How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? (SCIENCE SAYS...) | BOXROX (2024)

So, how many sets per week to build a big chest? It’s a good question. Jeff from Athlean X has us all covered and will help you lift the right amount of volume and weight to optimise your gains.

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest?

“If you want to build a big chest then you need to know how many sets per week is best to get the job done. In this video, I’m going to show you how to get the answer to a very individual question by asking yourself 7 specific things. The fastest way to a bigger chest is knowing where to start and then making the changes up or down to your weekly set totals.”

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? (SCIENCE SAYS...) | BOXROX (1)Source: CrossFit Games / Depositphotos

Science can be quite confusing when it comes to answering this dilemma. The general consensus is somewhere between 8 and 32 sets per week for a given muscle group (like the chest muscles) is what is required to create gains in muscle size and strength. This is not a very specific answer and is too broad to be helpful on its own.”

“So, the question of “how many sets per week for a bigger chest” is maybe not the right question to be asked, at least not the only one.”

“Instead, you have to first go through these other considerations.”

Natural or PEDs?

“First, you must decide whether you are trying to do this naturally or enhanced. We all know that the number one advantage of PED’s is their ability to dramatically improve your muscle recovery time. This allows you to train harder for longer without exceeding your body’s ability to come back from the damage that was done in the workout you just did. While it will take more time and more adherence to all aspects of your training to do it naturally, I can tell you that it is certainly the most rewarding and safest to your long-term health.”

Level of Training Experience

“Second, you need to consider your level of training experience. The novice is best advised to start near the lower portion of that range and simply add additional sets as they assess their ability to recover from the workload.”

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? (SCIENCE SAYS...) | BOXROX (2)

“The more seasoned lifter is going to usually require more sets to get an adequate stimulus for gains due to their body becoming accustomed to the stresses of training. That said, it the strength levels get considerably high or the techniques get strenuous enough, the amount of volume required may actually need to come down.”

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? – Training Goals

“Third, you have to know your training goals. If it is strength, then the job of determining how many sets per week to build the strength on the bench press for instance is much easier actually. This is because the volume is dictated by your output, which is based on your goal of training for strength. If you can no longer complete sets of 3-6 of adequate intensity (80-85% of your 1RM) given sufficient rest between sets, then you do not need to do any more sets for that exercise or muscle group in that workout.”

Hypertrophy and Subjective Effort Measurement

“Fourth, when it comes to hypertrophy training, the measurement of this effort is a bit more subjective. Some will use tools like RPE or RIR however I feel many people do not have a good enough handle of what this actually translates to in a real world setting. They often underestimate their effort levels which can cause these numbers to be misleading. The bottom line is, the closer you train to max effort and failure the fewer sets per week you will need to stimulate growth. The further below that threshold you train, the more volume will be needed to create change in that muscle.”

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? – Age and Injury History

“Fifth, your age and injury history matters here too. Many make the mistake of thinking that load is the element of training that makes you most susceptible to injury. It is the number of times that load is lifted that leads most often to the chronic inflammatory conditions most associated with training. Provided the warmup is sufficient, lower volumes (in both set and rep counts) over the course of the week will be better received by your body than higher ones.”

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? – Have you Recovered?

“Which relates to the sixth most important point and that is, are you recovered from your last workout. The number one goal is to be ready for your next workout. Every “next” workout. If your strength is lagging or your gains stop coming, you need to revisit your current volumes and make adjustments down to reignite them again.”

“Finally, the exercises you do matters as well. Big compound movements are going to be more taxing on your body than small single joint exercises. This has much to do with the loading that the exercise enables. Add in the presence or absence of intensity techniques and you will have to play with the amount of sets you are doing to accommodate for you fatigue.”

“There are some examples of how this would break down in terms of your chest workouts and the best way to build a bigger chest in the video.”

Video – How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest?

Learn More – How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest?

How to Increase Chest Size and Strength

Best Way to Train the Chest for Hypertrophy (Muscle Mass)

3 Hacks for a Bigger Chest

Upper Chest Exercises Ranked (Best to Worst)

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

The chest is a broad, flat muscle that makes up the front of the human torso. The chest muscles are well developed in humans, and this allows us to move our arms and hands freely.

