How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (2024)

There’s an out-of-date bag of caramels in your kitchen cupboard, and you’re wondering if they are still any good. How long do caramels last?

Or you have a couple of leftover caramels stored away for a couple of months now, and you need to do something about them. Should you toss them or eat them? Do caramels go bad?

If either of those questions has brought you here, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • shelf life– how long caramels are good for, and if they go bad or not
  • storage– is leaving them at room temperature good enough? What about homemade caramels?
  • spoilage and quality loss– when to toss yours

Interested? Let’s dive in.

How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (1)

How Long Do Caramels Last?

Store-bought caramels come with ashelf life of 4 to 12 months, depending on the ingredients. They retain the best quality for a month to a couple of months past their date, as long as you store them in a cool place.

As you might imagine, caramels without any preservatives or additives come with a relatively short recommended shelf life ([MOU]). If yours come from a popular brand, like Werther’s, they typically come with a best-by date that’s about a year of the production date.

Unfortunately, there’s no way of telling how long past the “expiration date” yours will retain their quality. It depends on way too many factors.

But what I’m quite certain of is that caramels with a long shelf life keep for much longer past their dates than their more perishable counterparts. If you buy your caramels in a supermarket from a well-known brand, and the bag is a few months “expired,” the candy should quite alright.

How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (2)


No matter if your caramels are store-bought or ordered from a small artisan confectioner, they can all benefit from refrigeration or freezing. More on that later.

Homemade caramels retain quality for a couple of weeks at room temperature, a couple of months in the fridge, or even more if you freeze them.This storage time is similar, though shorter, than this of no-preservatives caramels you can order online.

Obviously, that period is only a rough estimate, and it’s always best to go with whatever your recipe says. For example,these homemade caramels from The Stay At Home Chefkeep best for two weeks in ambient temperature and freeze for at least six months.

Room temperatureFridge
Caramels, store-boughtBest-by date + 1 – 3 monthsBest-by date + 3 – 6 months
Caramels, homemade2 – 4 weeks2 – 3 months

If you don’t devour your caramels in one or two sittings, you might want to know a bit more about how to store them. Let’s talk about that.

How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (3)

How To Store Caramels

Store caramels in a cool and dark place.A kitchen cupboard is okay for most of the year, but if the temperature starts getting higher (75°F or 24°C, or more), consider transferring them into the fridge.

If the environment gets too warm, caramels might start to melt. At best, you might end up with melted and set-once-again caramels that taste so-so. At worst, you might need to discard them or even have to clean up the shelf if they weren’t sealed tightly.


If you’re in the middle of a hot summer and you’re not blasting your AC 24/7, it’s probably best to keep your caramels in the fridge or freezer. That’s especially true for homemade or preservative-free ones.

How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (4)

Once you open the bag, keep the caramels away from strong odors, or use a freezer bag to take care of that for you.

Next up, let’s talktemperature.

Caramels melt if it’s too warm. That’s why I recommended storing yours in the refrigerator if it gets too hot. Some confectioners even use cool packaging for shipping caramels if the forecasted temperatures are high ([MOU]).

Besides that, caramels keep best in cold temperatures anyway. If you want yours to retain quality for much longer, you can always throw them in the fridge, no matter what.


Always let your caramels warm up to room temperature before you eat them. Cold caramels are break-your-teeth hard, not soft and chewy.

And if refrigerating caramels is a good idea, isn’t freezing them even better?

How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (5)

Can You Freeze Caramels?

Yes,you can freeze caramels. All you need to do is place them in a freezer bag, squeeze out all the air, seal the bag, and freeze.

Frozen caramels retain quality for months past their “expiration date,” and freezing is the best way to store homemade caramels long-term.

Of course, freezing these candy only makes sense if you actually need the extra storage time. If you’re going to go through your supply (however big it was) in a matter of a week or two, freezing doesn’t help much.


If you’re making a big batch of caramels for the next couple of months, consider freezing them. Otherwise, freezing is rarely needed.

When it comes to defrosting, there are at least two ways to go about that:

  • Defrost on the counter.Your frozen caramels need at least two hours until they get to optimal temperature. Make sure to spread them out. The larger the caramels, the more time you need.
  • In the fridge.You can transfer frozen caramels into the refrigerator and leave them there for 10 to 16 hours so that they warm up to fridge temperature. You still need to put them on the counter to make them chewable, but it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so.
How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (6)

When To Toss Old Caramels?

