How to Make Foolproof Caramel (2024)

How to Make Foolproof Caramel (1)

By Lan Lam

Published March 14, 2018

Whether you've been burned by caramel in the past or have questions to sort out before making your first batch, we're here to help.
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How to Make Foolproof Caramel (3)

Get the RecipeHow to Make Foolproof Caramel

The process of caramelizing sugar, the first step in making myriad recipes from caramel sauce to caramel candy to gooey toppings and fillings, can be riddled with pitfalls. The two most common ones: The sugar can melt unevenly and burn, or it can seize up and turn grainy. Many recipes offer tweaks to prevent these mishaps, but there’s little agreement on what actually works. We’ve tested every possible variable to get a firm grip on what makes caramel succeed or fail, and created a technique that even novice cooks will feel confident about.

What You'll Learn:

  • What is caramel?
  • How do you make caramel?
  • What equipment do you need to make caramel?
  • What heat level should you use for cooking caramel?
  • How do you prevent caramel from turning grainy?
  • Should you stir caramel as it cooks?
  • How do you know when caramel is done?
  • How do you prevent caramel from burning?
  • Can caramel go bad?
  • What's the best way to clean the pan after making caramel?

What is caramel?

Caramel is nothing more than sugar that is heated until it melts, turns clear, and changes color. Granulated sugar is an odorless substance with a relatively straightforward taste, but when heated to the point at which its molecules break down, a cascade of chemical reactions occurs that transforms some of the sucrose into literally hundreds of different compounds. Some of these new compounds give the caramelized sugar rich brown color, while others contribute a slew of new complex flavors and aromas.

To make confections like caramel sauce or caramel candy, you add dairy ingredients like butter or cream to the caramelized sugar, and the complexity of flavors and aromas increases even more. The sugars participate with the proteins and amino acids in the dairy in Maillard browning reactions, which create hundreds of other new compounds.

How do you make caramel?

There are two common approaches to making caramel. With a so-called “dry” caramel, sugar is heated alone. We recommend a “wet” caramel, whereby water is added to the pan with the sugar. With a dry caramel, you run the risk that the sugar will melt unevenly and some will burn. Adding a little water helps the sugar distribute more evenly around the pan, so it will melt and caramelize evenly. We also add corn syrup to help prevent crystalization (more on that below).

What's the difference between caramel and dulce de leche?

Dulce de leche is a type of caramel sauce made by simmering milk and sugar or sweetened condensed milk until it thickens and browns. Though it resembles caramel sauce in appearance, it does not have caramel’s subtly bitter complexity. Its sweetness is mellow and milky.

How to Make Foolproof Caramel (4)
How to Make Foolproof Caramel (5)

Transforming sugar into caramel: The sugar is heated until it melts (left), turns clear (middle), and changes color (right). We make a so-called "wet caramel" by adding water to the pot with the sugar, which helps the sugar dissolve more evenly.

What equipment do you need to make caramel?

We’ve found that for the most foolproof results, an instant-read thermometer and a heavy-bottomed pot are essential.

Taking the caramel’s temperature with an instant-read thermometer, which we prefer to a candy thermometer for its speed and accuracy, is the only way to guarantee you get exactly the results you’re looking for. While many recipes recommend gauging the caramel’s doneness simply by color, we’ve found color can be misleading, since factors such as the depth of the pan and its finish can influence how light or dark the caramel looks. (Learn more here.) A heavy-bottomed pot is also critical, as lightweight cookware heats unevenly and creates hot spots where the sugar can burn.

How to Make Foolproof Caramel (7)

How do you check the caramel’s temperature?

1. To ensure an accurate reading, swirl the caramel to even out any hot spots.

2. Tilt the pan so that the caramel pools 1 to 2 inches deep.

3. Move the thermometer back and forth in the caramel for about 5 seconds before taking a reading.

What heat level should you use for cooking caramel?

Cooking caramel over low heat may seem like it's the safest bet, since over high heat, the sugar can go from just right to burnt in a flash. But using low heat makes the process tediously long, which is why we use two heat levels:

  • We first melt the sugar over medium-high heat.
  • We then reduce the heat to low when the caramel begins to turn straw-colored, which provides a wider window for nailing the exact temperature.

How do you prevent caramel from turning grainy?

