Tips for Making Caramels (2024)

‘Tis the season to make all things sweet – cookies, cakes, and candies. Yes, even candies – those “sometimes tricky” treats that make the holiday so special.

Aunt Emily’s Caramels is one of our most searched, saved and pinned recipes. It has a 5-star rating for a good reason; it makes, classic, buttery caramels you will want year after year. Caramel recipes are -relatively straightforward. They typically have a short set of ingredients and directions. That said, attention to detail makes the difference between soft, chewy caramels that almost melt in your mouth and something that will require an emergency trip to the dentist.

Tips for Making Caramels (1)

Temperature is the key in candy making. The most reliable way to know the temperature of the sugar syrup in the pan is with a candy thermometer. A candy thermometer can be purchased at most big box stores, groceries stores or kitchen supply shops. It is important to check your thermometer occasionally to make sure it is accurate. The easiest way to do this is to place the thermometer in boiling water. If it registers 212°F or 100°C, you are good to go. If not, it is time to replace it.

If caramels are too hard, you can try placing them back in a saucepan, adding a couple tablespoons of water and stirring until the thermometer reads 242°F. Pour back into a prepared buttered pan.

If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn’t get high enough. Again place the caramel back into a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water and heat to 244°F.

If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test. Details on how to use this method can be found here.

Tips for Making Caramels (2)

Occasionally, caramels might end up with a grainy texture. This is usually caused by sugar crystals stuck to the side of the pan that didn’t get fully dissolved. It only takes one to set off a chain reaction, and before you know it you have crunchy caramel - The easiest way to prevent this from happening is to brush down the sides of the pan with a little water once the mixture comes to a boil. This will wash any stray sugar crystals back down into the hot mixture and prevent them from interfering with cooling later.

If you have additional candy making questions, you can check out this link for more information. Armed with a little extra know-how, you can confidently make homemade caramels a new family holiday tradition.

Tips for Making Caramels (2024)


What are 3 key ingredients that are added to caramels to prevent it from crystallizing? ›

Adding an acid like lemon juice is another way to prevent sucrose from crystallizing. The cream and butter also act as “interfering agents” as the milk proteins in both help to prevent crystal formation. Ingredients such as vanilla, flavorings, salt, and nuts (or baking soda for caramel corn) are all added at the end.

Why are my homemade caramels too hard? ›

Just keep the flame low to keep it from going too far. If the temperature gets too hot and the caramel becomes too hard as it cools, you can put it back in the pan with a couple of tablespoons of cold water to try and save it.

Why do you not stir sugar when making caramel? ›

Should you stir caramel as it cooks? Stirring caramel as it cooks isn't necessary—and it can even be detrimental, as it can cause the sugar solution to splash onto the sides of the pan, where the water will evaporate quickly and the sugar can form back into crystals.

Why do you add baking soda when making caramel? ›

The purpose of baking soda in the caramel is to react with the acid (the brown sugar and corn syrup), which creates tiny carbon dioxide air bubbles. Hence, the foaming you see in the photo above. Once the caramel has cooled on your popcorn, the air bubbles inside the caramel create a softer texture.

Do you Stir sugar and water when making caramel? ›

The process of making wet caramelized sugar is very simple. Sugar is combined with water and heated. The mixture should be stirred together until the sugar is completely saturated and beginning to dissolve. Once the sugar/water mixture comes to a boil it is then left alone to cook, without stirring it.

What does adding butter to caramel do? ›

Once the sugar has all dissolved and turned brown, we add butter. The heat of the caramel will melt the butter and create even more wonderful flavors. Finally, after the butter has melted, we add heavy whipping cream. This will allow the mixture to be loose enough to be used as a sauce.

What are the two methods for making caramel? ›

There are two basicmethods of making caramel – dry and wet – each have pros and cons. Dry caramel is simply sugar, melted and cooked to a deep gold colour. It's quick to make, but easy to burn. A "wet" caramel uses water and sugar; it cooks more slowly, but is prone to crystallising.

What is the perfect temperature for caramel? ›

Heat the caramel to 245°F to 250°F.

Let the caramel come to a boil without stirring. It will start off as a soft buttery yellow and eventually darken to reddish-brown caramel. Remove from the heat when the caramel reaches 245°F to 250°F.

What makes caramel softer? ›

If caramels are too hard, you can try placing them back in a saucepan, adding a couple tablespoons of water and stirring until the thermometer reads 242°F. Pour back into a prepared buttered pan.

How do you keep caramels soft? ›

To really keep your caramels cool, dry and away from light, they can be stored in the freezer. Be sure the caramel candies are wrapped, and keep them stored in a plastic storage container or a plastic freezer bag. Write a date on the storage bag or container, and keep your caramels in the freezer for up to one year.

