How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (2024)

You're a red-blooded male – there's nothing you find more attractive than the smoking hot looks of a sexy woman.

But hold up a second. Don't be fooled into thinking women want that too. I know a lot of guys who look like Brad Pitt and still don't know how to attract women.

It probably won't come as a surprise that women can be really picky when it comes to romance. They know what they want in a man and if you drop the ball on ANY of these personality traits, you could be in for a world of hurt.

To help you out, I’ve devised a list of 10 things the ladies look for in a man. Follow this guide, and you’ll instantly be more attractive to women.

You'll learn that woman:

  1. Want You To Be A Great Leader
  2. Desire A Man That Listens
  3. Want You To Be Thoughtful
  4. Love A Man With Manners
  5. Love A Guy Who's Family Oriented
  6. Like A Man To Show Vulnerability
  7. Are Attracted To An Informed, Educated Man
  8. Want You To Make Them Laugh
  9. Love Adventure
  10. Want A Resouceful Man
  11. Bonus Tip Women Love A Stylish Man

How To Attract Women #1: Women Want You To Be A Great Leader

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (1)

Women want to feel like they are with a leader (but not a dictator!) In relationships, women want to be able to trust the man they share their life with.

It’s good to express where you want the relationship to go and the goals you have for it. To show you are a true leader, demonstrate that you:

  • Always consider the impact your decisions will have on her – your personal feelings are important, but so are hers.
  • Keep her needs at the forefront of the relationship – selflessness shows you are willing to sacrifice things for her.
  • Initiate and engage in activities that will help the relationship grow – showing commitment to the well-being of your relationship will help solidify the bond and attraction between you and your girl.
  • Finish what you start – be mindful of the small things and be reliability.

Being comfortable doing these may also show that you are excited about the relationship. You are making an effort that demonstrates you want to be there.

How To Attract Women #2: Women Want You To Listen

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (2)

Without getting too academic, communication is simply exchanging ideas, needs, and desires. This concept is straightforward, but knowing how to attract women by listening is far from it.

It’s no secret that women talk more than men. A concept known as gender jabber highlights the number of words that men and women speak.

Louanne Brizendine, MD (Professor at the University of California –San Francisco) has found that women speak 20000 words per day and guys use about 7000 words per day.

This means that women talk almost 3 times as much as men.

How Does This Affect Men?

There’s a lesson on how to attract women here, and it’s twofold:

  1. We need to listen more than we speak. If we try to overtalk the ladies, it will become competitive. They are hard-wired to emote verbally and share their thoughts – which means they want you to listen.
  2. What you say should be valuable. Make sure that what you are saying has purpose. You don’t need to be a philosopher, but you do need to ensure that you’re choosing your words wisely.

Mastering the art of communication is challenging and different for each relationship. The best way to find out her needs is to COMMUNICATE. Talk about:

  • Goals and ambitions
  • Fears and pains
  • Beliefs and values
  • Relationship with family and friends
  • Expectation and guidelines for the relationship

It’s important to note that a relationship’s needs will change depending on the season of life, and you have to learn how to communicate those adjustments.

Pro Tip: Always look at her body language when communicating with her. It can give you a great insight into how she's feeling about the conversation.

How To Attract Women #3: Women Want You To Be Thoughtful

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (3)

When being thoughtful, you show that what she values is just as important (and at times more important) than what you need.

Thoughtfulness is the cousin of being selfless and allows you to run the gambit of emotional maturity. Unfortunately, it’s highly under-regarded by many men even though they’re confused about how to attract women!

How can I be a thoughtful man?

  • Selflessness – be willing to sacrifice
  • Attentiveness – listen to her needs
  • Compassion – display kindness towards your wife or girlfriend
  • Honesty and integrity – show that truth is non-negotiable

How To Attract Women #4: Women Love A Man With Manners

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (4)

What’s worse than being out with a person who doesn’t have a good temperament? A person who doesn’t have good manners.

It doesn’t matter if you were raised in a majority male home or played all male-dominated sports. A “please” and a “thank you” can go a long way when learning how to attract women.

Men can display manners in different ways:

  • Chivalry – Researching the article, I was surprised at the number of women who are not used to a door being opened for them.
  • Being polite – Using harsh words with an abrasive tone will shut her down. When speaking to a woman – whether it’s your first conversation or your 500th – being polite will always work in your favor.
  • Dating Etiquette – Guys, pull her chair out. Don’t eat until her plate arrives. Pay attention to her face and not her chest/butt/legs.

Are you looking to dive deeper into manners and etiquette? Read my article – discover how to be a modern gentleman.

Also read:

  • The Top 20 Sexy Men's Colognes To Smell Incredible In 2024
  • 7 Ways To Build Sexual Tension With Woman Through Text
  • 22 Little Known Men's Traits That Attract Women
  • 11 Subtle Signs You’re MORE Attractive Than You Think
  • Are You A Feminine Man?
  • Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Men in Their 30s

How To Attract Women #5: Women Love A Guy Who's Family Oriented

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (11)

Not all women desire marriage and a family, but the overwhelming majority have this need. Being a guy that wants a family (or already has children and is a good dad) increases your attractiveness.

