Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (2024)

Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone FromShopHQ?

Has there been another host purge at ShopHQ? And did it make a fellow Jersey Girl exit?

One of our readers pointed out that host Nikki Stanzione is no longer listed on the host page for this also-ran home shopping network.

Of course, we are biased. Nikki is from New Jersey, our home state. She brought a bit of ethnic flavor to ShopHQ, among the bland blondes.

We saw her recently on a gold show. Her enthusiasm was great.

We don’t get it.

Nikki posted on Facebook for the Fourth of July, and didn’t mention anything about leaving the network. So maybe she’s still there — but not on the host page.

Nikki is a veteran of JTV and ShopLC, by the way.

Tags: Nikki Stanzione, ShopHQ

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  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (1)pasha2k Says:
    July 6, 2022 at 10:26 pm | Reply

    Only show i saw of hers was her first show, and i thought she was too over the top. I’m sure she was fine after that time, but she made me nervous just thinking listening to her go over the top.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (2)Peggy Says:
    July 6, 2022 at 10:34 pm | Reply

    I definitely appreciated the “ethnic flavor” you mention and am sorry Nikki has gone. ShopHQ is a mess that has now been removed from our Dish channels – they’ve been losing money for years through all of their incarnations.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (3)Tropical Gal Says:
    July 6, 2022 at 10:42 pm | Reply

    I can’t answer that but I wish QVC would get rid of Jane Treacy. So many complaints about her and nothing changes. QVC going down the drain in time. Shame

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (4)Bertie Says:
      July 7, 2022 at 8:00 pm | Reply

      Tropical Gal
      I used to like Jane, she was a good host. These last few years she has gotten to be annoying as heck. Crisis over getting older? Trying to be youthful? Trying to fit in? Who knows, but we are not the only people who have noticed her decline. She has been nicknamed “Blabby” on other forums….. and it is not meant to be complimentary. She’s part of the decline of QVC, for sure. They have a great deal to work on to improve things, but they don’t seem to want to.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (5)Aria Says:
        July 10, 2022 at 5:57 pm

        Yes, I agree about Jane, but it seems that QVC provides more airtime to blabby hosts that tell too much about their personal lives instead of describing the product or allowing the product representatives to talk (i.e. Shawn & Courtney).

        I believe Bertie is correct and Jane has a “crisis over getting older”. I have watched QVC on and off since Jane was pregnant with her now grown daughters. I don’t remember her being so over-the-top. I think Mary Beth, Jayne, Leah and Carolyn have handled getting older so much better. They are youthful, but don’t act like children.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (6)Lainie Says:
        July 10, 2022 at 10:14 pm

        So true. I think Jane T is having difficulty with all the birthdays. Better than the alternative, for sure.
        There is too much personal sharing by hosts on QVC. There is a little on HSN occasionally, too. Please, just describe the product thoroughly. We don’t care if your niece uses a towel for a blanket 🤦🏼‍♀️. We don’t care about your trip to Hawaii. Make sure your manicure is clean and neat, and you’re dressed in a human manner, and you know the junk you’re trying to shove down our throats. Not too much to ask.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (7)Lainie Says:
    July 7, 2022 at 12:46 am | Reply

    I rarely watch HQ, so I most likely wouldn’t see her, but I actually haven’t the few times I’ve watched lately. It’s usually some change of some kind when they’re no longer on the host page.
    I like her, and Pasha, I do agree; sometimes she can be a little much, but I like her enthusiasm. Much different from the org*smic sighs and gasps of Colleen Lopez 🙄. Hopefully she’ll post something soon and let us know what’s going on. I tried to pull up the program guide to look for her, and it doesn’t work. Even their website is terrible.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (8)Judy Says:
    July 7, 2022 at 8:42 pm | Reply

