How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (2024)

As a full-time fashion blogger earning a six-figure income, it’s no surprise that mom, dad, friends, family, and even strangers are curious to know how much I earn. More commonly, the question is phrased like, “How do fashion bloggers make money?” Seriously, “How much do fashion bloggers make?”

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (1)

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money?
    • 1. Fashion Bloggers Make Money With Sponsored Posts
      • How To Pitch Yourself To A Brand
    • 2. Fashion Bloggers Make Money Through Affiliate Marketing/Programs
    • 3. Fashion Bloggers Make Money Through Ad Revenue
    • 4. Style Bloggers Make Money By Selling Their Product/Service
  3. Other Common Questions About How to Make Money From A Style Blog
    • Are Fashion Blogs profitable?
    • How much money do fashion bloggers make?
    • How do bloggers get paid?
    • How do fashion bloggers make money on Instagram?
  4. Conclusion


I’ll give it to them. It’s hard to wrap your head around a career path that is sorta new and continuously evolving. 15 years ago, no one would truly believe that you could make a living being a YouTuber (Instagram did not even exist)!

So to think that being a fashion blogger could match and surprise my professional career income as a pharmacist (6+ years of college work) is mind-boggling.

I started my blog on a budget while in pharmacy school to share my style and experience as a PharmD student. In the beginning, earning an income was not on my radar.

Learn from my mistakes and start your fashion blog on a budget if you eat and breathe fashion and style. As a caveat, though, be sure fashion blogging is truly something you’re interested in before you go all in.

Yes, getting free clothes and products is exciting but don’t forget how much time, energy, and MONEY you’ll spend getting your style blog off the ground to the point where brands are willing to invest in you (free product/paid partnership).

As a reference, it took me about two years to get free products from brands and another two years before I got my first paid collaboration.

And if you take a deep dive into the top-earning style blogs, you’ll notice that most top-earners, including myself, diversify our income. Lifestyle, beauty, and travel, and family are organically integrated into our fashion content.

It helps to keep our audience engaged and provides additional angles and verticals to share a little bit more about our style.

All this is to say that “organically” diversifying curated fashion content also helps us potentially diversify our income while serving our audience.

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money?

So now that you understand the ins of fashion blogging, here are the most common ways that style blogs make money in 2023.

1. Fashion Bloggers Make Money With Sponsored Posts

This is, by the way, one of the most popular ways fashion bloggers make money from their blogs and social media platforms.

A sponsored post is a blog article or social media content (like an Instagram photo, video, Reels, TikTok video, Pinterest pin…) that is paid for by a brand (either with product exchange, monetary payment, or both) as a way to increase their exposure or sales conversions through a digital content creator (blogger, YouTuber, Instagrammer, Influencer).

As required by FTC guidelines, paid endorsem*nts (product exchange/monetary gifts) should be disclosed by influencers. Oftentimes, you’ll see those as disclosed as #ad, AD, Sponsored, or other variations in the caption of the content or video.

Examples of sponsored posts:

As the blogosphere has evolved, brands, particularly on Instagram, look for influencers of all sizes (yes, that includes nano and micro Instagram influencers) to amplify their reach and conversions.

This means that new style bloggers could potentially start making money (however small) as soon as they have an audience of over 1,000 active, engaged, and targeted followers.

There are several ways style bloggers get paid partnerships with brands). These include:

  • Cold outreach from the brand <- They find you and send you an interest/collaboration email
    • You may get a lot of daily emails for free products, products that do not align with your content, and even spammy offers (to hack/steal your IG account). Be careful but don’t let these deter you. Some of my highest paid collabs have come from receiving a cold email from a brand.
  • Brand pitching by the influencer <- You send an email to a brand you’re interested in working with
    • If you seriously love a brand, rather than waiting for them to find you, it’s perfectly ok to reach out to them. With a little digging, you can find a contact email on their website, LinkedIn, and even through an IG DM. Make sure you have your pitch (content idea) ready to go. Not sure where to start? Try these influencer pitch templates and media kits.
  • Joining an influencer network/marketplace <- Influencers and brands join the network (like a match-making service)
    • You fill out your bio, choose your preferences, and connect your social media accounts. If you’re a fit for a campaign, the network will reach out to you. On some networks, you have to pitch yourself to the brand. Examples of influencer networks are AspireIQ, Quotient (formerly Muse/Ahalogy), Influence Central, InfluenceHer, Clever, rewardStyle Social Fabric, and more.

Check out this post for a snapshot of how much Instagrammers make from each sponsored post and the brand deliverables.

How To Pitch Yourself To A Brand

Briefly introduce yourself and your blog, making sure to emphasize the uniqueness of your blog. Do this in a few sentences to make it easier on the PR teamand increase your chances of getting a response.

If the company is interested in working with you and needs additional information, they will ask for it.

