How to Use Mineral Spirits (2024)

Back when I first started woodworking, I really struggled working with stain. I often finished projects with my hands covered in the stuff, and had no idea how to get it off. Then one day, I discovered mineral spirits.

It was a total game changer. Instead of going to work after finishing a project with my hands covered in brown blobs, I actually looked like a professional human being. It was magic.

I soon learned many other handy uses for mineral spirits, and they’ve become a staple in house. If you’re not using them yet, let me bring you to the light!

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What Are Mineral Spirits?

Water is often called the “universal solvent,” because it dissolves just about everything. Except oils. And that’s where mineral spirits come in.

Mineral spirits are a solvent that dissolves oil. Oil-based wood stains and finishes, sticky sap outside, adhesive left from stickers; all of these are things that can be dissolved with mineral spirits.

As a result, I categorize mineral spirit uses into two categories: woodworking, and general purpose cleaning.

When working with wood, mineral spirits can be used to clean stain and finishes off brushes, clean the wood before finishing, temporarily changing the color of the wood to highlight flaws, and thinning stain or finish for other purposes.

For general purpose cleaning, on the other hand, mineral spirits can be used to break down sap and sticky adhesives. It can also be used as a degreaser, primarily in the auto industry. I don’t know if it’d be my first choice in the kitchen.

Back in the day, mineral spirits also used to be a solvent used in dry cleaning, although that’s no longer the case. Better (less flammable, less smelly) solvents have been developed, and mineral spirits fell out of favor for this purpose.

Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that mineral spirits are also called “stoddard solvent.” If you’re browsing the ingredient list of a finishing product and see “stoddard solvent,” know that that’s actually just mineral spirits.

How to Clean Paintbrushes With Mineral Spirits

First off, I want to clarify that you shouldn’t use mineral spirits every single time you use a paintbrush. Latex and acrylic paints should be cleaned up with water.

Mineral spirits should only be used if you’re working with an oil-based product, like traditional wood stain, or oil-based polyurethane.

If you’re not sure if you should be using mineral spirits, read the can of your product. Most finishing products indicate if they should be cleaned up with water, mineral spirits, or in the case of shellac, denatured alcohol.

Step 1: Pour Mineral Spirits into Container

Pour the mineral spirits into a container that’s large enough to hold your paintbrush all the way up to the bristles. I typically save disposable Tupperware containers (like the kind that spreadable butter comes in) for this purpose.

You don’t need to completely fill the container, but the paintbrush should be able to be submerged past where it’s saturated with product.

Step 2: Submerge Your Paintbrush

Submerge your paintbrush in the mineral spirits, and swirl it around to allow the mineral spirits to get in between the bristles of the brush.

I typically do this for a minute or so, pushing the brush up against the side of the container to help push the spirits between the bristles.

Step 3: Comb the Bristles

Remove the paintbrush from the mineral spirits, and set it on a rag. Comb through the bristles, preferably with a paintbrush comb, but if you don’t have one of those, many other comb-like things will work.

I… usually use a cat brush. This one:

How to Use Mineral Spirits (1)

Obviously a paintbrush comb is better, but this gets the job done. If you don’t have anything similar, a fork is a not-great but doable last-resort option. If you go that route, do wash the fork before you eat off it again.

As you comb, mineral spirt/product mixture will leave the bristles and sink into the rag. Awesome!

Step 4: Dip Your Brush Back In the Mineral Spirits, and Repeat

Resubmerge your brush back in the mineral spirits, mix it around, and comb it out as many times as you deem necessary to get the brush clean.

Step 5: Wash the Brush with Soap and Water

Finally, wash your paint brush with soap and water. I like to use dish soap at this point, because it breaks down the remaining mineral spirits, and doesn’t feel quite as oily.

The soap and water should rinse out any remaining mineral spirits or product. Then you can lay out your brush to dry.

Note that you shouldn’t pour the used mineral spirits down the drain; they can contaminate the groundwater.

Instead, brush them out (you can use a rag, not the paintbrush you just cleaned!) on scrap wood or newspapers to dry. Dried mineral spirits can be tossed in the trash.

Diluting Stain With Mineral Spirits

I actually have a whole post dedicated to diluting wood stain over here, but I’ll give you the quick version now if you’re not up to reading a dedicated post on it.

Traditional oil-based wood stain can be thinned with mineral spirits, which will result in a lighter color since the stain is diluted.

Water-based stains should be diluted with water, and gel-stains really shouldn’t be diluted at all, so if you’re using either of those, go check out the full diluting post.

Step 1: Pour Stain into a Container

Just like above, I recommend doing the mixing in an old tupperware container. Pour the stain into the container, making sure you’ve poured enough stain for your entire project. You don’t want to have to remix later, and end up with a different solution.

