Lawsuit over Target’s milk raises bigger issue: Are large production farms ‘organic’? | MinnPost (2024)

Lawsuit over Target’s milk raises bigger issue: Are large production farms ‘organic’? | MinnPost (1)

REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/MinnPost photo illustration

Farmers with small dairy farms argue that when consumers see milk labeled and displayed as “organic,” they don’t expect it to come from huge dairy operations.

When is organic not organic? When it’s Target’s house brand milk, according to a lawsuit filed by an Indiana couple.

The class action suit, filed Dec. 14 in U.S. District Court, says Colorado-based Aurora Organic Dairy, which supplies Target, milked cows that didn’t live the organic life. The suit could lead to more. Aurora also supplies milk to Wal-Mart.

This lawsuit is the latest round in a battle about large producers versus small dairy farms, and the consumer who pays more for milk labeled “organic.”

The USDA rules don’t dictate the size of farms, just the way the animals are treated. The large producers argue that if the organic food business is going to be anything but a small boutique market, they’ve got to be allowed to use large scale processing. The small dairy farms counter that when consumers buy milk labeled “organic,” they picture it coming from small herds of cows that graze lazily on bucolic pastures.

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The prize is a bite of the organic foods market that is growing while other segments remain stagnant. According to the Organic Trade Association, organic foods grew almost 21 percent in 2006. Organic markets worldwide, although immature, are expanding at a fast pace, too, with an average growth rate of 15 to 20 percent annually. By far the biggest market in Asia is Japan, according to a trade association report.

‘Willful violations’
The suit against Target dates back to 2005 when Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin organic watchdog group, was invited by a vendor to inspect Aurora’s farms. After looking the place over, Cornucopia complained to the U.S. Department of Agriculture that Aurora’s farms were really factories, according to Mark Kastel, Cornucopia co-director and senior farm policy analyst.

Following an investigation, Mark Bradley, associate deputy administrator of the National Organic Program of the USDA, wrote to Aurora last spring. “We identified willful violations of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990,” he wrote. “Due to the nature and extent of these violations, the NOP proposes to revoke Aurora Organic Dairy’s production and handling certifications.”

The letter went on with a list of violations, which the suit against Target repeats verbatim.

But the USDA didn’t pull Aurora’s certification. Instead, late last August the two came to an agreement where Aurora would address several key complaints. Aurora’s Platteville, Colo., facility would have to provide its cows daily access to pasture during the growing season, “acknowledging that lactation is not a reason to deny access to pasture,” according to the USDA.

The dairy had not given cows enough pasture to graze and also had diluted the herd by mixing in cows that had not been raised as organic calves, according to the feds. And its record keeping was not up to par. The USDA said Aurora had to improve on all counts.

“It was a sweetheart deal,” said Kastel, adding that Cornucopia plans to file suit against the USDA after the first of the year because of the agreement.

Other lawsuits
Target’s defense is that Aurora has at no time lost its organic certification.

“We are not aware of any ongoing investigations of Aurora Dairy Farms,” Target spokesperson Brandy Doyle said in a prepared statement. “It is disappointing that these types of lawsuits are attempting to override the USDA and regulate the organic industry and retailers with their own beliefs of what constitutes an organic product.”

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Patrick and Caryn Hudspeth, the plaintiffs, argue they paid a premium for what they thought was organic milk between Dec. 5, 2003 and Oct. 15, 2007, well before the USDA and Aurora came to terms. The Hudspeths are asking for a jury trial.

Similar suits against Aurora have been filed in St. Louis and Denver.

“The suit against Target is the latest in a series of copycat lawsuits inspired by the false claims of activist groups engaged in a smear campaign against large-scale organic producers,” Aurora spokeswoman Sonja Tuitele said in an emailed statement.

Tuitele says the lawsuit will deter retailers from selling organic products, doing more harm than good to organic farmers large and small.

“To us, it is obvious that the activists’ real goal is to limit the supply of organic milk and drive up the price paid by American families. This, too, would harm consumers and slow the spread of organic agriculture,” she said.