    My experience watching Nikki has mainly been while she was on JTV. And I enjoyed her enthusiasm, too. HQ has got to be the worst host and vendor musical chairs game in town. I hope they didn’t get rid of her, but who knows. More info needed.
    Above posts about Jane Treacy are accurate. She has become annoying as all get out. She can’t stay focused, and Blabby fits her well. However, she isn’t the only one on the Pajama Parade that needs to go. QVC needs to clean up their act. They’ve gotten sloppy and careless.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (9)Linda Says:
    July 7, 2022 at 10:02 pm | Reply

    Couldn’t watch her for one minute, way too low class looking and her constant background UH UH when someone was talking drove me nuts. Go back to the hillbilly channel Nik.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (10)Stephanie Says:
    July 8, 2022 at 6:49 pm | Reply

    Talk about hosts moving around I just got a news flash on my face book feed (why I got this particular one I do not know). Antoinella, formerly of the Q, will now be selling jewelry at 8 p.m. on Saturdays from her boat for-get ready for this one!!!-JTV.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (11)Judy Says:
      July 8, 2022 at 7:40 pm | Reply

      I think I’m going to replace “Nikki” with “Antonella” and use Linda’s (above) post for the rest. Except Nikki has more class in her little finger nail than all of Antonella. Sorry, not sorry. Glad she’s healthy but can’t stand scammers. Thank you, BTW, for the warning. One more reason to avoid JTV.
      On a happier note, Suzanne Somers’ last show was ok but not my thing (gut health stuff). Ditto tonight’s vitamin show. I’ll save those for when I’m really desperate for TV….. ANYTHING but Antonella. Suzanne and company were fun, just not an interesting topic for me. YMMV. And Antonella is a huge NOPE.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (12)Stephanie Says:
        July 9, 2022 at 11:23 am

        Judy: I knew I spelled Ant’s name wrong. I was surprised to see that she would be selling on JTV, and I think an hour before that selling on her own (don’t quote me on that one but I seem to remember her talking about a two hour stretch) because a few days ago another thing appeared on my facebook- Linda Robertson selling jewelry with Antonella zooming in beside her, saying that the proceeds from one particular bracelet would go to Ant. Antonella was smiling and saying thank you. I am glad she is doing well health wise but it seems as if she has no shame when it comes to asking people for handouts.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (13)Judy Says:
        July 9, 2022 at 2:49 pm

        You spelled Ant’s name the way she pronounces it, which is incorrect. Most understandable.
        All I can say is, to keep myself from looking like a jerk to all the Ant fans, is, I agree with you 100%. 😘

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (14)Lainie Says:
        July 9, 2022 at 3:35 pm


        This ^ 🙌. I, too, agree.

        The year has flown, fellow bloggers. I looked at Kathy Wolf’s Facebook, and she posted that she had ridden her bike to the beach to honor the 1 year anniversary of her dad’s passing. I can’t believe it has been a year already 😯. Rest in peace.
        The usual 🥱 Saturday fare on HSN; elsewhere, too. I think I’ll check out SS recent podcasts. They were still in Malibu last I looked; you can hear the waves by their house when she podcasts, I like that. It’s very relaxing. As to comments on a previous thread, yes, if I were SS and Al, I’d stay most of the summer in Malibu. I lived in Palm Springs and it is 🥵🔥🥵🔥 in the summer.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (15)Ella Says:
        July 9, 2022 at 8:17 pm

        Antonella says it’s hard living on a boat. So why are you? A bunch of scamming pirates, living off people’s kindness and contributions. I have nothing good to say about her and I’ll go no further other than I agree with Stephanie, Judy, and Lainie. Antonella is mentally damaged and should be under supervision, smoking her cigarettes. White trash (I’m white, too, so…) exemplified. WTH, JTV…. are you trying to sink lower into an abyss of trash and scamming?

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (16)LL Says:
    July 9, 2022 at 3:05 pm | Reply

    Why does Antonella’s husband look like some kind of aging, grifter bum in the recent car video? These two are incredibly strange. Something is mentally off with Antonella. Her extreme way of speaking and opening her mouth, her constantly crazy look. Do these two sit on their boat all day and smoke weed and drink because that’s how they come across. Who ARE the morons that give these two money??