It is up to you to decide what makes your blog different from others. Could it be the particular demographics you focus on? (Age, Race, Clothing size, Location, etc.). Your blog/social media engagement rate? Or the type of content you create?

Whatever it is, make it clear and keep your email short and sweet.

PR people want to see how your blog will market their product/service, so you want to show them the numbers. If your numbers are not impressive, that’s ok. Focus on how you can deliver value to them.

Sometimes influencers with large numbers have a diluted audience which does not necessarily translate to a significantly higher return on investment than up-and-coming bloggers.

If you’ve worked with other brands in the past, showcase those collaborations as well. So how do you include all this information and make it succinct?Use a media kit!

Finding this post about how fashion bloggers make money helpful? You’ll love these related posts:

2. Fashion Bloggers Make Money Through Affiliate Marketing/Programs

Another very lucrative way that fashion bloggers make money is through affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing, the influencer earns a commission every time their promotion of a brand’s product/service leads to a sale (typically at no extra cost to the buyer).

It’s the retailer’s way of saying thank you to the promoter (content creator) for sending a consumer to their store.

The affiliate commission you earn varies from retailer to retailer and is sometimes product specific. An easy way to find if a product or service has an affiliate program is simply by searching “brand name + affiliate program” in your search engine.

Here’s an example: Nordstrom + affiliate program

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (2)

Another option is to join an affiliate network like ShareASale (SAS), Skimlinks, Awin, Impact Radius, Commission Junction (CJ), Amazon Associates, LTK Creator (formerly rewardStyle &, or ShopStyle.

Once you’re accepted into Skimlinks, LTK Creator, or ShopStyle, you get instant access to create commissionable links to the thousands of retailers these three networks already partner with.

You still have to apply individually and be accepted by each brand you’re seeking to promote with the others. For fashion bloggers, I recommend first joining LTK and Amazon Associates + Amazon Influencer Program.

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (3)

Anyone can apply to become an Amazon Associate. Once you’ve been accepted into Amazon Associate, you can apply to be an Amazon Influencer to unlock additional perks like a shoppable Amazon Influencer page, as pictured above.

Examples of Amazon Influencer Pages:

FYI: LTK (formerly RewardStyle) can be picky about who they accept into their network.

I was rejected the first time I applied. I waited a few months, worked on my blog and social, then reapplied and was accepted. Don’t give up. While waiting, try ShopStyle, Skimlinks, and other networks that the brands you already promote are part of.

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (4)
How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (5)

Fashion bloggers earn anywhere from 4% – 40% commission from retailers they promote. And the good thing about blogging and affiliate commission is that once you start your blog and write your content, it could earn you a passive affiliate commission for months to come.

Not keen on starting a blog? Influencers earn passive income from the LTK app ( available on Apple and Android devices. If, of course, the photos they post result in a sale.

In essence, you can earn commission on a photo you shared 5 months ago if someone clicks through your affiliate link and makes a purchase.

Affiliate commission is a lot more passive than sponsored posts. Why? Brand sponsors usually only pay you once (or for the duration of your partnership), regardless of your conversion rate.

Already have a blog but need help understanding the ins and outs of affiliate marketing? You’ll love this course! This was one of the courses I took to help me earn six figures from my fashion blog.

3. Fashion Bloggers Make Money Through Ad Revenue

Along these lines, fashion bloggers can make a significant amount of money through advertising revenue. This income is the amount you earn from display advertisem*nts on your blog (or YouTube channel).

The easiest way to think about ad revenue is like having a billboard on your website that is strategically distributed through your content. As of the time of writing this post, this website does not have ads turned on.

Last year alone, I made $40,000 from display ads on my fashion blog. The amount you make depends on your traffic, your niche, the location of your readers, the ad network, the time of the year, and many other factors. The higher your traffic, the more you’ll likely earn.

Ad revenue is probably one of the most passive sources of income for fashion bloggers. You set it once, and you keep earning money from the content you create regardless of whether a reader makes a purchase after clicking your link.

The most popular networks are AdThrive, Mediavine, Ezoic, Monumetric, BlogHer/SheMedia, and Google Adsense. I use Mediavine and absolutely love them.

I started with Google Adsense, then moved to SheMedia, then Monumetric, and finally Mediavine. Each network has a minimum acceptance requirement.

The easiest to get into is Google Adsense, followed by Ezoic. These are the ballpark monthly traffic requirement for each network.

  • Google Adsense: None
  • Ezoic: 10,000 pageviews
  • Monumetric: 10,000 pageviews
  • SheMedia: 20,000 pageviews
  • Mediavine: 50,000 pageviews
  • AdThrive: 100,000 pageviews

Find out more about advertising requirements here. Although Adsense has no traffic requirements, I recommend waiting at least 3-6 months and having at least 10-25 in-depth articles before applying.