At the Wedge Community Co-op at 21st Street and Lyndale in South Minneapolis, the largest single-site food co-op in the country with 2,500 customers a day, consumers made it clear they favored small producers over large, according to Barth Anderson, Wedge director of research and development coordinator.

The Wedge has never carried Aurora products, but it has carried milk from Horizon, whose parent company is Dean Foods. In 2004 the Wedge also began selling milk from Cedar Summit Farm, a small New Prague dairy.

“Our customers stopped buying Horizon,” Anderson said. “Cedar Summit swept the legs right out from under Horizon.”

The Wedge stopped carrying Horizon milk.

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“Our clientele is the core of the core organic buyers,” he said. “If David can slay Goliath so easily, maybe the other Goliath needs to pay attention.”

Judith Yates Borger reports on legal affairs, science and other subjects. She can be reached at Judy [at] JudithYatesBorger [dot] com.

Lawsuit over Target’s milk raises bigger issue: Are large production farms ‘organic’? | MinnPost (2024)


Where does target brand milk come from? ›

Walmart (Great Value), Safeway (O Organics), Target (Good & Gather) and Costco (Kirkland)milks all come from Aurora Dairy which has been shrouded in controversy. Any milk from Aurora is suspect because of this. Worth noting: Aurora dairy was founded by the same guy who started Horizon.

What is the difference in production between organic and store brand milk? ›

Organic milk is pasteurized using ultra-high temperature (UHT) processing, in which the milk is heated to 280˚F (138˚C) for 2-4 seconds. Conventional milk is pasteurized using the standard method in which the milk is heated to roughly 160˚F (71˚C) for at least 15 seconds.

What does USDA organic milk mean? ›

To produce milk that the USDA certifies as organic, cows cannot be given hormones that stimulate milk production. Any feed they are given must be grown without synthetic pesticides. And throughout the entire growing season, organic-milk farmers are required to put cows out to pasture.

Why is organic milk better for the environment? ›

Organic milk is also better for the environment. Organic and regenerative agricultural practices such as rotational grazing and composting improve soil health without toxins, pesticides or compromised natural resources.

Is Organic Valley really organic? ›

If you look beyond the pictures and nutrition labels on all Organic Valley products, you will see the USDA Certified Organic seal. The organic seal guarantees the food you are eating was produced without antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMOs.

Is Stonyfield milk really organic? ›

This product is certified organic and, therefor...

Synthetic preservatives and artificial colors are not allowed in processed foods. Meat and dairy ingredients must be produced without antibiotics and artificial growth promoters or hormones.

Do I really need to buy organic milk? ›

By choosing organic milk, you can get the nutritional benefits of milk without exposing your family to chemical contaminants. Numerous studies have found that organic milk has a higher nutritional content, and even more healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and more disease-fighting antioxidants than non-organic milk.

Why does Walmart organic milk last so long? ›

Organic milk lasts longer because producers use a different process to preserve it. According to the Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance, the milk needs to stay fresh longer because organic products often have to travel farther to reach store shelves since it is not produced throughout the country.

Is organic milk better for farmers? ›

Organic dairy farming ensures cows have access to pasture grazing in the grass growing season and encourages better welfare and better breeding in dairy cattle to reduce problems like lameness, mastitis and poor fertility.

Is there really a difference between organic milk and regular milk? ›

Summary. Organic cow's milk is higher in polyunsaturated fatty acids than conventional milk, although both have comparable levels of calcium, potassium, and sodium. Organic milk is lower in iodine and selenium and slightly higher in calories.

Why is there no organic milk? ›

To begin with, organic cows cannot be given hormones to stimulate milk production. And any feed or pasture for the cows must be organic — that is, grown without most synthetic pesticides. Second, to be considered organic, cows must obtain a certain percentage of their diet from grazing.

Is grass-fed milk better than organic? ›

Grassmilk provided by far the highest level of omega-3s (0.05 grams per 100 grams of milk), compared to 0.02 g/100 g in conventional milk; a 147 percent increase in omega-3s. Grassmilk also had 52 percent less omega-6 than conventional milk, and 36 percent less omega-6 than organic milk.

