IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow Up Questions - Family - IELTS Portal (2024)

February 28, 2020

  1. How many generations usually live together in your country?
    I think the situation in my country is undergoing a change. Earlier joint families were more common and three or four generations used to live together. On the other hand, nowadays nuclear families are more common with a maximum of two generations living together.
  2. Is it important to visit family members?
    Yes, it is really important to meet the family regularly. I think family defines us and family is what supports us and stands with us in bad times. However, I think this selfless bond only stays if we remain in contact with each other.
  3. What are the values of family in your country?
    The think the main values of family in my country are respect for elders and prioritizing the needs of the family over our individual needs. That is why, in my country we think in we rather in I, for example we own a house, we own this car.
  4. Why is family bonding necessary for happiness in life?
    Family bonding is necessary for happiness because it gives us security. I mean it makes us feel that we are not alone, there is someone behind us.
  5. Do you think the support from a friend is different from the support of a family member?
    I think certainly. There is an element of selflessness in family relationships, which I feel is missing when it comes to supporting from friends. Also, it doesn’t create a burden. What I mean is we do take help from friends but then it also makes us feel that we have to repay it. This feeling doesn’t come in the case of family.
  6. Who should be more responsible for educating the children in a family?
    I think both parents should be equally responsible. However, I also believe that both parents necessarily don’t teach the same things. For example, both boys and girls learn gender-appropriate behavior from fathers, while they love more about loving, sharing and caring from mother.
  7. Do you think there are differences between how men and women care for children?
    Yes, there is certainly a difference. In my country, fathers are generally stricter, and they don’t show their love openly. Mothers are much more open in showing their love and affection. I think it’s hard to define the difference, but I certainly feel there is a difference.
  8. Do your parents do household chores equally?
    Yes, my parents are very particular about household chores. For example, my father is responsible for buying vegetables from the market daily. He also makes breakfast and tea, while my mother makes lunch and dinner. I also have the responsibility of taking out the trash in the morning and feeding the dog. We have a maid for cleaning and other things.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow Up Questions - Family - IELTS Portal (2024)


How to answer IELTS speaking part 3 questions? ›

IELTS Speaking: How to perform at your best in the part 3...
  1. Speak about the topics in general.
  2. Use linking words and phrases.
  3. Be willing to extend your answers.
  4. Use a wider range of grammar.
  5. Use a wider range of vocabulary.
  6. Watch a part 3, Band 9 performance.
  7. Practice makes perfect.

How long should each answer in IELTS speaking Part 3 be? ›

There is no set word limit for what a good part 3 answer, but it should not be too short and not too long. Too short and you will have failed to develop your answer properly; too long and you may go off topic and/or make mistakes. As a rule, I advise my students to try to answer with 3-4 sentences.

How do you answer tell me about your family in IELTS speaking? ›

Well, my family is the centre of my universe. My parents did everything humanly possible to raise me up and ensure my education and well-being. Their sacrifices and contributions for my life are unparalleled. I will always be grateful to be a member of such a happy and caring family.

Is family important in your country part 3? ›

1: Is family important in your country? Answer: Thank you for this question. Well, people in my country believe that family comes first and they put their family ahead of anything else. They would do anything for the family and I am proud that family bonding in my country is quite strong.

How many minutes is part 3 Speaking? ›

IELTS speaking part 3 lasts 4-5 minutes and allows the examiner to ask you questions related to part 2. The conversation is more general and abstract and you will be expected to give answers in greater depth than in part 1. Many students fear part 3 because they don't know what to expect.

Is it easy to get 6.5 in speaking? ›

Speaking Band 6.5

The candidate can talk at length without much hesitation or repetition. His sentences are easy to follow – the information has a sequence and he uses linking words to move smoothly from one idea to another.

What if I get 5.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

With an IELTS score of 5.5, good or bad, you can be considered a competent English speaker. This means you can understand and speak English in your daily routine. There are many people who have a harder time understanding English but apply to universities abroad and are accepted.

