How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (2024)

Crash and burn, Mav

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (2)

Aviator sunglasses are one of the most iconic sunglass styles for men. Made famous by Ray Ban, the Aviator silhouette is one that has been imitated by countless other brands. However, there is a knack to wearing them, and not all men possess the gift of being able to do it effectively.

When you buy a pair of Aviator sunglasses, you’re doing so to look like Tom Cruise inTop Gun.But, buy the wrong pair or team them with the wrong outfit, and you can end up looking like a washed up man attempting to cling to his youth.

So, how do you wear and style Aviator sunglasses? Allow us to explain all.

In This Story…

  • Mirrored Like Gentlemanly Maverick
  • Smaller… Like Scott Schuman
  • Like A Russian Mobster
  • With Your Best Suit
  • Like An Artistic Hipster

Mirrored Like Gentlemanly Maverick

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (3)

Choose a pair of aviators with mirrored lenses for an extra dose of badassery in an already badass look. Something about those impenetrable reflective surfaces says “Don’t mess with me, pal – I can kick ass, take names, and do it all without putting a single wrinkle in my impeccable designer suit.”

Smaller… Like Scott Schuman

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (4)

Aviator sunglasses are a strong look on their own, so you can get away with keeping the rest of your style simple. Take a cue from Scott Schuman, American blogger, fashion photographer, and founder of The Sartorialist. Go for a basic tee and simple trousers, and let the aviators speak for themselves.

Like A Russian Mobster

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (5)

There are plenty of reasons not to mess with Russian mobsters, just one of which is their handle on the style game. The fur lining of this fine gentleman’s jacket is almost reminiscent of the classic pilot’s jacket, making it a perfect complement to his fighter pilot-inspired eyewear. Together they make a major statement.

With Your Best Suit

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (6)

The classic style of a pair of aviators means you can wear them with just about everything, from your worn-in denim to your favourite suit. Some might call this a risk, but when your suit looks as good as this chap’s does, we say throw caution to the wind and don the sportier shades.

Like An Artistic Hipster

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (7)

If we wrote a guide on how to be a modern day hipster, we’d have to include this look. Incorporating retro styles into your contemporary wardrobe is a huge part of mastering the hipster aesthetic (bonus points to this guy for also working in a bowtie and that sweater). Just please stop pretending you were wearing aviators before they were cool. We know it’s a lie.

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How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (8) 1/6

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (9) 2/6

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How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (13) 6/6

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of men's fashion, particularly in the realm of eyewear. Over the years, I've closely followed trends, analyzed style icons, and delved into the nuances of various fashion statements. My expertise extends beyond mere observation; I've experimented with different looks and have a keen eye for the intricate details that elevate a man's fashion game.

Now, let's dive into the article on Aviator sunglasses and men's fashion advice. Aviator sunglasses have earned their place as one of the most iconic styles for men, catapulted to fame by the renowned brand Ray Ban. As the article suggests, the Aviator silhouette has been imitated by countless other brands, emphasizing its enduring popularity.

The key takeaway from the article is the importance of wearing Aviator sunglasses with finesse, as not all men can effectively pull off this classic look. The article breaks down the styling tips into different concepts:

  1. Mirrored Like Gentlemanly Maverick:

    • Opt for Aviators with mirrored lenses to add an extra dose of "badassery" to your look.
    • The reflective surfaces exude confidence, suggesting a person who can handle challenges effortlessly, even in an impeccable designer suit.
  2. Smaller… Like Scott Schuman:

    • Embrace the strength of Aviator sunglasses by keeping the rest of your style simple.
    • Follow the example of Scott Schuman, a fashion photographer, by pairing Aviators with a basic tee and simple trousers, allowing the sunglasses to be the focal point.
  3. Like A Russian Mobster:

    • Draw inspiration from the style of Russian mobsters, who are known for their impeccable fashion sense.
    • Pair Aviators with a jacket featuring fur lining, reminiscent of classic pilot jackets, creating a bold and statement-making look.
  4. With Your Best Suit:

    • Aviators' classic style allows them to complement a wide range of outfits, from worn-in denim to a well-tailored suit.
    • Embrace the versatility of Aviators and wear them confidently, especially when paired with a sharp suit that makes a bold statement.
  5. Like An Artistic Hipster:

    • Incorporate retro styles into your contemporary wardrobe for a modern-day hipster aesthetic.
    • The article playfully notes the importance of not pretending to have worn Aviators before they became cool, acknowledging the timeless appeal of this eyewear.

In essence, the article emphasizes that wearing Aviator sunglasses goes beyond a mere fashion choice; it's about exuding confidence, embracing versatility, and incorporating this iconic style into various fashion expressions.

How To Rock Aviator Sunglasses & Look Like a Real Top Gun (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.