How do you keep homemade caramels from crystallizing? ›

The easiest way to prevent crystallization is to avoid stirring the caramel. Instead, swirl the pan gently to help the sugar melt evenly. If any sugars do splash up onto the sides of the pan, use a wet pastry brush to remove them.

Should caramel be made with white or brown sugar? ›

Caramel is created using white granulated sugar, whereas butterscotch is made with brown sugar. Butterscotch is cooked to a lower temperature of 289 degrees Fahrenheit, compared to caramel's 340 degrees.

Why do you have to be careful when making caramel? ›

The high temperatures in your pan can cause the mixture to sputter and splatter with savage ferocity. So you need to take precautions and remain extra vigilant during the caramel cooking process. For starters, this means turning off your TV and putting your mobile phone away! Use a deep vertical pan for making caramel.

How do I stop caramel from ruining? ›

To avoid burning the caramel, it's just a matter of being vigilant. The melted sugar should be cooked until it's a deep amber colour — it's done when it starts to smoke and begins to foam just a little bit. At this point, it should be removed from the heat immediately to stop the sugar from darkening any further.

What enhances caramel flavor? ›

Ginger has a sharp tang to it, but when you pair it with velvety caramel, it smooths everything out, making it cohesive and irresistible in whatever you may be making.

When making caramel should it boil? ›

Step 3: Caramelize the Sugar Syrup

So just leave it alone while it comes to a boil and begins to bronze. Some recipes may call for you to “baste” the sides of your pan with a pastry brush dipped in water to prevent crystals from forming along the perimeter of your pot.

What is the ratio of sugar to water for caramel? ›

The main ingredient for making a caramel is sugar. A liquid caramel can be made using any quantity of sugar or water just as long as it follows the ratio of 2 parts sugar: 1 part water.

What do you add to caramel when melting? ›

Place the unwrapped caramels into a medium-sized saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of water. Cook the caramels over medium-low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Why does my caramel keeps crystallizing? ›

The usual cause of crystallisation in caramel is impurities in the sugar or, more commonly, less-than-clean pans, so make sure your equipment is clean. Caramel can be made from superfine, fine or granulated sugar.

Why do you put vinegar in caramel? ›

1 ½ tablespoons citrus juice or vinegar. 1 ½ cups warm cream. So much salt, to taste (when cool!). This wee amount of acid prevents any crystallization—from subtle graininess to total disasters.

What does caramel not stick to? ›

If you plan to place the caramels in a bowl, roll them in powdered sugar or cocoa powder as you would do with a chocolate truffle. The powder coats each piece of caramel and prevents it from sticking to the others.

What are the three most important elements to remember when caramelizing? ›

The three most important elements to remember about caramelizing: Use a heavy, preferably light-colored pan. Once the sugar dissolves into the water, do not stir. Remove pan from heat immediately after caramel reaches the desired color.

Do you use condensed milk or evaporated milk for caramel? ›

Evaporated Milk: this is what makes a soft caramel candy instead of a hard one. Make sure you use evaporated milk and not sweetened condensed milk for this recipe.

Why is my homemade caramel not thickening? ›

Too short of a cooling time: Caramel sauce thickens significantly as it cools, so let the caramel cool for the appropriate time to achieve the right thickness. If the sauce is still too thin after cooling completely, place it back on the stovetop and reheat it on low heat for a few additional minutes.

Do you cook caramel on high heat? ›

To achieve caramelization—and flavor—we first have to cook the sugar to a temperature of at least 320°F (160°C). This is best accomplished by cooking the sugar in a pot over medium to medium-high heat and adding either some corn or glucose syrup to your sugar or adding up to 20% of the weight of the sugar in water.

Can I wrap caramels in parchment paper? ›

Most caramels will need a little time at room temperature in order to cut more easily. Cut in squares and wrap in waxed paper or parchment paper. Wrapped caramels can also be frozen.

Does cooking caramel longer make it thicker? ›

Keep in mind that when your caramel sauce cools, it will naturally thicken anyway. However, if it's really thin when hot, let it simmer for about 10 minutes in the pan while stirring it constantly. This will evaporate some of the water and make the sauce thicker.

Why does my homemade caramel taste bitter? ›

You should avoid stirring caramelising sugar because you run the risk of flicking bits of it onto the side of the pan. These isolated bits cook faster and thus burn, then drop into the rest of the sugar. Result: bitter caramel. Stirring also promotes crystallisation, which is not what you want for a smooth sauce.

How do you keep caramel soft after melting? ›

Melt the caramels over low heat, stirring frequently to combine the caramels with the milk and butter. Adding milk and butter to the caramels is what helps to keep the caramel soft after the turtles are finished.