What happens if you speak less than 2 minutes in IELTS speaking? ›

The examiner will not move on to part 3 until 1 minute has passed of your talk and the examiner will stop you at exactly 2 minutes to prevent you speaking further. So, this means you have between 1 and 2 minutes available to you for your talk.

What is family best answer? ›

Family: A family is a group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together; all such related persons are considered as members of one family.

How do you write 10 sentences about your family? ›

10 Lines on My Family – Essay for Class 1
  1. I have a wonderful family. ...
  2. I live with my grandparents and parents. ...
  3. My father is an engineer. ...
  4. My grandfather is a doctor and my grandmother is a housewife.
  5. My uncle and aunt are lawyers. ...
  6. We love each other.
  7. We go for picnics on holidays.
  8. We eat dinner together every evening.

How I talk about my family? ›

Let's get you talking

Brief facts about your family (how many people, a large or small family) The names of each family member and how they are related to you. Appearance and personality. What kind of relationship you have with each family member (for example, common interests or hobbies)

What is the main point of family? ›

Families provide not just basic needs for children but also emotional needs. A loved one can be a source of strength during hard times. What is this? Showing children unconditional love is one of the best ways to create a support system for them.

What are the 3 roles of family? ›

Common Family Roles
  • Hero: This is the “good” and “responsible” child. ...
  • Rescuer: The rescuer takes care of others' needs and emotions and problem-solves for others in the family. ...
  • Mediator: The mediator can be a rescuer-type although he/she works to keep peace in the family system.

What is importance of family in points? ›

These bonds are important because family helps us get through the most disastrous times and the best times. Family is important because they can offer support and security coupled with unconditional love; they will always look to see and bring out the best in you even if you cannot see it for yourself.

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS Speaking? ›

IELTS preparation tips that helped Bahar get Band 8.5 (Speaking)
  1. Shape up your accent. That and also your pronunciation count a lot. ...
  2. Maintain eye contact. ...
  3. Study different topics that are likely to come up in the interview. ...
  4. Preparation is the key. ...
  5. Talk to the mirror. ...
  6. Be at ease. ...
  7. Eat something sweet before the interview.

Can I just retake Speaking IELTS? ›

Currently, students must retake the entire test for all four modules: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. So, if a student wants to improve their band score, they will have to take the whole test again instead of only retaking the module. ​​

How do you greet an examiner? ›

The way that you greet the examiner is very important.

Make sure that you smile when you greet him. The greeting should fit the time of day so you should say “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good evening” as appropriate. Wait until you are offered a seat before sitting down.

How many questions will be asked in Speaking part 3? ›

How Long is IELTS Speaking Part 3? IELTS Speaking Part 3 lasts 4 to 5 minutes. The examiner will usually aim to ask around 4 to 6 questions. Some of the questions are scripted, but the examiner may also ask some impromptu (made up) questions based on your last answer.

What is the lowest score in IELTS Speaking? ›

They are designed to be simple and easy to understand. They are reported as band scores on a scale from 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest). All formats of IELTS use the same scoring system.

Is it necessary to speak for 2 minutes in IELTS? ›

In part 2 of your IELTS Speaking test, you will need to deliver a long turn, speaking for up to 2 minutes on a topic. Let's look at some tips and strategies that will help you do your best and perform better in this section of the test.

Does IELTS repeat past questions? ›

Does the IELTS Essay Question Repeat in the IELTS Exam? Students often wonder whether the essay questions are repeated or not. The answer is No.

Does speaking fast reduce IELTS score? ›

Speaking too fast won't improve your fluency score, and could result in you making more mistakes. Instead, remain calm, speak clearly and maintain your natural speed. And don't worry about your accent; all accents are welcome in the IELTS test. Just ensure you pronounce your words correctly.

How can I predict my IELTS speaking score? ›

The IELTS Speaking band is calculated based on four different levels - Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Pronunciation, and Grammatical range and accuracy. The arithmetic mean of all these four criteria makes the band score for the speaking section of IELTS.

Can I go Canada with 5 bands? ›

Minimum Ielts Band Requirement for Canada Study Permit. A study visa for Canada requires the Student to score at least 5.5 in each of the four IELTS bands requirements with an overall minimum score of 6.0 and above for undergraduate & diploma programs.