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (17)Deanna Says:
      July 11, 2022 at 2:43 pm | Reply

      Because he IS a bum. I don’t know if they smoke weed, but Antonella sure smokes cigarettes. Great for cancer, right?
      As for the people who give them money, there is/was a GoFundMe set up “mysteriously”, probably by Antonella’s husband. Her fans contribute. Because, you know, LL, it’s hard, living on a boat.
      Biggest scam in history, then her, acting like an ass during her last treatment and making a racket up and down the halls of the hospital, while Grubby filmed it. Disrespectful. And don’t get me started on her dirty cooking methods. Those people are a family of pure trash. And yes, I agree, she’s mentally unbalanced.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (18)Bertie Says:
    July 9, 2022 at 9:10 pm | Reply

    I have a feeling Antonella won’t be on JTV long. And I agree with what all y’all said above. Scammers.
    I think I’ll watch Adrienne on HSN soon, with SquareHead, lol! Hopefully she (SquareHead) cleaned up her nails. Adrienne sure has a lot of staying power, good for her. She’ll be one vendor that will close down HSN, when it happens. One of the first; one of the last. I admire her strength and tenacity.
    My granddaughter is here, and she’s going to watch with me. We shopped today and had a good time doing errands, etc. Tonight we’re ordering pizza. Tomorrow I’m making us a nice a nice brunch, then she’ll go home. It’s always so nice when she comes to visit ♥️.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (19)Lainie Says:
    July 10, 2022 at 4:46 pm | Reply

    I watched some of Adrienne with Bobbi on now. Kind of felt like the old days, in a way. They sure don’t have much to choose from in Adrienne’s line anymore. But I still enjoy seeing her; along the lines of Bertie’s comment.
    Mary has company; the people she usually goes to visit with are here with her. That was a nice change for her. I had brunch yesterday with other friends here, and Skyped with my sister. She’s leaning heavily towards moving here. I told her do it soon; the market is changing. Sell low and buy high is NOT the way to go.
    Today 😻 and I will be marathoning old TV shows. It has been kind of a flat week and this is the perfect ending. We have snacks, treats, cold drinks, and a comfy place to sit. What more do you need? ♥️♥️

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (20)Judy Says:
    July 11, 2022 at 3:53 pm | Reply

    Wow, the weekend sort of sneaked by!! I hope you all had a good one. Bertie, I’m glad your granddaughter visited you. 😻😻 and I just hung out at home. Later this week it’s pizza night, and my SIL is cat sitting ♥️. I’m making maple pecan cookies for her as a thank you. Plus some extra because I know my brother will get into them 🤫.
    Colleen 🙄 today on HSN, some crafting, a little of this n that…… good day to do laundry. I did watch Suzanne Somers’ podcasts from Malibu. They were fun, even though the topic wasn’t that interesting to me. She has been in a MUCH better mood in Malibu than Palm Springs. The heat is a bummer. Stay cool, friends.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (21)Jerri Says:
    July 11, 2022 at 5:30 pm | Reply

    Aren’t grandkids great, Bertie? Ours stayed the weekend, too. Ms SquareHead appeared to have cleaned up her dragon claws, thankfully. I enjoyed seeing Adrienne; there wasn’t anything else for me on HSN. Ditto today.
    I watched SS new podcasts….Judy, she is in a MUCH better mood in Malibu. I totally get it; we’re having heat advisory daily 🥵🥵 and it’s hot as hell. Yes, I’d be in a better mood in Malibu, too! Hurry up, September!!!
    Anyway, Mr braved the heat and barbequed some chickens, and we had a little feast. 😻😻 were in heaven, with the boys here. We’re keeping it cool inside because it is so uncomfortable out there. And the weekend flew.
    I still can’t figure out if Nikki S is in or out at HQ; time will tell, I guess. As time goes by, the host and vendor shuffle speeds up. I think home shopping, as we knew it 20+ years ago, is gone and forgotten by many.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (22)Ella Says:
    July 11, 2022 at 7:05 pm | Reply

