Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (2024)

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Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming ToShopHQ

A Clemency guy will soon be back on ShopHQ — and it’s not Chuck.

His son Blake, who is also in the jewelry business, announced on Facebook that he will be repping and bringing back his dad’s former ShopHQ line, Gem Treasures, to the Minnesota-based home shopping network.

“Happy Cyber Monday Everyone!!” Blake posted.

“Announcement Time! Starting Dec. 5th I will be reintroducing the iconic Gem & Diamond Treasure Collection exclusively at ShopHQ !!!” he wrote.

“A full-days event featuring all of our favorite gemstones,” Blake said. “As always, Gem and Diamond Treasures will be for the collector! This will be the next chapter in such a wonderful legacy and I could not be more excited to be it’s sole representation! Never before seen designs, gorgeous gold and silver silhouettes and much more. Stay tuned this week for more info and sneak peeks!”

We seem to remember that ShopHQ had continued selling Gem Treasures after Jersey guy Chuck left, but it didn’t have the same oomph.

Chuck also offered congrats to his son on his new endeavor.

“I’m so proud to see my son taking the Gem Treasures brand to the next level,” he posted on Facebook. “His talent for design and knowledge of gemstones will be must-see tv.”

He and Blake had both been selling on Shop LC, where Chuck remains.

Another former ShopHQ jewelry vendor, Michael Valitutti, has also returned. He came back after a stint on HSN.


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44 Responses to “Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming ToShopHQ”

  1. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (1)templeimagery Says:
    November 29, 2022 at 5:43 am | Reply

    Likely because their respective interests will get far more on-air hours there than any larger network. It’s also possible in Chuck’s case that ShopLC is manufacturing the line.

  2. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (2)Stephanie Says:
    November 29, 2022 at 2:16 pm | Reply

    Always smoke and mirrors in the home shopping industry. Chuck has said many times that for the last ten years he was selling jewelry at HQ, Evine, etc. he was selling from LC’s stock, though most thought he had his own line of jewelry. A lot of it was junk, I was watching a show one day and three people called in an hour asking what to do about jewelry that stones fell out of, etc. That is the same problem that now plagues Shop LC. No wonder LC didn’t usher Blakely out the door and let him talk about his next step over and over. The fact that Shop HQ can get back former jewelry lines that left in a huff goes to show how shaky the home shopping industry is now, i m o. There is really no place to go so they are going in circles. Anyhow, buyer beware!

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (3)Lainie Says:
      November 29, 2022 at 8:40 pm | Reply

      Buyer beware, indeed! Chuck’s stuff was falling apart at the seams on his first go round at HQ. The nicest way of putting this, is that Michael Valitutti has nothing to worry about.
      They are selling gem trees again on HSN. They take me back to my childhood, when a beloved aunt had one. Hers had pale green jade for the leaves. It made me feel so peaceful to sit and look at it. Many, many summers ago, watching the leaves sparkle in the light, it seemed so magical. I don’t want one from HSN; it’s not the same. But it sure brought back some nice memories.
      I haven’t turned the sound up today; I hope they’ve synced their audio and video. That was awful yesterday, trying to watch that.
      And before you whip me with a wet noodle for “being unsympathetic to Kathy”, (see my comment to Greta in previous thread). I think she’s milked this long enough. What will her excuse be when she gains the weight back AGAIN? Like I said yesterday, if loss caused her weight gain, she mustn’t have any family left now. I still think she’s missing a few cards from her deck. Maybe she wouldn’t have been fired if she didn’t go on ad nauseum about how sexy she was. Jeez. We all mourn loss, hurt, and grieve. Most of us do it without dog’s heads in our mouths, or public fanfare. Do your damn Pilates, sell your wonky bath brushes, and STFU already.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (4)Jerri Says:
        November 29, 2022 at 9:40 pm

        I agree with you and Stephanie about the reintroduction of Clemancy’s jewelry to HQ. They are going in circles.
        And Kathy is no more hurt than the rest of us who have suffered loss. I’m getting tired of her self absorbed comments, too. And I think she’s off kilter, too. Be glad for what you have, and quit using every little thing as an excuse to fall apart.
        We got back from Dad’s last night. We left early Friday (the boys came over Thursday night and stayed), stayed Saturday and Sunday, and left early yesterday AM. It’s a brutal trip, especially straight through, but we wanted to see him. Time is slipping away. He was very happy to see us. We brought his Christmas presents, and he’ll open them with us on Skype.
        The red 😻 is not taking kindly to me leaving him. He is sensitive, emotional, and he beat the 💩 out of my head and face last night. No claws, just hard slaps. Then he snuggled up to me. Mr laughed so hard he almost fell out of bed. I guess he’s letting me know there are consequences for leaving him. His brother is normal. Today the red 😻 is sitting on my lap, purring. The silver 😻 came up and joined us and now I have 60 lbs of cats on my lap. At least they’re warm!
        I haven’t watched any home shopping, I have felt rather lost over the past few days. The gem trees are nice, but I see a dust magnet!! How did your aunt keep hers clean, Lainie?
        It sounds like everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, and Judy, yours turned out very well.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (5)Stephanie Says:
        November 30, 2022 at 2:21 pm