Is 6.25 considered as 6.5 in IELTS? ›

The average produces your overall band score. You can score whole (e.g., 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) or half (e.g., 5.5, 6.5, 7.5) bands in each part of the test. Calculate your General IELTS Score now.
Example 1:
Average of four components6.25
Overall score6.5
2 more rows

Is B2 good in IELTS? ›

CEFR B2 is equivalent to an IELTS score between 5.5 and 6.5. You are considered an “Independent user” as well. It means that you can communicate easily and spontaneously in a clear and detailed manner. You are able to understand and be understood in most situations.

What if you go blank in IELTS speaking? ›

Here is the strategy to use when your mind goes blank:

Talk about yourself. Tell your story and how it relates to the question. If you practice this enough and get good at this strategy it will definitely help increase your score on the test.

Do people fail in IELTS speaking? ›

It is important to clarify at this point that there is no pass/fail grade for IELTS. When people say they have “failed” IELTS, what they mean is that they have failed to achieve the band score that they needed for their particular visa, job or institution.

What if I failed in speaking IELTS? ›

Fortunately, the exam can be retaken as many times as you need to obtain a passing score. However, you do have to pay each time you take the exam. Rather than blindly attempt to retake the exam multiple times until you get a passing score, it's better to determine what went wrong and why you failed the first time.

What is family for life? ›

We bring people and organisations together to create platforms for family bonding and to engage Singaporeans in conversations about families. We Voice. We voice out concerns that people have on family issues and continue this conversation with our partners and the community.

Why is it called family? ›

The word family came into English in the fifteenth century. Its root lies in the Latin word famulus, “servant”. The first meaning in English was close to our modern word “household” — a group of individuals living under one roof that included blood relations and servants.

What is a good family? ›

Still, there are several characteristics that are generally identified with a well-functioning family. Some include: support; love and caring for other family members; providing security and a sense of belonging; open communication; making each person within the family feel important, valued, respected and esteemed.

What I love about my family essay? ›

In my family there are six members my mother, father, my grandfather, grandmother, younger sister and me. My parents love and pampered both of us. In addition, my family is very supportive and helpful for anything we do. Besides, every child has dreams and aspiration so we also have some dreams too.

Who are in your family? ›

A family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children. Members living in a family are father, mother, brother, and sisters.

What are some family topics? ›

  • What was the best part of your day?
  • What was the worst part of your day?
  • What makes a good friend?
  • If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be and why?
  • What's something you're really good at?
  • Describe someone in the family using 3 words.
Apr 5, 2020

What is the true meaning of family? ›

family, a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings.

Why is family first priority? ›

Having strong social bonds, with family, or friends who feel like family, is vital for your happiness as well. Happy people are more successful in all areas of their life. They build stronger relationships, work to spread their good fortune, and are more likely to engage in activities that are good for their health.

What is family and its importance? ›

A family is our source of strength. It teaches us what relationships mean. They help us create meaningful relationships in the outside world. The love we inherit from our families, we pass on to our independent relationships. Moreover, families teach us better communication.

What are the 2 functions of a family? ›

According to Parsons there are now just two 'irreducible functions' performed by the nuclear family : primary socialisation – teaching children basic norms and values. the 'stabilisation of adult personalities' – providing psychological security for men and women in a stable relationship.

What are the 5 family roles? ›

Furthermore, they may become unable to manage moods to they can often portray anger and avoidance behaviors.
  • The Enabler of the Family. ...
  • The Scapegoat of the Family. ...
  • The Hero of the Family. ...
  • The Mascot of the Family. ...
  • The Lost Child of the Family.

What are 5 functions of the family? ›

The Function of Families
  • physical maintenance and care of family members;
  • addition of new members through adoption or procreation;
  • socialization of children;
  • social control of its members;
  • production, consumption and distribution of goods and services; and.
  • affective nurturance (love).