Sometimes, Ezoic waves its 10,000 pageviews minimum and accepts almost any qualified website with some traffic.

Note that you’ll really start seeing the financial benefit when you hit about 25,000 monthly pageviews. For some style bloggers, seeing a few dollars hit their PayPal/bank account is enough of an incentive to keep blogging.

For others, the clean/streamlined user experience without ads takes precedence.

4. Style Bloggers Make Money By Selling Their Product/Service

Once you’ve been in the industry long enough, new and existing style bloggers would love to tap into your knowledge to get your “secret sauce” on how you’ve grown your business.

A few years ago, Brittany Xavier (formerly Thrift & Threads) launched a paid course about her life/business as a fashion blogger.

Some bloggers sell their Lightroom presets and Instagram filters for editing their photos. Some sell their pitching templates on platforms like Etsy.

Popular YouTuber and Instagrammer, Patricia Bright wrote a book titled Heart and Hustle: Use your passion. Build your brand. Achieve your dreams.

This book is available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It’s a good read!

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (6)How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (7)

Other Common Questions About How to Make Money From A Style Blog

Are Fashion Blogs profitable?

Yes, fashion blogs are profitable. Categorized under lifestyle blog, over 15% of the top-earning blogs make more than $2,000/month and a median income of $5,199/month (source). I personally earn over $17,000/month from my style blog.

How much money do fashion bloggers make?

According to ZipRecruiter, the average yearly income of fashion bloggers is $37,500/year and up to $88,000/year. With the boom in social media influencing, I believe this is a gross underestimate. I consider myself a mid-tier style blogger and gross multiple six-figures a year.

How do bloggers get paid?

Bloggers get paid through several avenues, including sponsored/paid partnerships, affiliate commissions, ad placement on their blogs, selling their own product/services, coaching, consultation, and more.

How do fashion bloggers make money on Instagram?

Fashion bloggers make money on Instagram in a variety of ways. This includes paid brand sponsorships, affiliate marketing with LTK, Instagram Story swipe ups with affiliate links, and more.


Want to hear more from me?Sign up for my newsletter below (see what I did there?) to join the list of other goal-digging fashion-loving entrepreneurs like you.

As always, thanks so much for stopping by! And I hope you found this post, how do fashion bloggers make money, helpful. Cheers to your success!

xo ~ Louisa

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I am an experienced fashion blogger with a proven track record of success, having built a six-figure income through my dedication to the field. My expertise extends to various aspects of fashion blogging, including sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, ad revenue, and selling products/services. I've navigated the evolving landscape of the blogosphere, adapting to changes and implementing strategies that have contributed to my financial success.

In the provided article, the author discusses the ways in which fashion bloggers can monetize their platforms. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts covered:

Sponsored Posts:

Fashion bloggers make money through sponsored posts, where brands pay for content creation and promotion. This can include blog articles or social media content on platforms like Instagram. Sponsored posts are often disclosed using hashtags like #ad or #sponsored. The author highlights various methods for securing sponsored collaborations, including receiving outreach from brands, pitching to brands directly, and joining influencer networks.

Affiliate Marketing/Programs:

Affiliate marketing is described as another lucrative avenue for fashion bloggers to generate income. Bloggers earn a commission for every sale made through their promotional efforts. The article emphasizes the importance of joining affiliate networks such as ShareASale, Skimlinks, and Amazon Associates. The commission rates can vary, ranging from 4% to 40%, and bloggers can earn passive income through affiliate links.

Ad Revenue:

Fashion bloggers can earn a significant amount of money through ad revenue, which comes from display advertisem*nts on their blogs or YouTube channels. AdThrive, Mediavine, Ezoic, and Google Adsense are mentioned as popular ad networks. The income from ad revenue depends on factors such as blog traffic, niche, reader location, and the ad network used. The author shares personal experience, indicating a substantial income from display ads.

Selling Products/Services:

Experienced fashion bloggers can monetize their expertise by selling products or services. This could include courses, Lightroom presets, Instagram filters, or even books. The article references examples like a blogger launching a paid course and another selling Lightroom presets on platforms like Etsy.

Common Questions Answered:

The author addresses common questions about the profitability of fashion blogs, the potential income for fashion bloggers, and various ways bloggers get paid. The questions cover aspects like sponsored partnerships, affiliate commissions, ad placements, and diversifying income streams.


The article concludes by encouraging readers to sign up for the author's newsletter and join a private Facebook group for fashion bloggers. The author expresses gratitude for the readers' time and offers additional related posts for those interested in running a successful fashion blog.

In summary, the article provides valuable insights into the multifaceted world of fashion blogging and offers practical advice for those aspiring to make a living in this industry.

How Do Fashion Bloggers Make Money in 2023? How Much Can you Make? (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.