        Lainie: I saw Coleen selling that gem tree, with citrines, and wow, did that stop me in my tracks. I had never seen one before, never even knew they made them and I have to admit I wanted one. Jerri, thanks for giving me a good laugh just now reading your reference to the trees being dust magnets. That brought me back to reality. I wonder if you can just put them under a faucet.
        Regarding HQ and Blakely, I remember hearing the great BSA Chuck saying one night that when he worked at “the other channel” people were paying more for the same jewelry he is selling now for less since there was no middleman markup. I will be curious to see a show but most definitely will not buy.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (6)Lainie Says:
        November 30, 2022 at 8:13 pm


        Those trees ARE dust magnets. My aunt and uncle had a pretty dust free place, but she still used a feather duster on the tree about twice a week, then a slightly dampened soft cloth about 3x per month. It was a chore, too. But worth it to her; a beloved relative had given it to her and it meant a lot. But yes, tedious to keep clean.
        I will say Kathy looked nice on TV with Lynn yesterday, selling the bath brush. Nice hair, makeup, and neutral nails. I didn’t notice Lynn’s nails. Maybe I’m getting sick. The flu is going around.
        I’d like to see one of Blakely’s shows, but I, too, would not buy any of that jewelry. I bought some of Chuck’s jewelry from shopNBC in 2005 or 2006. It was really pretty. Rose quartz in rose gold dipped silver. Ring, necklace and earrings. When it got home, it had several cracked stones, and broken links in the rose gold wire. Back it went. People around then were complaining about the studs he named after his daughter (sorry, name eludes me…..anyone?) People said the stones were poor quality and the earring clasps came off too easily.
        Lol, Jerri, you can’t leave that red cat anymore. I know it hurt but it looks so cute when they do that. Mine does it occasionally but he is more in play mode. I do believe re/orange cats are more emotional than their non red counterparts.
        I worked out this morning, and Mary’s 😻 and mine had a play date. The rest of the day should be quiet and relaxing. I put my Menorah out, and I put the tree together in the spare room just so it “relaxes” and hangs nicely for decorating in a few days. Purple and blue lights all over, to chase the gloom, and match the Menorah. Not to be a downer but I’m a little afraid of what next year will bring.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (7)Stephanie Says:
        November 30, 2022 at 9:15 pm

        Lainie: I google imaged gem trees and hundreds came up. I don’t know where I’ve been never noticing one. I think I would have to see one before I bought one, and will not be ordering one on line.
        I heard the story of Kelly Ann’s studs over and over throughout the years. Her chosen stone was London Blue Topaz, etc etc. Chuck had his fans but even when I looked on his facebook page a while back, right after he left HQ, people were saying how they have contacted him several times re jewelry falling apart and why hasn’t he answered them. They did set up a poorly written website for returns, not HQ but his supplier, probably LC (see poorly written) but that most likely is gone.
        I have been feeling awful since Thanksgiving and took my first covid test today, scary waiting for result, which was negative. So much going around, four family members had covid over the Holiday, all vaccinated. Enjoy your tree and menorah, it sounds like the lights will look fantastic.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (8)Lainie Says:
        November 30, 2022 at 9:52 pm

        THANK YOU! I have been racking my brain, and couldn’t think of Kelli Ann to save my own life.
        Don’t order the gem tree online. Find a place that has them so you can buy in person. Vegas is home to Kalifano; but surely there are others out there. I’m 70 years old, and my aunt had her tree as long as I can remember. So they’ve been around for awhile.
        I’ve been feeling off for a couple days; maybe I’m fighting something. I just watched Lynn’s show with Antthony from yesterday, and depressed myself. Sometimes the comparison of HSN, etc from 20 years ago to now is too much to handle. I felt like I was trapped in Capwell’s basem*nt or something. I wonder if Antthony’s quality is good anymore. His styles have become cheesy and matronly, and those I did like were $$$$. Also, HSN needs to have brighter lights on their sets, so you can see colors and patterns.
        My lights will cheer the place up, it’s so darn gloomy on the coast now. Mary has started putting her lights up, too. I know my sis will do same when she gets back.
        Have a great day, Stephanie.

  3. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (9)Jerri Says:
    November 30, 2022 at 10:35 pm | Reply

    Stephanie, Lainie
    That tree has to be a beast to keep clean. And tedious is the word that comes to mind. I’d love an amethyst or other stone, but the idea of dusting it wipes that right out. Me, who complains that I have to clean my 2 art glass bowls once a month!
    I saw that Antthony show from yesterday and the sets are way too dark. Like a Sevek painting from the cold war years. Antthony’s stuff is $$$$$$. What little I do like. All I know is, if you look up hideous in the dictionary, pictures of those jog suits and that herringbone sweater will pop up. And I genuinely feel bad, because I adore Antthony, but his designs have hit the skids 😢.
    Stephanie, I hope you feel better soon. Here in AZ, we have a super flu going around. If I get it, just shoot me. Or let the red 😻 beat me to death!! Lainie, lots of fluids, fruit, and broth. You’re a Jewish girl, you know this. And your lights sound pretty.