Toss old caramels if:

  • They’re moldy, or there’s anything off about their appearance.Of course, there are dozens of caramels styles, so compare yours to how they looked when you’d bought them, not to caramels from another brand. If they are deformed, they might’ve melted at some point and should be safe to eat (but not as good).
  • They smell off.If the caramels have been sealed tightly but give off a “funny” smell, throw them out. If you messed up storage and they picked up the odor of something smelly that was nearby, it’s up to you whether you eat them or not. I once ate a piece of cake that smelled liked sausage, and I almost threw up. Just saying.
  • They taste off.Taste is the ultimate factor here. If yours look and smell okay but taste bad or weird for whatever reason, it’s time for them to go.

As you probably noticed, I didn’t mention anything about the “best-by” date. That’s because if yours are “expired” but don’t show any signs of spoilage, they’re probably perfectly safe.

The opposite is also true. Your caramels might be well within their date, but if something is off, err on the side of caution and get rid of them. In most cases, the issues would be caused by exposure to hot temperatures.


If all your caramels are coated with white powder, that’s most likely okay. Some manufacturers cover their caramels with a coating that prevents the candy from sticking to the wrapper ([GOE]). When in doubt, check the label or seller’s website.


How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? (2024)


How Long Do Caramels Last? Do They Go Bad? - Does It Go Bad? ›

* Caramel: When stored properly at room temperature and away from the heat and light, caramel candy

caramel candy
Caramel candy, or "caramels", and sometimes called "toffee" (though this also refers to other types of candy), is a soft, dense, chewy candy made by boiling a mixture of milk or cream, sugar(s), glucose, butter, and vanilla (or vanilla flavoring). › wiki › Caramel
can last six to nine months -- and even up to a year in some cases.

Can you eat caramel 2 years out of date? ›

Properly stored, caramels will maintain best quality for about 12 months, but will remain safe beyond that time.

How can you tell if caramel is bad? ›

However, if the caramel has been opened, you'll want to throw it away immediately. Other signs that a caramel has gone bad include a change in color or texture. The caramel itself may also start to smell sour.

How long can you keep caramel? ›

The caramel sauce will harden slightly because of the introduction of a colder temperature, but storing it in a proper container in the fridge will keep it fresh and ready to use for 2 to 3 weeks.

Can you eat old caramel? ›

If you buy your caramels in a supermarket from a well-known brand, and the bag is a few months “expired,” the candy should quite alright.

How long can you use after expiration date? ›

Most shelf-stable foods are safe indefinitely. In fact, canned goods will last for years, as long as the can itself is in good condition (no rust, dents, or swelling). Packaged foods (cereal, pasta, cookies) will be safe past the 'best by' date, although they may eventually become stale or develop an off flavor.

What foods can you not eat after the expiration date? ›

What Foods Should You Never Eat After an Expiration Date?
  • Jarred Condiments. It may seem like condiments last forever, but the truth is that once the safety seal on your jars is broken, bacteria is slowly starting to collect. ...
  • Soft Cheeses. ...
  • Egg Substitutes. ...
  • Cold Pressed Juice. ...
  • Fresh Berries.
Aug 4, 2022

How can you tell if caramel is good? ›

The melted sugar should be cooked until it's a deep amber colour — it's done when it starts to smoke and begins to foam just a little bit. At this point, it should be removed from the heat immediately to stop the sugar from darkening any further.

Does caramel go bad if not refrigerated? ›

Caramel will last up to 6 – 9 months if stored at room temperature or in a cool place like your pantry. The introduction of cool air will cause the caramel sauce to harden a bit, but it can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 weeks without going bad.

Why has my caramel get brown bits in? ›

If your caramel becomes gritty or grainy, the sugar probably crystallized. If the melting sugar splashes up onto the sides of the pan, it quickly loses its moisture content and forms back into crystals. That can set off a chain reaction that can cause caramel to seize up, ruining the entire batch.

How do you increase the shelf life of caramel? ›

As a general rule, lowering storage temperature by 18º F will double shelf life of caramel.

How should caramel be stored? ›

Storage: Store Caramel Sauce in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to three weeks. Caramel is safe at room temperature on cakes, brownies or gifts for up to three days. Freeze: You can also freeze the sauce for up to 3 months.

Can chocolate and caramel go bad? ›

Flavors or ingredients which can go bad in chocolate include nuts, caramels, and other wet fillings. Keep in mind that we're just talking about plain chocolate bars here; chocolate confections and baked goods have much shorter shelf lives due to the addition of perishable ingredients, like cream and butter.

Why does my caramel taste a little burnt? ›

As the temperature continues to climb with more cooking, even more sugar molecules break down and the caramel will begin to taste markedly more complex and less sweet. Eventually more and more bitter, potent-tasting molecules will form that, if left unchecked, can make the caramel taste acrid and burnt.

Does caramel go hard? ›

Once you make caramel, it will harden as it cools, and you'll have to heat it up again to use it. However, if you want to turn it into a more spoonable sauce, you add other ingredients like butter or cream to the melted caramel.