What is the healthiest most environmentally friendly milk? ›

While comparing several vegan milks, Niranjan explains, “The research shows that soy and oat milk have the smallest environmental footprint. They take little water to grow and have low emissions.” That said, he emphasizes, “compared to cow's milk, the differences between these vegan milks are pretty small.

What is the healthiest milk type? ›

Low- or non-fat dairy — Skim or 1% milk contains all the protein, vitamins and minerals that whole milk contains, but it has much less saturated fat. This type of milk is typically more heart-healthy than full-fat milk.

Is organic actually better for the environment? ›

Organic farming is better for the environment because its practices involve less pollution soil erosion, and energy. Eliminating the use of pesticides in farming also benefits nearby birds and animals and people who live close to farms.

What shouldnt you buy organic? ›

Foods You Don't Need to Buy Organic
  • #1: Onions. Onions have some of the lowest amount of pesticide residue out of all the fruits and vegetables in your local grocery store. ...
  • #2: Sweet Corn. ...
  • #3: Avocados. ...
  • #4: Asparagus. ...
  • #5: Pineapples. ...
  • #6: Mangos. ...
  • #7: Kiwis. ...
  • #8: Papayas.
Feb 4, 2019

Where does Aldi organic milk come from? ›

Aldi milk comes from the U.S dairy farms located across the country. All the name-brand milk also come from these farms. Aldi buys this milk wholesale, packages it under their private brand, and then distributes it to their stores. Aldi gets all their milk locally in the United States and not China.

Is Costco organic milk really organic? ›

Wal-Mart and Costco are particularly known for their major milk supplier, Aurora Organic Dairy, but it turns out that the company was found to violate rules of organic food policy in organic milk production for one obvious reason. Their cows aren't organic either.

Where does Kirkland organic milk come from? ›

Costco does something similar with its Kirkland brand “organic” milk. It adds “refined fish oil” to the milk and boasts of high-levels of Omega-3 fats. But Costco acquires much of that milk from Aurora, a mega-dairy of 15,000 cows in Colorado.

Does organic milk still have hormones? ›

The ability to label a product “certified organic” is a tightly controlled federal regulation. All milk contains hormones (including growth hormone) that is naturally produced by the cow. So the key word to look for is "added." Organic milk comes from cows that have never received added hormones of any type, ever.

Does organic milk have pesticides? ›

Organic dairy means no use of antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, GMO's or conventional pesticides. In organic dairy the health and natural behavior of cows are prioritized with holistic and preventative care practices as a primary management strategy.

Does organic milk have estrogen? ›

Because hormones like estrogen are fat-soluble, the level of hormones is higher in whole milk than in skim milk. Organic milk, however, contains about the same amount of hormones as conventionally produced milk.

Why doesn't organic milk spoil? ›

Organic milk, however, is ultra-pasteurized; it goes through a process called ultrahigh temperature (UHT), where the milk is heated to 280 degrees for two seconds, long enough to kill off both the harmful bacteria in regular milk and any other microorganisms or spores that might promote spoilage.

How do you know when organic milk goes bad? ›

Spoiled milk has a distinct sour odor, which is due to lactic acid produced by bacteria. Other signs of spoilage include a slightly yellow color and lumpy texture (15). Signs that your milk has spoiled and may not be safe to drink include a sour smell and taste, change in color, and lumpy texture.

What happens if you don't refrigerate milk? ›

If milk is left out of the fridge for an extended period of time it can become a food-safety issue. Bacteria start to grow and replicate when the temperature of your milk reaches 40°F, and those bacteria are how you end up with a gallon of nasty, rotten milk or, at worst, contract an illness.

What are the cons of organic milk? ›

Here's why organic milk may not be an optimal choice for you and your family:
  • Organic milk can still originate from cows consuming an inflammatory diet. ...
  • Important nutrients are lost in feedlot environments. ...
  • Pasteurization. ...
  • Effects on the soil and environmental health. ...
  • Access to outdoors. ...
  • Cost of the milk.