  4. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (10)Jerri Says:
    December 1, 2022 at 7:57 pm | Reply

    Off topic, but am saddened by the death of Christine McVie, major contributor to Fleetwood Mac and the world of music. So many near my own age are passing, it’s becoming overwhelming.
    Also heartbreaking was the death of Clarence Gilyard jr, Walker, Texas ranger alum, Die Hard, Top Gun, and many more. He was only 66. They will both be missed.
    Back on track ….do any of you wonderful people on here have any idea why HSN’s sets are so dark??? Other than Kathy’s bath brush segment, it’s been dark all day. It was hard to make out Tamara’s beautiful facial features. It was like the Antthony segment from the other day….DARK. Come on, HSN, turn the lights up. I noticed Colleen was in the dark for her TS the other day, too. Forget the elaborate sets, bring up the lights. I don’t remember ever having trouble making people’s faces out way back….even on darker sets. Makes me wonder what they’re trying to hide.
    Maybe it’s just me but those Vince Camuto motorcycle boots looked uncomfortable af. The model in the brown ones looked like her feet hurt. The boots are weirdly shaped and just look off. Camuto’s line took a huge dive after his death.
    Although it looks better than previous Teddy incarnations, I don’t think the TS was worth $100. I think Teddy coats lose a lot when they go past car coat length. I like Giuliana, but it seems her line is becoming too expensive for what it is. The markdowns aren’t as good, either. If anyone gets the coat, let us know how it is.
    I hope I’m not getting sick; I feel off. Right now 😻😻 are spread over me like a blanket, snoozing. This last trip really wore me out.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (11)Lainie Says:
      December 1, 2022 at 10:02 pm | Reply

      Oy, Vey!! That pink teddy coat reminds me of my late Bubbie’s pink chenille robe she’d throw on over her clothes to sit out on the fire escape late afternoons. In San Francisco, winds come up sharply over the bay and through the city. Chilly even in summer, late afternoons you need a wrap of some kind to be outside.
      Bless her heart, she had her little chair and table out there, and she loved to sit and watch as afternoon turned to dusk. She’d wave at all the neighborhood kids, drink her tea, and then go in and watch the news. She was the sweetheart of Noe Valley, rest her soul. She passed when I was in my 30s. She was 89. I loved her with all my heart. But yes, that Teddy coat took me straight back. She was my mother’s mom.
      The 2 celebrity deaths hit me hard, too. Aging is much different in reality than we are led to believe. Golden years my a$$! I’m feeling better today, hopefully not going to get sick. Jerri, follow the advice you gave me.
      Another point here is that Guy Yovan has been taken off the schedule AGAIN. I’m starting to worry about him, now. He was supposed to be on tomorrow starting a month of hosting several different shows. He’s still on the host page as of 2 hours ago. I wish him well.
      And the HSN sets are way too dark. It’s hard to see lighter skinned people’s features let alone people with darker skin tones. And any clothes in deeper colors are hard to decipher. Sheesh… who forgot to pay the light bill??
      I’m ordering in Chinese. That was Bubbie’s fave, must be where I get it from. I don’t feel like cooking, and it just sounds good.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (12)Jerri Says:
        December 1, 2022 at 11:40 pm

        I was touched by the story of your Bubbie. Bless her dear heart, I bet everyone loved her. The pink chenille robe is a classic. The world was such a different- and better- place then.
        This is not snarking, I’m genuinely worried about Giuliana. Her last hour with Lynn, she looked tired and warm. If you’re going to be showing jackets, HSN, lower the thermostat. Anyway, she looks like she needs to put her feet up and catch 40 winks. Stay well, Giuliana.
        And what is this with Guy Yovan and scheduling?? Is he ever coming back? They keep postponing his appearance like there is something really wrong. Not that they’ve ever really been “trustworthy”, but now so much less. Stephanie’s smoke and mirrors comment rings true here.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (13)Ella Says:
        December 2, 2022 at 7:18 pm

        Lainie, Jerri
        I found Guy’s Facebook earlier and was actually able to go on it. He’s doing good. He says it’s taking a little longer than they anticipated to get back to normal, but he’s doing good, thanked everyone for their concern, etc. So hopefully he’ll continue to heal and do well, and be back in front of the camera soon.
        Lainie, your Bubbie story made me cry a little. I bet all those (now grown) kids remember that sweet little lady. What a shame they can’t stay with us forever 😢. I’m sorry she is gone.
        I’m wondering if Tina and Ty are sick; Tamara has been on a lot in their place. Lynn was out for several days, too. And yes, Giuliana really looked worn out on Lynn’s show. The TS never used to be on so much before…. nor for such lengthy presentations. They had more variety of things to sell, and didn’t focus so heavily on the TS. Now with a much smaller inventory, the TS is presented ad nauseum. Yes, it’s the TS, but it seems to be on so much more than say 20 years ago. Today’s TS is a foot massager. It would be a good gift for someone who stands all day. Hopefully it works and isn’t the usual home shopping piece of crap.
        We’ll put our tree up this weekend. Pop and BIL have a table top tree, which looks good to me. The cats pretty much ignore it. I’m going to put some lights around the room, and that’s plenty, with the tree. We stopped doing outdoor decorations a long time ago. Way too much work.
        The year is winding down quickly. It has gotten cold here. The bedding I bought last year is definitely being put to good use, keeping out the cold and dampness. When that tule fog rolls in, you know it’s going to be cold.