    I’m with you, Jerri… hurry September. Low to mid 100s here, with some humidity. Our electric bill will be $$$$$$$ at this rate. Pop adjusts to this weather better than we “kids” do! The whole valley has warmed up, and you can see, feel, and smell Summer everywhere.
    I’ve been working on my article series; I’ll be glad when it’s done. Nice little $$$$ paycheck, but this heat has been difficult to go out in. I find myself doing quite a bit by phone, which is fine.
    I watched Keaney earlier, she really looked nice. Lots of Colleen today, no thank you 😬. So I’ll get some work done ahead.
    Hopefully Suzanne S and company will stay in Malibu a little bit. It’s too hot everywhere else. And Palm Springs is 🔥🥵🥵🔥.
    Stay cool everyone, and take it easy.
    And a side note to Judy: due to the nature of my article, I’ve had to research crime rates. Strike what I said about Little Town before. HIGH crime, violent and property. You’re much better off where you are. Little Town, and my town right behind it, have gone to hell. Sorry, but it’s true. Statistics don’t lie, and neither do crime and murder reports 😢.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (23)Judy Says:
      July 11, 2022 at 8:12 pm | Reply

      Just a quick product review…. Colleen’s jewelry boxes are crap. The see through plastic breaks, the magnets give out, and they are way overpriced to begin with. My SIL, a good friend, a former coworker and myself all bought some a couple years or so ago. None of us are rough on things; we took good care of them. But by 2 months in, they were junk. You can get the same thing at big barn stores for less than 1/4 of the price she charges.
      All of her jewelry is on clearance except for “clarity enhanced” rubies. WTF kind of bull 💩 treatment is clarity enhanced. No, thanks!!! We’re dealing with way too much compressed jewelry (hello, Jay King) now there’s more fakery?!? I wasn’t going to watch Colleen but I’ve got the volume off and she just came on 🙄 dammit.

      Ella, thank you for posting that candid comment. I feel better about my decision to stay here for now. I can always visit Little Town when I’m feeling nostalgic (and very, very brave, lol) and at least I like my house here. The homes there are awful. And there just isn’t much of anything there. I bet that little family owned vintage market is sorely missed there, given the other available choices. Anyway, thanks for that, it helped.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (24)Lainie Says:
        July 11, 2022 at 9:00 pm

        I tried the boxes about 4 years ago. I took good care of them, and had same results as you and your friends 👎. There are cheaper, better solutions out there. f*ck Colleen anyway.
        Things are changing quickly in this country and what is a good area today may be a ghetto tomorrow, and vice versa. Stay where you are at least till things stabilize more. It’s scary, because doing anything could be the leap from frying pan to fire.
        Our weather has been upper 70s at the highest, I wish I could send some to those of you who are 🥵 right now. Hang in there, Autumn will be here before we know it. Then all of you who are sweltering now will have the most gorgeous weather.
        Mary has company till Tuesday or Wednesday, then she’ll be back to 😻 and herself, just like me. 😻 and I have just been playing, looking at TV, and hanging out. I made an almond cake; it has been breakfast and dessert. No frosting, just powdered sugar…. recipe I found online; it’s great. I’ll make another and have Mary over for coffee later this week.
        Hopefully HSN will have more to offer tomorrow. Not even good for entertainment. And yes, Colleen is kept on MUTE.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (25)Ella Says:
        July 11, 2022 at 9:21 pm

