How Much Do Celebrities Influence Social Change? (2024)

May 17, 2012 § Leave a comment

As stars like Jay-Z and Will Smith come out to support Obama’s position supporting marriage equality, the question remains – how much do celebrities influence social change?

Kenneth Jost with CQ Press just released a fantastic whitepaper that explores the good, the bad and the ugly of celebrity advocacy. Full description below –

More and more, celebrities are using their star power to promote causes ranging from fighting poverty and protecting the environment to safeguarding human rights and working for world peace. More than 2,800 celebrities now support slightly more than 1,800 causes. In a celebrity-obsessed society, entertainers and athletes can help focus public attention on global trouble spots, raise funds for disaster relief or increase public awareness of little-known diseases or medical conditions. The idea of looking to celebrities to educate the public about important issues may seem paradoxical, but some celebrities work hard to master difficult issues. The singer Bono has met with world leaders on global poverty issues, for example, while actor George Clooney has helped document Sudan’s war against the breakaway state of South Sudan. Celebrity advocacy is likely to increase, experts say with social media such as Facebook and Twitter increasingly used to air views, raise money and engage supporters.

Download and read it here.

h/t Sea Change Strategies

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How Much Do Celebrities Influence Social Change? (2024)


How Much Do Celebrities Influence Social Change? ›

The famous have a significant impact on almost every aspect of the lives of regular people including political opinions, fashion trends, interests, behaviors, and attitudes (Levy 62). However, the most affected are children and teenagers. Mass media changes their developing worldviews and forms new goals and values.

How much impact do celebrities have on society? ›

The famous have a significant impact on almost every aspect of the lives of regular people including political opinions, fashion trends, interests, behaviors, and attitudes (Levy 62). However, the most affected are children and teenagers. Mass media changes their developing worldviews and forms new goals and values.

How can celebrities contribute to society? ›

Celebrities can inspire a young person to achieve goals beyond what they observe in their immediate community. They can motivate teens to engage with community causes and live a healthy lifestyle. Their impact is not limited to success stories.

What percentage of people are influenced by celebrities? ›

A surprising 58% of respondents believe that the support of a celebrity definitely (10%) or probably (48%) changes people's views about which candidate to support, versus just one-quarter who believe that such support probably or definitely doesn't have an impact.

Do celebrities have a positive influence on society? ›

Although influential people might negatively impact a community, they positively influence society. Celebrities promote ethical values and make responsible decisions that favorably affect people. Famous people can set great examples of appropriate behaviors and attitudes.

How do celebrities influence the youth of today? ›

The Influence of Celebrities

Whether celebrities are good or bad role models, they can influence your teen's identity, values, attitudes, and behaviors. Those who flaunt their status may influence young people to value superficial aspects of their lives like brand names and their image.

How do actors impact society? ›

Actors portray the fictional and non-fictional characters that have played a significant role in shaping our history and our current society. By recreating these historical influencers, they bring important historical events to life for us in a way that history books and history professors cannot do.

How do celebrities help the world? ›

Celebrities are often sought after to support charitable causes in a a variety of ways. Some will lend their name to a cause or event while others give financial support or volunteer as individuals. Some have even set up their own private foundations.

Why does society care so much about celebrities? ›

"Celebrity worship, at its heart, seems to fill something in a person's life," he said. "It gives them a sense of identity, a sense of self. It feeds a psychological need.” "In our society, celebrities act like a drug," said Houran, "They're around us everywhere.

What are the benefits of using celebrities? ›

One of the main benefits of using celebrities or influencers to enhance your brand personality is that they can help you reach a large and loyal audience, increase your brand awareness and credibility, and generate positive word-of-mouth and social media buzz.

Do celebrities influence consumers? ›

Wharton experts settle those questions in a new study that finds that celebrities positively influence consumer choices. But the reasons are less about fame and more about neuroscience, psychology, and evolution.

What is the bias for celebrities? ›

Idolizing celebrities and assuming that they would do no wrong is an example of a phenomenon referred to as the “halo effect”. The halo effect is a general cognitive bias in forming impressions, where the tendency for impressions of someone or something in one area influences one's opinions or feelings in other areas.

What are the effects of celebrity? ›

The celebrity effect is the ability of famous people to influence others. Companies can use that star power and influence to boost their own products and services.

How does being famous affect people's lives? ›

Fame is fickle so you can't afford to mess up or hold any contrary views for fear of losing it all. This pressure to maintain a certain acceptable public persona can result in psychological conditions like anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorders, depression, and chronic stress.

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