to become famous. The entertainment industry creates celebrities by means of such shows. For example, the Idol TV program demonstrates several contestants whose main goal is to become more popular through their performances. The very fact that a person appears on the screen or in a magazine makes them a part of the celebrity industry. The phenomenon of “YouTube” also deserves particular attention. This media source offers opportunities to become famous to everybody. The cultivation of such a culture has become a world-scale issue.

However, another reason for the intense promotion of popular actors, singers, and sportsmen is the demands of the general public. Consumers not only accept celebrities as a part of society but also feel the need for them (Williamson 35). People perceive them as idols and admire their talents and accomplishments. In addition, the general public is eager to know all the personal details about the lives of their icons. However, it is not easy to determine what information should be hidden:

Celebrity is a very public form of discourse about the dimensions of what is public and what is private and, ultimately what is intimate. The level of exposure – the capacity of our technologies to record and to transmit images, texts, and sounds – and online culture that has new expectations of exposure have helped expand our comfort with public intimacy (Marshal 12).

Consumers buy journals and magazines to read about people who they barely know. Also, various blogs of famous people on the Internet attract the attention of millions of people. Celebrities post photos of their breakfast or pets and twit some statements because they know that the public is very interested in this information. Celebrity worship syndrome has become a serious problem worldwide. Nowadays, there is a high demand for psychologists who can help people to overcome this mental condition. The syndrome has several levels of intensity. Some individuals even commit suicides when they find out that their idols got engaged or married.

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However, celebrities have to pay for such a life with their own privacy. There are many conflicts between famous figures and media companies. Some of them do not want to share private facts about their lives, but reporters, journalists, and other paparazzi reveal their secrets without permission (Lenig 203). Although many public figures deliberately use the media to create a striking or shocking image, most of them prefer being portrayed as perfect as possible.

There are other attributes of being famous that attract the general public. One of the most important aspects is money. The financial success of popular media figures breeds envy and admiration in regular people. Celebrities receive enormous fees for their movies or concerts (Jerym 38). However, these are not the only sources of income. Famous people often participate in promotional campaigns or support a particular brand. Advertisem*nts are another huge industry that contributes to the cultivation of celebrity culture. Popular figures endorse different types of products that are used worldwide like sports clothing, IT technology, alcoholic drinks, and many others. Most people know that celebrities are paid a substantial amount of money for short advertisem*nts, and such work does not require too much effort. Therefore, working-class communities that need to pay their loans and often have to do harsh jobs become jealous.

Members of societies that are obsessed with entertainment and celebrities are deeply affected by these industries. The famous have a significant impact on almost every aspect of the lives of regular people including political opinions, fashion trends, interests, behaviors, and attitudes (Levy 62). However, the most affected are children and teenagers. Mass media changes their developing worldviews and forms new goals and values. Many students are ready to give up schools, colleges, and other educational institutions in order to appear on billboards and become famous. They do not believe that they can be successful in working in other fields. In addition, teenagers tend to think that vocational skills are not necessary as they can earn enough money in film or music industries without qualifications.

The general public is strongly influenced by the celebrities’ misbehaviors. Many people believe that if they imitate the lifestyles of famous people, it will help them achieve success and fame. Celebrities are arrested for drunk driving, drug abuse, or other types of misconduct. Although regular people break laws as well, media presents such stories that involve public figures in a way that encourages individuals to act similarly. Media shows that celebrities spend their leisure time in clubs and different parties, cultivating the culture of sex, drugs, and alcohol. Many people are against such representation because it negatively affects the minds of their children.

Positive Effects of Celebrity Culture

Although celebrities have negative impacts on a culture of societies, there are positive effects as well. Public figures that promote ethical values and make responsible decisions influence individuals in a favorable way (Gornstein 16). Many famous people support social justice and make significant contributions when natural disasters strike. If children are not obsessed with delusions and misleading ideas, the celebrity industry can be very helpful. Popular people can set great examples of appropriate behaviors and attitudes. For example, many of them support humanitarian campaigns, participate in discussions regarding social problems, raise money for people who suffer deprivation, donate to medical organizations, and promote philanthropism. Also, celebrities who live decent lives serve as positive role models for the general public. They emphasize the importance of traditional norms like honest relationships and personal integrity. In addition, some popular people help to improve self-esteem in low-confident individuals. For example, imitating the haircut or fashion style of a famous person can enhance confidence and assertiveness.