Do you wrap caramels in wax or parchment paper? ›

Use a sharp knife to cut the caramels into your desired size. Wrap the individual caramels in waxed paper.

What's the best way to cut homemade caramels? ›

Spray a knife with cooking spray, and it'll cut right through the caramels. Or, do my favorite trick– cut the caramels into strips with a knife, then use a pair of new, clean kitchen scissors to snip them into bite-sized pieces before wrapping.

Why are my homemade caramels sticky? ›

Increasing reducing sugars will add to the flavor and color of caramel – but too much can cause excessive stickiness. Check the pH of premix, water and other ingredients, including scrap, to identify excessive inversion as the problem. Caramel premix should have a neutral pH (6.8-7.0).

Does honey prevent crystallization in caramel? ›

There are 2 important methods to ensure your caramel sauce doesn't crystallize when you don't want it to: Add an invert sugar like corn syrup or honey: The most common precaution to prevent crystallization in recipes for caramel sauces is to add an invert sugar to your recipe, like corn syrup or honey.

Why is butter separating from caramel? ›

If the heat is too high, but butter might melt too quickly and can separate from the sugar. Toffee and caramel can also separate if the recipe calls for constant stirring and the candy isn't stirred often enough.

How long is homemade caramel good for? ›

Refrigerate for up to 1 month. The caramel solidifies as it cools, but you can reheat in the microwave or on the stove so it's liquid again. You can freeze the salted caramel, too. Freeze in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

Can you use raw sugar instead of brown sugar for caramel? ›

Sugar Note: Most chefs say that only granulated sugar can be successfully caramelized; other sugars — such as brown sugar and unrefined sugar such as cane sugar — contain impurities that can inhibit caramelization. It's those impurities that can burn before the sugar has time to caramelize.

What is difference between caramel and butterscotch? ›

This is a common question since both are cooked sugar concoctions. But the main difference is caramel is made with granulated sugar while butterscotch is made with brown sugar. At its simplest, caramel is sugar that's heated and melted until it's brown but not burned.

Do you stir when making caramel? ›

Should you stir caramel as it cooks? Stirring caramel as it cooks isn't necessary—and it can even be detrimental, as it can cause the sugar solution to splash onto the sides of the pan, where the water will evaporate quickly and the sugar can form back into crystals.

What happens if you boil caramel too long? ›

Overheating the mixture

Be very careful as you heat your caramel. Follow the recipe carefully, and never melt your caramel on your stove's highest setting—it will cause the caramel to scorch and taste burnt. Once it gets a burnt or bitter flavor, it can't be saved.

How do you stabilize caramel? ›

Another solution: Add some corn syrup. If you're trying to stabilize your candy, especially a big batch, corn syrup (basically liquid sugar derived from corn) can be a lifesaver. It won't completely get rid of the grainy-caramel issue, but the chemical structure of the corn syrup can help block recrystallization.

What is the ratio of sugar to water in making caramel? ›

The main ingredient for making a caramel is sugar. A liquid caramel can be made using any quantity of sugar or water just as long as it follows the ratio of 2 parts sugar: 1 part water.

Do you caramelize on high or low heat? ›

Start off with high heat to kick the caramelization process off and then turn heat to low. Once cooking you'll continue the process low and slow. Add oil/butter to pan and once hot add food. Sprinkle food with a pinch of salt to help speed up the process and release the sugars.

Which sugar caramelizes best? ›

Plain old white sugar is the best choice for crème brûlée

As the outlet explains, white sugar's small crystals easily melt under the heat of a blowtorch, meaning they'll caramelize quickly and leave the custard underneath nice and cool.

Can you use white sugar instead of brown sugar to caramelize? ›

We're going to find out! You can easily turn sweet, white sugar, into a brown, almost bitter, product: caramel. All you need is heat. Once the sugar is hot enough, it will turn brown and change flavor.

How do you get caramel to harden? ›

If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn't get high enough. Again place the caramel back into a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water and heat to 244°F. If you don't have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test.

How do I know when caramel is ready? ›

To avoid burning the caramel, it's just a matter of being vigilant. The melted sugar should be cooked until it's a deep amber colour — it's done when it starts to smoke and begins to foam just a little bit. At this point, it should be removed from the heat immediately to stop the sugar from darkening any further.

How long does it take to caramelize 2 cups of sugar? ›

The mixture will start to bubble and thicken as the caramelization process begins, and it will turn from clear to golden brown to dark brown. This process will take a total time of 6 to 8 minutes. Once the mixture takes on a dark amber color, it has become caramel.

Is caramel just melted sugar? ›

Caramel is, simply, burned sugar. We want to let it melt, darken to an amber color and take on a deep and bittersweet flavor. The best, most flavorful caramel starts with this step. You can caramelize sugar two ways— with the dry method or wet method.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.