In fact, it’s worth noting how much stain you added, so that if you do have to remix later, you know the formula you used.

Step 2: Add Mineral Spirits to the Container

Add mineral spirits a tablespoon at a time, stirring between each and testing out the stain to see if it’s the shade you’re looking for. By adding a little bit at a time, you can really control the process and make sure you get the exact shade you want.

Remember, it’s easy to add more mineral spirits if you need too. It’s less easy to take mineral spirits out!

Step 3: Test Stain

Every time you add mineral spirits to the stain, be sure to test the stain on scrap wood and see if it’s the color and consistency you want.

I recommend the scrap wood you test on be the same wood you used on your project, that way you know exactly what the stain will look like on your wood. Different woods take stain differently, and you want the most accurate test you can get!

How to Use Mineral Spirits as a Cleaner

Mineral spirits are great for cleaning sap and anything else with oil-based adhesives, such as the back of price stickers.

As a nice example, my car spent spent the summer underneath a pine tree. It’s now January, and there are still sap drops stuck to my windshield.

How to Use Mineral Spirits (2)

And this picture is after 6 months of the blobs being attacked by windshield wipers!

Obviously, I’ve been putting this off for months, but since I’m writing this post, it seems to be the perfect opportunity to show you how useful mineral spirits can be (and finally clean my car! In my defense, my dad, who was the one who parked my car under a pine tree, promised he would clean off the sap spots…)

Step 1: Dampen a Rag With Mineral Spirits

Take an old rag and pour out enough mineral spirits to dampen the rag.

How to Use Mineral Spirits (3)
Step 2: Place the Rag Over Sticky Spot

I placed the damp rag over the sap spots, and squeezed a bit to deposit the mineral spirits on the sap. Then I let the rag sit for about a minute.

How to Use Mineral Spirits (4)

Since it was January in Minnesota, this was a cold minute, but I guess it’s my own fault for not cleaning the sap in August.

Step 3: Wipe Away the Sap, Grime, or Adhesive

Once the mineral spirits had softened the sap, it was really easy to wipe away.

How to Use Mineral Spirits (5)

Other Uses For Mineral Spirits

Highlighting Wood Flaws

Have you ever stained wood, only to find that you didn’t sand away all of the marks from the milling process, and there are weird dark lines? This happened over and over to me, until I figured out this trick with mineral spirits.

If you dampen a cloth with mineral spirits, and rub the cloth on the wood, it mimics the effects of stain or finish, and highlights all of the imperfections.

How to Use Mineral Spirits (6)

That way, you know if you need to keep sanding before you apply stain or finish to your piece.

I use this trick all the time now, and it’s definitely improved the quality of my finishes!

How to Renew Wood Finish With Mineral Spirits

Mineral spirits can also be used to revive old finish that’s become dirty and grimy. This primarily works with oil-based finishes, so be sure to test the mineral spirits on an inconspicuous part of the furniture before you start rubbing away at the center of the piece.

Start by dampening a rag with mineral spirits. Then buff away any dirt and grim by working the rag in circular motions against the wood. Then rub with a clean dry cloth.

If you want to take this to the next level, you could finish it off by rubbing on a thin coat of clear furniture wax, although this is entirely optional.

How to Make a Tack Cloth with Mineral Spirits

Tack cloths are slightly sticky cloths that are used to clean sawdust off of wood before finishing or painting. As it turns out, you can’t make a tack cloth with mineral spirits, but many people think you can, so I wanted to address this here.

Tack cloths are actually made from turpentine, not mineral spirits. Pour a little turpentine onto a cotton rag, enough so that the rag is damp but not dripping. Add a little varnish, and rub the rag to distribute it throughout the cloth.

Then your tack cloth is good to go! You can store these in a sealed jar, but honestly, I would just use them right away. Turpentine and varnish are both flammable, and saturated rags can spontaneously combust. I wouldn’t take that risk.

And just to be extra clear: yes, there is a difference between mineral spirits and turpentine. They are both solvents, but turpentine is stickier (making it better for a tack cloth,) and dissolves more solutions than mineral spirits.

However, mineral spirits are cheaper and less odorous, hence why they’re the go-to solvent for oil-based paints and stains.

Using Mineral Spirits To Clean Up Disasters

One of the most frequent beginner mistakes when applying wood stain is to apply the stain, and never wipe it off the wood.

Wood stain is intended to soak into the wood, not dry on top of it. So if excess wood stain isn’t wiped off, a sticky mess is what remains. You can read all about addressing this mistake in this post!

In this case, or when other oil-based finishing products don’t dry properly, mineral spirits can be used to clean up the remaining mess.

Grab a scotch-brite pad, and pour the a tablespoon of mineral spirits or so on the mess. Then scrub vigorously to dissolve and remove the product.