        I’m glad that helped. And mind Lainie’s post. It’s true; nothing feels solid anymore. I think you’re doing the right thing, staying where you are for now.
        I’ve never tried Colleen’s junk boxes nor do I intend to. Her stuff is 💩. And looks as horrible as it’s made 🙅. I wonder how successful her rags and jewelry really are?
        I keep looking for info on Nikki, and hitting a wall. I guess we’ll know what’s up at some point.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (26)Linda Says:
    July 11, 2022 at 10:02 pm | Reply

    LL, I agree something is way off with Antonella. Her husband looks like a low life also. Her giant nose and weird gestures with her mouth and tongue make me itch.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (27)cp Says:
    July 11, 2022 at 10:51 pm | Reply


    “Clarity-enhanced” means the stone has been dyed, fissure or fracture-filled with colorless oils or a minimal amount of glass, or filled with glass that has a high lead content. With respect to filling rubies, the traditional oil or glass methods have little or no negative impact on the overall value of the stone, but using lead-filled glass has a significant impact.

    The lead-filled glass method is used quite a bit all over the jewelry industry to make low-grade corundum that under normal circ*mstances would have a slim-to-none chance at being used in jewelry into something that can be. As a result, the stones are often called composite rubies (upwards of 1/3 of the weight can be from the glass). They are much cheaper for the consumer, provided the seller knows that they are selling composite stones and is upfront about it to the consumer.

    However, they are also much, much more fragile and require different care and handling from both the owner and any jeweler that works with the material.

    Therefore, it’s important to know whether a ruby you’re buying is composite or not. With respect to the Colleen Lopez rubies, even though the descriptions on the website say “glass-filled”, given the prices I’d put really good money on them being lead glass-filled. Same with JTV’s Mahaleo line. If they were decent stones to begin with and filled the traditional way with glass they’d be multiple times the price.

    As for Nikki S., her picture being off the hosts’ page over at SHQ is pretty much a guarantee they let her go, and like a number of other hosts who have been quietly canned by SHQ/Evine in the past number of years she’s not saying anything publicly about it.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (28)Judy Says:
      July 11, 2022 at 11:22 pm | Reply

      Thanks so much for clarifying and explaining “clarity enhanced”. Not that I was considering buying them, but it’s good to know for future reference. Doesn’t sound like something I want. Same with compressed turquoise, etc. The home shopping channels lost me for jewelry long ago.
      I pretty much figured Nikki was out of there…. no host page picture, like you said, usually means gone. The turnover there is crazy. I wouldn’t work there, especially now.
      And, I have SS on mute; she and Al are back in the desert. So we can all roast together today, lol! Her discounts are good but still too steep for me. I just watch for info and entertainment. Keep cool, everyone.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (29)Lainie Says:
        July 12, 2022 at 1:12 am

        I think I’d rather have a “flawed” stone than a composite one. Especially since using other materials to fill them makes them more fragile. Thanks, cp, you cleared that up nicely. Much better than the internet!! Along with Judy, and others, my jewelry buying days on home shopping are long gone.
        After dinner I think I’ll lock up for bed, and take 😻 and myself to the bedroom for some TV. He likes looking at TV in bed. (So do I 🤫🤭).

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (30)Stephanie Says:
    July 12, 2022 at 1:35 pm | Reply

    Regarding Colleen and rubies, last night I watched her sell a ruby set of earrings and pendant for cheap money. She and the models kept talking about the set for a long time. I got curious and looked on the website-there were two one star reviews, one a scathing putdown of
    Colleen and her junky jewelry. Wouldn’t you think HSN and/or Colleen would have the smarts not to feature low quality items to further turn off people from buying jewelry from them. I, at one time, thought Colleen was a cut above the usual huckster but I sadly changed my mind.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (31)Bertie Says:
      July 12, 2022 at 5:28 pm | Reply

      I have sent back every piece of Colleen jewelry I have bought. Missing stones, pale or colorless stones, sherp edges on the band, loose stones, etc. I probably bought at least a dozen items over a 2 or 3 year period, they all got returned. Her clothing line is even worse. She is a big phony huckster…. no better than the rest.
      There have been many complaints about her things, and HSN chooses to ignore them.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (32)Lainie Says:
        July 13, 2022 at 6:33 pm


