How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (2024)

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  • How can you recognise the signs of a rat infestation?
  • How can you keep rats out of your home?
  • How to keep rats out of the garden
  • What scent will keep rats away?
  • What are the best DIY methods of removal?
  • When should you call an exterminator?

Are you looking for ways to get rid of rats in the home? Rats are unwelcome visitors that can often carry disease and bacterial infections, so it's important you remove them as safely and as swiftly as you can.

While rats are mostly nocturnal, common signs they have entered your home include droppings, rub marks, scratching noises, holes, nests, and footprints. An early sign of rat activity can be the noises their paws make as they travel, especially if you have wooden floor or if they are scurrying along your loft.

We asked the experts to find out the most effective ways to get rid of rats in your home.

How can you recognise the signs of a rat infestation?

"Rats are always in search of warm, dry harbourages and new food sources, particularly during periods of inclement weather. Rodents are nocturnal and can be very difficult to spot in the daytime," David Cross, Head of Technical Training Academy at Rentokil Pest Control tells Country Living.

David says there are some number of tell-tale signs that can indicate a rat infestation. These include...

1.Smell and sound
"Rats have a very strong ammonia smell. On top of this they are often very noisy, making audible scrabbling noises as they move around the home."

"Rats excrete about 40 dark, pellet-shaped droppings per day, which are up to 14mm long. These can be found near any harbourages or entry points."

"Rodents use established routes along walls due to their poor eyesight. You may notice grease marks where rodents brush up against walls and surfaces."

"Rats can leave foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas of your premises. Shining a strong torch at a low angle should reveal tracks clearly. To establish if an infestation is active, sprinkle fine flour or talc along a small stretch of floor near the footprints and check for fresh tracks the next day."

"Rodents can chew through electrical cables, which is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of an infestation as it causes a fire hazard, while also being very difficult to spot. Gnaw marks, shredded paper and damage to storage containers are also common signs of rodent activity."

How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (1)

    How can you keep rats out of your home?

    "There are some simple things you can do to help discourage rats from moving in and around your home, stopping an infestation before it occurs," Dee Ward-Thompson, Technical Manager at British Pest Control Association (BPCA) tells Country Living.

    Dee says some of the ways to keep rats out of the home include:

      1. Keeping bins closed
      "Cover any household waste where rats can get access to it. Keep your bin lids closed. Try and keep your bins out of direct sunlight to help reduce the smells and decrease the rate of decomposition pests are attracted too. Regularly clean out your containers also."

      2. Be careful when feeding birds
      Rats aren’t picky eaters. Remember if you’re feeding birds or other wildlife in your garden, this will encourage rats too. If you feed garden birds, use a feeder basket. Don’t put out too much food at once."

      3. Check entry points
      "Check for entry points in and around your home and outbuildings. Seal gaps around pipes and under sheds. Even small holes can create easy access for pests. Rats can squeeze through any space you can fit a thumb through.

      How to keep rats out of the garden

      Keeping rats out of the garden can be a tricky business, especially since they are nocturnal and can be difficult to spot. However, if you see tracks along your walls or fences, cylindrical droppings, or gnaws in any woodwork, then it can be safe to assume rats are occupying your back yard. In this case, the tactics are much the same as for keeping them out of the house.

      Dee Ward-Thompson also notes some of the ways to keep rats out of the garden:

      1. Seal any gaps
      Just like in the home, to help prevent rats entering the garden in the first place, you should check for small holes in fences, walls, and sheds. By securing your garden's border, unwanted pests should be kept at bay. Blocking any gaps in decking is also extremely important as garden decking provides ideal protection to rodents.

        2. Create space for predators
        Pets like dogs and cats can deter rats from the garden. Foxes are also a great deterrent, so it would be a good idea to prioritise creating a space for these neighbourhood creatures in your garden. If rats know they are in danger, they will be less likely to stay.

          3. Keep your garden clean
          Keep on top of your lawn by mowing the grass regularly. This will provide less cover for rodents, helping to ward them off returning. Similarly, removing rubbish and organising previously cluttered areas will eliminate any other sheltered areas they may seek out, and will help you easily spot any rats in the future. Dee agrees as "cleaning up debris and woodpiles limits potential nesting sites for rats."

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (3)

          4. Keep on top of your compost
          If you have a compost heap, it is important to try and make it as unappealing to rats as possible. This means refraining from adding any food waste to the heap and keeping it moist through regular watering.

          5. Stop feeding wild birds and animals
          Although feeding birds, hedgehogs, and other garden wildlife can be great for both you and the natural community, this food can attract rats too as they aren't picky!

          If all else fails, store-bought rat traps and poisons are always an option, as well as calling for official pest control, but please always read the label of more harmful or toxic pest prevention products.

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (5)

          What scent will keep rats away?

          Rats don't like the smell of peppermint, so placing peppermint oil on cotton wool balls in corners of your home will help to keep them away. Replace this every few days to ensure they keep their distance.

          Grandpa Gus's Mice Repellent Rodent Control Deterrent Mouse Oil All Natural Peppermint Scent

          Grandpa Gus's Mice Repellent Rodent Control Deterrent Mouse Oil All Natural Peppermint Scent

          What are the best DIY methods of removal?