Nowadays, kids aren’t as big of a deal-breaker as they once were. So your chances aren’t necessarily shot if you already have kids.

With that, being a great father and provider to your children shows her:

  • You want children
  • You will be present if you have children together, regardless of the outcome of the relationship.
  • You’re not a jerk who would leave children fatherless.

Another way to show that you are a family man is to allow her to see the interaction between you and your family. Let her know that you want to be close to your children.

How To Attract Women #6: Women Like A Man To Show Vulnerability

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (12)

This is often difficult for guys to do. We pride ourselves on our masculinity, but the truth is that we have feelings just like women.

They need to see and experience that you are comfortable being open with them. Showing her your vulnerable side will increase trust.

It shows that you trust her with the deep and dark places in your life.

Don’t do this in the beginning stages of getting to know someone. Many times that can be too much too soon. You will see when the time is right. Remember, there is fearlessness in being vulnerable.

How To Attract Women #7: Women Are Attracted To An Informed, Educated Man

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (13)

Knowing what’s happening around the globe shows that you are a part of the world. You don’t have to be apolitical analyst or a philanthropist to know how to attract women.

However, you must show that you care enough to learn and understand other cultures and ways of life.

A gentleman connected to the world around him proves that he understands he’s part of something bigger than himself. It displays that you know that the world doesn’t revolve around you and your experience. This is a critical component of being compassionate.

It takes a lot of motivation and hard work to become an educated, informed man. Check out my 10 Tips To Increase Productivity And Avoid Distraction to get a head start on your learning.

How To Attract Women #8: Women Want You To Make Them Laugh

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (14)

A great sense of humor is an excellent quality when it comes to knowing how to attract women.

A man who appreciates a good chuckle and who can balance the weight of serious matters with the gift of laughter is a rare find.

Having a great sense of humor communicates to her that you will be able to smile through tough times. In addition, it will help anchor her trust in you as a confidante.

An often forgotten part of humor is wit.

Wit can be defined as the creative expression of comical thoughts on life’s events. Ladies like a guy who’s quick on his feet and can have clever, playful banter. A witty guy has life and vitality; he loves fun. She’ll love it too.

If you’re unsure where to start, discover how to start a fun conversation with her.

How To Attract Women #9: Women Love Adventure

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (15)

Women like a guy who isn’t afraid to try new things. Men have been categorized as creatures of habit who like a routine. Disprove that perception, and your attractiveness will shoot through the roof.

A sense of adventure can be shown by:

  • Trying new foods
  • Going to new places
  • Picking up a new hobby

The overall gist is that no one wants to be committed to falling into a rut, so being adventurous or trying new things from time to time can help a man catch the eye of a lady.

How To Attract Women #10: Women Want A Resourceful Man

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (16)

The key to being resourceful is not that you necessarily know how to do everything but that you know how to get things done.

It’s essential that you can leverage your:

  • Education
  • Network
  • Relationships
  • Skills

Don’t be afraid to ask others for help. Seeking assistance is still a sign that you’re a resourceful man. If you are too proud to acknowledge that you need help, your relationship could be in turmoil.

Prove your resourcefulness early on. Life will always allow you to do so.

Read next: 13 red flags in relationships with women you should never ignore!

Bonus Tip #11 Women Love A Stylish Man

How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (17)

I couldn’t leave this one off the list!

You don’t have to be the best-dressed man in the room – even taking the time to learn how to buy a suit shows you pay attention to your appearance and take pride in the fact that you will represent your wife or girlfriend even when she is not around.

Knowing how to attract women with style goes beyond clothes and can be seen in elements such as:

  • Hygiene
  • Fragrance
  • Grooming
  • Communication

It’s straightforward – the lady in your life wants you to smell nice, dress well and take a shower regularly. It isn’t that much to ask, gents.

Want to know how to attract women by upping your game even further? Click here for 10 men’s home essentials guaranteed to impress when she comes back to your place.

Read next: Things Women Secretly Want Men To Do

Click below to watch the video – 10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women:

FAQs: 10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women

Does the article suggest that all women find the same things attractive?

Good question! We're all unique individuals with different tastes, right? So no, the article doesn't suggest that all women find the same things attractive.

These 10 ways are based on general preferences, but remember, every woman is unique and may have different things that she finds irresistible.

Do I have to follow all these tips to be attractive to women?

Of course not! You don't have to tick off every single box on this list.

The tips are here to guide you, and you can choose which ones resonate most with you.

Remember, authenticity is key - being yourself is the most attractive thing of all.

Are these 10 tips based on psychological studies or personal opinions?

The tips provided are a mix of both. They're based on psychological insights, common perceptions, and a fair bit of anecdotal wisdom.

They're designed to be helpful and engaging, without getting too technical.

I'm an introvert. Can I still be irresistible to women?

Absolutely! Everyone has their own charm and strengths, introverts included. Some tips may resonate more with you than others.

For example, you might find that showing genuine interest, being a good listener, and showcasing your unique hobbies can make you very appealing.

Being irresistible isn't about being the loudest in the room, it's about connecting on a deeper level.