  5. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (14)Jerri Says:
    December 3, 2022 at 1:51 am | Reply

    Well, friends, I’m sick. Bad sick. I think the trip to CA finished me off. I went to urgent care; it isn’t COVID, but they say I got the bad version of this flu. No 💩, Sherlock!
    Mr took 😻😻 to the boys’ earlier. Too many of these illnesses are inter species transmissible . I don’t want 😻😻 to get sick. The boys are in heaven. What’s nice is, they have litter, litter boxes, dishes, toys, food….. everything they need right there. So it was an easy transition, at least for now.
    Mr is making chicken broth from scratch, and I’ll see if I can eat. I’m weak, achy, and do not feel well. I’m watching HSN because I need something mind numbing. Mr will sleep on the futon in his office. Hopefully he doesn’t get this. Take care, everyone. Hopefully I’ll get better soon.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (15)Stephanie Says:
      December 3, 2022 at 3:56 pm | Reply

      Jerri: Here’s hoping you feel better soon. Since Thanksgiving I’ve had what you have, though not as bad. I took my second covid test yesterday and again it showed negative. It’s very persistent and the rainy, windy, cold weather doesn’t help.
      Keep us posted.
      Re the dark sets at HSN, I wasn’t watching G’s show but was listening and I heard the host tell her she could not make out the color of something, she thought it was green. Odd. G was standing right there.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (16)Jerri Says:
        December 3, 2022 at 8:22 pm

        Stephanie, Linda
        Thank you for your good wishes. This is a tough one. And to make the aches, stuffiness and nausea worse, it’s dark, rainy and cold in Phoenix. Kind of like the HSN studios! I’m on antibiotics, so I don’t get pneumonia.
        I’ve noticed HSN has brought in the big guns to shill all the Christmas stuff. Bobbi, Runyan, Shannon S, Adam….they’re earning their pay. I enjoyed the Curtis Stone hour with Bobbi, even though it involved food 🤢. I like Dolly Parton but an hour of perfume is about an hour too long. I don’t get buying perfume without smelling it first; not my thing.
        Anyway, I’m stuck here in bed and wishing you, Stephanie, to get better, and everyone else not to get this horrible flu.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (17)Lainie Says:
        December 3, 2022 at 10:16 pm

        Take care of yourself. Try eating clear broth. It’s at least something. Remember, after you’ve been on antibiotics for 3 days, you’re no longer contagious. I’m sure your cats miss you, especially that orange one. Rest, fluids, and light food.
        I’m also not understanding of buying perfume without smelling it first. Fragrance is such a personal thing. I’m sure half that’s ordered is sent back. Doesn’t make sense.
        I’ve noticed the big guns on frequent rotation lately, too. Curtis Stone can sell all by himself. He must have taken some really good marketing classes. I wish his stuff was stainless, not coated, because I’d try it. I don’t want Teflon floating around in my body forever! And it all comes off, eventually.
        That foot massager from yesterday was 🚫 for me. It looked like a meat grinder from the blow up images. No, thanks. I’m not putting my feet anywhere that I can’t see. Those will be on after Christmas clearance, I guarantee!
        Speaking of chefs, Wolf hasn’t been on in awhile. Looks like he’s moving toward retirement. I don’t blame him. He’s sold a lot of cookware over the years. Emeril makes occasional appearances, but it looks like Curtis is king now.
        I heard that remark about the color, too. With such dark sets, grays, greens and browns are hard to distinguish. Turn the lights up, HSN! People need to see what they’re buying! I don’t like this at all. Easier to buy online, where you can see better.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (18)Judy Says:
        December 4, 2022 at 7:43 pm

        Jerri, Stephanie
        I hope you both feel better soon. My SIL has some form of the crud, I told her stay away!! It’s going around here, too. I always mask up when I go out … now I’m staying in!! I had groceries delivered. And Jerri, I read what you said about interspecies transmission during COVID. Mainly, humans can spread it to pets. So you were smart to take the cats to the boys until your antibiotic kicks in.
        Right now, I guess we’ll see about Christmas. I put my tree up a couple days ago. The cats have been good. They sniff it, lay under it, and otherwise ignore it. When I put the lights on twinkle mode, they like that. They’re such good boys ♥️.
        My SIL’s brother has a condo picked out that he thinks he can afford. He is hoping to sell his house, then pay for it outright. He’s working with a realtor at home and here; I wish him luck. It’s an older building, ground level, 2 bed, 1 bath. I think it’s about 900 square ft. Well kept up, and each unit has a nice yard/patio space in back, fenced off. The kitchen and bath have been updated, and it has fresh paint. They painted it a pale cream color, it looks light and airy Also, wood floors that have been refinished in a lighter color. The bedrooms are separated by the Jack and Jill bath. It has a walk in shower with safety handles and a bench, a nice vanity, and a window for air and light. It has central cooling and heating, and it all is brand new. He has a big project in front of him; I sure don’t envy him. But he will be in a much better area.
        Anyway, everyone stay well. I guess I’ll go over to HSN and see what’s happening there.

