How to Measure for Curtains (2024)

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How to Measure for Curtains (2024)


How to Measure for Curtains? ›

First, measure the width of the window or bank of windows from the outside of the trim pieces. Write down the width measurement. Next, plan for the curtain rod to extend past the window frame by 8 to 10 inches on each side. Choose a rod length that is the window width plus 16 to 20 inches.

How do you measure what size curtains you need? ›

As a general rule, the width of your curtains should be at least twice the width of your window (if not more) to achieve a look of fullness. So, if your window is 116cms (45.5 inches) in width, you need two curtains of at least 232cms (91 inches) in width in total. You should always round up to the next full number.

What is the formula for measuring curtains? ›

For most curtains, two times the raw width of the window will be the perfect calculation. However, if you are using a very sheer fabric, you may want to multiply the window width by three. And, heavy fabrics may only require 1½ times the width of the window.

How much wider should curtains be than the window? ›

Grommet style or Rod-pocket style: To ensure that curtain panels look ample when closed, they should have a combined width that is 2 to 2.5 times the width of the window/rod. The total drapery width should be at least 2 times the window/rod widths.

What size curtains do I need for a 72 inch wide window? ›

For a 72 inch window, you need curtains with a finished width at least 1.5 times that, but better are those with twice that width and even three times the width for sheers. Therefore, for a 72 inch window, you need two panels of 72 inches each for twice the width and a luxurious gather.

What size curtains do I need for a 36 inch window? ›

Therefore by default, most customers order panels that are 1.5 times the width of their curtain rod/pole. For example, for a curtain pole/window that is 36 inches wide, two panels of 27 inches *each* would give a less than average fullness yet a nice clean look for this style.

How much should curtains overlap a window? ›

Measure the window you wish to cover. Add 4 to 5 inches of overlap on each side or a total of 8 to 10 inches to the overall window width. All of our drapery panels come with fullness built in, so just order the size measured plus the overlap.

How much extra do you need to measure for curtains? ›

The average stacking for any curtain we make is always 30% of the total width. With this in mind, we recommend adding at least 150mm and up to 300mm to the width measurement on each side of the frame.

What is the proper length for curtains? ›

If you are interested in stationary panels, you will want your curtains to be long enough to lightly brush the floor, but not so long that they bunch up in a pile. A good rule of thumb is for your curtains to break anywhere from a ¼” to ½” from the floor, similar to a break in pant legs on your shoe.

What is the rule for curtain width? ›

A common rule for displaying curtains properly says the curtains finished width should be at least 2 times the width of your window (if not more) to achieve a look of proper fullness. Example: If your window measures 36" wide (window width x 2 = 72"), you need curtains that will give a minimum width of 72".

How far should curtains extend beyond window? ›

Instructions for Hanging Curtains:

Your rod should be about 8 to 12 inches wider than your window, so make a mark about 4 to 6 inches beyond the window frame on each side.

How wide should curtains be for a 48 inch window? ›

- The total width should be no less than 1.5 the width of your window. For example: If your window measures 48", add 12" to equal 60". If you want to have two panels, divide this amount by two which will equal 30", meaning the curtain size for each panel should have a minimum width of 30".

How wide should curtains be for a 77 inch window? ›

Generally, The curtain width is always 2, 2.5, or 3 times the window's width.

How do I measure what curtain size I need? ›

Start the measurement from the bottom of the eye (the small metal ring at the bottom of each curtain ring) to where the curtain should drop to. Start the measurement from the top of the track to where the curtain should drop to. 3) To floor – Measure to 1” (3cm) above the floor to allow for ease of cleaning the floor.

How many inches should be on either side of a window for curtains? ›

If the drapery fabric is unusually bulky, you may need to add an extra inch or two. Heavier fabrics and wider windows require more of a stack-back than lighter-weight fabrics on narrow windows. A good rule of thumb is to have the curtain rod extend three to four inches from each side of the window frame.

What size curtains do I need for a 7ft window? ›

Generally, The curtain width is always 2, 2.5, or 3 times the window's width.

How do you figure out how many yards of curtains you need? ›

For Standard Width Panels: Finished length of curtains + 16 inches divided by 36 = number of yards required.

Should curtains touch the floor? ›

When installing the curtain, you want the fabric to just lightly touch the floor or hover 1/2 inch above. This way, they look more stylish, give the room height and make the space seem more luxurious.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.