Why are organic farmers better? ›

Organic farming is widely considered to be a far more sustainable alternative when it comes to food production. The lack of pesticides and wider variety of plants enhances biodiversity and results in better soil quality and reduced pollution from fertilizer or pesticide run-off.

What is the most ethical dairy milk? ›

Milk from hobbyists and backyard animals

Extracting a small amount of milk and dairy from backyard cows, goats and sheep without forced breeding is the most ethical option.

Is organic milk better than filtered milk? ›

The reason organic milk is healthier comes down to its ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which is lower than in regular milk. A diet containing too many omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s has been linked to heart disease, as well as cancer, inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

Does organic milk mean anything? ›

Organic milk differs from conventional milk in three specific ways: it must come from cows that aren't treated with antibiotics, it must come from cows that are not given any hormones for growth or reproduction, and it must come from cows that receive at least 30% of their diet from pasture.

Why is organic milk so much more expensive? ›

Organic milk costs more than conventional milk because organic production is more expensive for the producer (increased animal feed prices, certification costs, and lowered milk yields).

What milk is truly organic? ›

According to the USDA organic guidelines, organic milk comes from a cow that has not been given antibiotics. If a cow at an organic dairy farm does have to be treated with antibiotics, the farmer can no longer use her milk. That's it.

Does organic milk come from vaccinated cows? ›

However, the overall governing principles that guide organic dairy standards are: Antibiotic Free: Organic dairy cows are raised without the regular use of antibiotics, vaccines or other veterinary treatments.

Does organic milk mean grass fed? ›

1. All USDA Certified Organic milk is grass-fed to some extent. USDA Organic standards require that, during the grazing season, all organic dairy cows spend a minimum of 120 days on pasture and receive at least 30% of their diet from fresh pasture grasses.

What brand of milk is from grass fed cows? ›

Product Description: Trader Joe's Organic Milk from Grass Fed Cows is higher fat milk from cows who only eat grass.

Are cows treated better organic milk? ›

It's better for the cows

Organic standards ensure that dairy cows live outside during grazing season, are fed a healthier diet and are housed in well-ventilated, straw-bedded sheds so they live healthier and longer lives.

Is A2 milk better than organic milk? ›

The most significant difference between organic milk and organic A2/A2 milk is the presence of A1 beta casein in organic milk. A2 beta-casein is the main protein found in human milk. Organic A2/A2 milk tastes just like the milk you're already familiar with but is more naturally absorbed and easily digested.

What is the least processed milk? ›

Pasteurized, Non-hom*ogenized, Whole Milk (from Grass-Fed Cows) This is the type of milk that we've determined to be the least processed milk available here in North Carolina, and what we started drinking sometime last year.

Which milk is least harmful to the environment? ›

When it comes to environmental impact, soy milk and oat milk are the winner in this comparison. Both use the least water of all milk alternatives, with only slightly higher emissions than almond milk.

What are disadvantages of plant based milk? ›

“Furthermore, plant-based milks can be low in calcium, iodine, and vitamin B12, nutrients that are normally found in cow's milk, so have a look at the label to see if they are fortified.” In addition, some plant-based alternatives, such as almond milk, may have a negative impact on the environment.

What is the best milk to drink to lower cholesterol? ›

The best dairy milk for people with high cholesterol is fat-free or skim milk. Plant-based milks, such as soy milk, almond milk, or oat milk, are cholesterol-free alternatives to cow's milk.

What milk is best for your heart? ›

AHA Recommendation. We recommend that adults and children age 2 and older use milk that's low in dairy fats. This includes fortified fat-free (skim or nonfat) milk, fortified nonfat milk powder, and 1/2 percent and 1 percent low-fat milk.

What is the purest form of milk? ›

Whole Milk

It's also the purest form of commercially available cow's milk because, aside from being pasteurized and hom*ogenized to meet food safety standards, whole milk isn't processed or altered in any way.

What are the negative effects of organic farming? ›

Organic systems have lower land-use efficiency than conventional systems. As discussed above, organic crop yields are lower than conventional yields on average. In addition, organic crop rotations typically include crops that are not suitable for human consumption.