  6. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (19)Linda Says:
    December 3, 2022 at 12:38 pm | Reply

    Feel better Jerri!

  7. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (20)Lainie Says:
    December 4, 2022 at 11:04 pm | Reply

    Sometimes I think I’m going crazy when I look at TV o_0. They have a newish host on QVC, Nancy Yoon. Where in the hot flames of hell did they find her?? 😫. She bosses the OAPs around, asks them about their relationships, has an eternal grimace on her face, and a voice that makes Lynn Murphy sound dull. She feigns enthusiasm, acts like an ass doing it, and is generally nightmare fuel. There are a lot of hosts I don’t care for. This one, I hate. She’s rude, robotic, asinine, and should be left on an island in the middle of the ocean. How is this bitch collecting a paycheck, for being rude and annoying. Someone, fire her ass NOW. Rant over.
    @Judy, I hope the BIL gets his condo @Jerri, I hope you’re still with us. My sis has the flu, she’s staying at her daughter’s. I feel sorry for daughter and bf. I hope they don’t get sick. They have to work; she doesn’t. So far, Mary and I are ok. It is going around the community. We decided to take turns walking on the treadmill here. No outdoor stuff for awhile. I’ve upped my fluids, am eating fresh/frozen fruit, and taking my vitamins. Hopefully I won’t get it. Good idea, @Judy. I’m going to have my groceries delivered, too. Drop ’em and run.
    Tonight it’s Chinese, a couple old Kurt Russell Disney movies, and lots of 😻 cuddles. It’s cold and gloomy here, and I have my flameless candles going. My tree is done up in blue and purple, so it’s color coordinated with the Menorah and candles. 😻 seems to like the tree, he’s rubbed his head on it, smelled some ornaments, and sat and stared at it. He pawed at a couple ornaments but gave up on that. I also lit some blue and purple color drip candles, to chase away the gloom. The fog is rolling in and it feels like a different place. You can’t see very far and everything is blurry and ethereal. Security cameras are ON.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (21)Alice Says:
      December 5, 2022 at 1:46 am | Reply

      I’ve seen Nancy Yoon. She makes all the other host shenanigans look like amateur hour. What an unpleasant person. Click!
      I hope everyone gets well soon. This flu isn’t for the faint of heart. Take extra precautions and MASK UP.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (22)Stepnanie Says:
      December 5, 2022 at 1:57 pm | Reply

      Lainie: Sadly, spot on about Nancy Yoon. She is trying much too hard and I don’t think she will be around too long. It’s surprising to me-well, not really-that the powers that be don’t try to coach her and just let her do her own unpleasant hosting. In their desperation to sell all the home shopping channels have become mostly unwatchable to me except for Kathy Levine whom I had never seen before recently when QVC brought her back to sell Diamonique. For some reason, even though I had no intention of buying, I could watch a good portion of her show.
      Stay well everyone.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (23)Lainie Says:
        December 5, 2022 at 8:21 pm

        Nancy Yoon may be a good cook, or a good IT person. Or a good mechanic, or a good electrician. We all have our fit. I’d be a bad host, too…. I’d be nice to all the OAPs, but my brutally honest opinions about the quality of the products would have me fired in a heartbeat.
        Nancy needs to find her fit. It is not home shopping hosting. And yes, you’d think they’d be coaching her, instead of watching her dig herself in deeper 🤦🏼‍♀️.
        I hope you’re feeling better.

  8. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (24)Ella Says:
    December 5, 2022 at 8:52 pm | Reply

    Yes, Yoon missed another calling. She is not host material.

    I read the reviews for that f*ckin bath brush that Kathy Wolf has been selling for a year and they are not good. Wonky, it is. The attachments don’t stay on. It stops working if you press on it. It’s basically setting fire to a $20 bill if you buy it. PSA, folks, caveat emptor. It seems like everything she reps, with the exception of Perlier, is straight up junk. Sorry, Kathy, your credibility just flew south for good.
    Get better/stay well, guys.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (25)Lainie Says:
      December 5, 2022 at 10:46 pm | Reply

      I bought a regular bath brush at Target a couple years ago. It has a pumice head, and a brush head. They slide on and off in a tongue and groove manner. No spinning wonky heads, I power it. It works great, but getting older now. I think I paid $7 for it. Going to get a new one soon. No batteries, you can dunk it, it hangs up to dry, and is just fine.
      I think the Phillips Sonicare stuff , although overpriced, is ok. The rest of the stuff Kathy sells is just junk. She mentioned going to real estate classes. I think that’s a better fit. I’d rather do just about anything than sell crap merchandise that falls apart before you use it. She should be glad she occasionally reps Perlier. This other stuff just establishes her as a junk salesman.
      Anyway, my sister has taken over my niece’s place 🤦🏼‍♀️, sick AND a pain in the ass, and I’m glad that’s all happening in L.A., not here. The tree and lights have been on all day. It’s foggy and gloomy, and without them it’s rather dismal. I am making a pasta casserole, with cheese, ground beef, tomatoes, and seasonings. I’m having fruit with it, and garlic bread. There will be leftovers for lunch tomorrow. 😻 is watching the news from a blanket on the couch. I don’t think he’s moved from there since noon. And I’m about to grab a throw and curl up in my recliner. He’ll probably come and join me, and we can watch TV till dinner.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (26)Alice Says:
      December 6, 2022 at 2:51 am | Reply