What are the benefits of family life? ›

Why is family important? Some advantages of having a family are increased happiness and satisfaction. Studies have shown that spending time with family can help reduce stress and anxiety, lead to a healthier lifestyle and lengthen your life. Family gives you motivation to be the best version of yourself.

What is important in life family? ›

Family values

Being a good person, a productive member of a society, aware of your environment and other beings – these are the values acquired in healthy families. It is important to emphasize that these values are shared through unconditional family love.

How can I end Ielts Speaking 3? ›

Techniques to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions
  1. Give a direct answer to the question.
  2. Define the reason behind your specific point of view.
  3. Give an example to support your point. ...
  4. Conclude with a sentence by connecting your ideas and examples to the matter of the question.

How do you read the passage 3 in ielts? ›

IELTS Reading Tips: How can I improve my score
  1. Develop skills of each type of question in reading. ...
  2. Skimming and Scanning. ...
  3. Develop your speed reading skills. ...
  4. Don't try to understand the full passage. ...
  5. Developing vocabulary. ...
  6. Key words. ...
  7. Grammar. ...
  8. Practice makes perfect.

How do you do pet speaking part 3? ›

In part 3 of the Preliminary (PET) Speaking Exam you will be asked to talk about a situation together with your partner for about 2 minutes. There are essentially 2 types of task for this part of the exam. The first and most common option is that you have to discuss a series of activities to do with a group of people.

What are the 3 parts of ielts speaking test? ›

Speaking test: What is the IELTS Speaking test?
  • Part 1: Introduction and Interview.
  • Part 2: Individual long term.
  • Part 3: Two-way discussion.

Can I retake IELTS speaking only? ›

Currently, students must retake the entire test for all four modules: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. So, if a student wants to improve their band score, they will have to take the whole test again instead of only retaking the module.

What if I missed speaking IELTS? ›

You may make a case for exceptional circ*mstances to your Test Centre before the test and up to five calendar days after the test date if you did not attend the test. Your Test Centre will respond to you within seven working days of receiving your case in writing.

What is 35 out of 40 in IELTS reading? ›

Academic Reading:

Band score 7 = 30 out of a raw score of 40. Band score 8 = 35 out of a raw score of 40.

What is 33 out of 40 in IELTS listening? ›

The IELTS Scoring System takes an average of the total score of four modules to give you your overall band score. IELTS Overall Band Score is calculated between 0 to 9 Band. The score is rounded up or down to the next half or whole Band.
IELTS Reading Test.
Band ScoreScore / 40
11 more rows

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS reading? ›

My 3 Step Tips for IELTS Band Score 8.5

Go through the test format. – Spend some time and understand the question patterns in each segment. – Keep in mind the time limit for every segment. – Do an initial sample test (download from IELTS official website) just to see where you stand.

How can I get 7.5 speaking? ›

  1. Speak fluently within the particular duration of the given topic.
  2. Aiming at a band of 7.5 means that you are already proficient in English up to some level, therefore you must show your highest proficiency in English to score a band of 7.5.
Jan 21, 2021

How can I practice speaking test? ›

Although all exams are slightly different, these speaking tips will help you to score highly in the speaking portion of any exam.
  1. Research the structure of the test. ...
  2. Make sure you answer the questions. ...
  3. Prepare well but don't memorise answers. ...
  4. Learn some specialised vocabulary related to your life and interests.

What is Part 3 of the speaking? ›

In speaking part 3, the examiner will ask a broader range of questions based on the topic that you had in speaking part 2. The questions require you to expand your answers further with explanation and examples of the world in general.

Can I prepare for IELTS in 2 days? ›

Bad news: 2 days is not long so you need to focus on exam technique more than anything. Of course, I highly recommend that you prepare months in advance, you might want to follow my course here, however, this is not always possible so here are my 12 top tips for smashing the IELTS test in just 2 days.

How can I get 6.5 in IELTS Speaking? ›

IELTS Speaking Band 6.5
  1. Speak at length on certain topics.
  2. Use a range of linking words to connect ideas.
  3. Show good ability to paraphrase.
  4. Use both simple and complex structures.
  5. Speak with generally good pronunciation.
Jul 6, 2018

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