I also use this technique when I’m stripping furniture with Citristrip. After I’ve removed most of the Citristrip/paint/finish goop from the furniture with a plastic scraper, I get any remaining product off using mineral spirits and a scotch-brite pad.

You can check out my whole process for stripping furniture here.

One more thing to note: mineral spirits don’t clean up dried oil-based finish. Pouring mineral spirits on cured polyurethane is going to do nothing but clean it. But if your polyurethane hasn’t dried, then the mineral spirits will dissolve the product.

Same with stain – if you pour mineral spirits on wood that’s already been stained, and the stain has cured, the mineral spirits will do absolutely nothing.

Using Mineral Spirits to Clean Stain From Skin

I put this last use on here somewhat hesitantly, because the MSDS sheet on mineral spirits classifies it as a skin irritant (and indeed, we’re about to talk about the safety concerns of mineral spirits in the next section.) Mineral spirits can cause chemical burns if left on skin for more than a few seconds.

That said, I have successfully washed my hands with mineral spirits before in order to remove stain from my hands and nails. It did not hurt. There were no negative side effects.

In fact, one summer, I actually kept mineral spirits in the shower, because I kept getting stain all over my legs and needed to get it off. I foolishly hadn’t read the safety part of the label, else I probably wouldn’t have been brave enough to do this.

Regardless, my legs and hands are fine, and honestly, I’ll probably continue rinsing my hands with mineral spirits in order to remove wood stain from them.

I think the secret is that after using the mineral spirits on skin, wash with soap and water immediately. That way, the mineral spirits aren’t present on your skin long enough to cause any issues.

Using Mineral Spirits Safely

Mineral spirits are hazardous in a couple of different ways; they’re a skin irritant, release toxic vapors, and are highly flammable.

Therefore, there are a couple of precautions you should take when using mineral spirits.

If mineral spirits get on your hand (or, as I described above, you intentionally pour them on your hands,) wash your skin with soap and water immediately afterward.

Some mineral spirits are more vaporous than others. In recent years, odorless mineral spirits have entered the market. If you’re purchasing mineral spirits new, make an effort to purchase odorless mineral spirits so that the fumes are not a concern.

If you’re working with older mineral spirits, you should work in a well-ventilated space so that the fumes are not an issue. If you’re unable to do this, consider wearing a respirator. I have this one, and love it!

Finally, and probably most importantly, mineral spirits are highly flammable. They should be kept away from flames, hot areas, and ignition sources.

Rags that have been saturated with mineral spirits have the potential to spontaneously combust. Therefore, rags should be laid out flat to dry after use, not crumpled up in a ball.

Because of their flammable nature, mineral spirits should be stored in a cool, temperature-regulated space.

Mineral spirits can ignite at temperatures as low as 105 degrees Fahrenheit (per KleanStrip’s Safety Data Sheet,) so it’s important that they’re not stored in a hot garage during the summer.

Mineral Spirits and Food Safety

I’m often asked to recommend food safe products. Here’s the things: being able to classify a product as “food safe” according to FDA regulations is a giant hassle (there’s a bunch of expensive testing involved,) so the large majority of woodworking products aren’t classified as food safe.

That said, they all only use products that are deemed safe by the FDA to use as coatings that come in contact with food.

Meaning, once cured, most woodworking stains, finishes, and other products are formulated to be food safe. But they haven’t been clinically tested as food safe, and therefore can’t use the “food safe” label.

Mineral spirits are no different. I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered a brand of mineral spirits that advertises as food safe. But there’s nothing in mineral spirits that makes it not food safe after it’s fully cured.

Additionally, if you’re putting a finish on your wood, mineral spirits shouldn’t come in direct contact with your food anyway. So the risk really is quite minimal.

If you’re interested in reading more about toxicity and food safety in woodworking products, I have a whole post on the topic over here!

Disposing of Mineral Spirits

As mentioned above, mineral spirits in liquid form are considered highly flammable, and therefore a hazardous waste. They therefore can’t just be thrown in the trash, or tossed down the drain.

However, once dry, mineral spirits are harmless. Therefore, if you have excess mineral spirits (used or not,) applying them to a wood or paper surface and allowing them to dry is an effective means of disposal.

Scrap wood, newspaper, and cardboard are all possible items that mineral spirits can be painted on to dry. Once dry, the newspaper and cardboard can be thrown away as usual. You may still want to use the scrap wood, but it can be thrown away as well.

The trickier situation is if you’re working with mineral spirits that for some reason, won’t dry. In this case, they’ve probably gone bad. In that case, you’re going to need to deliver the mineral spirits to your local hazardous waste disposal facility.

I’ve never actually had this happen – even the mineral spirits that I found in my Great Aunt’s garage that had probably been there for over decade were just fine. But I’ve had wood conditioner, stains, and finishes all go bad on me before, so I didn’t want to rule out the possibility.