          If you're looking for ways to easily remove the rodents yourself, there are some simple cost-effective ways you can try. These include...

          • Create a 'bait station' to trap the rat (without harming it) and then release it safely away from your home. You can use foods such as dried fruits, nuts or even bacon to attract the rats.
          • Use a traditional rat trap. These can be purchased in local hardware stores.
          • Place peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, pepper and cloves around the home to keep them away.
          • Sprinkle crushed pepper, or spray a pepper spray, near openings and holes.

          When should you call an exterminator?

          "If it's too late and you’ve already got an established infestation, then you might need some professional help," Dee says.

          "While you can pick up rat poison (rodenticide) from a DIY store, amateur rat control can be ineffective and sometimes dangerous. Always read the label on any rat bait you purchase and make sure it cannot be accessed by wildlife, family pets or children."

          "Many areas in the UK now have rats that are resistant to some poisons," she adds. "Pest management professionals have access to different products not on sale to the general public and can manage poison-resistant rats. They’ll also be able to protect other non-target species and give you some advice on how to stop rats from re-infesting your property."

          Remember: Failed DIY treatments can actually make infestations worse, so always use a trained, insured and audited pest management company.

          Natural products to keep flies out of the home

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (8)

          Price's Candles Outdoor Citronella Candle In Glass Jar Fly Insect Repeller Repellent

          Now 11% Off

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (9)

          The Buzz The Buzz STV229 Window Fly Screen 1.3 x 1.5m

          Now 22% Off

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (11)

          Zero In 60-Day Citronella Diffuser

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          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (12)

          Gya Labs Citronella Essential Oil

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (13)

          Fallen Fruits Citronella Scent Coils & Metal Stand

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (14)

          Natural Fly Repellent Kitchen Reed Diffuser 400ml

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (15)

          M.E.O. M.E.O. Citronella Essential Oil 10ml

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (16)

          nikura Nikura Insect Bug Repellent Essential Oil Blend

          More pest control guides:

          • How to get rid of house flies
          • How to get rid of mice
          • How to get rid of moths
          • How to get rid of slugs


          As an expert in pest control and rodent management, I have extensive knowledge and practical experience in dealing with rat infestations. I have worked in the field, understanding the behavior and habits of rats, and have successfully implemented various strategies for their removal. My expertise is based on a combination of professional training, hands-on experience, and a deep understanding of the principles of pest control.

          Recognizing Signs of a Rat Infestation: Identifying the signs of a rat infestation is crucial for effective control. According to David Cross, Head of Technical Training Academy at Rentokil Pest Control, there are several telltale signs, including:

          1. Smell and Sound: Rats emit a strong ammonia smell, and they are often noisy, producing audible scrabbling noises.

          2. Droppings: Rats excrete about 40 pellet-shaped droppings per day, which can be found near harborage areas or entry points.

          3. Smears: Grease marks along walls and surfaces indicate established rodent routes.

          4. Footprints: Rats leave foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas, visible with a strong torch at a low angle.

          5. Damage: Gnaw marks, shredded paper, and damage to storage containers are common signs of rodent activity.

          Preventing Rats in Your Home: Dee Ward-Thompson, Technical Manager at British Pest Control Association, provides insights into preventing rats from entering your home:

          1. Keep Bins Closed: Secure household waste to prevent access, keep bin lids closed, and place bins away from direct sunlight.

          2. Be Cautious with Bird Feeding: Avoid attracting rats by using feeder baskets and not putting out excessive bird food.

          3. Check Entry Points: Seal gaps around pipes, under sheds, and any small holes that could serve as entry points.

          Keeping Rats Out of the Garden: Similar principles apply to keeping rats out of the garden, as explained by Dee Ward-Thompson:

          1. Seal Gaps: Check for small holes in fences, walls, and sheds to secure the garden's borders.

          2. Create Space for Predators: Pets like dogs, cats, and foxes act as deterrents to rats.

          3. Maintain Garden Cleanliness: Regularly mow the lawn, remove debris, and organize cluttered areas to eliminate hiding spots.

          4. Manage Compost: Ensure the compost heap is unappealing by avoiding food waste and keeping it moist.

          5. Stop Feeding Wildlife: Feeding birds and animals in the garden can attract rats, so do this cautiously.

          Scent to Repel Rats: Rats dislike the smell of peppermint. Placing peppermint oil on cotton wool balls in corners of your home can help keep them away.

          DIY Methods of Removal: For those looking for cost-effective DIY methods, some options include:

          1. Bait Stations: Use a bait station with non-harmful bait to trap rats for safe release.

          2. Traditional Rat Traps: Purchase traditional rat traps from local hardware stores.

          3. Natural Repellents: Place peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, pepper, and cloves around the home.

          When to Call an Exterminator: Dee advises seeking professional help if there's an established infestation, as amateur rat control can be ineffective and dangerous. Pest management professionals have access to specialized products and can manage poison-resistant rats.

          In conclusion, effectively dealing with rat infestations involves a combination of recognizing signs, preventive measures, DIY methods, and professional intervention when needed.

          How to get rid of rats in the home, according to the experts (2024)
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