Know google Adsense approval process with tips (2024)

Table of Content
1.Quality Content Is Essential
2.Create 10 to 15 posts
3.Make a page for contact information.
4.Publish a page with privacy policies.
5.Verify that the website's content is not listed as restricted.
6.Don't Use Copyrighted Images
7.Recognize That (Occasionally) Website Age Matters
8.Check to See If Your Website Is Banned
9.Improve the website's appearance
10.Clearly labelled website navigation

I'm here today to assist you in getting Google AdSense approval.I had a lot of questions about this when I was learning Digital marketing after analysing all the terms, I've put up 12 suggestions to assist you to be accepted quickly.

Truth be told, if you've never been approved before, Google AdSense can be a fairly tricky beast.It is rather easy to add more websites to your account if you already have a website that has been authorised for Google AdSense.

But what about people who have never received approval or who experience significant difficulties doing so? This list is specifically intended for them.

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1.Quality Content Is Essential

The first thing you should do if you want to be accepted for Google AdSense is what I think is one of the most crucial things to accomplish.That is to say, you must ensure that your website has high-quality content.

Some individuals may believe that this is unimportant, however, Google is now making sure that the websites it approves don't only contain spam or have people who are copying and pasting content from other websites.

Anyone trying to take a shortcut should give up since they wish to ensure that they are generally excluded from their search results.For Google AdSense, you won't be accepted.

Just make sure your website has high-quality content.You can review the Google Publisher Policies to get a better idea of what Google values.

Google demands high-quality results in their search engine result pages, so there's a good chance you won't be accepted if your website doesn't have any of that.

They won't monetize your website since they understand that if they do, you'll undoubtedly lose money and eventually give up.

2.Create 10 to 15 posts

High-quality content is the focus of number two.To let Google know you're taking it seriously and that your website has some content that can be made into money, you should have 10 to 15 high-quality posts up on it before you even apply to Google AdSense.

In general, your website should have between 10,000 and 15,000 words.It's an excellent figure if each article has between 1000 and 1500 words.It demonstrates the tone of your website and aids Google in determining the calibre of your material, both of which are crucial factors in getting your application approved.

3.Make a page for contact information.

I believe that a lot of people overlook third on the list.Before you apply to Google AdSense, your website must include an About and Contact page.

The reason is rather straightforward: Google wants to know who is behind your website in order to determine whether it is real before giving it a favourable rating.The many staff members can also be listed on the About page.

Additionally, you should have a contact page on your website so that anyone who visits it can get in touch with you.

You will further demonstrate that you are a respectable firm by having those two pages.When Google considers you from an AdSense perspective, that is really essential.

4.Publish a page with privacy policies.

Make sure to develop a Privacy Policy page, which comes in at number four.People frequently make this mistake because they claim that they "don't really know what to add to the privacy policy page."

Sincerely, there is a tonne of various generators to be found on Google.The most crucial fact to be aware of is that Google demands particular language in your privacy policy.

The language Google AdSense wants you to use in your privacy policy is also explained on this page, along with everything else Google AdSense has to say about it.Actually, it's very simple; all you have to do is copy and paste.

5.Verify that the website's content is not listed as restricted.

Before building a website, some people may not give consideration to item number five, in my opinion.That is, you must ensure that your content is not included on the prohibited list.

Yes, there is a restricted list for Google AdSense.Goodbye, AdSense, if you run a website with restricted content.That's just the way things are right now.

There are many distinct regulations, thus this site will detail each publishing restriction in detail.

In general, you can't have anything sexual or shocking, including violence, terrorism, explosives, firearms, tobacco, recreational drugs, the sale of alcohol, online gambling, prescription medicines, or untested pharmaceuticals or dietary supplements.

I believe that unlicensed prescription medications and dietary supplements were only recently included.Google AdSense may reject you if you run a health-related website that features a variety of supplements that are either unproven or might be a little dubious.

6.Don't Use Copyrighted Images

Useless photos should not be used.I must emphasise this.Never do that again if you have stolen a picture from Google and posted it on your website.