        I bought a couple rings around the “welo opal” phase of Colleen’s jewelry. Missing stones, ugly stones, uncomfortable fit….they all went back, and I haven’t ordered since. It’s a crap line just like her clothes. Caveat emptor.
        I will only buy jewelry from Michael Valitutti on any home shopping channel. Otherwise, no shopping channel jewelry. I’ve made a couple exceptions in the past but I knew it would be ok. That window has closed.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (33)Mohandat samlall Says:
    July 19, 2022 at 12:46 am | Reply

    What happen to host nicky

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (34)Lainie Says:
      July 25, 2022 at 3:32 pm | Reply

      I just looked Nikki up and apparently she is hosting a morning show on a Southwest affiliate of Fox called “New Mexico style”. So I guess when her host picture was gone at HQ, so was she.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (35)Leroy Smith Says:
      November 12, 2022 at 12:53 pm | Reply

      She gone. Pay attention. Guess Allah didn’t give you any brains to figure that out.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (36)Connie Says:
    August 2, 2022 at 1:57 pm | Reply

    Nikki did say on Facebook that she’d let us know soon what was going on with her. Yes, the NM gig is old news. For some reason, they have to wait for a certain amount of time after they leave the shopping channels before they can disclose what they’re doing next. I remember that happening with Suzanne Somers when she went from HSN to then shop NBC. For a few months, it was as though she disappeared off the face of the earth.
    Anyway, Nikki seems to always land on her feet. I wish her well.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (37)Stephaniellll Says:
      August 3, 2022 at 12:27 pm | Reply

      I was told they had to wait six months before announcing where they are going, but some didn’t, so it may depend on how they left and where they are going. For example, Suzanne to a competing shopping channel. But I don’t think there was a six month wait for Nikki from Shop LC to Shop HQ. It sure is tough going in the world of home shopping,l

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (38)Connie Says:
        August 4, 2022 at 5:17 pm

        Yes, it seems like there are “pauses” of different lengths for different hosts and vendors before they move on. If I remember correctly, Suzanne Somers was “gone” about 2 or 3 months between HSN and shopNBC. And there was a really short pause between Nikki’s LC to HQ gigs.
        Kathy Wolf was “retired”, then about 3 or 4 months later was a product rep back at HSN. Keeping up with these people is really challenging!

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (39)Gina C Says:
    August 31, 2022 at 2:59 pm | Reply

    Does anyone know why on Mondays at ShopHQ they show basically repeats and not live programming at least in the morning and early afternoon? On the last Friday in July I wanted to watch Fashion Talk on a Monday, and here comes Fatima wishing me a Happy 4th of July. And it was the end of July. Something is up there. Maybe Homeshoppingista can get the low down on this. They eventually moved Fashion Talk to Wednesdays when I can’t watch due to normally working. A lot of times I tune into a show listed on the guide only to see some show from the past being aired instead. This happens a lot lately. Between this and the bleeding of hosts, something is afoot!

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (40)cp Says:
      September 1, 2022 at 3:31 pm | Reply

      SHQ did a schedule overhaul starting August 1, and it included cutting back live programming. In general, and all times are eastern, live programming is as follows: 8 am-midnight Saturdays and Sundays, 4 pm-midnight Mondays, 9 am-1 pm and 4 pm-midnight Tuesdays-Thursdays, and 9 am-midnight Fridays.

      So for Mondays, live programming doesn’t start until 4 pm, and Tuesdays-Thursdays they get going at 9 am but throw in taped programming from 1-4 pm. Only Fridays starting at 9 am and Saturdays and Sundays starting at 8 am do they have “full days” of live shows.