Another positive effect is that the celebrity industry cultivates extraverted personalities. The main purpose of famous people is to entertain and spread the fun. Celebrity worship might be harmless and even beneficial because it broadens people’s interests as they discover new topics in which their icon involved. In addition, it helps people improve their communication skills as they meet with other fans and discuss news and event associated with their object of admiration. Also, celebrities can positively impact society and the environment. For example, some public figures actively participate in resolving various global problems like the protection of wild animals or climate change. Some of them are active members of important environmental organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, or the International Union for Conservation of Nature. They raise awareness among international communities on environmental issues (Gornstein 188). Also, many celebrities advocate of a green lifestyle, drug-free societies, sport, and healthy families. Such public figures have a highly favorable effect on individuals and communities. In addition, many of them attract attention to different social issues like poverty, charity, education, and cultural awareness. Many famous people complete college and university programs and are interested in politics, literature, history, and other intellectual topics. They often give public speeches for students in different schools. Therefore, they can also underline the importance of intellectual development.


In conclusion, celebrities significantly affect the lives of regular people. Due to the fast development of new technologies, mass media become a powerful tool for the promotion of different ideas and concepts. Famous people are one of the most popular topics in the world, and various media agencies exploit the phenomenon of celebrity culture to make a profit. However, it has many negative effects on individuals and communities. The way that the media presents the lifestyles of public figures is often distorted. Media sources are mostly focused on personal failures and misbehaviors of famous actors, singers, showmen, sportsmen, and other celebrities. They reveal the most shameful secrets and make them objects for discussions throughout the world. However, such news not only entertains the audience but also affects its perceptions and worldviews. Many people began to believe that they can find easier ways to achieve success. Some of them leave schools and colleges because they want to become famous. The idea of getting rich and popular without significant efforts is very appealing for many individuals.

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However, the celebrity industry might have positive effects on the culture of modern societies as well. Many famous people promote noble and worthy ideas like the importance of ethical values, moral norms, education, family, and many others. They also advocate for various environmental and social programs. However, in most cases, the drawbacks of the celebrity industry outweigh its advantages. Therefore, it is necessary to focus more on positive aspects and try to reduce the intensity of the unfavorable effects of famous people on the culture of modern societies.


Gornstein, Leslie. The Celebrity Playbook: The Insider’s Guide to Living Like a Star, Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.

Jerym, Deborah, et al. Women, Celebrity and Cultures of Ageing: Freeze Frame. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

Lenig, Steve. “McNamara, Kim. Paparazzi: Media Practices and Celebrity Culture.” Current Reviews for Academic Libraries,vol. 54,no. 2, 2016, p. 203.

Levy, Michael. Celebrity and Entertainment Obsession: Understanding Our Addiction, Rowman& Littlefield Publishers, 2015.

Marshal, David. Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2014.

Williamson, Milly.Celebrity: Capitalism and the Making of Fame, Polity Press, 2016.

How Do Celebrities Influence Society? Positive and Negative Effects of Celebrity Culture (2024)


How do celebrities influence society celebrity culture positive effects? ›

Many famous people promote noble and worthy ideas like the importance of ethical values, moral norms, education, family, and many others. They also advocate for various environmental and social programs.

How do celebrities negatively influence society? ›

Negative ways celebrities can influence teens

Normalizing behaviors like smoking or substance use. Promoting violent or criminal behavior like vandalism, fighting, or driving under the influence. Modeling poor decisions around relationships or sex.

Why celebrities are good influences? ›

They help to see the world through different points of view and give hope and inspire people to make a difference in their communities. Some celebrities can be good role models because they advocate for mental health and critical issues and encourage action.

What are the negative effects of fame on celebrities? ›

Fame is fickle so you can't afford to mess up or hold any contrary views for fear of losing it all. This pressure to maintain a certain acceptable public persona can result in psychological conditions like anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorders, depression, and chronic stress.

What is the negative influence of modern celebrities? ›

Although celebrities have had positive influences on teens, we should not underestimate the negative influences that celebrities have on our society, such as reckless behaviour, low self-esteem, and eating disorders.