Is organic farming actually worse for climate change? ›

Other recent research has also concluded that organic farming produces more climate pollution than conventional practices when the additional land required is taken into account.

What organic farmers avoid? ›

Methods like irradiation, sewage sludge, and genetic engineering are all expressly prohibited from being used when growing or processing organic foods.

What brand makes target formula? ›

Perrigo is the private label manufacturer behind all U.S. store brand infant formulas. Since 1997, store brand formulas have been trusted by pediatricians, parents, and leading retailers, including Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco, and Target.

Who produces Fairlife milk? ›

Value-added milk brand fairlife LLC, a subsidiary of Coca-Cola, has surpassed $1bn in retail sales, breathing new life into the sluggish fluid milk category.

Is Fairlife milk a US company? ›

Fairlife is a product that currently comes from the USA as they are currently building a plant in Canada. Once the plant is built, the milk will be sourced from Canadian dairy farms. (Learn more about Canadian milk quality and how to identify Canadian milk.)

Who makes Target brand up and up? ›

Target Brands, Inc.

What is the name of the company that makes Enfamil? ›

Mead Johnson & Company, LLC is an American company that is a leading manufacturer of infant formula, both domestically and globally, with its flagship product Enfamil. It operates as an independent subsidiary of Reckitt.

What company owns Similac and Enfamil? ›

Now, parents of injured babies are focusing on the Abbott and Mead Johnson companies that make cow's milk-based formula (Similac and Enfamil). Instead of filing medical malpractice cases, parents are now filing product liability lawsuits involving toxic baby formula. There are a growing number of these cases.

What brand makes Costco formula? ›

Kirkland Signature ProCare Non-GMO Infant Formula is a generic formula available only at Costco. The Costco representative we corresponded with said its policy is to not disclose the company that manufactures its formula, but Perrigo lists the Kirkland formula on its website.

Why did people stop buying fairlife? ›

A dairy that provides milk used in Fairlife dairy products stands accused of animal abuse, prompting some major retailers to stop selling the popular brand. The allegations against Fair Oaks Farm in Fair Oaks, Ind., came to light following a months-long investigation by Animal Recovery Mission, an animal-rights group.

Why is Walmart not selling Fairlife milk? ›

Fairlife Dairy products pulled from store shelves amid animal abuse controversy. Due to the shocking footage, Fairlife has received backlash from animal rights' groups across the country.

Is Canadian milk better than American? ›

Unlike in the U.S., by law, all milk produced and sold in Canada is artificial growth hormone (rbST) free. Compared to the U.S., hormone free fluid milk is actually cheaper in Canada. Dairy products made using U.S. ingredients cannot be guaranteed to be rbST free, unlike those made with all Canadian milk ingredients.

Is Fairlife milk made by Coca-Cola? ›

A wholly owned subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company, fairlife, LLC has been recognized by both Fast Company and Nielsen for its industry leading innovation.

Is Coca-Cola still with fairlife? ›

Fairlife LLC is wholly owned by The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company initially owned a 42.5% stake in Fairlife LLC, and acquired the remaining 57.5% equity stake in January 2020.
4 more rows

Why does Fairlife milk not need to be refrigerated? ›

If it's milk, why doesn't it need to be refrigerated until it is opened? Our ultra-pasteurization process and aseptic packaging allow Core Power to be shelf stable for up to 9 months on Elite products and up to 12 months on 26g products.

What parent company owns Target? ›

Target's parent company, Dayton Hudson Corp., purchased legendary Chicago-based department store Marshall Field's, making Dayton Hudson the largest department store chain in the Midwest.

Is Target made in China? ›

org's sample found that the items are made in whole or in part from a variety of countries, including China, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia and Germany.

What is the name of Target's generic brand? ›

Market Pantry, introduced in 2001, offers quality family-friendly food items that satisfy both budget and taste. Market Pantry products are 10 to 30% less expensive than national brand equivalents, ensuring the best value each and every day.

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