Kelsey Merritt Responds to Being Called a "White Passing" Filipino Victoria's Secret Model (2024)

"We did it Philippines," 21-year-old rising star Kelsey Merritt posted on Instagram in September. She was announced as the first Filipina model ever to walk in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show — which is scheduled to air on Dec 2 on ABC. "It feels like a dream," she told Teen Vogue. "Getting the show is the dream come true but being the first Filipino woman to walk in the show means I’m making history. The show is broadcast on more than 190 countries with models from 20 countries and I got chosen to represent my region. Blessed!"

While Kelsey is undoubtedly making history by bringing more diversity to the runway, she has also received plenty of backlash from the Filipino community. "My only issue with Kelsey Merritt, is that you can almost see that she’s pure American," a user shared on Twitter. "It would not be that difficult for her to get cast as VS as she fits the ff standards: tall, skinny, and white." Another said: "tbh what’s the point of celebrating Kelsey Merritt as the first Filipino to be in VS when she a) is white passing so it’s not exactly representation and b) VS is trash anyways?"

The issue of colorism has always been a huge part of Filipino culture. Kelsey has a Filipino mother and a white American father making her half Filipino. Similarly, a number of the Philippines' well-known actors, singers, and models are often multi-racial with lighter skin as it fits the country's ideal standards of beauty, naturally leaving little opportunity for anyone else trying to make it in the industry.

As an immigrant who moved overseas, I haven't been able to escape this problematic mindset. There's not a summer that goes by when a fellow Filipino doesn't admonish my complexion by saying "you're so dark" in the most condescending tone. And I can't count how many relatives have offered me a skin-whitening product after a sunny day at the beach.

As someone deeply immersed in the world of fashion, cultural dynamics, and societal perspectives, I can provide insights into the multifaceted issues raised in the article. My extensive knowledge stems from a thorough understanding of the fashion industry, cultural nuances, and the ongoing discourse surrounding representation and colorism.

Kelsey Merritt's achievement as the first Filipina model in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is undoubtedly a milestone. This accomplishment not only speaks to her individual success but also contributes to the broader conversation about diversity and inclusion in the fashion world. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, with its global viewership, serves as a platform for challenging traditional beauty standards.

However, the article sheds light on the complexities within the Filipino community's response to Kelsey's success. The backlash she faces reveals the underlying issue of colorism, a deep-seated problem in Filipino culture. Colorism is a form of discrimination based on skin color, where lighter skin is often favored over darker tones. In Kelsey's case, being half-Filipino with a Filipino mother and a white American father adds layers to the discussion.

The criticism directed at Kelsey, questioning her authenticity as a representative of the Philippines due to her appearance being perceived as "pure American" or "white passing," underscores the challenges faced by individuals who do not fit conventional beauty standards in their own cultural context. The standards set by the industry, in this case, Victoria's Secret, also come into question, as critics argue that Kelsey's success might be attributed to her alignment with Western ideals of beauty.

The article delves into the broader issue of representation in the entertainment and fashion industries. The preference for multi-racial individuals with lighter skin in the Philippines, as mentioned in the piece, reflects a systemic problem that limits opportunities for those who do not conform to these standards.

Furthermore, the personal account of the author, who shares experiences of colorism as an immigrant, adds a valuable perspective. The pressure to conform to certain beauty standards, even when living abroad, highlights the pervasive nature of these societal expectations.

In conclusion, Kelsey Merritt's historic achievement serves as a catalyst for a nuanced discussion about representation, colorism, and the evolving landscape of beauty standards in the Philippines and beyond. The article captures the complexities of these issues, inviting readers to reflect on the broader implications for cultural identity and self-perception.

Kelsey Merritt Responds to Being Called a "White Passing" Filipino Victoria's Secret Model (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.