Is celebrity culture harmful or beneficial? ›

To summarise, while celebrity culture may have some positive aspects and results, its overall influence on society remains negative. Yes, they do bring good to society however, celebrities are idolized all over the world and they can do more harm than good.

How does celebrities influence society? ›

Celebrities can have a positive influence on youth. In fact, they can serve as role models. But famous people, whether they're singers, actors, and other celebrities, can also provide unhealthy examples. In particular, celebrity influence on body image and substance use is often detrimental to teen mental health.

What is the negative of famous? ›

Origin of Famous and Infamous

Famous typically carries the meaning of “widely known,” and is often used in a positive manner; infamous, on the other hand, has a negative set of meanings, such as “having a reputation of the worst kind” or “causing or bringing infamy.”

What are negative social influences? ›

Negative influence occurs when individuals change their. opinions in order to increase opinion differences.

Why are people influenced by famous people? ›

People are prone to celebrity influence if they have strong feelings of attachment toward a celebrity. Previous research has demonstrated that intense attachments can result if celebrities are responsive to people's needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence.

What impact do celebrities have in influencing body image? ›

Undoubtedly, celebrity influence on body image is real and may even be defined as toxic. Over decades of change, what is considered the “ideal body” has altered throughout the generations. Today, we see most well-known influencers promoting their flat stomachs, small thighs, and tiny waists on social media platforms.

What are factors influencing celebrities? ›

These factors are popularity, knowledge and skills, credibility, celebrity-brand match up and loyalty of the celebrity.

What is the negative side of popular culture? ›

Among youth, exposure to media may affect health behaviours such as sexual activity, eating habits and substance use. The pervasiveness of the internet drastically increases the speed of communication, causing pop culture to explode in population almost instantaneously. People come in different sizes and shapes.

What is celebrity culture for an essay? ›

According to Cashmore, celebrity culture is the culture that focuses on individuals who are popular due to some reasons (5). Some of the most influential celebrities are now related to popular culture including movie stars, singers, and so on. These people dictate styles, looks, and even ideas or preferences.

How popular culture affects your life? ›

Pop culture has the power to start conversations and build your relationships with your family and friends. When new books, movies and games come out, you're exposed to new ideas, new stories, new characters and even new writers and artists who bring their own experiences into pop culture.

Why do people follow celebrity culture? ›

"Celebrity worship, at its heart, seems to fill something in a person's life," he said. "It gives them a sense of identity, a sense of self. It feeds a psychological need.” "In our society, celebrities act like a drug," said Houran, "They're around us everywhere.

Why does society care about celebrities? ›

In most cases, it's perfectly natural. Humans are social creatures, psychologists say, and we evolved — and still live — in an environment where it paid to pay attention to the people at the top. Celebrity fascination may be an outgrowth of this tendency, nourished by the media and technology.

Why does society care so much about celebrities? ›

We care about celebrity culture because it gives us meaning. In some ways, watching celebrity life unfold is not very different from watching films; they “[reach us] very directly,” and our dissection of their lives provides us with sadness and joy, or “silence and laughter.”

What is the positive things about being famous? ›

Celebrities and other famous people are generally richer than the average Joe. Luxurious homes and cars, fancy gifts, expensive clothes and other such materialistic pleasures of life convert from a dream to a reality when people become famous celebrities. Forget homes—celebrities are also known to own entire islands.

Why are celebrities famous? ›

An individual may attain a celebrity status from having great wealth, their participation in sports or the entertainment industry, their position as a political figure, or even from their connection to another celebrity.

What are positive and negative impact? ›

Positive affectivity refers to positive emotions and expression, including cheerfulness, pride, enthusiasm, energy, and joy. Negative affectivity is negative emotions and expression, which includes sadness, disgust, lethargy, fear, and distress.

What is positive influence and negative influence? ›

"Positive affect" refers to one's propensity to experience positive emotions and interact with others and with life's challenges in a positive way. Conversely, "negative affect" involves experiencing the world in a more negative way, feeling negative emotions and more negativity in relationships and surroundings.

Is influence negative or positive? ›

You do not need to be a person of influence to be influential. For many, the most influential people are probably not even aware that they are. Influence can be either positive or negative.

What is the power of celebrity influence? ›

Celebrity influence in politics, also referred to as "celebrity politics," or "political star power," is the act of a prominent person using their fame as a platform to influence others on political issues or ideology.

