How to Wear and Style Men’s Pleated Pants the Right Way (2024)

What are pleats in pants? Are they the latest hottest trend, or should you avoid wearing them out, and to funerals. Today the Oliver Wicks team explores the world of pleated pants for men and everything you need to know to make the best style choices possible.

Men's pleated pants, and pants with pleats in general, took a hit in the 80s and 90s when they were a little 'extra' and ended up firmly in the dated pile. Yet men's pleated trousers still have a role in men's fashion today and, when worn well and tailored correctly, can be rather flattering on the right body.

  • What are Pleated Pants?
  • Pleat Styles and Variations
  • How to Wear Pleated Pants
    • Choosing your rise and style
    • Fitting and choosing your number of pleats
    • Outfitting and accessories
    • Can you remove or add pleats?
    • Our top pleated pants tip
  • Flat Front vs. Pleated Dress Pants - How to Choose?
    • When is Flat Front Better?
    • When is Pleated Better?
  • Are Pleated Pants In Style?
  • Conclusion

What are Pleated Pants?

Pleats pants for men are deliberately created straight folds of fabric over the stomach panel, instead of the 'flat front,' where it's simply the single layer of material pulled tight.

Getting the look of your waist right is essential in men's pants. It will also look different for every person, depending on your physique, what you typically wear on your upper body, and even fabric and color choices. So while pleated front trousers aren't for everyone or every occasion, they can look fantastic under the right circ*mstances.

In the 50s and 60s, you would never have suspended your pants at hip level, yet for the last two decades, that's precisely where even the most high-end tailored pants have been sitting. Now they're slowly creeping up again.

The waist height, along with the front and the leg cut, can make or break your look, and used smartly, can help you compensate for parts of your body you don't like. Unfortunately, if you're determined to look fashionable over anything else, you need to follow trends- which are still low waist and, mostly, flat-front trousers and shirts are slim fit. However, if you want to look your best, there's a lot of versatility to leverage to amp up what you like and tone down what you don't know about your physique.

Pleat Styles and Variations

Not all pleats are created equal. Pleats on pants can either face your zipper (called forward-facing pleats) or your pockets (reverse pleats). British-style pants favor forward pleats, while Italian/Neapolitan pants favor others. Typically, you find men's double pleated pants with two pleats, but anything from one side up to four can be found.

Pleats do bring shaping to the table, too. It's a common misconception that men have no shape in the waist-to-hip area. This is not true. We don't have women's curves, but many men are narrower at the waist than their buttocks, which fall away again to the hips. Pleats are an excellent way to shape the material to account for this without having every inch of the fabric cling to your form. As a result, you can have a snug waist but keep 'breathing room.' With this in mind, try several styles of pleats- both the direction, and the number, of the pleats can change how they fit on you.

How to Wear Pleated Pants

How to Wear and Style Men’s Pleated Pants the Right Way (1)

Perhaps the best thing about pleated pants is that they can dress up or down effortlessly. They offer a nod to tradition, but without being too formal, and can be reinvented through a modern men's lens perspective.

Choosing Your Rise and Style

It is worth noting that pleated pants, worn on the hips, don't look particularly good unless you have very long legs. This style will need at least a medium' rise' in the front, if not a high waist. This is an excellent way for men to balance out their leg and torso ratio, too. Hip-level pants can foreshorten the legs, which isn't that great if you are already long in the body.

Whatever you wear on top, try not to let it hang over the pants, except for a proper suit jacket or blazer, of course, which is open-fronted. Added bulk at the waist makes the pleats pointless and can give the illusion of a paunch. We also advise considering cuffs for your pleated pants, as it provides a nice visual counterbalance to the detail at the top. There's no better look for men who don't like to wear belts, as the pleats add visual interest.

Fitting and Choosing the Number of Pleats

You should also look for pants that don't have a 'break,' especially if you are cuffed. This ensures you keep modern and avoid the pleats contributing to a sloppy overall look.

If you're unsure whether you will enjoy pleats, look for pants in lighter fabrics, like linen, and try them first. A single pleat, which will typically align with your leg crease, is also an excellent way to experiment though, getting a custom fit will never hurt, this will ensure your pants are structured and look good on your body type.

Outfitting and Accessories

The idea is to create a relaxed but not sloppy or lazy air. Tailoring will be worth its weight in gold here. We would avoid other casual men's accessories, like grenadine ties and let the pleats hold the show with crisper accessories.

