Size guide | Visiofactory (2024)



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SUNGLASSES / All sunglasses

SUNGLASSES / Sunglasses adapted to your view

SUNGLASSES / New collections

SUNGLASSES / Collector

SUNGLASSES / Special offers








EYEGLASSES / All eyeglasses

EYEGLASSES / New collections

EYEGLASSES / Special offers

EYEGLASSES / Glasses less than 100€

EYEGLASSES / Glasses less than 30€

EYEGLASSES / Order my lenses

EYEGLASSES / Keys steps to create optical equipment

WOMEN / Women's sunglasses

WOMEN / Women's eyeglasses

MEN / Men's sunglasses

MEN / Men's eyeglasses

CHILDREN / Children's sunglasses

CHILDREN / Children's eyeglasses

Need help? / Size guide

Need help? / Keys steps to create optical equipment

Need help? / Shopping guides

Need help? / To contact customer service

Need help? / FAQ

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          As an optical expert with in-depth knowledge of the eyewear industry, I can confidently provide insights into the concepts and terms used in the provided article.

          1. Prescription Lenses: This term refers to eyeglass lenses that are customized to address specific vision issues, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. Prescription lenses are crafted based on an individual's eye prescription provided by an optometrist.

          2. Sunglasses: Eyewear designed to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays and bright sunlight. Sunglasses come in various styles, shapes, and brands to cater to different preferences and fashion trends.

          3. Eyeglasses: Optical devices worn on the face to correct or enhance vision. They consist of frames and lenses, with the lenses customized based on the wearer's prescription.

          4. Women's, Men's, and Children's Eyewear: Different categories of eyeglasses and sunglasses designed to cater to the specific preferences and needs of women, men, and children.

          5. Ray-Ban: A well-known brand in the eyewear industry, offering a wide range of sunglasses and eyeglasses. Ray-Ban is recognized for its iconic styles such as Wayfarer and Aviator.

          6. Persol: Another reputable eyewear brand known for its high-quality craftsmanship and stylish designs. Persol eyewear often features unique details and advanced technology.

          7. Celine, Dior, Chanel, Gucci: Luxury fashion brands that extend their influence to the eyewear market, producing high-end and fashionable sunglasses and eyeglasses.

          8. Special Offers and New Collections: Common marketing strategies in the eyewear industry where brands introduce new styles or provide discounts to attract customers.

          9. Size Guide: A guide that helps customers choose the right frame size for their face, ensuring comfort and proper fit.

          10. Optical Equipment: Refers to the various tools and devices used in the eyewear industry, including lens crafting equipment, frame adjusting tools, and more.

          11. Shopping Guides and FAQ: Resources provided to assist customers in making informed decisions about their eyewear purchases. Shopping guides offer advice on choosing the right eyewear based on face shape, style, and other factors, while FAQs address common queries.

          12. Currency and Language Options: Features on the website allowing customers to select their preferred currency and language for a personalized shopping experience.

          In summary, the provided article covers a range of eyewear-related topics, from different types of eyeglasses and sunglasses to well-known brands, shopping guides, and customer support features. This comprehensive approach caters to a diverse audience with varying preferences and needs in the eyewear market.

          Size guide | Visiofactory (2024)
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          Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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          Name: Maia Crooks Jr

          Birthday: 1997-09-21

          Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

          Phone: +2983088926881

          Job: Principal Design Liaison

          Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

          Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.