Men’s Pleated Pants: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

Men’s Pleated Pants: The Ultimate Guide (1)

Pleated pants are making a comeback. However, their old-fashioned origin leaves many men uncertain about how to wear them or whether they’re right for their wardrobes. Let’s explore everything you need to know about men’s pleated pants in this ultimate guide!

If you’re looking for pleated dress pants, shop Berle today! Complimentary hemming and free shipping are always included with your purchase.

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What Are Pleated Pants?

Men’s Pleated Pants: The Ultimate Guide (2)

Pleated pants essentially mean “folded” pants, since they have an extra fold or “pleat” in their design. For trousers, the titular pleat is a small fold of fabric that sits between the fly and the pocket, which adds about an inch of length to each pant leg. Pleated pants provide extra breathing room and are more comfortable to sit in due to this additional fabric. Flat-fronted trousers, while cost-effective, are much stiffer.

Pleated pants have an impact on fashion as well. We’ve associated them with styles from the 60s to the 70s for quite some time, but these fantastically comfortable trousers are making a big comeback. You can now find well-tailored pleated pants for men at a variety of vendors and still look fashionable. That’s good news for the modern man—you can combine comfort and style at the same time!

Types of Pleated Trousers

There are a few different types of pleated pants for men:

  • Forward pleats. These feature distinctive seams running down the front of the pants, and the pleat is easy to spot.
  • Reverse pleats. Pants with reverse pleats feature the pleat at the base of the seat.
  • Modern pleats. These are closer to the front-facing style than the reverse style. However, they may lack a noticeable fold or seam running down either leg, depending on the tailor. Several modern pleated pants come in stretchy fabric to double down on the comfort aspect, although this is also dependent on the tailor.

Fortunately, you can find plenty of pleated pants tailored specifically for your legs. Tailoring is always recommended since the one major weakness of pleated pants is that they can seem a little too roomy. This can cause them to negatively affect your silhouette if not fitted properly.

How to Stylishly Wear Pleated Pants

Men’s Pleated Pants: The Ultimate Guide (3)

Here are some tips for wearing pleated pants in style:

Dress Down

You should always dress-down when wearing pleated trousers. They’re traditional or old-fashioned as opposed to formal. You can therefore combine them with a classic white shirt or a Cuban collared shirt for a smart look.

Try Double-Pleated Pants

The pleat style sensation is just starting, so you can likely get away with double pleated pants instead of single pleated. This may be even more comfortable than you imagine!

Wear the Right Footwear

We recommend wearing your pleated trousers with shoes that aren’t covered or overwhelmed by the pants. Double-buckled shoes or heftier, chunkier shoes work well since they will scale well with the extra fabric of pleated pants.

Pair with the Right Accessories

Want to really look your best in a pair of pleated pants? Combine them with the right accessories, such as a tie or brogues. We also recommend a high-quality watch to complete the look.

Always Tuck

The whole point of wearing pleated pants in this day and age is to show them off. Always tuck in your shirt and wear a classy belt to best showcase your trousers.

How Not to Wear Pleated Pants

Here are some tips for what to avoid with pleated pants:

  • Don’t pair pleated pants with overly casual clothes, like sportswear.
  • Don't get pleated pants that are too roomy, especially if your shirts or jackets are well-tailored and fitted to your silhouette.
  • Don’t wear them too high. Your pleated pants should rest on your waist. Wearing them too high, such as close to or above your belly button, will make them look very vintage. If you’re going for a sleeker, modern look, it’s important that they’re worn correctly.

Shop Pleated Pants from Berle

Men’s Pleated Pants: The Ultimate Guide (4)

We hope you’ve learned everything you need to know about men’s pleated pants in this ultimate guide! If you’re ready to add new items to your wardrobe, shop pleated trousers from Berle! Complimentary hemming and free shipping are included on every order. With more than 70 years in the manufacturing industry, our team has perfected the art of delivering the best pair of trousers available today. Your upgraded wardrobe awaits!

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Tailored Trousers

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Men’s Pleated Pants: The Ultimate Guide (2024)
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