For dressed-down pleat looks, think Mediterranean yachting, not slobbing around the house. Cuban collars, sleek cotton, and exciting color contrasts will help modernize the look. But, keep it clean-cut, and don't overwhelm yourself with other fussy details or a plethora of accessories.

Remember that if there's any objection to pleated pants, it's that they look old-fashioned. So accessorize and choose lines that are clean and modern. Save things like pocket watches and chunky knits for other outfits, as they would help contribute to an overall dated air. If your grandad would consider it, save it for flat fronts! On the other hand, crisp trainers or even well-cut, stylish, high-end hoodies have a modern feel that will lift the look.

Despite the relaxed look of pleats, we advise not getting too casual about it. Make sure you have pants that drape well and fit perfectly and keep crisp elements to the look so that you come over on-point and clean, not dated and sloppy. If you want to sharpen your image further, a good option is to look for a modern retro. Fedoras, alas, have picked up a rather negative modern connotation, but all hope is not lost for them if you choose wisely elsewhere, too. Especially for older men and clean-shaven young men, who can avoid the 'neckbeard' stereotype

Broader pinstripes, neat vests which are a great addition to most suit pieces, three-piece suits, and other retro-inspired items, but reworked for the modern eye, can carry this look well. Yes, there's a careful line to walk between intentionally retro and just dated, but done well, it's smashing.

Can You Remove or Add Pleats?

We often see questions like 'can I remove pleats from pants' or 'how do I add pleats to pants.' The short answer is that it's not a great idea, either way. They're created differently from flat front pants, and trying to retcon a pleat, or reshape an existing pleat, is a bad idea. So instead, buy a piece created to look the right way.

Our Top Pleated Pants Tip

In short, unless you're confident in creating your very own looks, we suggest leaning either to a bright-and-breezy Mediterranean Yacht/ Italian indifference feel, or a cleaner, modern-retro inspiration. Match your top to the air the pleats bring- crisp, heavier fabrics with clean suit lines, breezier, looser summer fabrics to cool cotton, and enjoy your pleats with confidence.

Flat Front vs. Pleated Dress Pants - How to Choose?

At the core, the choice between these two will come down to taste. However, we'd advise being very adaptable. Even if you like both looks, one is more appropriate in some circ*mstances, so it's good to have the versatility. Plus, it allows you to have more fun with style, and that's always good!

When is Flat Front Better?

Flat-front pants have a trim and neat look in lower-rise men's pants, so if you like your pants to ride your hips, they are a better choice.

Remember that dressing artfully means balancing your whole look, not obsessing over one part. So it's good to consider what else you are wearing. For example, a very fussy jacket style- like a double-breasted suit or tuxedo is already an immense style detail. Here flat-fronted pants can provide a sleeker counterpoint and look good.

When is Pleated Better?

How to Wear and Style Men’s Pleated Pants the Right Way (2)

Pleated pants are often associated with a looser fit, but they don't have to be. You will also find more modern takes on the style in a slim fit.

  • You may want to use pleated pants when you don't want to wear a belt, as it avoids bulk from both but still, brings interest to the waist.
  • Pleated pants are an excellent addition to a business casual look, showing some dressiness without overwhelming.
  • Similarly, they can be an amazing detail when wearing a blazer to add extra interest without the 'picture frame' of a full suit.
  • While it may seem counterintuitive, we'd advise men with a heavier waistline to consider slim, neat pleats. A flat front can be too clinging and tight, creating the idea you're heavier than you are.
  • While general advice is for slender men to avoid pleats, you can bypass this by opting for lighter fabrics, like pleated linen pants, and keeping neater, smaller, and well-tailored pleats. Remember, you wear the pants, not vice-versa, so assess this with the eye.
  • Pleats offer roomier thighs. This makes them great for men with developed thighs, men who sit a lot, and those who are very active but must wear a suit.

Are Pleated Pants In Style?

Currently, pleated trousers for men are not in style. They hit their peak of stylishness in the 1980s, where the excess of consumerism that characterized the decade was echoed in fashions that used a bunch of fabric, too. So, since it's heavily associated with 'khakis' and middle management, used wrongly, you can generate that same dated effect. And no one wants that. This is why we have emphasized creating crisp, styled looks.

This was also when the swap from more tailored garments to mass consumerism happened. And- we'll be brutally honest- when not well fitted to the specific body which is going to wear them, pleats can be a disaster. Why? The balloon and bulge, right in an area where you don't want anything to balloon and bulge. If not for discretion, then to avoid looking heavy in the waist and hips.

