The Gift Of Violets (2024)

Posted by Ah Sam Florist on February 24, 2015|Last Updated: November 5, 2020 Flowers

Violets bring graceful, effortless elegance and charm in their understated approach and rich symbolism. While diminutive in size, some of violet’s meanings include humility and purity. While in a relationship, its message is faithfulness and new love. These symbolisms of the violet stem from its storied origins.

A Rich History and Present Day Significance

Violets have a rich history dating back to ancient times. Violets are prevalent throughout Greek mythology, showing up in stories about Artemis, Apollo, and many other Greek figures. Including celebrations in numerous ways. The ancient Romans were said to use the violet fragrance to make wine, and other cultures valued violet for its aphrodisiacs and love potions, perfumes.. Violets were said to be valuable in healing matters of the heart, both physical and in terms of love relationships.

Today in America, the violet is currently the state flower for Illinois, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. It is also no surprise to be the national flower of Greece. The violet’s significance includes the birth flower for February.

The Gift Of Violets (2)

Spring European Garden

The African Violet

A popular flowering plant and well-received violet species is the indoor African violet. With soft, velvet green leaves and delicate blooms in shades of purple to pink or white, African violets are a delightful gift. African violets are easy to care for and do well in low to moderate sunlight with minimal water. Consider a Violet Perk featuring shades of African violet blossoms in a dish garden or a Spring European Garden of blooming plants like hydrangea, kalanchoe, azalea and African violet send a beautiful expression. ContactAh Sam floristfor more creative gift ideas for spring from our garden room of urban gardens and terrariums to our fresh gift arrangements to inspire and celebrate life.

The Gift Of Violets (2024)
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