How to Use the History of Designer Jeans When You're Selling (2024)

As I argue in the first article about how history has shaped our jeans, the transition of riveted blue jeans into fashion started as early as the 1930s. But it was the ‘designer jeans’ of the 1970s that brought blue jeans to the masses and consolidated their position as a staple of mainstream fashion.

To understand how blue jeans made the leap into fashion, we need to look at their evolution from the 1930s to the 1970s. And, most importantly, we need to look at how that evolution was prompted by shifts in influence on women’s fashion between the US and Europe.

The four parts of the series about how history has shaped our jeans are:
  • How Denim Went From Workwear to Fashion Statement
  • How ‘Designer Jeans’ Broke Through the Mainstream (this episode)
  • How the Vintage Denim Scene Was Created
  • Heritage Fashion and Japanese Denim

From the Great Depression to the 1960s: French Couture Mixed With Denim

The French fashion scene has unquestionably been the most influential throughout history. In the US—the home of blue jeans—women’s fashion was dominated by the French up until the time of the Great Depression. But, during the 1930s, American fashion became more practical as a reflection of the times. And as a consequence of the outbreak of WWII, the supply of French couture was halted.

Several American designers seized this opportunity. One of them was Claire McCardell. With the zeitgeist of the time, she turned to more durable fabrics such as denim.

Regarded as one of the contributors to what’s been dubbed the ‘American Look’—a sportswear-focused fashion movement of the ‘30s and ‘40s—McCardell used denim to make styles like popover dresses for housewives.

It wasn’t haute couture—far from it—but it wasn’t riveted blue jeans either. These reasonably priced garments combined the elegance of women’s styles with the practicality of denim.

The 1930s also saw the introduction of blue jeans designed for women, such as Lady Levi’s, which were introduced in 1934. But the styling and look of the jeans weren’t changed, and these are not what we now define as ‘designer jeans.’ Before we get that, it first took European refinement of the original blue jean.

Revolution in the 1960s: The European Reinterpretation Blue Jeans

Starting with Dean and Brando in the 1950s, and cemented by the hippie movement of the late 1960s, wearing blue jeans for anything other than work was a conscious expression of anti-establishment. By the early 1970s, denim was everywhere. Five-pocket denim jeans had become part of the mainstream youth uniform; a unisex look that evolved around denim. But while the US was the bedrock of this style, it was Europeans who first challenged the look and design of blue jeans.

Pioneers of the European jeans fashion scene such as Chipie, Liberto, Adriano Goldschmied, Elio Fiorucci and François Girbaud began their seminal work revolutionising blue jeans already in the mid-1960s. They challenged the design, the styling and, importantly, they started washing the jeans.

In 1964, Girbaud had helped open the Western House boutique on the classy Avenue de la Grande Armée in central Paris. It was one of the first blue jeans retailers in the city—heck; it was one of the first in Europe. And, of course, the original jeans they sold were unwashed. But, as customers started asking for washed ones, Girbaud took some of the jeans to a laundrette—and later an industrial laundry—to wash them. As a result, the jeans flew out the door at twice the price. He soon discovered that pumice stone sped up the process and thus he became one of the first to stonewash jeans.

At the time, the original American makers were resistant to change the winning formula of their design. As Girbaud argues in Blue Blooded, “Levi’s, Lee and Wrangler saw jeans as commodities. They didn’t want to change even the tiniest detail of their five-pocket western style jeans.” Who can blame them; Levi’s alone was selling around a million pairs a year in the 1960s. It was much easier for Europeans to reinterpret the garment. But why?

As I’ve argued in part 1 of this series, blue jeans entered the European conscience in the years after WWII. Although some makers initially marketed jeans as workwear in Europe, trendsetters immediately adopted them as a fashion item. In other words, blue jeans leapfrogged from workwear directly to fashion when they were first introduced in Europe. This is one of the main reasons why it came more naturally for Europeans to take the lead in revolutionising the design of the garment.

Still, it wasn’t until the European reinterpretation of American blue jeans made it back across the Atlantic that designer jeans broke through the mainstream.