Does this mean pleated suit pants are a no-no? Not at all! Look a little backward in time from the 80s to Hollywood iconic like Carey Grant or Sean Connery's ionic Bond. They, too, wear pleated pants but don't have the same saggy, baggy effect. What's the difference?

It lies in tailoring so that the pleats move with you and merely arrange the fabric a specific way, instead of creating unwanted fabric creasing and bulging due to unnecessary excess.


Now you know all about pleated pants. We've looked at how to know if they look good on your body type, how to style them, so they look modern instead of dated, and how to decide between pleats. With all this in hand, you have a new style door opened for you.

Will you be trying the pleated pant look or sticking to flat fronts? The Oliver Wicks made-to-measure team can help with either at the point of order, so you will be able to use the same Oliver Wicks style no matter what.


How to Wear and Style Men’s Pleated Pants the Right Way (2024)


How to Wear and Style Men’s Pleated Pants the Right Way? ›

Don't get pleated pants that are too roomy, especially if your shirts or jackets are well-tailored and fitted to your silhouette. Don't wear them too high. Your pleated pants should rest on your waist. Wearing them too high, such as close to or above your belly button, will make them look very vintage.

How do you style pleated pants? ›

Style with a fitted top

As your pleated pants are a more relaxed, loose style, to balance out your outfit, look to style them back with a more fitted top. We love a relaxed pleated trouser with a classic tank, fitted t-shirt or a long sleeve knit tucked in.

Are pleated pants in style 2023 for men? ›

Menswear is making a huge step this year! We are making the change from the very slim fit that was popularized in 2012, and are now making pleated, relaxed…

What body type should wear pleated pants? ›

Generally speaking the pleat-front trouser is flattering on most body shapes. Traditionally a style of pant associated with menswear, the pleat-front pant was designed to conceal a belly.

Are pleated pants in style for men now? ›

Men's pleated pants, and pants with pleats in general, took a hit in the 80s and 90s when they were a little 'extra' and ended up firmly in the dated pile. Yet men's pleated trousers still have a role in men's fashion today and, when worn well and tailored correctly, can be rather flattering on the right body.

Who do pleated pants look good on? ›

If you're heavy-set, you will want to wear pleated pants because the extra room around the waist offers comfort. Plus, because they're worn slightly higher, they'll impart a slimming effect to your profile. If you're in the normal or average body type category, then you can take your pick.

Which way should pleats face on pants? ›

Pleats can either be forward facing, in which the folded fabric points inward, toward the fly of your pants, or reverse—pointing in the direction of the pockets. The British style generally favors inward-facing pleats whereas pants in a more Italian, specifically, Neapolitan style usually face outward.

Do men still wear pleated pants with cuffs? ›

Men with a lean and tall body type, it's your time to be in the limelight with cuffs on pleated pants. It'll instantly accentuate your proportions and bring in a healthy body-to-torso balance. Besides, it's a laid-back approach to stand out in the crowd, since they're just getting into a trend nowadays.

Are pleats in or out for men? ›

With all the different pant options today, you might be wondering whether pleated or flat-front men's pants are going to be your best style bet. The good news is that when it comes to this style dilemma, you can't go wrong. Fortunately for modern guys, both pleated and flat-front pants are in style.

When did men's pleated pants go out of style? ›

As is often the case with traditional clothing styles, though, the popularity of pleats waned around the end of the 60s and, by the 1970s, slimmer flat-fronted trousers were in style again.

Are pleated pants supposed to be baggy? ›

The best way to wear pleated pants is on the loose side. If it's too tight, the pleats will pull and it won't look as easygoing.

Should heavy men wear pleated pants? ›

Pleated pants are also the best choice for larger men and athletic types with muscular legs, both of whom stand to benefit from the spaciousness and comfortable utility that pleats provide. From the style side, pleated dress pants are a more traditional look.

Should you size up pleated pants? ›

Whether you are choosing pleated or flat-front pants, make sure you get the right size. If you get a bigger size, pleated pants will make you look sloppier and baggier. Similarly, flat-front pants also would not fit right to your waist. On the same note, a smaller size will make you feel even more uncomfortable.

What shoes go best with pleated pants men? ›

Wear the Right Footwear

We recommend wearing your pleated trousers with shoes that aren't covered or overwhelmed by the pants. Double-buckled shoes or heftier, chunkier shoes work well since they will scale well with the extra fabric of pleated pants.

How should pleated pants fit men? ›

The pleats themselves should lie flat when you're standing up. They should not pull or show straining as they would when the garment is too tight around the hips. Even among men who are generally happy with flat-front trousers, more guys have been asking for the new pleats.

