How to change your style in 2021 - Kate Waterhouse (2024)

How to change your style in 2021 - Kate Waterhouse (1)

The start of another year marks also the start of another 12 months of getting dressed day in and day out which begs the question: are you happy with your style? If you’ve been feeling as if something is lacking in the fashion department of late and you need something to help you get excited about your wardrobe again then you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few easy ways to change up your look this year with minimal fuss.

Challenge yourself to use something you wear infrequently

We all have those pieces in our closet that we still like but admittedly don’t wear all that often. So this year, make an effort to put those pieces into rotation. Often you can end up wearing the same things from your wardrobe all the time that incorporating something into your look that doesn’t get used frequently can make it feel new again.

Learn to play with accessories more

Accessories are honestly one of the easiest ways to inject some new life into your existing wardrobe. A pair of statement earrings here, a necklace there or a great pair of sunglasses can really lift an outfit and make it feel fresh.

Try different silhouettes

Of course we all have our favourites as far as the style of clothing we go for goes but sometimes that can get a little monotonous. So why not try working with different silhouette styles? Relaxed pieces as opposed to fitted, long instead of shirt, dresses instead of pant—these are all easy ways to inject a little different style into your life.

How to change your style in 2021 - Kate Waterhouse (2)
Look to your style icons

A style refresh needs a little outfit inspiration to get it going. So why not check out what the women whose style you admire are doing? Often a quick scroll through your fave blogs or Instagram accounts can help you hone in on a few new trends to try and looks worth experimenting with.

Broaden your colour palette

It’s easy to get caught up wearing the same ol’ colours all the time so this year, make an effort to go beyond your favourites. Try colours you usually wouldn’t wear to help add a new dimension to your fave outfits. Often a little injection of colour here and there can really transform your old favourites.

Tell me—what are some ways you’re trying to change up your style this year?

How to change your style in 2021 - Kate Waterhouse (2024)


How to change your style in 2021 - Kate Waterhouse? ›

As one of the original champions of chic boho style, Kate is a forever fan of the billowing blouse.

How do I switch up my style? ›

How to be more stylish
  1. Don't buy something for just one occasion. ...
  2. Don't buy or keep something that doesn't fit. ...
  3. Don't buy or keep something that doesn't suit you. ...
  4. Don't buy something just because it's a bargain. ...
  5. When you buy something, get rid of something else. ...
  6. Clothes swap with your most stylish friends.
Jan 3, 2023

How do I update my style? ›

5 Ways To Upgrade Your Wardrobe
  1. Try on pieces. If there are items in your closet that you haven't worn in a while, try them on. ...
  2. Look for new ways to style your clothes. ...
  3. Replace any elevated basics you need. ...
  4. Finally get those alterations made. ...
  5. Get rid of anything that doesn't make you feel good.

What style is Kate Moss? ›

As one of the original champions of chic boho style, Kate is a forever fan of the billowing blouse.

How do I makeover my style? ›

5 wardrobe makeover ideas to simplify your style
  1. Get rid of anything that doesn't currently fit.
  2. Get rid of anything that you have not worn in the last year.
  3. Keep the pieces you really love, and wear them often.
  4. Create outfits.
  5. Keep colour in mind.
Jan 9, 2023

How can I change my entire style? ›

Clear out your wardrobe and makeup (if applicable).

Once you have your new style goal lined up, you need to then clear out the old one. Go through every item of clothing and donate the pieces that don't fit the new model you've chosen, that no longer fit, or that are simply unflattering.

How do you reset your style? ›

Rebooting Your Wardrobe: How to Refresh Your Look
  1. STEP 1: CLEANSE AND ORGANISE. The first step in rebooting your wardrobe is to take everything out and give it a thorough clear-out. ...
Feb 13, 2023

How do you edit styles? ›

On the Home tab, right-click any style in the Styles gallery and click Modify. In the Formatting section, make any formatting changes you want, such as font style, size, or color, alignment, line spacing, or indentation.

How do I fix my style? ›

7 Top Tips for Developing a Great Sense of Personal Style
  1. Know your colours and how to coordinate them. ...
  2. Invest in timeless neutral pieces. ...
  3. Be objective about your body shape. ...
  4. Take some creative risks. ...
  5. Pull outfits together with accessories. ...
  6. Become attuned to what things you like and don't like.
Nov 13, 2023

How to look stylish at 60? ›

5 tips for dressing in your 60s
  1. Big patterns, bold colors. First, let's toss the old “rules” and expectations for how a 60+ woman should dress. ...
  2. Breathable fabrics? A breath of fresh air. ...
  3. Balance timeless with trends. Trends are for everybody. ...
  4. Layer mixed textures. ...
  5. Accessorize with dressed-up details.

How to get Kate Moss style? ›

How to dress like Kate Moss
  1. Do denim edgily. For Moss, jeans are a major style statement, not a no-brainer slob-out basic. ...
  2. Make it look effortless. ...
  3. Go for quality. ...
  4. Be a dress-code rebel. ...
  5. Keep prints timeless. ...
  6. Wear it tight to the torso. ...
  7. Go for authenticity. ...
  8. Focus on clothes.
Oct 9, 2008

What actress looks like Kate Moss? ›

Psych! The model who walked the runway at Marine Serre today was not Kate Moss, it was Denise Ohnona, who dubs herself “World's No. 1 Kate Moss Look-alike.” Ohnona's tousled blonde hair and dark roots, edgy black eyeliner, and chiseled jawline are just a few of her traits that make her look exactly like Moss.

How do I look like I have style? ›

How to Look Put Together
  1. WEAR CLOTHES THAT ACTUALLY FIT. In the words of Stacy and Clinton from “What Not to Wear”, “if you don't have fit, you don't have style”. ...

How can I redo my look? ›

6 ways to change your look in just 3 minutes
  1. Wear a bright lipstick. ...
  2. Deep condition your hair. ...
  3. Change up your parting. ...
  4. Smoke up your eye. ...
  5. Wear a statement necklace. ...
  6. Go for a bra fitting.
Jun 17, 2020

How do I start improving my style? ›

7 Top Tips for Developing a Great Sense of Personal Style
  1. Know your colours and how to coordinate them. ...
  2. Invest in timeless neutral pieces. ...
  3. Be objective about your body shape. ...
  4. Take some creative risks. ...
  5. Pull outfits together with accessories. ...
  6. Become attuned to what things you like and don't like.
Nov 13, 2023

How to change your style and aesthetic? ›

By sorting through everything you have, you can pare down your wardrobe to items that suit your new desired style aesthetic. Try dumping out everything in your closet onto your bed or the floor so that you can look at each item 1 by 1. If it's something you like and want to keep, hang it back in your closet.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.