      Sadly, everything they sell on home shopping has become (mostly) junk. The host credibility has always been shaky, now it’s in earthquake territory! As for the brush, you can tell by looking at it that it’s held together by a thin thread. I like Lainie’s brush better. I have something similar. You don’t need batteries to scrub your back or heels. Or fancy designs on the brush. Mine is pale blue, and works just fine. My husband has a yellow one. I don’t think they cost $20 together. And I think I bought them at either Marshall’s, or TJ Maxx. So there you go. Skip the annual HSN Christmas bath brush.

  9. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (27)Jerri Says:
    December 9, 2022 at 7:17 pm | Reply

    I’m still alive, but I feel horrible. My DIL informed me that I have 2+ more weeks of this. One of my main issues is eating. I may be hungry, and it may sound good, but after I eat it, I feel 🤢 for several hours. Since I’m underweight, I have to make the effort. Chicken soup, frozen fruit, cheese, cottage cheese work best right now. Ugh.
    My cats are home. The red one only leaves my side to eat and use the bathroom. I am having weird, hallucinogenic type dreams. I mean WEIRD. DIL says that’s normal with this flu, too. Great, you can’t even escape in your dreams!
    I watched Lynn yesterday with Paul Woods (Bellezza) and also with Dimitri. Dimitri had some great sales. I think it’s a shame HSN jacked his prices up so much. I miss his skin care sometimes, but gone too far to go back. I’ve seen Kathy Wolf on a couple times with the brush. She always looks nice. The hosts push that thing like crazy, too.
    We decided just to do the tabletop trees, and string a few lights around this year. I’m too sick to help and it’s all overwhelming anyway. There will be no Christmas meet up here. It will be at the kids’ in West Valley. What I’m still surprised at, is that Mr didn’t get this. I’m just very happy he didn’t. Someone has to run this madhouse!!
    Take care everyone. Stay safe and healthy. Best wishes to all of you.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (28)Lainie Says:
      December 10, 2022 at 4:51 am | Reply

      Good to hear from you. Glad you are hanging in there. And that your cats are home. Aw, the red one loves you so much. ♥️
      Eat little bits at a time. You have to keep your strength up. You’re smart; no need going crazy with decorations in a sick home. Skype with your kids when they meet up in west valley. You need to stay safe.
      It’s been cold and foggy here. 😻 and I stay snuggled in my chair, the couch, or the bed. I’m wearing my warm things and there are throws everywhere. I have all the lights off in the great room except for the tree and Christmas lights. It’s cozy and cheerful. In a bit we’ll go into the bedroom and put TV on in there. I watched Dimitri yesterday and earlier, too. He has some great sales now. When I look outside, the fog looks like a big blanket over everything. I am grateful to be snug inside with 😻, a full fridge and pantry, and a comfortable house.
      Goodnight all, and stay safe.

  10. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (29)Judy Says:
    December 11, 2022 at 7:57 pm | Reply

    Good to see you and hope you’re feeling better.
    I’ve been busy; BIL’s house sold and then he had to move into his condo. We’re finally done. I even helped him decorate for Christmas!
    He’s been a jewel with everyone, and I’ve come to think of him as a friend. He’s happy with his new place, and glad to be here. My SIL is finally getting over the flu. She has weird dreams, too, Jerri. Says it’s like she’s dreaming someone else’s dreams. Anyway, the rest of us have been ok; she’s the only one who got sick.
    We are having Christmas at my place. We will spend a little time Christmas eve at BIL’s, but the main event will be at my place. I ordered a natural, organic ham. I am making a pasta dish with it, and having Winter fruit salad. There will be pie and ice cream. Much can be made ahead, so it will be easy. NO pork for cats so BIL is bringing them chicken breast he’ll roast. Everyone gets Christmas dinner!
    Anyway, I’ve been watching HSN off and on, and noticing how junky some of the gifts are getting. I missed Dimitri’s fast sales the other day. Too bad they only do that with low quantity. Their prices for his stuff have really gone crazy. But then, they’ve gone up for Adrienne’s useless skin care, too. Go figure.
    Feel better, Stephanie and Jerri, and everyone else stay well.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (30)Lainie Says:
      December 13, 2022 at 9:14 pm | Reply

      I’m glad the BIL found a place. The buyers of his old place must have been EXTREMELY motivated. To close a sale around the holidays is rare. The universe was smiling on him, for sure.
      I’m glad he’s where it’s safer and he’s close to family now. And you’ve made a friend along the way. I wish him the best. His new place sounds charming. I’m familiar with those in-a-row, ground level condos/apartments from the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and they are a little slice of heaven. Good for him. May he enjoy every minute there.
      It sounds like you have Christmas dinner handled. And how thoughtful of BIL to cook chicken for the cats again . Sounds to me like he’d make a great cat dad ♥️. Anyway, it sounds like you’ll be having a nice family Christmas, and everyone will enjoy it. Nice that you’re gathering at BIL’s for Christmas Eve. A little party to celebrate a new home!