Are pleated pants coming back into style? ›

Pleats serve a functional purpose: they allow for more breathing room where it matters most. But beyond the utility, they also look particularly right in 2022, when dressing like a swagged-out octogenarian has never been cooler and appreciation for the bigger-is-better style of the '80s is at an all-time high.

Do pleated pants hide belly fat? ›

Wrong pleats

Chi explained: "If your pleated pants are facing inwards that's not flattering because they actually create more bulk in your stomach and make your tummy look even bigger. "Instead, look for the pleats that face outwards, these will conceal your stomach and make you look slimmer."

What does double pleated mean? ›

As the name suggests, the Double Pleats option adds two pleats to each side of the front of the trousers. Double Pleats are a more dramatic way to add extra comfort to your trousers, as they draw more attention to the lap area in addition to adding more room there.

Can you change pleated pants to flat front? ›

Your second option is to take the trousers to a skilled tailor to remove the pleats and turn them into plain-front trousers. This is neither a simple nor an inexpensive alteration, but it is definitely doable; and it can be a wise investment.

Which direction should pleats go? ›

Pleats can face in two directions: either backward facing, where the excess material is gathered towards the back of the trouser, nearer the pocket; and front facing, which is the opposite.

What is the purpose of pleated pants? ›

The purpose of pleats depends on how you interpret them, the main purpose of pleats is functionality that comes with immense comfort and a bold style statement. Talking about comfort, they provide some extra room around the bottom and thigh area which allows more freedom of movement.

How do you style pleats? ›

How to Style a Pleated Skirt: 5 Daytime Looks
  1. Create a monochromatic look. Match your skirt with your top for a chic monochrome outfit. ...
  2. Layer with a pullover sweater. ...
  3. Tuck in a T-shirt. ...
  4. Throw on a blazer. ...
  5. Wear with a button-down shirt.
Mar 30, 2022

When did cuffed pants go out of style? ›

Cuffs have been in and out of fashion ever since. Pant cuffs were 'in' in the 1920s and 30s. Then they were 'out' with the fabric rationing and austere style of the 40s but back in the 60s.

What are the different types of pleats for men? ›

They come in two kinds: forward (pointing towards the fly, typical of English tailoring) and reverse (folded towards the pockets, favoured by the Italians). Forward pleats are neater, reverse pleats create a looser shape. Both can appear in multiples, although more than two each side just seems greedy.

How do you keep pleats intact? ›

Preserving Pleats

Hang your pleated garment after wearing it to encourage the panels to naturally fall into place. Lay the garment on an ironing board. Clip each pleat with a paperclip and press, moving the clips as you go to avoid ironing them.

Do pleats stay after washing? ›

Step 1 - If machine washing, pop it in the machine and set to a cool wash (30 degrees) on a gentle spin cycle. It's true that pleats will survive the washing machine, but the less agitation the better, and that goes for all washes!

What is the difference between pleat and forward pleat? ›

Pleats are generally described as having two main types: forward and reverse. Forward pleats are the English classic, opening inwards towards the fly seam, while reverse pleats open outwards and are more Italian. You probably think of pleats as a fashion item, maybe one that's had its day.

Can short guys wear pleats? ›

PM: In a word, no. Pleated pants just don't work on shorter guys.

What is the crease in pants called? ›

This fold, also known as a traveler's crease, helps keep your pants neat when you hang them in a garment bag as well. You'll typically find them on work, semi-formal, or formal pants. As far as ironing a crease at home, a good rule to follow is if the pants came with a crease, keep it. It's there for a reason.

What is inverted pleat? ›

: a pleat formed by bringing two folded edges toward or to a center point on the outside of the material to form a box pleat on the inside.

How do you know if your pants are too baggy? ›

How to Tell if Your Pants are Too Big
  1. Wearing a Belt as More Than an Accessory.
  2. Slipping Out of Them Without a Second Thought.
  3. Bunching Your Pants at the Ankle.
  4. Gapping at the Waist.
  5. Constantly Adjusting Your Pants.
May 16, 2022

Do you crease flat front pants? ›

Both the front and the back of your pants should be creased. Less formal pants may have flat fronts, but more formal dress pants are nearly always done with a crease in the back and the front. If you're unsure whether your pants should have a crease or not, consider whether they had a crease when you bought them.

Are pleats flattering for plus size? ›

Do what you feel is right for you. With that being said there is absolutely no reason to shy away from wearing pleated skirts even if you have a big tummy. Here are a couple of tips that have worked for me. Pleat placement is a key factor but not a deal-breaker.