Do expiration dates matter? ›

The dates solely indicate freshness, and are used by manufacturers to convey when the product is at its peak. That means the food does not expire in the sense of becoming inedible. For un-refrigerated foods, there may be no difference in taste or quality, and expired foods won't necessarily make people sick.

Is it OK to use expired products? ›

Expired products may not only lack potency, but could also cause an adverse skin reaction. If you're unsure how old something is, the general rule is to toss anything that has significantly changed in color or odor, or separated, clumped, thickened or thinned, says cosmetic chemist Mort Westman.

What two foods never expire? ›

9 Foods That Never Expire (Ever)
  • Honey. Thanks to the magic handiwork of bees (they have special enzymes that basically inhibit bacterial growth) and the way it's processed for storage, honey is the longest lasting of the bunch. ...
  • Rice. ...
  • Instant Coffee. ...
  • Salt. ...
  • Dried Beans. ...
  • Hard Liquor.
Sep 7, 2016

Can you use flour 2 years out of date? ›

Most packaged flours have expiration dates — also called best-by dates — printed on the bag to indicate how long they'll stay fresh. However, these labels aren't mandatory and don't denote safety. Thus, your flour may still be safe to eat even after the best-by date (9).

What color should caramel be? ›

Caramel is done when the color is a rich, reddish-brown, similar to the color of an old copper penny. Perfect caramel should be cooked just past the point where it starts to smoke. Some recipes advise cooking caramel until it starts to smoke—but that's too soon.

Why does caramel get hard? ›

The water evaporates, leaving sugar crystals behind. If even one sugar crystal falls back into the pan of cooking caramel, it starts a chain reaction of sugar crystals and the entire pan will harden.

Why is my caramel foaming? ›

Spattering and foaming will happen when you add cream and butter to hot caramel—that's unavoidable, but you can keep it under control. First, use a 3-quart or larger saucepan so the caramel has room to expand.

Does caramel get hard in the fridge? ›

Caramel thickens as it cools. Cover tightly and store for up to 1 month in the refrigerator. Caramel solidifies in the refrigerator.

Why is my caramel grainy in the fridge? ›

Caramel becomes grainy when the sugars crystallize, a process that happens when the melted sugar splashes up onto the cold sides of the pan. It loses its moisture and turns back into a sugar crystal. If this crystal touches the melted mass, it causes a chain reaction and the caramel will seize up and become grainy.

How long does salted caramel last? ›

Leave the salted caramel to cool and transfer into a sterilized jar – it will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Why does caramel turn white? ›

If you'd look closely at this white layer, you will see tiny crystals. As little water easily dissolves these crystals since they're sugar crystals. Unfortunately, once your caramel has started to crystallize there is not much you can do without reheating it. Fortunately, crystallized caramel is perfectly fine to eat.

Why is my caramel wet? ›

Too much water: A caramel sauce recipe might call for brushing the sides of the pan with cold water to prevent sugar crystals from forming. That water will end up in the caramel itself, so if you've added too much it might result in a thin caramel sauce.

What are the white chunks in caramel? ›

You may want to add some corn syrup. Sugar is made up of complex sugar. When you heat it it splits into simple sugar. The lumps are caused by those sugars recrystalizing.

Will caramel thicken as it sits? ›

And after, stir in butter. The mixture will be thin. Don't worry; as caramel sauce cools, it thickens.

Can you set caramel in the freezer? ›

Caramels freeze really well since they don't develop freezer-burn like a lot of foods. For the best texture, use the caramels within a year. You can safely freeze the caramels for more than a year, but the texture might change.

Why doesn't caramel freeze? ›

There is an easy reason as to why not all caramel become solid in the freezer, it's because of the sugar. Water-based products with a high sugar content will not freeze until temperatures well below the freezing point of water.

What can you eat caramel with? ›

The Best Foods That Pair with Caramel
  • Coffee. Everyone loves to start their day with a cup of coffee. ...
  • Apples. Who doesn't love a nice crisp Granny Smith apple, especially during the fall when apple picking is at its peak. ...
  • Popcorn. This typical movie snack can sometimes be boring. ...
  • Pretzels. ...
  • Ice cream.
Oct 8, 2019

What's the difference between caramel and butterscotch? ›

The difference between butterscotch and caramel is that caramel is made with white granulated sugar and cooked to 340 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas butterscotch is made with brown sugar and cooked to 289 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is caramel just burnt sugar? ›

Caramel is, simply, burned sugar. We want to let it melt, darken to an amber color and take on a deep and bittersweet flavor. The best, most flavorful caramel starts with this step. You can caramelize sugar two ways— with the dry method or wet method.

