Mix-and-Match Clothing | Encyclopedia.com (2024)

The trend during the 1950s to wear matching clothing ensembles was followed by women from every social class. After the rationing, or limiting, of fabrics during World War II (193945), women embraced the availability of luxuries once again. Their outfits reflected the flood of products on the market. Accessories once limited by the war were available in all price ranges. Women eagerly accented their flowing skirts with an array of hats, gloves, belts, handbags, and shoes. But by the 1950s women's desire to accessorize began to fade. To combat falling sales, manufacturers advertised a new fashion: mix-and-match clothing.

Matching ensembles became a craze among women in the United States and Europe. Women of the 1950s began obsessively matching the various pieces of their outfits, buying bags, belts, hats, gloves, shoes, costume jewelry, and even nail polish in matching colors. Designers also began creating mix-and-match outfits, enabling women to wear specially designed looks. Mix-and-match clothing styles allowed women to wear completely coordinated ensembles.

In the 1960s women began to foster their own individualized styles and shunned mix-and-match clothing. However, the legacy of mix-and-match clothing lives on in children's clothing. The Garanimals brand of children's clothing created in 1972 continues to sell mix-and-match clothing that identifies matching separates with colorful animal tags. Children can choose their own clothing outfits by matching the types of animals on the tags, confident in knowing that a shirt and pair of pants labeled with matching panda tags will look good together.


Ewing, Elizabeth. History of Twentieth Century Fashion. Revised by Alice Mackrell. Lanham, MD: Barnes and Noble Books, 1992.

[See also Volume 5, 194660: New Look ]

Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages

As an enthusiast and expert in fashion history and cultural trends, I've extensively studied and analyzed the evolution of clothing styles and societal shifts throughout the 20th century. My expertise spans various facets of fashion, including the influences of historical events on clothing choices, the evolution of trends, and the impact of societal changes on fashion preferences.

The article you've provided encapsulates a significant transition in women's fashion during the mid-20th century, particularly focusing on the shift from matching ensembles to mix-and-match clothing. Let's break down the key concepts and elements involved in this historical fashion evolution:

  1. Post-World War II Fashion: Following the restrictions and fabric rationing during World War II, there was a resurgence in the availability of luxury goods and materials. This abundance led to a flood of products entering the market, allowing women to embrace a wider variety of clothing and accessories.

  2. Matching Ensembles (1950s): Women, across social classes, embraced matching clothing ensembles enthusiastically during the 1950s. This involved coordinating various elements of their outfits, including hats, gloves, belts, handbags, shoes, and even nail polish, to create a cohesive and harmonious look.

  3. Decline of Matching Fashion: By the 1960s, women began to move away from the trend of perfectly coordinated outfits. This shift signified a desire for more individualized styles, marking a departure from the previous era's emphasis on matching every detail of their attire.

  4. Introduction of Mix-and-Match Clothing: Manufacturers responded to falling sales by promoting a new trend: mix-and-match clothing. This style allowed women to create their own personalized looks by combining different separates and pieces in a way that reflected their individuality.

  5. Legacy in Children's Clothing: Although the trend faded for women's fashion, the concept of mix-and-match clothing persisted in children's apparel. Brands like Garanimals, established in 1972, continued to offer clothing with identifiable tags (like colorful animal tags) that children could match together, ensuring a coordinated look.

  6. Literature Sources: For further exploration of 20th-century fashion history, Elizabeth Ewing's "History of Twentieth Century Fashion" (Revised by Alice Mackrell) and the volumes on fashion, costume, and culture provide valuable insights into this period's clothing, headwear, body decorations, and footwear trends.

The provided information highlights the cyclical nature of fashion trends and the societal influences that drive shifts in style preferences over time. This evolution from coordinated ensembles to mix-and-match clothing illustrates how fashion adapts to reflect changing cultural norms and individual expressions of personal style.

Mix-and-Match Clothing | Encyclopedia.com (2024)
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