How to Use Mineral Spirits (2024)


How to properly use mineral spirits? ›

Apply mineral spirits by wiping on wood: Gently wipe the dampened cloth on the wood surface. Use smooth, even strokes to cover the entire area. If the wood has intricate designs or hard-to-reach spaces, use a toothbrush or small brush to apply the mineral spirits to those areas.

How long after wiping with mineral spirits can I stain? ›

Let your project dry 24 hours before applying water-based products.

Should I wipe down wood with mineral spirits before staining? ›

Woodworkers often use mineral spirits before staining or painting, as it helps you spread a pigment over a surface easily. Pour a small portion of the mineral spirits onto the surface, then wipe along the wood grain to avoid making scratches or grooves.

How to use mineral spirits to remove excess stains? ›

To get rid of the excess stain now, take a cloth dampened with mineral spirits and use that to scrub down the piece. This should remove the excess stain. Alternatively, apply another coat of stain, wait a couple of minutes for it to soften up the old, tacky, excess stain, then take a cloth and rub away the excess.

Do you let mineral spirits dry? ›

After Effect. Once your “science experiment” is complete, be sure the mineral spirits is completely dry, and do some light sanding to any areas that had mineral spirits on them. As long as there's ample drying time after you the mineral spirits and before finish, you'll be fine.

Do you shake mineral spirits? ›

Another drawback is odorless spirits will separate so it has to be shaken up before use. If you've already added this to your paint or varnish it will have to be stirred because of the separation.

Can you paint after wiping with mineral spirits? ›

After wiping down your piece with Mineral Spirits, give it a bit of time to allow the Mineral Spirits to totally evaporate prior to painting. (If you are doing a few pieces- by the time you finish cleaning the last piece- the first will be ready.)

Is mineral spirits better than tack cloth? ›

Mineral spirits (paint thinner)1 also evaporates slower than other more intense solvents such as lacquer thinner. We do NOT recommend the use of commercially-marketed “tack rags”. These type of marketed “tack rags” leave a gummy residue on surfaces that is not coatable.

Will mineral spirits lighten wood? ›

How To Lighten Wood Stain? To lighten already-applied wood stain, first try turpentine, mineral spirits or household bleach. Apply firmly and evenly along the grain.

What is the best thing to clean wood with before staining? ›

Lastly, before you stain, it's a good idea to use tack cloths to clean every last bit of dust off the prepped wood surface. Tack cloth is a cheesecloth-like piece of fabric that's coated in a layer of sticky adhesive.

How do you clean old wood with mineral spirits? ›

Mineral spirits wash. Moisten a clean soft cloth with paint thinner (mineral spirits) and rub soiled wood to dissolve polish, wax, oil and greasy grime. Wax build up, finger prints, soil or scratches may require you to use an abrasion technique.

How to get rid of mineral spirit smell? ›

Time, baking soda, and the heat gun seem to be doing the trick.

Can I leave stains on wood without wiping? ›

For consistent color, use careful timing. Never allow any stain to dry on the wood surface—it will prevent the clear finish from adhering and cause other issues. Remove the last of any unabsorbed stain with a dry cloth, wiping in the direction of the wood grain.

Why is my stained wood sticky after drying? ›

You Didn't Let It Dry Long Enough

Depending on the type of wood and weather, this can take anywhere from 6 to 8 hours. In some cases, it may even take several days. During this time, avoid touching or walking on the wood as much as possible, as this can cause the stain to become sticky.

What happens if you put too much stain on wood? ›

With staining, you'll know if you've over-applied your deck stain because there will be sticky patches or puddles that just aren't drying—the wood has absorbed all it can, so the remaining stain has nowhere to go.

Do you need to wear gloves when using mineral spirits? ›

Mineral spirits are hydrocarbons commonly found in wood stains, paints and paint thinners. Direct contact with mineral spirits causes skin burns, irritation and even necrosis. Nitrile gloves offer protection for safe handling of mineral spirit concentrations of up to 100 percent.

Should you wear a mask when using mineral spirits? ›

So you can have an N95/OV mask or a P100/OV mask or any other combination. This type has a filter with granulated charcoal that protects you from solvents such as acetone, xylene, mineral spirits, and others. These substances produce strong vapors that can give you a headache or put your health in danger.

Do you have to wash off mineral spirits before painting? ›

After wiping down your piece with Mineral Spirits, give it a bit of time to allow the Mineral Spirits to totally evaporate prior to painting. (If you are doing a few pieces- by the time you finish cleaning the last piece- the first will be ready.) THEN- finish with a clean water rinse!

Can mineral spirits go down the drain? ›

If poured down the drain, mineral spirits can potentially threaten local wildlife and groundwater. Likewise, you also shouldn't put mineral spirits, or mineral spirits-soaked rags, in the trash can.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.