The Mid-1970s: Americans Commercialise European Designer Jeans

While all jeans are made by a designer, what differentiated the first designer jeans of the mid-1970s was that they bore the name of a designer who wasn’t primarily known for making blue jeans. By the early 1970s, the European predecessor of ‘designer jeans’ were sold in fashion stores in New York. The French Jeans Store on E 60th St was selling ‘MacKeen’ jeans for a whopping $65 a pair. Of course, American designers wanted a piece of that action.

Calvin Klein and Gloria Vanderbilt were the first American designer jeans to hit the market in the mid-1970s. They both focused on the mass women’s market and found inspiration in existing designs. It’s important to make clear that in those days, designers didn’t have all the treatment technologies that we have today at their disposal. The jeans were raw, rinsed or stonewashed. It was the design that differentiated them from the traditional five-pocket styles.

Klein was already a celebrity designer when he launched his first $50-designer jeans in Bloomingdale’s in 1976. Still, they flopped completely. With an up-front $1 million cash offer from Puritan Fashions’ Carl Rosen, plus another million each year for the duration of the contract, Klein was persuaded to give it another go the following year. The cut of the jeans was essentially a pair of Levi’s 501 with a lowered rise and a tapered leg. At $35 a pair, they sold 200,000 pairs in the first week after they launched.

But Carl Rosen wasn’t the only one who spotted the enormous potential for designer jeans. Warren Hirsh of the Murjani Group wanted to make women’s designer jeans for the masses. He was turned down by Pierre Cardin but struck a deal with Gloria Vanderbilt. The design was heavily inspired by Elio Fiorucci’s and, like the very first (unsuccessful) Calvins, they launched in 1976.

While Levi’s, Lee and Wrangler didn’t want to change their design in the ’60s, the Big Three jumped on the designer jeans bandwagon in ’70s. Levi’s in particular did a lot of ‘designer-inspired’ items, like suits for both sexes and psychedelic patterns. “A lot of it was cool, some of it not so cool,” denim expert Allan Kruse observes. The problem was that the public didn’t want designer jeans from the original makers, which meant Levi’s lost credibility. By the early ’80s, Levi’s had refocused on their red tab line, which they stuck with exclusively until the early ’90s and the reintroduction of orange tab.

From the Late-1970s Onwards: Jeans = Sex

What made designer jeans a success—which is what transformed blue jeans from a part of a uniform to a full-blown fashion craze—was advertising that was loaded with sexual undertones.

Already in 1978, a billboard on Times Square showed supermodel Patti Hansen on all fours wearing Calvin Klein jeans. Still, it is the 1980-campaign with then 15-year-old Brooke Shields we remember the best today. It ballooned sales of ‘Calvins’ more than sevenfold in only a year.

In 1981, the four Marciano brothers with roots in Morocco relocated from the French Riviera to Los Angeles to start the Guess brand. Their stonewashed jeans with zippered ankles were promoted by ads with ‘Guess Girls’ such as Claudia Schiffer and Anna Nicole Smith.

The immense success of the designer jeans brands, including several others who relied on similar tactics such Jordache and Jesus Jeans, proved that sex sells. Since then, the goal of most designer jeans has been to make the wearer look and feel sexy.

This concludes the second article about the history of jeans and how you can use it in sales situations. In the next episodes, I’ll discuss how the vintage denim scene was started.

Need help finding the perfect pair of jeans?

Denimhunters is a knowledge portal for denim enthusiasts and newcomers. Launched in 2011 as a pioneering denim blog, we’re a trustworthy source of denim knowledge and advice.

Our Well-Made Essentials buying guides help you build a timeless and adaptable wardrobe of carefully crafted items that’re made to last. Start your hunt here!

Sources: James Sullivan and Blue Blooded

How to Use the History of Designer Jeans When You're Selling (2024)


How would you explain the popularity of jeans throughout history? ›

Initially, jeans were only popular among hard working laborers like farmers, ranchers, and miners. Their image expanded when famous actors like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, and Clint Eastwood portrayed cowboys in Western films. Jeans became an essential part of the fashionable cowboy look.

What is the summary history of jeans? ›

History of Jeans and Denim. Jeans are pants made from denim or dungaree cloth. They were invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873 and a worn still but in a different context. Jeans are named after the city of Genoa in Italy, a place where cotton corduroy, called either jean or jeane, was manufactured.