What if I don't feel comfortable changing myself to be attractive to others?

Well, the most important thing is to be comfortable with who you are!

This article isn't about changing who you are, but about enhancing your natural qualities and understanding what generally makes a positive impression.

But always remember, your self-worth should never be tied to others' perceptions.

Also read:

  • The Top 20 Sexy Men's Colognes To Smell Incredible In 2024
  • 7 Ways To Build Sexual Tension With Woman Through Text
  • 22 Little Known Men's Traits That Attract Women
  • 11 Subtle Signs You’re MORE Attractive Than You Think
  • Are You A Feminine Man?
  • Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Men in Their 30s
How To Attract Women (10 Ways To Be Irresistible To Women In 2024) (2024)


What attracts a female the most? ›

There are some broad tips that may work to make you more attractive to women, including:
  • Practice confidence without aggressiveness.
  • Have a sense of humor.
  • Be kind to everyone.
  • Be willing to admit mistakes, or a lack of knowledge.
  • Don't be afraid to be vulnerable.
  • Demonstrate integrity in word and action.
May 26, 2024

How can I attract the women I want? ›

That said, a few best practices that may help make you more attractive to women include:
  1. Practicing good hygiene and grooming.
  2. Maintaining good posture.
  3. Using open body language.
  4. Smiling.
  5. Making eye contact.
Apr 30, 2024

How can I be irresistible to all women? ›

How to Be Irresistible to Women
  1. 1 Be yourself instead of putting on an act.
  2. 2 Project confidence with your body language.
  3. 3 Tell a good joke to break the ice.
  4. 4 Listen and ask questions when you have conversations.
  5. 5 Pay respectful, sincere compliments.
  6. 6 Give her space instead of coming on too strong.

Which body part do girls like most in boys? ›

  • A nice set of abs. In a (not-so-surprising) study conducted by Western Illinois University, women rated abs as the sexiest muscle on a man's body, reports. ...
  • A generous posterior. ...
  • Wide, strong shoulders. ...
  • A ripped, tapered back. ...
  • Defined, strong arms. ...
  • A chiseled chest. ...
  • A stong jaw. ...
  • A mysterious mouth.

What body part do females find most attractive? ›

Chest You might be surprised to know that according to the study done in 2017, almost 24% of women think that chests and pecs are most attractive!

What first attracts a woman? ›

Passion. To be attractive to women, you need to be passionate about something. Having something that you find important to you or that you can get excited about may be a great way to show her your personality. After all, you want to make sure that she can see who you are.

How to make women chase you? ›

Getting a girl to chase you is all about making her curious, and making her curious is all about keeping a cool distance and not giving her too much of yourself at once. If you can pique her interest while maintaining an air of mystery, she won't be able to resist the urge to find out more about you.

How to psychologically attract a girl? ›

How to Impress a Girl? Know some Psychological Tips Here
  1. Appreciate The Girl You Like. ...
  2. Give Space to The Girl. ...
  3. Ask The Girl's Opinion And Try to Implement It. ...
  4. Love Yourself. ...
  5. Give The Girl Time And Invest Some Effort. ...
  6. Understand What Love Is. ...
  7. Show Your Skills Naturally. ...
  8. Don't Imitate But Be Who You Are.
Dec 22, 2021

How to increase a womans interest in you? ›

Tips for Keeping a Woman Interested

Make her laugh by telling a joke or funny story. Try paying her sincere compliments that focus on her character. Ask her open-ended questions and really listen when she talks. Take on challenges and try new activities together.

How to intrigue a woman? ›

Seducing a woman you're attracted to doesn't all come down to your physical appearance. Engaging her mind with intellectual conversations, flirty debates, and witty jokes can go a long way in making yourself more attractive to her.

What is the most liked female body part? ›

7 Most Erogenous Zones On a Woman
  • Ears.
  • Fingertips and palms.
  • Nipples.
  • Inner thighs.
  • cl*tor*s.
  • A-spot.
  • Bottom of feet.

What is the most attractive male part? ›

That's a whopping 37 percent of women who consider the torso the sexiest part of a man's body. This didn't solely imply that gym-toned bodies were the only things considered sexy, as plenty of women find dad bods attractive. Many workouts target the torso.

What does a girl find most attractive? ›

One of the most important characteristics that most women seek is modesty. Outspokenness, charity, and honesty are further feminine appeal traits that are always observed, along with humility. Nothing appeals to a woman more than a man with a great sense of self.

What triggers attraction in a woman? ›

Women are emotional creatures, so give them a wide range of intense emotional experiences, and they will fall for you. Emotional attraction is about making someone feel good. It can be set off by touch, pheromones, body language, behavior, tone of voice, humor, confidence, and being open and vulnerable.

What makes a girl attracted to you? ›

Be passionate. Talk about what you really care most about and let her see how much it matters to you. Women are more likely to be attracted to a man that is driven, has a purpose, and knows what he wants from life. You can talk about places you really want to travel to and where you have been.

What are human females attracted to? ›

Women are attracted to masculine traits greater in sexual dimorphism (e.g. strong jawline, a more muscular body, a taller height).

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.