What is celebrity effect? ›

The celebrity effect is the ability of famous people to influence others. Companies can use that star power and influence to boost their own products and services. Celebrities can add credibility and glamour to a brand.

What is the meaning of celebrity culture? ›

Celebrity culture is a high-volume exposure to celebrities' personal lives on a global scale. It is inherently tied to consumer interests where celebrities transform their fame to become product brands.

Why do people idolize celebrities? ›

There is a subconscious desire in the human race to idolize anything that seems better, greater, richer, well known or powerful. There is a tendency to worship anything that seems glamorous, fascinating or powerful. 2. Most people have an unconscious desire to be famous and popular, even if they do not admit it openly.

What are positive and negative influences on body image? ›

A negative body image can develop from many different influences, including family, peer group, media and social pressures. A positive body image can improve self-esteem, self-acceptance, and a healthy relationship with food and physical activity.

How do celebrities influence consumer Behaviour? ›

Celebrity endorsem*nt is a success factor because when a normal person selling a product tells you to try that product as it has helped them, there is a possible chance that consumers may or may not believe them but when the same is said by a celebrity that the product has helped them, then the consumers tend to listen ...

What are five potential risks of using celebrities? ›

The results of the study indicate that there are five factors related to the potential risks of celebrity endorsem*nts. These factors are: Multiple Product Endorsem*nts, Financial Risk, Tarnished Brand Image, Misleading Advertisem*nt and Negative Publicity.

What is the positive impact of celebrity endorsem*nt? ›

Using a celebrity to represent you helps to differentiate your brand from competitors. It also can improve ad recall, making consumers remember your ad and that your brand is connected to their favorite celebrity. When you sign on a celebrity to endorse your brand, you sign on to everything that comes with them.

What are the effects of celebrity? ›

The celebrity effect is the ability of famous people to influence others.

How does the media benefit from celebrities? ›

An advertisem*nt featuring a celebrity will capture attention and increase awareness of a brand and thus benefit sales. It also gives out a persuasive message – the celebrity is seen to be benefitting from the product and, the inference is, so will the consumer.

What are 2 examples of celebrity endorsem*nt? ›

10 products celebrities endorse that are actually worth buying
  • Uggs. Credit: Ugg. Ugg. ...
  • Blue Apron. Credit: Blue Apron. Blue Apron. ...
  • FabFitFun. Credit: FabFitFun. FabFitFun. ...
  • Living Proof. Credit: Living Proof. Living Proof. ...
  • Keds. Credit: Keds. Keds. ...
  • Nespresso. Credit: Nespresso. ...
  • Weight Watchers. Credit: WW. ...
  • Bioré Credit: Biore.
Sep 1, 2022

What is 1 example of a celebrity endorsem*nt? ›

What is an example of a celebrity endorsem*nt? An example of a celebrity endorsem*nt is H.E.R. becoming L'Oreal Paris' global ambassador and promoting their hair and makeup products through commercials and other marketing content. What are the types of celebrity endorsem*nts?

How does celebrity culture makes us feel worse about ourselves? ›

The theory argues that humans have an inherent drive to compare themselves to others to make appraisals about their abilities and opinions. Celebrities present as the romanticized objective, making women feel undesirable about themselves and their bodies as they fail to achieve the standard (Brown & Tiggemann, 2021).

What causes celebrity culture? ›

In the US, celebrity culture is created and disseminated by television talk shows such as Entertainment Tonight, where actors and music stars promote their latest films and albums, and by many celebrity magazines such as People, Us, and Star.

How do celebrities impact the economy? ›

To explain this, the economists point to the “visibility effect”—that appointing a celebrity helps draw the attention of investors to a company which, all else being equal, increases demand for its shares and thus its share price.

What are the social functions of celebrities? ›

Celebrities also attract attention to social issues like poverty, education, and cultural awareness, promoting solidarity and stability in society. Also, different stars share their experiences in dating and the challenges they face. That helps the organization, especially teenagers, to deal with relationship issues.

How did celebrity culture evolve? ›

Celebrity culture can be traced back hundreds of years with the public first becoming interested in politicians, philosophers, performers, and playwrights in the 1500s and 1600s. During this time, the printing press was invented, allowing for ideas to be spread further and faster than ever before.

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