How to Cut Lemons & Limes (2024)

Yumna Jawad

4.93 from 28 votes

Learn how to cut lemons and limes perfectly with this easy step-by-step tutorial showing two easy methods for cutting into slices or wedges.

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Whether you want wedges or slices, follow this tutorial and learn how to cut lemons and limes like a pro. Sliced lemon rounds make gorgeous toppings on tarts and cakes, and lemon and lime wedges are indispensable in the kitchen for garnishing and seasoning.

How to Cut Lemons & Limes (2)

why learn to cut lemons & limes

  • You’ll have beautifully garnished recipes and meals – like restaurant style citrus!
  • You can maximize the juice from the lemons and limes with proper cutting.

How to cut lemons & limes

You don’t have to have culinary knife skills to get gorgeous, uniform slices. A little time, practice, and patience is all you need to master your cuts.

Cut into slices

  1. Hold a clean lemon or lime, stand it on its side and using a sharp knife, slice off the bottom.
  2. Slice into the desired thickness, trying to keep slices even.
  3. Keep slicing until you reach about a half inch on the other end.
How to Cut Lemons & Limes (3)

Cut into wedges

  1. Hold your clean lemon or lime on its side and slice off the top and bottom.
  2. Stand your fruit up vertically and cut in half.
  3. Remove the seeds that you can see.
  4. Lay each half on the cutting board – one cut side down – and slice into desired wedge sizes. You can cut each half in half and then in half again to end up with 8 wedges total.
How to Cut Lemons & Limes (4)

Tips for cutting lemons & limes

  1. Always Use a sharp knife. A sharp knife makes cutting easy. Dull knives make cutting almost impossible.
  2. Be mindful of the direction that you’re cutting. Lemon wedges cut from a lemon halved lengthwise are move flexible and easier to squeeze than those cut horizontally.
  3. Cut carefully: Always, remember to use the claw – tuck your fingers in to avoid injuring yourself.
How to Cut Lemons & Limes (5)

how do you store cut lemons & limes

Wrap tightly or pack into a sealed bag. They should last 3 to 4 days. For the juiciest fruit, remove it from the fridge 30 minutes before using it.

Frequently asked questions

How do you stop lemons from drying out after being cut?

To maintain lemon and limes’ moistness, cover them. (That’s why bartenders keep their garnishes in those covered trays!) Ideally, try to cut right before using – that is when the fruit contains its highest concentration of vitamin C.

Is there an easy way to de-seed citrus?

For wedges, try standing each one up lengthwise and making a narrow slice, cutting off the white membrane holding the seeds. Use the tip of the knife to flick off any stragglers. For lemon or Iime rounds, no real shortcuts: use the knife tip to poke out the offenders.

How do you cut lemons for drinks?

Depending on your recipe, you might need lemon rounds or wedges. If your drink needs a higher acidity, go for wedges. For drinks that need a more subtle flavor or just a little bit of tartness, use rounds.

How to Cut Lemons & Limes (6)

Go sharpen your knife, cut up some lemons and/or limes, and add some zing to your glass of bubble water or slice of grilled fish. Now you know how to cut lemons and limes – whether it’s wedges or slices!

More kitchen knife tutorials:

  • How to Cut Zucchini
  • How to Chop Parsley
  • How to Cut Brussel Sprouts
  • How to Cut a Tomato
  • How to Cut Onions
  • How to Cut an Avocado
  • How to Cut Lettuce
  • How to Cut Cauliflower
  • How to Cut Dragon Fruit
  • How to Cut an Apple

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How to Cut Lemons & Limes (7)


How to Cut Lemons & Limes

Learn how to cut lemons and limes perfectly with this easy step-by-step tutorial showing two easy methods for cutting into slices or wedges.

4.9 from 28 votes

Author Yumna Jawad

Servings 1 serving

Course Ingredient

Calories 31

Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 5 minutes mins


  • 1 Lemon or Lime


For Slices

  • Holding the lemon or lime on its side, remove half an inch off the bottom.

  • Slice into desired thickness until you reach about an half inch or the pith on the other end

For Wedges

  • Holding the lemon or lime on its side, remove half an inch off the top and bottom.

  • Stand the lemon or lime up vertically and slice in half, then remove seeds.

  • Lay each half on the cutting board and slice into desired wedge sizes. You can cut each half into fourths to make up to 8 wedges total.

  • If desired, slice the pith off from each wedge.

  • Add to drinks or use for garnish.


Storage: Cut lemons and limes can be kept covered and refrigerated for a day or two.


Calories: 31kcal, Carbohydrates: 10g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 2mg, Potassium: 149mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 3g, Vitamin A: 24IU, Vitamin C: 57mg, Calcium: 28mg, Iron: 1mg

Nutrition information provided is an estimate. It will vary based on cooking method and specific ingredients used.

Diet: Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian

Cuisine American

Course: Ingredient

Photo Credit:Erin Jensen

Greetings, I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of culinary techniques, particularly in knife skills and food preparation. My expertise in this field extends beyond theory, with hands-on experience and a profound appreciation for the art of cooking. Today, let's delve into the intricacies of cutting lemons and limes—a seemingly simple task, but one that can significantly elevate your culinary endeavors.

In the article authored by Yumna Jawad, published on March 4, 2022, she provides a comprehensive tutorial on how to cut lemons and limes perfectly. The author emphasizes two methods for cutting into slices or wedges, and the importance of proper cutting techniques for both aesthetic and practical reasons.

The key concepts covered in the article are:

  1. Importance of Proper Cutting: Yumna highlights the significance of mastering the art of cutting lemons and limes. Beyond the visual appeal, precision in cutting ensures beautifully garnished recipes and allows you to maximize the juice extraction from the citrus fruits.

  2. Methods for Cutting: The article introduces two methods for cutting lemons and limes—slices and wedges. For slices, the recommendation is to hold the fruit on its side, slice off the bottom, and continue slicing to the desired thickness. For wedges, the process involves removing the top and bottom, cutting the fruit in half vertically, removing seeds, and then slicing into desired wedge sizes.

  3. Tips for Cutting: Yumna provides essential tips for cutting lemons and limes effectively. She stresses the importance of using a sharp knife, as dull knives can make cutting nearly impossible. Additionally, being mindful of the cutting direction is crucial, with a reminder to use the claw technique to avoid injuries.

  4. Storage of Cut Lemons & Limes: The article offers advice on how to store cut lemons and limes to maintain their freshness. Tight wrapping or placing them in a sealed bag is recommended, with a suggested storage duration of 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. For the juiciest fruit, it's advised to remove them from the fridge 30 minutes before use.

  5. FAQs: The article addresses common questions, such as how to prevent lemons from drying out after being cut and an easy way to de-seed citrus fruits. Practical tips for cutting lemons for drinks are also provided, depending on the recipe's acidity requirements.

  6. Additional Kitchen Knife Tutorials: Yumna extends her expertise beyond lemons and limes, providing a list of other kitchen knife tutorials, including cutting zucchini, chopping parsley, cutting tomatoes, onions, avocados, lettuce, cauliflower, dragon fruit, and apples.

  7. Recipe and Nutritional Information: The article includes a specific recipe card for cutting lemons and limes, authored by Yumna Jawad. The recipe card provides information on servings, preparation time, ingredients, and nutritional content.

In conclusion, mastering the skill of cutting lemons and limes is not just about aesthetics—it's about enhancing the flavors and presentation of your culinary creations. With the right techniques and tips provided by Yumna Jawad, you can elevate your kitchen skills and add a zing to your dishes and drinks.

How to Cut Lemons & Limes (2024)
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