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (31)Judy Says:
        December 14, 2022 at 7:19 pm

        BIL’s move etc happened quickly. There was a couple with a little girl who bought his old house. Sounds like they were between places, and the child was concerned Santa wouldn’t find them, in spite of her parent’s reassurance. So BIL’s agent made things happen fast, the family got into his former home and he’s in his new one. So yes, the buyers of his home were very motivated!
        I am absolutely smitten with BIL’s new place 😍🤩. It’s small, but big enough. Has an attached garage with built in laundry area. A decent size back yard/patio. Older building, but well kept up and wisely updated. I think it’s infatuation, but we’ll see how I feel if another one comes up for sale. Extreme downsizing!!
        And yes, BIL would make a great cat dad. He’s been making little comments….let’s see if he wants someone to accompany him to the shelter, after things settle down.
        Happy holidays, everyone!

  11. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (32)Stephanie Says:
    December 12, 2022 at 2:58 pm | Reply

    Talk about weird dreams, I dreamt I was talking to a celebrity whose name I can’t remember. She told me she was married to Bill Bixby. Bill Bixby, who is that? The next morning I googled his name and he was a celebrity too. His wives’ names did not ring a bell. I was not aware of Bill Bixby before this. Is Bill trying to tell me something from the great beyond? Other odd dreams for a few weeks now.
    Enjoy this holiday season everyone. Home shopping has been meh for me, all about fabrications, their mother loves this, same old same old. A couple of things did interest me but then I read reviews and they were not good.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (33)Lainie Says:
      December 13, 2022 at 5:27 am | Reply

      Oy I bet your gem tree is gorgeous!! Good for you, making your own. That’s a beautiful idea. And an artistic expression of the beauty of what’s left behind.
      Yes, home shopping has been ho hum…. I glance at it every now and then to see what I’m not missing 🙄. My sister is home, feeling better. And she had dreams of Kathy Wolf trimming her hair 🤔. She also had one of people wearing different colored smeared lip glosses all over their faces. I’ll see your Bill Bixby (the original Hulk) and raise you a Kathy Wolf haircut 😬. She also dreamed that our parents were flying in that Elon Musk space thingy. They’ve passed on, BTW. Any input, Jerri?
      And good for you Stephanie, reading reviews. If it isn’t 4+ ⭐s, it doesn’t get ordered. And even then, I read the negative reviews because sometimes they make an important point. Rest assured the holiday gifts I bought people did not come from home shopping!

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (34)Stephanie Says:
        December 13, 2022 at 3:53 pm

        Lanie: Now I remember the name Bill Bixby-the original hulk. But why he came up in a dream is beyond me. Maybe it’s one big party up there, Bill, your parents, my loved ones, and they are reading this blog and decided to play with us.

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (35)Lainie Says:
        December 13, 2022 at 9:01 pm

        That is the best, most pleasant scenario I can think of. And I hope they’re all having fun!! I hope I don’t get this flu; it sounds like a doozy. Dreams and all!!
        A look at the HSN program guide tells me it’s more cheap “gifts”, outdated electronics, and Colleen Lopez jewelry. Clickity click click click. I don’t see Kathy Wolf on there; could it be that they’ve sold the 5 million junk bath brushes they ordered?!? The Q is too much farting around, and HQ shows the same 3 items over and over. For Michael V, I’ll just shop online.
        I just finished a stack of paperwork for 2 clients. One is coming by this evening; the other, late tomorrow morning. A little mad money for a mad world, I guess. Mary and I worked out earlier and our 😻😻 had a play date. Beneficial to all! It has been mostly gloomy with some fog and a little rain. I keep my holiday lights on when I’m here. It makes a huge difference. Enjoy your gem tree, and all the memories associated with it.

  12. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (36)Stephanie Says:
    December 12, 2022 at 7:42 pm | Reply

    Lainie: I made my own gem tree. I bought a small “tree” in a craft store and attached some of my assorted jewelry pieces laying around, for example the mate to something I lost, little charms, etc. broken chains and the like. It’s cute.

  13. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (37)Jerri Says:
    December 17, 2022 at 5:10 am | Reply

    That gem tree you made must be very beautiful. That’s really a great idea, and gives new life to mismatched/broken pieces.