Pectoralis Major (Muscle)

The pectoralis major is the most superficial of the three muscles that make up your chest. It originates from your clavicle and sternum and inserts into your upper arm via your humerus. The pectoralis major draws the humerus forward, as well as downward toward the midline of your body (if you’re standing).

In addition to its primary action, this muscle also helps stabilize your shoulder joint when you do things like lift heavy objects or move around in a way that requires great arm strength.

Your pecs are important for everyday life because they help keep you upright when walking, running or jumping—activities we all perform on a regular basis!

Clavicular Head of Pectoralis Major Muscle

The clavicular head of the pectoralis major muscle is located in the upper chest. It originates from the clavicle and sternum, and inserts into the upper arm. This muscle can be used for moving your arms up and out, like when you’re doing a push-up or swimming butterfly stroke.

Sternal Head of Pectoralis Major Muscle

The sternal head of the pectoralis major muscle is a fan-shaped muscle that covers the front of the chest. It originates from the sternum, ribs, and cartilage of the first 7 ribs and inserts into the upper portion of your humerus.

This muscle functions in two different ways:

  • When you inhale through your nose or mouth, it increases chest cavity size which allows more oxygen to be drawn into your lungs. This helps with breathing as well as speaking clearly when you’re talking loudly or singing loudly.
  • When you use this muscle to move objects away from your body (push), it helps prevent injuries to soft tissues such as tendons due to too much pressure being placed on them by other muscles such as those found in our arms/hands/wrists etc…

Costal Head of Pectoralis Major Muscle

The costal head of pectoralis major muscle, also known as the subclavius, is the most superficial of the three heads. It originates on ribs 3 to 6 and inserts via its tendon into the crest of the linea alba (the midline abdominal muscles that lie between your diaphragm and pubic bone). The thoracodorsal nerve innervates this muscle.

The subclavius pulls your clavicle upward and forward when you lift something over your head; it also helps to stabilize your shoulder during arm movements.

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? Pectoralis Minor (Muscle)

The pectoralis minor attaches to the ribs, and its tendon becomes a part of the rotator cuff. It acts to pull the arm across the chest. If you want to be a firefighter or stuntman and need big pecs, this is not going to help. Instead, this muscle helps stabilize your shoulder joint when you are doing push-ups or other exercises that require pulling your arms back over your head.

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? Serratus Anterior (Muscle)

The serratus anterior muscle is a flat, triangular muscle that runs along the upper sides of the rib cage. It originates at several points along the sides of ribs 1 through 7 and inserts on to a point just below the collarbone (the clavicle).

Serratus anterior helps you move your arms and shoulders upward, rotate them forward and inward, and protract them (pull them away from you). An injury to this muscle can result in pain when attempting to reach for objects above shoulder height or perform other activities requiring strength in those motions.

Treatment for serratus anterior injuries usually consists of stretching exercises that stabilize your chest muscles during movement activities such as lifting heavy objects or reaching overhead. For more severe injuries, physical therapy may be necessary to rebuild strength in these muscles before returning to full activity levels.

Image Sources

How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? (SCIENCE SAYS...) | BOXROX (2024)


How Many Sets Per Week to Build a Big Chest? (SCIENCE SAYS...) | BOXROX? ›

So, for example, 6 weekly sets for the chest could be 3 sets of bench and 3 sets of flyes. Now what they discovered is a dose-response between muscle growth and the number of sets performed — with 10+ sets per muscle per week resulting in the most growth.

Is 20 sets per week for chest too much? ›

The general consensus for volume in training is 10-20 sets per week, per muscle group. Lats, pecs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms, core, quads, hamstrings/glutes, etc , would be 100-200 sets total per week.

What is the 5 10 20 method? ›

Years ago I developed a rep scheme for super sets known as the 5/10/20 method. In it's simplest form, this is a 3 exercise superset for a single muscle group where you do 5 reps of the first exercise, 10 of the second, then finish up with 20 reps on the final exercise.

