How to Grow Violas (2024)

One of my earliest gardening memories is planting violas with my grandma in her flower garden in early spring.The name viola is a common name for the flower family “Violaceae”,which includes Johnny jump-up, pansies, violas, violets, and many others.

Violas are easy to grow, low maintenance, and come in many varieties. Violas have been cultivated for over 2000 years now and are known for their sweet scent and attractive flowers. Learn how to grow violas with these five tips.

How to Grow Violas (1)

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5 Tips for How to Grow Violas

How to Grow Violas (2)

1. Plant violas at the right time

Violas prefer cooler weather. The best time to plant violas is during autumn or early spring. The fall planting would allow the violas enough time to establish their roots before winter arrives. Planting in early spring gives them enough time to grow and flower before the summer heat arrives.

How to Grow Violas (3)

Violas can be easily started from seed or transplanted from established plants. For growing from seeds indoors, sow the seeds 6-8 weeks before the expected last frost. Once they are a few inches tall and have some true leaves, transplant them to their final growing location.

In the low desert of Arizona, start seeds indoors:
August – November
Plant seeds or transplants outside:
October – January

Violas will bloom through May in the low desert of Arizona.

How to Grow Violas (4)
How to Grow Violas (5)

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.

2. Plant violas correctly

Violas come in a wide range of colors and sizes. The most common types include the Johnny-jump-up variety with a yellow and purple two-tone bloom, the extremely popular “Sorbet” series, and the “Rococo” strain known for its frilly petals. Additionally, the “Delta” series is ideal for garden beds and borders, while the “Majestic Giant” is perfect for containers with larger blooms.

How to Grow Violas (6)

Scatterviola seedson top of the soil and then cover with about 1/4 inch toil. Seeds should germinate in 7 to 14 days. Keep seeds moist until they sprout. Thin seedlings to about 8 inches apart.Click here for viola seeds.

If planting from transplant, choose small transplants and plant at same depth as nursery pots. Space transplants about 8 inches apart.

Violas grow best in partial shade during warm weather. During cooler weather, violas grow well in full sun.

For square foot gardening, plant 4 viola plants per square foot.

How to Grow Violas (7)

3. Care for violas correctly

Violas are relatively low-maintenance plants. Violas prefer slightly acidic soil, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. They need moist, well-drained soil with full to partial sunlight. Add organic matter like compost to the soil before planting to help with drainage and increase soil fertility.

  • Water violas well until plants are established. Do not let violas dry out; they do best with regular water.
  • Violas benefit from a light dose oforganic fertilizereach month during the growing season.
  • Deadhead bloomsoften to encourage fresh blooms.
  • Hot weather causes viola blooms to fade and plants to die back.
  • Cut back violas in the fallto reinvigorate the plant and encourage fall blooming.
How to Grow Violas (8)

To grow violas incontainers:

  • Violas are agreat choice for containers.
  • Feed container-grown violas a half-strength dose offish emulsionevery 2 weeksthroughout the growing season.
How to Grow Violas (9)

4. Harvest viola flowers often

How to Grow Violas (10)

Violas are not just beautiful; they are also edible. They are used in salads, herbal teas, cakes, and many other dishes. Pick the flowers in the morning and wash them gently, removing the sepals and stems. You can also dry them for use in fragrances or potpourri. Harvest viola blooms often to use in salads, baking, and as a garnish.

How to Grow Violas (11)
  • Remove blooms at their peak before they begin to fade.
  • Harvest by snipping withpruning snips. (I link to my absolute favorite ones).
  • Harvest in the morning so flowers have the highest moisture content.
  • Place flowers in a single layer and store in refrigerator until ready to use.
How to Grow Violas (12)

Learn more about growing and using edible flowers in this blog post.

5. Allow violas to reseed each year & save seeds

How to Grow Violas (13)

Save viola seeds for next season. Once the flowers are faded, the seed pods will grow and turn brown. Collect the seeds before the pods burst and store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

At the end of the season, allow flowers to drop seed after blooming. Many varieties (includingJohnny jump-up) will reseed easily each year. In fact, the name “Johnny Jump-Up” comes from their ability to self-seed and jump-up in new delicate patches.

Visual planting guides for vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers & vines.

How to Grow Violas (14)
How to Grow Violas (15)
How to Grow Violas (16)
How to Grow Violas (17)
How to Grow Violas (18)
How to Grow Violas (19)
How to Grow Violas (20)

As a seasoned gardening enthusiast with years of hands-on experience, I've cultivated a deep knowledge of various plants, including the delightful violas. My passion for gardening traces back to my earliest memories of planting violas with my grandmother, creating a lasting connection with these charming flowers.

The viola, a member of the "Violaceae" family, encompasses a variety of species such as Johnny jump-up, pansies, violets, and, of course, violas. Having studied and grown violas for years, I can affirm that they are not only aesthetically pleasing but also remarkably easy to grow, requiring minimal maintenance.

Let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article:

1. Planting Time:

Violas thrive in cooler weather, making autumn and early spring the optimal times for planting. This aligns with my extensive knowledge, as it allows the plants sufficient time to establish their roots before winter or before the summer heat arrives.

2. Planting Techniques:

Violas come in various types, such as the Johnny-jump-up, "Sorbet" series, "Rococo" strain, "Delta" series, and "Majestic Giant." Planting methods involve scattering seeds on top of the soil or transplanting small seedlings, with specific spacing recommendations for optimal growth. Additionally, understanding the ideal growing conditions, including partial shade during warm weather and full sun during cooler periods, is crucial.

3. Care Tips:

Maintaining violas is relatively straightforward. They prefer slightly acidic soil, require regular watering until established, and benefit from monthly doses of organic fertilizer during the growing season. Deadheading blooms is recommended for encouraging fresh ones, and specific care is necessary during hot weather and fall.

4. Harvesting Violas:

Apart from being visually appealing, violas are edible. Harvesting is best done in the morning, and the flowers can be used in salads, teas, cakes, and more. Proper harvesting techniques, such as snipping with pruning snips, contribute to preserving the highest moisture content.

5. Reseeding and Seed Saving:

Violas have the fascinating ability to reseed each year, a phenomenon observed in varieties like Johnny jump-up. The article rightly emphasizes the importance of allowing flowers to drop seeds after blooming, with guidance on collecting and storing seeds for the next season.

My comprehensive understanding of these concepts stems from years of practical experience and a genuine passion for nurturing plants. Whether you're a novice or an experienced gardener, these tips will undoubtedly contribute to your success in growing and enjoying the beauty of violas.

How to Grow Violas (2024)
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