Photographers who put a lot of effort into creating those photos are protected by usage rights.They must receive payment for their labour.

It's likely that Google AdSense won't approve you if you simply go into Google and grab an image to post there after they have seen what you've done because these aren't even your images.

Make sure not to act in such a way because it is not a proper course of action.

I personally utilise two different sources if you're sitting there saying, "Well, I don't have a lot of money for photographs," or "I really don't know where to obtain images." The first is called and is entirely free.

The second is more expensive, but if you sign up for a monthly plan, you can receive access to a wide variety of photographs for a fairly low is the site.You can click on that link and go directly there to check what they have if you're interested in it.

7.Recognize That (Occasionally) Website Age Matters

Although this isn't always true, I wanted to include it here: sometimes the age of your website will matter.

In contrast to the United States and many other nations, Google has particularly warned users in China and India that you must have your websites up and running for at least six months before applying for Google AdSense.

I think they did this because many fraudulent websites were developed and introduced into the ecology of their Google search results.

They disapproved of the way some people were manipulating the system.I'm not familiar with all the details, but I do know that they have mentioned those two nations.

Wait six months if you're in either of those two nations.You shouldn't worry about it if you're not since if you're being refused, that's usually not the problem.

8.Check to See If Your Website Is Banned

Ensure that your website is not blocked.You don't need to worry about this if you built your website from scratch and purchased the domain name recently (unless you were already told you were banned from Google AdSense).

However, if that isn't the case and you have already bought a domain name or website, there is a remote possibility that Google AdSense has previously blacklisted your website.It's something that deserves investigation.

Once more, you can check to see if Google has banned you via a website called most websites aren't usually, it's still important to verify.

9.Improve the website's appearance

Create a professional-looking website as item nine.Although you don't have to go out and buy expensive themes, you still want to make sure your website looks decent.

Make sure your website is fully functional so that when someone visits, it doesn't appear to be a collection of haphazard, 1990s-era HTML that is difficult to navigate.

You'll be fine as long as you're using anything like the WordPress default theme or a theme that you bought somewhere.If this interests you, you can view my tutorial on the themes I suggest.

Just make sure it looks acceptable and that you have it.It might be very little.As long as it's organised and seems as a website should, you don't need a tonne of images.

Additionally, try to avoid bespoke coding unless you are really experienced.

10.Clearly labelled website navigation

Make sure your website's navigation is simple.This is typically considered an afterthought.It's likely that they'll respond, "Of course, I have a clear navigation."

However, occasionally websites don't or their methods aren't particularly apparent.This is problematic since it undermines the legitimacy of the website in question.Make sure your website's main navigation is simple to locate and use.

Is AdSense approval difficult to obtain?

As long as you match the prerequisites listed above, getting approved for an adsense account is not difficult. Although Adsense is a fantastic way to make money, it's important to always remember not to break any of their rules. You are permanently kicked out of the programme for breaking the regulations.

What amount of traffic is required to get AdSense approval?

There is no actual traffic requirement to apply for and be accepted into AdSense. Like other ad networks, they don't have minimum traffic requirements you need to meet. Having said that, you won't generate much money if your website doesn't receive a good quantity of traffic.

Can I be approved for AdSense on a free blogger?

You can request AdSense approval once your site with a free Blogspot domain qualifies. Once it is approved, it will be permitted to serve advertisem*nts. Your Blogger website will be examined by the AdSense team to see if it is yet ready to display advertisem*nts. AdSense may require up to two weeks to render a decision.

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Know google Adsense approval process with tips (2024)


Know google Adsense approval process with tips? ›

This usually takes a few days, but in some cases it can take 2-4 weeks. You can then set up ads on your site and start earning money. If you've already turned on Auto ads, ads will start to show on your site. Tip: While you're waiting for AdSense to activate your account, you can get your site privacy ready.

How do I check my AdSense approval status? ›

Check the status of your AdSense sites
  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Sites.
  3. In the list of sites, find your site and check its approval status and ads. txt status. Tip: Use the filter. at the top of the page to quickly find sites in your sites list. ...
  4. (Optional) Click a site to get more details about its status.