      That being said, even during times when they’re supposed to be “live” they will insert taped programming instead. On reason could be they have cut back on the product quantities they’re bringing in and if they don’t have enough to justify a full hour they just show a rerun instead of trying to find replacement items under the same line to fill the time. There could be other reasons for these unexpected rerun hours as well.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (41)Gina C Says:
        September 1, 2022 at 4:16 pm

        Thanks! Mystery solved. What a shame. I was sad when QVC/HSN cut overnights, but this is even worse. Maybe I need to get outside more LOL. Your response is appreciated. I hope this does not spell financial issues for them. I have noticed their clothing offerings have gone slightly downhill since last year.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (42)cp Says:
    September 1, 2022 at 4:37 pm | Reply


    You’re welcome!

    As for whether it spells financial issues for them, I’d say it’s on the level of hiring an airplane to fly around a banner announcing it.

    Not only have they cut live hours, the total airtime devoted to brands that belong to SHQ or the Invicta people continues to rise while the variety of programming continues to shrink. For example, are you looking for kitchen, food, or housewares shows? Unless you’re a fan of MacKenzie-Childs, good luck.

    They’ve also recently gotten rid of a host or two and redefined the roles of several others. I’d put good money on them having let go a number of behind-the-scenes people too, including in production since they have less hours to produce.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (43)Stephanie Says:
      September 2, 2022 at 12:59 pm | Reply

      I can’t watch this channel anymore. I used to love Shop NBC and watching everyone hosting and representing but now I can’t bear to see what has happened here so I just don’t tune in anymore.

      • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (44)Gina C Says:
        September 2, 2022 at 1:14 pm

        For a minute they were heading in the right direction. I liked the cooking shows, and their fashions were getting good. Then all of a sudden hosts started disappearing, the fashions began to decline, and then the canned programming. The only cooking shows are clearance or endless taped shows about Shaq’s grill. I never knew they had a schedule for the taped stuff til I came here. I am not a fan of QVC and HSN not doing 24 hours on the main channels anymore, but wow, showing only taped stuff all day on Mondays – what is the point? They might as well shut down and just have a YouTube channel. Yeah I get that repeats of taped shows is cheaper, but who is going to buy? I am surprised that they still have so many hosts on staff with the greatly reduced live schedule. I am surprised Nikki is the only one to be let go recently.

    • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (45)Kevin Says:
      November 3, 2022 at 5:54 am | Reply

      @CP I’m one of those Invicta people lol. I found out online the CEO of Invicta owns stock in the company hence why they show a lot of Invicta programming hope that helps.

      Link here

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (46)cp Says:
    September 2, 2022 at 3:08 pm | Reply


    They let go Daniel Green as well (not that he was around much anyway), and “demoted” (my word) three hosts to on-air presenter/co-host type positions. The latter are still listed on the hosts page, but do not appear in the program guide. There are a couple more hosts who don’t get a whole lot of on-air hosting time.

    Also, I may have been a bit off with the schedule; they were showing live programming on Thursday afternoon when I originally said it was taped. Plus since it’s now the beginning of a new month they may have decided to tweak things after seeing how the changes made at the beginning of August went, summer vacations are pretty much done, etc. But it still stands that you never know when they’re going to drop in something taped.

    But seeing where they’ve put the taped stuff on a regular basis is an excellent indicator of which time slots are the weakest for sales, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this applies to other shopping channels as well.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (47)Kevin Says:
    November 3, 2022 at 5:38 am | Reply

    Why are there 8 female hosts and only 3 male hosts? I remember a few years ago they had just as many female hosts as men. ShopHQ seems to be bias when it comes to hiring. As a straight male I don’t mind the women but there are somethings I’d rather hear a guy explain like Mens jewelry, watches, gadgets etc.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (48)Leroy Smith Says:
    November 12, 2022 at 11:37 am | Reply

    She likes to job hop. Look at her resume.

    She’s quite old to be doing such a thing.

  • Jersey Girl Nikki Stanzione Gone From ShopHQ? (2024)
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