There's nothing more disappointing than having your caramel turn out cloudy and grainy (or crystallized) instead of smooth and glossy. Here's why that can happen: The sucrose molecules in table sugar have a strong tendency to cling together in dense, orderly crystals. When they're dissolved in water, they can’t crystallize, but at the edges of the pan and at the surface of the syrup, water evaporates as the syrup cooks. This allows the sucrose to crystallize in those areas. These crystals can trigger further crystallization, for a caramel that’s grainy.

You can think of the identical sucrose molecules as bricks that can easily fit together to form a larger structure. The best way to prevent crystalization is to make sure that other shapes of sugar molecules—not only sucrose—are present. The effect is like mixing round rocks into a box full of rectangular bricks: The bricks can no longer fit together neatly.

How to Make Foolproof Caramel (8)

There are two common approaches to preventing crystallization:

  • Add an acidic ingredient such as lemon juice to the sugar. This causes some of the sucrose molecules to break down into different sugar molecules (fructose and glucose), which interfere with sucrose crystallization.
  • Our preferred method: Replace some of the sugar with corn syrup. Corn syrup is made up of water, glucose molecules and chains of glucose molecules, all of which dilute the sucrose molecules and help prevent crystal formation.

Should you brush down the sides of the pan or cover it when making caramel?

Brushing the walls of the pot with a wet pastry brush and covering the saucepan to create condensation are both meant to “rinse” away any sugar molecules that might be clinging to the sides and could cause crystalization, but with our updated method, no sugar should attach to the walls in the first place.

Should you stir caramel as it cooks?

Stirring caramel as it cooks isn’t necessary—and it can even be detrimental, as it can cause the sugar solution to splash onto the sides of the pan, where the water will evaporate quickly and the sugar can form back into crystals. If even one of those crystals drops into the syrup, it can trigger the formation of new crystals and turn the clear liquid grainy. Even though adding corn syrup (see above) can prevent such crystalization from occurring, it’s best not to disturb the melted sugar until it begins to color. At that point, most of the water has cooked out, so we don't have to worry about it evaporating off the sides and forming crystals, and we can swirl the pan occasionally to even out any hot spots.

How to Make Foolproof Caramel (9)

How do you know when caramel is done?

It depends on the type of flavor you want. When sugar first starts to caramelize (at around 340 degrees), it will taste mild and buttery and still very sweet. As the temperature continues to climb with more cooking, even more sugar molecules break down and the caramel will begin to taste markedly more complex and less sweet. Eventually more and more bitter, potent-tasting molecules will form that, if left unchecked, can make the caramel taste acrid and burnt.

  • For most recipes, we cook the sugar to between 360 and 375 degrees, which allows for plenty of rich complex flavors to be created with minimal bitterness.
  • In certain savory applications, bringing the caramel as high as 390 degrees may be desirable. For the sauce in our Vietnamese-Style Caramel Chicken with Broccoli, we found a higher temperature gave the caramel a bitter edge that was appealing in this dish.

How do you prevent caramel from burning?

Even if you nail the temperature of the caramel and immediately take it off the burner, the caramel will continue to cook—and can still burn. The key is to quickly stir in the liquid ingredient(s) or butter, which will rapidly absorb some of the heat and slow the cooking process. But get ready for the mixture to bubble vigorously.

How to Make Foolproof Caramel (10)

It Will Bubble, but Don’t Worry!

Prepare yourself for some drama—a puff of steam and some vigorous bubbling—when you add the liquid to the caramelized sugar. It can look impressive, but it’s merely a visual cue that the liquid is absorbing a lot of the heat from the caramel and essentially arresting the cooking process, which prevents the caramel from burning. There is nothing to fear: Once you stir the caramel, the theatrics will quickly die down.

Can caramel go bad?

Over time, butter or cream added to a caramel can go rancid and impact its taste. For the best quality, we recommend storing our All-Purpose Caramel Sauce in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

What's the best way to clean the pan after making caramel?

  • The fastest way: Fill the pan about ⅓ full of water and bring it to a simmer over medium heat, stirring frequently. Do not use high heat: Caramel at the bottom of the pan will heat quickly, and any water in contact with that bottom layer will turn to steam and splatter as it escapes.
  • The easiest way: Fill the pan with water and let it soak overnight. Wipe away sticky bits with a soapy sponge.

More from Cook's Illustrated

  • Recipe

    Chocolate-Caramel Layer Cake
  • Recipe

    Spicy Caramel Popcorn
  • Recipe

    Caramel-Braised Shallots with Black Pepper
  • Recipe

    All-Purpose Caramel Sauce
How to Make Foolproof Caramel (2024)


Why has my caramel not set? ›

If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn't get high enough. Again place the caramel back into a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water and heat to 244°F. If you don't have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test.