    I still feel bad but am doing a little better. The weird dreams continue. My stomach still is 🤢. The cats are guarding me constantly. Home shopping has been 🥱😴 lately. Same old junky gifts, being peddled non stop. I think, and hope, the bath brush is gone.
    So, I watch movies and I had Mr pick me up some fashion and decor magazines at the store. It occured to me it’s been AGES since I’ve read a magazine. I sit by the fireplace during part of the day. It has been cold in Phoenix, and out here in no man’s land, it dips below freezing at night. My Giuliana lounge sets have come in handy.
    Stay well, everyone, and happy holidays in case I don’t crawl out from under my rock again till afterwards.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (38)Stephanie Says:
      December 17, 2022 at 1:58 pm | Reply

      Jerri: Sorry you are still under the weather. Yes, home shopping is very blah. Are people really paying $50 for a plain old t shirt you can get anywhere!! And the hosts keep telling you you can return merchandise til the end of January. Makes me wonder how many people will wear that new outfit or new jewelry, then return it all. I saw a pair of slippers I liked but will not spend almost $70 on slippers. Take care of yourself and get a little better each day forward.s

      • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (39)Jerri Says:
        December 17, 2022 at 7:54 pm

        Hi, thank you for your good wishes. I hope you are feeling better. You’re one of the nicest people on here.
        I usually spend $15 – $20 on Dearfoams slippers. Before stuff “went up”, I was paying about $10. I usually order 2 or 3 pairs and they last forever. They get worn, too, a LOT….. we don’t allow “outside shoes” inside. We keep karate shoes in a few different sizes for guests near both doors. Anyway, I live in the darn things and they last a LONG time. $70 for home shopping slippers that may last a couple months. They’re crazy with their prices.
        The clothing is super ridiculous. Many plain tee shirts are over $50 on home shopping. You can get that at TJM, Marshall’s, Kohl’s, 🎯, or Walmart for UNDER $20. Still. The clothes I ordered from HSN were on deep discount, and the prices were competitive/lower than local. AND, the reviews were 4+ ⭐s. But that is so rare on HSN anymore.
        Today I feel a bit more energetic. I may actually tend my herb “garden”. It’s in the laundry room now. Too cold at night to be outside. Mr has been taking care of 😻😻, doing laundry, and keeping the house clean. Plus, cooking. He says he’s tired of eating alone and if I don’t join him soon he’s going to set places for 😻😻 at the table, lol!!
        Anyway, I hope you have nice holidays, and feel better.

  14. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (40)Stephanie Says:
    December 18, 2022 at 1:31 pm | Reply

    Jerri: Thank you for the nice words. I am feeling better. I wear the same slippers you do and they do last forever, so I haven’t looked recently and did not know prices went up so much. Whatever you had lasted an awful long time, there is so much going around these days. I have to keep remembering to wear those darn masks in the supermarket.
    Best wishes to everyone for a happy holiday season. Let’s wish for a better 2023.

    • Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (41)Jerri Says:
      December 18, 2022 at 7:15 pm | Reply

      I wear my mask whenever I go out, have UPS at the door, etc. I’m high risk. I’m surprised I caught this….. especially since Mr didn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️… wearing a mask and washing my hands. I think the trip to CA ran me down, and it was just bad timing. I am feeling better, but I have a cough that’s lingering. My DIL, who works in the medical field, says this flu has about a 5-6 week run.
      I’m glad you’re feeling better. Being sick around the holidays is a bummer. So you wear Dearfoams, too!! Mine get a workout, and still last a long time. Also, they’re comfortable. This time of year I wear socks with them. Especially this year…….Jack Frost seems to have developed an affinity for Arizona!! Last night it was in the upper 30s out here; the first night we’ve had above freezing in a couple weeks. Stay warm and healthy, and stay away from those home shopping “bargains”.

  15. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (42)Lainie Says:
    December 18, 2022 at 8:56 pm | Reply


    I’m glad you’re both doing better. My sister is better, but has that lingering cough, too. That flu is a beyotch, no kidding! Continue to get better, ladies.
    Below freezing nights is something most of us do not associate with Phoenix. A cold front seems to have moved in everywhere. We’ve had near freezing temperatures, fog, and gloom most of the time over the last couple weeks. My holiday lights are on all the time I’m awake. Tonight is the first night of Chanukah, and my friend is coming to stay for a couple weeks, then he’s off to Vegas. We are doing a little bit of family celebration, but mostly just the 2 of us, since we won’t be seeing each other much over the next year.
    In case I get busy, I want to wish the 2 of you, and everyone else here, very warm and happy holidays.

  16. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (43)Bertie Says:
    December 21, 2022 at 5:23 am | Reply

    I’ve had the flu, too. I wish everybody well, and I wish y’all a holiday season full of love and prosperity.

  17. Jewelry Vendor Chuck Clemency’s Son Is Coming To ShopHQ (44)Ella Says:
    December 21, 2022 at 7:54 pm | Reply

    We all had the flu, too…. except Pop. None of us had the bad version, thankfully. Achy body, low fever, stuffy nose for about 5 days. We’re all doing better now.
    Home shopping seems more like gag gifts and a few gifts of spite than Christmas gifts. I grabbed a couple of Dimitri’s specials before they sold out, and that’s about it. I miss his skin care, but it has become too $$$$$ for me. So I just got a couple things to add to my usual stuff that were marked way down.
    Anyway, have a happy Chanukah, merry Christmas, and wonderful celebration whatever your beliefs, and happy New Year to everyone. And … everyone get well and feel better

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.