How do I sell a pair of jeans to a customer? ›

Selling jeans is all about telling stories. It's about painting a picture with historical facts; explaining how jeans are made; and highlighting all the details that justify the price on the tag. But more than anything else, selling jeans is about how good you make your customers look and feel.

How to sell old jeans? ›

If your old jeans are in a very good state, you can also get a few bucks selling them at a thrift shop or flea market. There are also online alternatives like eBay, Etsy, Facebook or many consignment online shops. Make the world a little greener by diverting denim away from landfills.

What do jeans symbolize? ›

By this time, jeans had evolved from being a purely functional garment to one invested with several symbolic meanings. Up to this point, jeans had been closely associated with American ideals of democracy, hard work, equality, and freedom.

How did jeans impact the world? ›

Jeans turned from a type of clothing intended for manual laboring, white men into a staple for many different kinds of people (42). In a sense, jeans helped bring times of American differences into a more integrated society and culture. Both the rich and poor, black and white, male and female, etc.

What made jeans popular? ›

1950′: entering the movie scenes

One of the most famous actor of that period, the one and only James Dean, popularized blue jeans in the movie Rebel Without a Cause in 1955. He wore a simple tee, a leather jacket, and jeans, a “bang” uniform that guys began copying immediately.

What is a fact about jeans? ›

It was first seen in the 16th century, but Levi Strauss was the man who popularised the material in the 1870s. He made clothes for miners and other working-class people since the material was inexpensive. A grand total of 225 pairs of jeans can be made from just one bale of cotton.

Why are jeans so popular? ›

Denim's status as a counter-cultural fabric paved the way forward for many youth style trends that continue to shape the fashion industry. This fabric remains an iconic image of Western clothing, and the adoption of jeans by Western women has also caused these types of pants to serve as symbols of women's liberation.

How can I increase my jeans sales? ›

The key to success is maintaining consistency for the consumer. Work to standard measurements as guide rules and understand what 'loose', 'straight', 'slim' and 'skinny' mean for your brand in terms of core measurements and sizing. This approach drives sales and minimises returns.

How can I be successful in selling clothes? ›

7 Tips For Starting A Successful Clothing Line
  1. Create your identity & choose a direction. ...
  2. Know your audience. ...
  3. Choose the right shirt. ...
  4. Research, research, research. ...
  5. Know your numbers. ...
  6. Market your shirts. ...
  7. Create options, see what sells.
Oct 26, 2021

How much should you resale jeans for? ›

Expert clothing resellers advise pricing second-hand fashion items at an excellent price-quality ratio. On average, pre-loved clothes sell for between 30% and 40% of their original retail price. As a rule of thumb, price your used garments for a third of new similar items cost.

Who sells the most jeans? ›

Levi's. Levi's is very popular and the first choice for any age in denim jeans, the number one worldwide jeans-selling company.

Why are old jeans valuable? ›

When they got a new pair they would either simply discard the old ones or tear them up and use them to lag pipes and so plenty of denim was left in the mines. Collectors will now pay huge sums to get their hands on vintage jeans and even scraps of denim can have a significant value.

How did jeans become so popular? ›

Originally designed for miners, modern jeans were popularized as casual wear by Marlon Brando and James Dean in their 1950s films, particularly The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause, leading to the fabric becoming a symbol of rebellion among teenagers, especially members of the greaser subculture.

What made jeans so popular? ›

Since it's made from cotton, denim is natural and highly breathable, but the thick twill weave of this fabric makes it highly resistant to abrasions and tears. Denim is also easy to wash and patch, and its blue color makes it easily identifiable as workwear.

Why did denim jeans become so popular? ›

In the early 20th century, denim was adopted as the preferred workwear fabric choice for western cowboys, miners, farmers in the US. Not only was the fabric cheap, but denim was more durable and sturdy than the popular alternative – 'jean' (traditionally made from cotton, linen and wool).

Why jeans are so popular? ›

Jeans have crossed all borders, social cultures, classes and it is one of the most wanted outfits in the world. The significant transition in the choice of people from traditional wear to jeans worldwide, have practical reasons as well. They are no maintenance wear and anybody will swear for its durability.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.