Is 10 sets of chest a week good? ›

Up to 10 sets per muscle group and week, there seems to be a dose-response relationship, where more sets mean greater muscle growth and strength gains. Up to about 15–20 sets per muscle group and week can lead to even better results for a trained person with good recovery capabilities.

Is 12 sets of chest too much? ›

The 10-20 range is productive for the chest, but many individuals report that they get their best results from something between the 5-10 and 10-20 ranges, perhaps sets of 8-12 reps and even a bit lower. This is especially true for compound presses like the barbell flat bench and incline.

Is 6 exercises for chest too much? ›

We recommend doing 4 to 6 chest exercises per week for intermediate lifters who are prioritizing hypertrophy, though some – including advanced lifters- may require more exercises and/or more volume.

Are 3 exercises enough for the chest? ›

You should perform 1-4 chest exercises per workout, with the most optimal range being 2-3 different chest exercises in a single training session. Why? For most lifters, performing any more than 3-4 various movements can result in diminished returns, excessive “trash” volume, and suboptimal quality volume.

What exercise works the whole chest? ›

A Standard Bench Press done on a flat exercise bench is one of the best exercises you can do for the chest, especially for progressive overload, because this compound lift allows you to use increasingly heavier weights to grow the pec major.

How many reps for hypertrophy? ›

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends 1−3 sets per exercise of 8−12 repetitions with 70−85% of one repetition maximum (1RM) for novice and 3−6 sets of 1−12 repetitions with 70−100% 1RM for advanced individuals [13].

What is the 12330 method? ›

The 12-3-30 workout was made popular by Lauren Giraldo, a lifestyle social media influencer. The idea is to walk on a treadmill that is set to an incline of 12.0, at a speed of 3.0 mile per hour, for 30 minutes. She credits her 30 pound weight loss to doing this workout five times per week.

What is the 30 20 10 method? ›

Jog for 30 seconds, run normal training pace for 20 seconds, and sprint for 10 seconds. Immediately repeat this cycle four more times, producing one continuous five-minute repeat.

What is the 40 20 work method? ›

40/20 workouts are a great way to structure your interval training. Here's how to do them whether you're running, cycling, or strength training. 40/20 intervals are designed around 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest or active recovery. They fall under the umbrella of Tabata workouts (named after Dr.

How many push-ups a day to build chest? ›

To find out how many push-ups you need to do a day to build muscle, take your max reps for one set and use that to calculate a push-up goal for your upper-body days: If you can do fewer than 25 push-ups in a row, shoot for 50 to 75 push-ups. If your max is between 25 and 50 push-ups, shoot for 75 to 150 push-ups.

How many sets is optimal for chest? ›

For the chest, this could be as little as 3 sets of bench presses and 3 sets of flyes every week, which could pretty much cut your workout times in half. In fact, in some cases, even in trained individuals, just 3 sets per muscle week has been shown to build some muscle.

Is 20 sets of chest per week too much? ›

Regardless of whether your fitness goals are to gain muscle mass, increase strength, or lose weight, most people could benefit from doing between 10 and 20 sets per muscle group per week. You don't want to go too high because this could lead to injury or fatigued muscles, which may negatively impact your next workout.

Is 15 sets of chest a week enough? ›

If you have, you might want to do between 15 and 20 sets to continue getting results. For beginners, 12 is a good number to aim for. You might want slightly higher on the legs and back because they're larger muscle groups than the chest and shoulders, but you can't go wrong with 12.

Is 3 sets of 10 enough to build muscle? ›

If your aim is hypertrophy (to build muscle), the sweet spot is 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 12 reps.

How many sets is enough for growth? ›

Referring to previous research published in the Journal of Sports Science, it found that 10 or more sets per muscle per week elicited greater hypertrophy than less than 10 sets. This could look like: 3-4 sets close to failure for a particular muscle group per workout, working on the basis that you train 3 times a week.

How long does it take to build a big chest? ›

However, with consistent strength training exercises targeting the chest, such as push-ups or bench presses, noticeable muscle growth in the pectoral area can typically be seen within 6 to 12 weeks.

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.