How long does it take for Google AdSense to approve you? ›

This usually takes a few days, but in some cases it can take 2-4 weeks. You can then set up ads on your site and start earning money. If you've already turned on Auto ads, ads will start to show on your site. Tip: While you're waiting for AdSense to activate your account, you can get your site privacy ready.

What is the new method of AdSense approval? ›

Starting March 4, 2024, before you can show ads via AdSense for Search (AFS) on a new site, you'll need to add your site to the Sites page in your AdSense account. Each new site will go through a verification process that checks that you own the domain or have the ability to modify its content.

How can I speed up AdSense approval? ›

Don't fill your blog with plagiarized articles. Write some unique, valuable, engaging, and high-quality content for your targeted audience. Write in-depth and well-optimized blog posts with above 500-600 words. Also, Adsense will not approve your application if you write Adsense prohibited content.

How do I know if my Google ad is approved? ›

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon. .
  2. Find the list of your ads you want to check status in the Ads page. To check an assets status, go to the Assets page.
  3. To check an ad or asset status, review the “Status” column.

How much traffic is required for AdSense approval? ›

There are no minimum traffic requirements to use Google AdSense. You can sign up for an AdSense account as long as your traffic is high-quality and authentic. One caveat: you won't be able to pull out your payment until you meet an earnings threshold of $100.

Why is AdSense taking so long? ›

Inadequate privacy policy and legal pages –AdSense requires websites to have essential legal pages, such as a privacy policy and terms of service. If your website lacks these pages or they are incomplete, it can delay the approval process.

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views? ›

How Much Does Adsense Pay Per 1,000 Views? Adsense pays $10-20 for 1,000 views on average. The total earnings depend on the website category, the type of content you provide, the amount of website traffic, where users are located and how ads are set up.

Why is my AdSense approval getting ready? ›

This happens when your AdSense account is waiting to be reviewed. There is no further action required at this point and you will need to wait until the AdSense team provides an update. This usually takes a few days but can take up to a few weeks.

Is it hard to get approved for Google AdSense? ›

And as time goes by, Google's AdSense policy is getting tougher and it goes without saying that it will get tougher in the future. An AdSense application may be rejected for various reasons such as copy-paste content, unnecessary topics, poor website condition, and violation of Google AdSense policies.

How many times can I apply for AdSense approval? ›

Don't just apply over and over. Fix your site and try again later. They often give you a reason for the denial. There isn't a specific limit on the number of times you can apply for Google AdSense.

How do I get AdSense approval in 24 hours? ›

Make sure your Blog and Website have all Important Pages like Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Terms, and Conditions, Contact Us, and About Us. If your blog doesn't have these important pages then AdSense will reject your application so, before applying to Google AdSense create your important Pages.

Why does AdSense keep rejecting me? ›

Insufficient content

To be eligible for Google AdSense, a website must have a significant amount of original and high-quality pages. Websites that lack content, have content copied from other sources, or contain poorly written content are likely to be rejected by Google AdSense.

How long does Google AdSense take to approve? ›

This process usually takes a few days, but in some cases it can take 2-4 weeks.

How do I increase my AdSense traffic? ›

Tips to increase traffic to your site
  1. Submit your pages to the Google index. ...
  2. Find out how Google sees your site. ...
  3. Diagnose potential problems. ...
  4. Find out which queries drive traffic to your site. ...
  5. Get re-included.

How can I check my Google AdSense account? ›

Visit Click Sign in. Enter the email address and password you used to sign up for AdSense. Click Sign in.

How long does it take to get a letter from AdSense? ›

It usually takes 3 weeks for your PIN mail to arrive. If you haven't received your PIN mail in 3 weeks, please request a replacement PIN. When you receive your PIN mail, follow these steps to verify your payments address immediately: Sign in to your AdSense account.

How long does it take for AdSense to pay? ›

You'll receive your payment up to seven business days after it was issued. If you haven't received it by the end of the month, follow up with your banking institution. Note: If the 21st falls on a weekend or holiday, payments may be issued on the first business day following the 21st of that month.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.