What is caramel made out of? ›

Caramel is made by heating sugar (either with a liquid or by itself, more on that below!) in a heavy-bottomed saucepan until it melts and becomes clear. The liquefied sugar is then cooked, without stirring, until it darkens in color, taking on additional flavor notes the longer it remains on the heat.

Can you eat chocolate 2 years out of date? ›

Dark chocolate, with its higher cacao content, can be good to eat for as long as three years past the best before. Due to their high milk contents, milk and white chocolates might not last as long as dark, but their longevity is still nothing to sniff at — you can expect to get another 8 months or so out of it.

Can expired chocolate still be eaten? ›

Does chocolate have a use-by date? No, chocolate does not have a use-by date it just has a best before date. This means it is safe to eat after the best before date has passed.

Is it safe to eat chocolate that has turned white? ›

Chocolate bloom might look unappetizing, but it's completely safe to eat. That doesn't mean you'll want to eat it, though, as flavor and texture can both be compromised. “Bloom usually strips the chocolate of some of its most pleasing qualities,” says Laiskonis.

What does burnt caramel smell like? ›

The thing about taking caramel all the way to the brink of burning is that you run the risk of actually burning it. But how do you know when you've taken it too far? First off, burnt sugar has a distinct smell. It smells bitter, like coffee that is overly roasted or cookies you've left in the oven too long.

Why does my coffee taste like caramel? ›

Roasting coffee causes the sugars in the coffee to first caramelize (turn to caramel) then carbonize (turn to ash) the same way as would putting a blowtorch to granulated sugar. The more carbony the coffee is, the more of the natural coffee sugars and aromas are burned off in lieu of the carbony bite.

Why does my caramel turn into sugar? ›

The usual cause of crystallisation in caramel is impurities in the sugar or, more commonly, less-than-clean pans, so make sure your equipment is clean. Caramel can be made from superfine, fine or granulated sugar.

Why do you put vinegar in caramel? ›

Deglazing is simply the process of adding a liquid, such as balsamic vinegar, to a hot pan which then loosens the browned bits of caramelized food on the bottom.

How do you make caramel soft again? ›

If caramels are too hard, you can try placing them back in a saucepan, adding a couple tablespoons of water and stirring until the thermometer reads 242°F. Pour back into a prepared buttered pan.

Can you eat out of date creme caramel? ›

There is no reason to throw away food that goes past its best before date, it is perfectly safe to eat and will often taste just as good.

Can I use out of date Carnation caramel? ›

Can I use this past the expiry ( Best Before ) date? Not recommended as we can not guarantee the nutritional values of the product past the best before date.

Can creme caramel go bad? ›

Crème Caramel is a classic French dessert that is quick to make and even more fun to eat. Any leftovers will keep for a few days in the refrigerator. There are many recipes for Crème Caramel.

How long can you eat expired sugar? ›

Technically, sugar never spoils. While it's recommended that granulated sugar be discarded after two years, chances are it will still serve its baking purpose even beyond that.

How do you store caramels? ›

Homemade caramel candy will keep fresh at room temperature for a week or two, and up to one month in the fridge. Store caramels in an airtight container or zip seal bag to keep them from drying out.

Is expired evaporated milk still good? ›

You can use evaporated milk 3-6 months after the date on the label for the best quality. But, it maintains good quality for up to 1 year after the date.

Is expired condensed milk still good? ›

To sum it up, an unopened sweetened condensed milk should keep its best quality for a year or two past the date on the label. And it should easily last for another decade if stored properly.

Is evaporated milk good for you? ›

Just like fresh milk or powdered milk, evaporated milk is a healthy choice. It provides nutrients needed for healthy bones: protein, calcium, vitamins A and D.

Why does my caramel taste bad? ›

Can caramel go bad? Over time, butter or cream added to a caramel can go rancid and impact its taste.

When caramel goes wrong? ›

If your caramel becomes gritty or grainy, the sugar probably crystallized. If the melting sugar splashes up onto the sides of the pan, it quickly loses its moisture content and forms back into crystals. That can set off a chain reaction that can cause caramel to seize up, ruining the entire batch.

Can you eat 20 year old sugar? ›

Although their textures might change, sugar never completely expires and is safe to use well after its expiration date.

Can water expire? ›

While water doesn't expire, some concerns are associated with its plastic bottles. These vessels can produce health concerns and odd tastes as they degrade over time and microplastics enter the water. Properly storing water in your warehouse, office or facility may help mitigate these risks.

Can I use flour that expired 2 years ago? ›

Most packaged flours have expiration dates — also called best-by dates — printed on the bag to indicate how long they'll stay fresh. However, these labels aren't mandatory and don't denote safety. Thus, your flour may still be safe to eat even after the best-by date (9).

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