What is the most flattering length for pants? ›

As with skirts, it is most flattering to hem your pants to stop at the narrowest part of your ankle. That means if your pants stop mid-ankle bone they will make your ankles look thicker than they are.

How big should pleats be? ›

The percentage of fullness determines the size of the pleats. With 50% fullness, the pleat is usually about 3″ wide. With 100% fullness, the pleat is usually about 6″ wide. In both cases, there is typically 12″ from the center of each pleat to the center of the next pleat.

Should men's shoes match pants? ›

Shoes shouldn't match your shirt or pants, but they should complement them. For example, a pair of black or brown shoes look great with a navy suit — whereas a black suit should only be worn with black shoes.

Can men wear black shoes with navy blue pants? ›

Of course! There's nothing more classic than a pair of blue or navy pants styled with black shoes. Blue pants are classic, black shoes are classic, and when brought together the two create a refined, polished look.

Can pleats be taken out of mens pants? ›

Yes, a tailor can take the pleats out of pants. It's pretty major surgery, though, so I would only trust it to a solid tailor, not an alterationist. For reverse pleats (those whose mouth opens to the outside), this involves removing the waistband, opening the pleat then re-cutting the side seam and pocket.

How are mens pants supposed to be worn? ›

The waist of the trouser should sit comfortably on your natural waist, not your hips. Jeans are often cut to sit lower on the hips with a natural “sag” effect, but not trousers. This is why men who don't often wear trousers feel that they are sitting uncomfortably high.

How far down should men's dress pants go? ›

The trouser length should reach the middle to upper part of the back of the shoe and have a notable but not-too-significant bend in the fabric at the front of the trouser bottom. The leg opening width can be cut relatively slim for a more modern business style.

How baggy should mens dress pants be? ›

Dress trousers can be slim fitting but should not be tight. You should never feel uncomfortable, and there should be about a finger's worth of space between your waist and the waistband. This will allow you to sit comfortably and keep your shirt tucked in easily.

What are reverse pleated pants? ›

Pleats are also categorized into two main types: forward and reverse. Forward pleats open inwards towards the trousers' fly seam, and are associated with English tailoring. Reverse pleats open outwards towards the trousers' pockets, and are associated with Italian tailoring.

Can you tailor pleated pants? ›

It's true that tailors can take the pleats out, reconstructing pants into flat-fronts, and it is even possible for a skilled tailor to do a major overhaul on your jacket to make it look trimmer and more up to date. But such work is pricey; not every tailor is up to the job; and it may not be worth the investment.

Why did pleated pants go out of style? ›

Since the mid-2000s, clothing has pointed emphasis on skinny or slim-fitting clothing. Pleats simply don't look good with modern, low cut, ultra-light trousers. Therefore, it's easier, cheaper, and more attractive overall to simply offer flat-fronted styles in modern slim-fit trousers.

Should you iron pleated pants? ›

While ironing pleats of cotton or linen trousers high temperature is perfect, but the pleats need more time to set. In case of linen trousers put a layer of fabric between iron and trousers to avoid damaging the fabric and the unusual shiny effect.

Can you Unpleat pleated pants? ›

Yes, a tailor can take the pleats out of pants. It's pretty major surgery, though, so I would only trust it to a solid tailor, not an alterationist. For reverse pleats (those whose mouth opens to the outside), this involves removing the waistband, opening the pleat then re-cutting the side seam and pocket.

Should big guys wear pleated or flat front pants? ›

Pleated pants are also the best choice for larger men and athletic types with muscular legs, both of whom stand to benefit from the spaciousness and comfortable utility that pleats provide. From the style side, pleated dress pants are a more traditional look.

Are pleated front pants out of style for men? ›

The good news is that when it comes to this style dilemma, you can't go wrong. Fortunately for modern guys, both pleated and flat-front pants are in style.

Do pleated pants make you look thinner? ›

This extra fabric adds width and fullness at the waistline. Pleated pants or skirts also add volume at your tummy and hip area and will automatically make you look heavier than you are.

Can you wear pleated pants without cuffs? ›

Single pleated pants can be cuffed or hemmed: Single pleated pants are highly versatile and work well with cuffs or without them. Two-pleat pants should have cuffs: Two-pleat pants should always be worn with cuffs and not hems.

Can a tailor turn pleated pants into flat front? ›

Your second option is to take the trousers to a skilled tailor to remove the pleats and turn them into plain-front trousers. This is neither a simple nor an inexpensive alteration, but it is definitely doable; and it can be a wise investment.

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