Why does my caramel keeps crystallizing? ›

A "wet" caramel uses water and sugar; it cooks more slowly, but is prone to crystallising. Sometimes, as syrup boils, sugar starts to form back into crystals, which turn hard and cloudy. Crystallisation can be caused by stirring, or a grain of something other than sugar getting into the pan, or often just bad luck.

Why is making caramel so difficult? ›

You make caramel by melting sugar, and thin pots heat unevenly. This can cause portions of the sugar to burn before the rest of it has melted. Instead, choose a sturdy, heavy-bottomed metal pot (like stainless steel) with tall sides.

How do you make caramel more firm? ›

To thicken a caramel sauce, use one tablespoon of cornstarch or tapioca starch (sometimes known as tapioca flour) and one tablespoon of water per cup of caramel. Then simmer the caramel, stirring it constantly with a wooden spoon until it becomes thick.

What happens if caramel isn't thickening? ›

Add tapioca to the caramel sauce.

Simply add small amount to your sauce to thicken it. Start with about 1 tsp (5 mL) and whisk it into the sauce until fully dissolved. If the sauce still isn't thick enough, add another tsp of tapioca flour.

What are 3 key ingredients that are added to caramels to prevent it from crystallizing? ›

Adding an acid like lemon juice is another way to prevent sucrose from crystallizing. The cream and butter also act as “interfering agents” as the milk proteins in both help to prevent crystal formation. Ingredients such as vanilla, flavorings, salt, and nuts (or baking soda for caramel corn) are all added at the end.

Should you stir sugar when making caramel? ›

The easiest way to prevent crystallization is to avoid stirring the caramel. Instead, swirl the pan gently to help the sugar melt evenly. If any sugars do splash up onto the sides of the pan, use a wet pastry brush to remove them.

Can you rescue Crystallised caramel? ›

Sorry for the bad news, because there is no coming back from crystallized caramel. Just clean your pan and start over. It can't be used or saved. So.

Why do you put vinegar in caramel? ›

To make a perfect easy caramel every-time, simply add one or two drops of vinegar and just enough water to wet the sugar. The idea is to lower the PH. you can also use a small pinch of citric acid or cream of tartar if you have.

How do you make caramel not grainy? ›

Graininess occurs when the sugar in caramel sauce hasn't completely dissolved before adding in butter and heavy cream or if the caramel is cooled too quickly. Luckily, you can bring grainy caramel sauce back to a smooth, creamy consistency with an easy fix. Simply reheat it on the stovetop and add more liquid.

Why do you need baking soda for caramel? ›

Why add baking soda to caramel? The purpose of baking soda in the caramel is to react with the acid. It helps to soften the caramel for pour-over desserts and/or to use as an additive.

What are the two methods for making caramel? ›

First up, there are two different ways to make caramel. A wet caramel is where the sugar is melted with water then cooked until it caramelizes. And a dry caramel, where the sugar is cooked by itself until it liquefies, then caramelizes. A dry caramel works because sugar is mostly water and heating it will liquefy it.

What happens if you cook caramel too long? ›

If you're not careful, the sugar can burn and take on a bitter, unpleasant taste. If you're nervous, another good thing to have on hand is a candy thermometer. You're looking for a temperature of 340 degrees. Once your sugar syrup hits that mark, you're safe to add the cream and butter, or cool it off however you like.

What temperature should caramels be cooked to? ›

Let the caramel come to a boil without stirring. It will start off as a soft buttery yellow and eventually darken to reddish-brown caramel. Remove from the heat when the caramel reaches 245°F to 250°F.

Can you put caramel in the fridge to set? ›

Refrigerate until cooled and hardened. (Best if you refrigerate them overnight, or for several hours. They will be easier to cut and wrap). The caramel will seem hard in the fridge after they're set, but they should be soft at room temperature.

How long does it take for caramel to harden? ›

How long does it take caramel to set? Give your caramel at least two hours to set, or overnight if possible. You can also pop caramel into the fridge to help it set up faster. The caramel will sweat a little when brought out of the fridge, but will still taste fine.

Why isn't my caramel turning into caramel? ›

So why did my caramel not turn brown? The main reason was not enough heat when melting the sugar. You want to heat up until you see big bubbles and at this point, your sugar will start turning brown.

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